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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

day after vegas - jessicaleerose

day after vegas

about to film casanovas


  1. M&M!!!!

    she even worked in a product placement

    it feels just like the good old days!!!!!!

  2. Jess needs more internet series...

  3. Didn't she wear that hat in Lonelygirl?

    Am I the only one who remembers that?

  4. Another random thought:
    Is that Naomi? Cause she's cute! Let the dang girl speak on Sorority Forever!

  5. She bought the cheap gas, I guess she's not making the big bucks. And yes Veela-valoom, I think that is the same hat.

  6. Yes, Veela, that's Naomi from Sorority Forever.

  7. I think we need to petition for more Naomi in Sorority Forever officially!!

    And I'm glad I'm not crazy as far as the hat is concerned. The moment I saw it I got deja vu and pictured her and Jonas on a skateboard...

  8. Yeah, I thought about that too, the minute I saw her with that hat!


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