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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Series starting Oct. 6: The Hayley Project

Trailer on Youtube:

YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/hayleywinters

Show website: www.thehayleyproject.com

The show's creator blogs that a snarky review of the show is already up on YouTubeReviewed, but notes:

At the very least, the whole “Hayley Project is a Lonelygirl15 knockoff” isn’t particularly insightful (although everytime someone writes about The Hayley Project, Lonelygirl15, LG15, LG15: The Resistance, EQAL, Kate Modern, Bree, Miles Beckett, and Jessica Rose in the same entry, I think it helps our SEO [and thusly milo found this series]).
Does The Hayley Project live under the umbrella of serials where a “cute girl video blogs”? Yes, it does. But our girl is better.
Official show description: "THE HAYLEY PROJECT is an interactive web series that centers on misfit college sophomore HAYLEY WINTERS, who investigates the mysterious and untimely death of her best friend KEIRA MADISON. The mystery begins OCTOBER 6TH!"

Since this all reminded me a bit of a slicker version of Maddison Atkins, I figured it was worth posting about here.


  1. It looks too cheesy for words.

  2. "Does The Hayley Project live under the umbrella of serials where a “cute girl video blogs”? Yes, it does. But our girl is better."

    That sounds a little cocky to me....

    The girl reminds me of someone...

    And this looks like it will mix vlog/no known camera footage and that always bothers me a bit. I prefer one format or the other.

    But we'll see how it pans out...

  3. Soooo its Maddison Atkins with a budget, a strange sense of humor, and a not-as-interesting murder story.

    Eh, why not, I'll give it a few watches before I pass a verdict.


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