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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

UK issues with Sorority Forever

I see from the lg15today comments that some outside the US are having trouble viewing the Sorority Forever videos. According to here, Sorority Forever will be available on a 24 hour delay at Dailymotion, Joost, Sling Media, TiVo and Veoh. I know the delay isn't the best thing, but its better than nothing.

In the meantime, be sure to send emails to customerservice@thewb.com and let them know about the problems you are having.

EDIT, I just tried emailing them myself about this issue, and i got the email returned as not a valid email address, even though this is the address listed to send issues to.



  1. "UK issues with Sorority Forever"

    The UK is not the only land outside of the US of A. :D

  2. But the UK residents are the only ones who have identified themselves as having issues.


  3. Perhaps international viewers can help us identify an international-friendly embed method from one of the alternative sites to use on this blog?

  4. "But the UK residents are the only ones who have identified themselves as having issues."

    On the Sorority Forever Episode 1 post...

    "silverblue said...
    I just get an error where the video should play. MySpace hates me... maybe that's ok though.

    September 8, 2008 6:03 PM"

    I'd say that's identifying having a problem.

    1 Point silverblue
    -1 Point virginian9000

  5. ah, good point.

    I thought myspace just hated silverblue. :)

    hey, this isn't the elimination games!

    Virginian9000 +1
    myspace -1

  6. I'm a UK resident and I HAVE ISSUES!

  7. I should say, I have issues... but that might not have too much to do with living outside the US.

  8. I can't see them either, maybe it's just a Europe thing?

  9. Its not just Europe. Cant see them in NZ either.


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