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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Aleister Crowley - The Other Loch Ness Monster

"Crowley purchased the home in order to perform the operation found in The Book of the Sacred Magick of Abra-Melin the Mage."

Abramelin the Mage from Wikipedia:

"Abramelin's grimoire describes an elaborate ritual whose purpose is to obtain the "knowledge and conversation" of the magician's "Holy Guardian Angel." After the preparatory phase has been successfully completed, the magician's guardian angel will appear to teach the magician magical secrets"

Lucifer Rising (film) on Wikipedia:

Lucifer Rising is a short film by director Kenneth Anger. The film was completed in 1972 and starred British singer Marianne Faithfull, but only widely distributed in 1980. The film's dark soundtrack was originally to be composed by guitarist and producer Jimmy Page, but due to a dispute between Anger and Page, Jimmy's soundtrack was dropped. Instead, a score by Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson Family was favoured and it was this which made it into the film."


Lucifer Rising part 1

Lucifer Rising part 2

Lucifer Rising part 3



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NOTE: The name Carrathurs as used by Lord Carruthers in both Lonelygirl15 and KateModern is of Scottish origin.

""Hero" Aleister Crowley is second from left on the top row:"

"The Beatles apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":

"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono", by David Sheff and G. Barry Golson, p. 61)"



Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn on Wikipedia

Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers on Wikipedia.

The Book of Abramelin on Wikipedia.

Holy Guardian Angel on Wikipedia.

The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis) on Wikipedia.

Aiwass (Aleister Crowley's guardian angel) on Wikipedia.

Magick on Wikipedia.

Talisman or amulet on Wikipedia.

Kenneth Anger on Wikipedia.

The Song Remains The Same on Wikipedia.

Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same

"Since Crowley's departure from Boleskine, it has had a series of private owners. The musician and Crowley obsessive Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin bought the estate in 1971, and the external grounds can be seen in the Led Zeppelin film The Song Remains the Same. It was during this time that the teenage rites-of-passage in the area became camping in the woods as close to the house as possible for a sleepless night at the mercy of your imagination."


Osiris Agency

The Osiris Agency was begun in order to help protect members of The Hymn of One whom remain innocent, and members of other ‘Thelemic’ organizations from the crossfire of The Iris Network. Begun by Agent Genocide in a fit of war, The Osiris Agency was born.

Due to a high demand for protection within the community; the Osiris Agency has become extremely popular. The Agency’s contributions have helped the Iris Network regain solidarity and support from many others which thus has helped recruit many new members.
The Osiris Agency protects the innocent at all costs even if this means sacrificing the organization itself. Suspicion has lead many to believe that Bree’s decision may have been influenced by The Agency and that she too, was a member.

The Osiris Agency works upon the teaching of Aleister Crowley, and features The Book of the Law as one of its prime teachings. The Agency also promotes the idea of true will.

A series of videos have been released, also, stating the reasoning of the Osiris Agency as well as relaying messages to the public about the organization.

The organization remains very mysterious, and has a strict recruitment method for members including a thorough application and interview session. Following this, if a member is selected; The Agency requires a ceremony in which the new member will participate. Although membership seems rather difficult, The Agency seems to be always accepting new members.

The Agency is the ‘second’ eye to the Iris Network organization and aids in many of their battles with the Order of Denderah. The name of the organization seems to be derived from the ideal held by that of Aleister Crowley and his Thelemic teachings of the aeons. The Osiris Agency is therefore named after the aeon of Osiris in which the unjust shall go against true will. The reasoning to which The Agency is called this is in opposition to this specific aeon and to promote the destruction of it as well.

Osiris Agency on LGPedia

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From Wikipedia:

"Osiris is one of the oldest gods for whom records have been found and first appears in the Pyramid Texts around 2400 BC, when his cult is already well established. He was widely worshipped until the forcible suppression of paganism in the Christian era. The information we have on the myths of Osiris is derived from allusions contained in the pyramid texts, and, much later, in narrative style from the writings of Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus."



theCoalition.tv will be down this evening

Don't miss a thing during our server upgrades!
by theCoalition
on Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:47 pm

Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that theCoalition.tv will be down this evening for server upgrades and maintenance. We'll see you there tomorrow!


While we're handling maintenance we wouldn't want you to miss a thing. You can still see ALL of theCoalition and A/A videos at theCoalition Unplugged.

Fight the Order Contest - Winners to Come!

When putting together the Fight the Order page on Inside, it appears we missed several people. After spending the last few days adding them in, we will be going through them one more time to ensure no one’s entries that were submitted in time were missed!

