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Thursday, December 4, 2008

LG15: Christmas Carol


You better watch out
You better not cry
OpAphid will Watch you with a big scary eye
Orderites are coming to town

They'll steal all your blood
And kill all your friends
Their Eternal Song, well it never ever ends
Orderites are coming to town

They know just when you're sleeping
They see you all the time
You make it really easy for them
When you post it all on line

Oh, you better watch out
You better not cry
OpAphid will Watch you with a big scary eye
Orderites are coming to town

All I want for Christmas
is an f5 key
an f5 key
a brand new f5!

Gee, if I could only
have a new f5,
then maybe I could finally get a
It seems so long since I could say,
I got first
Gosh oh gee, how happy I'd be,
if only I could say that I got FIRRRST

All I want for Christmas
is an f5 key
an f5 key
a brand new f5!

Gee, if I could only
have a new f5 key
then maybe I could finally get

Dashing through L.A.
Trying to avoid the fray
Out of the way we go
Cringing all the way
Jonas’ balls are missing
Making us take flight
What fun it is to run and wing
Our butts into the night

Oh, Jonas balls, Jonas balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day
Jonas Balls, Jonas Balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day

A month or two ago
He thought he'd take a ride
And soon our Miss Sarah
Was seated by his side
The idea was poorly planned
Misfortune seemed their lot
Reed gave to him a spank
And now it’s all gone to pot

Oh, Jonas balls, Jonas balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day
Jonas Balls, Jonas Balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day

Oh, Jonas balls, Jonas balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day
Oh, Jonas balls, Jonas balls
Why did they go away
Oh, how scary it is to hide
From the Order every day



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