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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Eldritch Errors: Dead drop in progress?

Sapagoo said...

i.jpg appears to be a picture of the Etowah Indian Mounds in north west Atlanta (point I). (maybe the back side of the mounds).
the pictures on the tokevin html file are strange - sounds like directions:

donotenter gate picture.
stayoutside wide/long fence picture.
standhere front of green box (doesn't look like a mound, looks like a box))
lookacross squiggly road
underhere picture of clipart bushes (you can see clipart.com blurred out).

kevin.jpg looks like that might be the bushes - there is a black box with gold trim hidden there.

maybe someone can visit the mounds this weekend.
I'd suggest taking good copies of both pictures i.jpg and kevin.jpg.
I'd also recommend a phone # of someone who can double/triple check the web site for more clues/missed clues.

Thanks to all in chat that helped decode this potential deaddrop.


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  1. do we have anyone in northern georgia?

  2. Someone is headed there today!

    EE has an online "Providence" Radio thing http://kdic.grinnell.edu/ 10am on Sundays & they discuss the world of Eldritch Errors.


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