Source: insideLG15

From insideLG15:

Because of this,
we will be announcing the winners of the contest on Monday.
Please forgive the delay!

If you still don’t see your video or poster on the Fight the Order page, please e-mail Broken Kid as soon as possible, and be sure to include the artwork or link to your video and your LG15 username.

Praying For Death - GregGallows (C.INC)

WARNING : This video contains graphic content, viewer discretion is advised.

I can't take it anymore ... It hurts so fucking bad ..

Misteeq is going to kill Jenners if Kim and I don't turn ourselves in to Creature INC, we need your help in deciding what to do.

Please, vote and help us.

Poll :


Music : "Going Down to Die" - Danzig


Please Please PLEASE visit this Poll and cast your vote, lives hang in the balance.

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More Dollhouse casting announced

Whedon himself has announced on Whedonesque that Amy Acker has joined the cast. She was a regular on Angel and also played that nasty Kelly Peyton on the last season of Alias (and co-starred on the short-lived Drive). He also says the awesomely named Miracle Laurie has joined the cast, along with Henry Lennix from 24, Commander-In-Chief, and Diagnosis: Murder.




"This symbol is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in the world, even more important than the Compass/Square/Rule. Most people assume that these two birds are Eagles, but such an assumption would be deadly wrong. These two birds are the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Listen to the explanation from Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree, K.T., in his book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy . [Before we begin, I find it highly interesting that Hall would admit, by his use of this title, that Freemasonry is occultic].

"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers ... in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color ... The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection ... The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again." [p. p. 176-77]"

From Final Appeal on LGPedia:

Jonas: "We know Bree's Elder's connected to the coat of arms requesting for the marionette. (Cut to a shot of the coat of arms.) Centuries old, possibly from England... (Cut to a close up of the symbol and motto.) The symbol and the quote on it are the work of Crowley. (Cut to a close up of the crest.) And the crest - the things sitting at the top - are two back-to-back phoenixes, which... symbolizes some sort of resurrection."

But why a two-headed Eagle be adopted by Masonry, instead of only a one-headed Eagle? Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains. "When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key ... At times, they gave it two heads, back to back ... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]

See also: "On the Mass of the Phoenix"

"What is the Mass of the Phoenix? The answer is not a simple as you might think. The Mass of the Phoenix makes its debut as Chapter 44 of Aleister Crowley’s Book of Lies with no real explanation. At least the “Official Instructions of the A.’.A.’.” gives a basic description of the Mass of the Phoenix:"


Phoenix (mythology) on Wikipedia:

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises."

"Although descriptions (and life-span) vary, the phoenix (Bennu bird) became popular in early Christian art, literature and Christian symbolism, as a symbol of Christ representing his resurrection, immortality, and life-after-death."

"Originally, the phoenix was identified by the Egyptians as a stork or heron-like bird called a benu, known from the Book of the Dead and other Egyptian texts as one of the sacred symbols of worship ."

roger dodger said...

In the meantime take a closer look at the FacilityJ symbol, it's the Phoenix!

Watch "Isis Project - A ReGenesis". (resurrection anybody?)

Read the Jiana blog on the Coalition site about Ra, Horus and Osiris.

Check out the Library of Alexandria pics in the Worldfiles videos.

It's all there and has been for quite sometime. I don't know how many people are aware of the details but obviously the Creators are. ;)
deagol said...
jay V quoted crowley from the very beginning about a year ago.

the facility j drop in sta cruz included a card with a phoenix.

and aja took a scottish friend with her to retrieve it...

[DROP CONTENTS] I Get Around - Santa Cruz [5/26/07]


Always a Third! - Nixmix9 (C.INC.)

What is wrong with you people!?!?! - Nix


Come to the forums. We need help.

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In a word... - Ziola (TC: A/A)

Short, sweet and to the point. Just like I used to be.

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My name is Bob (WO'W blog)

Epic blog entry featuring Will O'Wisp back story and hints to the greater mysteries of the creation of theCoalition universe!

"There was something about the way this girl carried herself that I could never explain in words and there she was standing in front of me. Her eyes wide and green and her little henna-covered hands folded in front of her as though she were embarrassed to be there.
There wa a connection between us I felt. Something that made me feel close to her, and I think she felt the same way. Bell was her name and she could smile with her entire body.

That night she asked me, "Where did life come from?"

Read the full entry: here.

Visit theCoalition

Friday, April 18, 2008

Something You Want- Ms. Misteeq (C.Inc)

I received this message in my YouTube inbox on Friday (4/18). What should I do???

Join the Discussion on the Forums!

I also received this message with the video:

It is up to you what happens now. You have 48 hours to decide. Either turn in Greg and Kim or lose Jenners forever. This is not up for negotiation. We will not be bought. We will await your answer.
Ms. Misteeq

NOTE: It appears as though Ziola's decision to take James Creature's job offer may also impact whether or not Jenners lives of dies???

An Offering- Jessica a.k.a. James's Secretary (Creature, Inc)

Mr. Creature has been terribly busy with other matters. I convinced him to let me handle this while he rests.
- Jessica

P.S. I know my visual skills aren't amazing but I'm just now learning play nice.

The EQAL team

Spark Capital Leads $5 Million Investment in Lonelygirl15 Producers

Spark’s Bijan Sabet announced the investment in his personal blog yesterday, and the Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek have published pieces examining the deal.


Announcing our investment in Eqal

Even before we started Spark, my partner Todd was always talking about a world where fictional, episodic shows would be created, built around communities and made for the internet. And it would be paid for by advertisers upfront. Before Spark, he invested as an angel in a successful product placement company and saw the power of product placement.


Lonelygirl15 Creators Launch Social Entertainment Company

"Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried announced through a blog that they received venture capital funding to produce shows that spawn Internet communities and online interaction."


Spark Capital's Sabet highlights power of product placement

"Spark Capital general partner Bijan Sabet (pictured) blogged yesterday about the early-stage venture firm's investment in Eqal, the new production company behind the "Lonelygirl15" video series. "


Q&A with 'Lonelygirl15' creators Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried

Tech Confidential: Is there another company that serves as a model?

Beckett: The closest model is Pixar. We definitely aren't going to be making hundreds of little video series. We're going to be focused on dedicating a lot of time and resources and technology and creativity to a handful of high-quality immersive shows on multiple platforms. Some might end up on TV, in merchandizing and in expanding internationally.


Jonas could be one of them - Mulder724

Don't trust him.

A Call for Help: Folding the Wish

From ARGnet:

"This time it isn't a mysterious stranger who needs our help....."

THELEMA vs LG15 2.0

Thelema is a philosophy of life based on the rule or law, "Do what thou wilt." The ideal of "Do what thou wilt" and its association with the word Thelema goes back to François Rabelais, but was more fully developed and proselytized by Aleister Crowley,who founded a religion named Thelema based on this ideal. The word itself is the English transliteration of the Koine Greek noun θέλημα: "will", from the verb θέλω: to will, wish, purpose. Early Christian writings use the word to refer to the will of God, the human will, and even the will of God's opponent, the Devil.

So, what did the Creators have to say about Thelema?

In an email exchange between the Creators and an LG15 user in the fall of 2006, the following very significant discussion revealed a lot of information about the series and the decisions that have been made to back away from Thelema.

"My email I sent to them was:

"I'm interested to know why the creators took a real religion (Thelema) that has been much maligned in the past, the prophet of Thelema (Aleister Crowley), also much maligned, and make a series that is the very antithesis of Thelema and what Crowley worked his whole life to promulgate. As a Thelemite, it's very disheartening to see my religion maligned and bashed once again, all for nothing. It does not add anything to your series to associate your cult with our religion. So, why do it?"

And their reply was:

"We understand and appreciate your question. Please know that it is not our intention to malign or discredit the Thelema religion. The religion we have created for this series is entirely fictional. It is as much related to fictional Christian cults and secret societies as it is to Thelema."

Well, after that reply from them, I sent the following reply:

"Well, my concern about this is even though you've made a fictional religion for the series, you use the prophet of Thelema, the unicursal hexagram - a symbol of Thelema, and actually write Thelema in Greek at the bottom of your website. You and I both know what you're portraying has nothing to do with Thelema, but by writing out the name of the religion and using these other trappings of the religion, anything you say about Bree's religion makes it seem like you're saying it about Thelema...since you've indicated Thelema so much. I would personally like to see Bree say that she's not a Thelemite...or that her religion isn't Thelema, in the videos. Since you've done so much to align it with Thelema in the minds of the viewers by using these symbols and the actual name of our religion, it would be a very nice gesture to see you distance yourself from a very real religion that some of your viewers hold dear to their hearts. As you can see from the forums and the replies to your videos, people think the religion is Thelema and, if you look at all the elements you've incorporated into the website, you've practically spelled Thelema out for them. So, like I said, it would be a very nice gesture to see Bree distance herself from the religion of Thelema. I personally like the videos and the style of entertainment you've provided, but think it could stand on its own just as well without bashing a religion, however inadvertently, in the process. I really do hope you consider this request. As Thelemites we have endured many lies, malicious and ignorant, about our beliefs and our prophet. It would really be nice of you to distance yourself from that and not add to it. Thank you and 93"

I sent that on November 5th at 12:45 AM. They didn't reply. Gemma's video was on November 9th. So, I took it to be their reply. I sent another email after the video thanking them, they replied to it and said no problem...that they're always out there listening to the fans. I personally am extremely grateful for their going the extra mile on this. It proves they do care about what implications their videos have. As far as the OTO or any other group of Thelemites being related to Bree's religion, I came into the forums to dispel that notion, John Crow, on thelemacoasttocoast, mentioned it in his series and dispelled the notion, and basically Thelemites came out of the woodwork to say "This in no way resembles Thelema". For one, the law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under Will". For a brief explanation of that you can see: http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib2.html . You may not understand that entirely, but it'll give you some idea that it doesn't mean what it appears to at face value. Also, if you read the commentary to the Book of the Law which is here: http://www.hermetic.com/220/crowley-comments.html then you will find where Crowley says "Interference with the will of another is the great sin". So, the very fact that they're trying to force anyone to do anything against their will flies totally in the face of Thelema and is the antithesis of what we believe in. That doesn't take into account the kidnapping and cult-like behaviour. Just the fact they're trying to force someone to do something is bad enough. Well, I hope this helps. Oh...as far as Thelema being at the bottom in Greek, Darbyite Designs is there also. Darbyite refers to the Plymouth Brethren. You can't take one as referring to Bree's religion and not the other...there are two religions represented on the bottom of that website, both having nothing to do with each other, but everything to do with Crowley."

The design of LG15.com has changed since those days but now with Lord Carruthers coat of arms we see the symbol for Thelema is back:

From Final Appeal on LGPedia:

Jonas: "We know Bree's Elder's connected to the coat of arms requesting for the marionette. (Cut to a shot of the coat of arms.) Centuries old, possibly from England... (Cut to a close up of the symbol and motto.) The symbol and the quote on it are the work of Crowley. (Cut to a close up of the crest.) And the crest - the things sitting at the top - are two back-to-back phoenixes, which... symbolizes some sort of resurrection."

So, what does it all mean?

Leave a comment below with your theory for why the symbol for Thelema is "back in play". To make it interesting why don't you also throw in the "Phoenix', the Resurrection and Revelations....oh, and of course, Aleister Crowley.

Conspiracy - dRNAworld (TheC : A/A)

They're out to get me...

Music Out of Control
by Hoobastank

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Home - Ziola (TheC : A/A)


I suggest you run dear.

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Q&A - igotfeelings288 (LunaSapphire)

Question, answer...true or false...

Why do I feel as if I were studying for an exam?

Music by Origen

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Escape to London - Jonas (LG15)

Going to London is something I have to do. Alone. - Jonas

Escape to London - Jonas (LG15) on LGPedia.

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Fight the Order Contest Entries

Visit the Fight the Order page to watch all the great videos and see the posters submitted by fans.

And check back tomorrow (Saturday) when the winners are announced!

Source: insideLG15

LG15/Telegraph Ave. Morphs Into Eqal

"Eqal presently has eight full-time employees, with "lonelygirl" and "KateModern" employing production units of 12-14 people apiece.

The company was profitable in 2007."


Lonelygirl15 Studio Rebrands, Attracts Investors

"The two said they started the round in November. They met Riggs, who previously was an angel investor of the company, who in turn introduced them to Conway, who "knows everyone," Beckett said. "


A Statement by Lord Carruthers - mku77

Watch More Videos       Uploaded by www.bebo.com/mku77

Sofia's Diary Ep 25

For more links to Sofia's Diary check out our Sofia's Diary portal page.


Sofia's Diary on Wikipedia.

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Soully Becoming One - Nixmix9 (C.INC)

Will you jump into the unknown?- Nix

by Akira Yamaoka

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Scientology is causing problems for Youtube

Remember this???

Well it looks like the Church of Scientology is creating quite the stir on Youtube.
At the beginning of this week an interview with "tease" featuring ex-scientology "clear" and actor Jason Beghe in which he exposes Scientology secrets and so called lies. (the video can be viewed here, but there is some cursing! If you are interested, hurry up before it's pulled) The interviewee, Jason Beghe, clearly states that he understands that all they are doing is trying to help, but he just doesn't like being lied to.
Well last night the account that this tease was featured on, XenuTV1 was suspended without any notice nor reason.
Unfortunately for these lovely folks who are expressing their opinions, the Church of Scientology is a large sponsor for Youtube and their partnerships with the production teams.
Unfortunately for Youtube, there have been numerous complaints against the C.o.S. ads within the past week.
What will this mean in the end?

Youtube cancels XenuTV's youtube account! :

My Couch - My Rules! - Charlie (KM)

Charlie said...

Steve and Lauren: Please watch this video and see how stupid you are being. Please. Before its too late.

LG15 Look Alikes

Recently LG15 community member Heyaja made a post at Anchor Cove pointing out an odd connection between Gina and Littlefoot, one of the dinosaurs from the movie series A Land Before Time.

Do you see a connection between the two? Have you discovered any other look-alikes among the cast (or crew for that matter)?

Lonely Girl Duo Gets VC Funds for EQAL

They expect to use some of the $5 million to find new technology that will enable them to offer services such as messaging and "friending" to expand the numbers of people who already go the site, says Beckett.


"Viewers have occasionally offered up ideas on the comment board that have become plot twists."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Coalition - WatchingOpAphid

I just felt the need to share, I clearly haven't had any real source behind my videos since OA ended so I think this will be my new direction. I hope you guys check it out.

Who's Who in the Coalition (Characters from both the Coalition and A/A, Thanks CherShayToute!)

The Coalition Website

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theCoalition wants your feedback and site suggestions!

New data reveal online video views are soaring

"New data released Wednesday show online views of videos soared 66 percent in the U.S. in February from a year earlier, with TV networks grabbing just a pittance of those eyeballs."


NOT EQAL: "I Love Chieftown" = New Series!

"MySpace has tapped the team behind KateModern to create I Love Chieftown, a new original web series for the social network. Chieftown will be a drama set in east London that follows an aspiring filmmaker as she follows a band trying to break big (sounds kinda like The All-for-Nots)."


"Lonelygirl15 and KateModern creator Greg Goodfried writes in to clarify: “I Love Chieftown is made by two former employees of ours, Pete Gibbons and Gavin Rowe."

MySpace commissions online drama

The drama will be based in east London and follow lead character Jamie, an aspiring filmmaker, as she follows an up-and-coming band and its journey to make it big.


Bree's Elder

Bree's Elder recieved Bree's blood during the Ceremony, extending his life. Though Elizabeth Avery tried to stop him, he used his authority to overrule her. However, before her death, Bree had recieved a marionette doll from him as a replacement for P. Monkey, (though it was rejected by Bree). Recently, Lucy has been seen picking up a doll for him, suggesting that is is going to be a gift for another trait positive girl.
It is now believed that he may be named "Lord Carruthers ", due to a recent KateModern video, though this claim is currently unsubstantiated.

Lord Carruthers is the name of an English Hymn of One member known to have a massive collection of and an apparent obsession regarding antique dolls. He has been seen by Steve wearing the coat of arms of Bree's Elder, and the two are currently suspected to be one and the same.

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NOTE: There is a reference to a Lord Carruthers in the novel "The Eustace Diamonds" which according to Wikipedia "is a novel by Anthony Trollope, first published in 1871 as a serial in the Fortnightly Review. It is the third of the "Palliser" series of novels."

"Another more Corsair-like possibility is one of her guests at her Scottish castle, the older Lord George de Bruce Carruthers, a man who supports himself in a somewhat mysterious manner".

P. Monkey Fights The Order

By Poeticity

Source: insideLG15

Sofias Diary Ep 24

For more links to Sofia's Diary check out our Sofia's Diary portal page.


Sofia's Diary on Wikipedia.

Join Sofia's Diary IRC CHAT

Beach Party - Jennie (LG15)

We had a fun day at the beach, but everyone still has their own issues. - Jennie
Music: Artist: Caution Cat
Track: Centipede
Artist Link: www.cautioncat.com
It appears that there's going to be a LG15-KM crossover.

Beach Party - Jennie (LG15) on LGPedia.

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Masterpiece Theatre Presents: Hook Up At The Park

Off To Grandma's House - msmisteeq (C.INC)

I will await instruction

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Let's play cards - OperationOssifrage (TC: Worldfiles)

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

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Special Relationship? - Lauren (KM)

Lauren said...

Here comes the cavalry?

NOTE: from Wikipedia:

" Carruthers is a placeneme in Dumfriesshire which is said to derive from the Brittonic word "caer" meaning "fort" (as in Caerlaverock castle, not far away) and the personal name Ruther (originally Rhythr or Rydderch). It has been suggested that this comes from King Roderic mentioned by St Adamnan. Locally, the name was pronounced "Cridders"."
The Carruthers of Howmains continued however, until the estate was lost in 1772 when financial disaster struck. But a younger son of the last laird acquired the estate of Dormont in Dumfriesshire which is still held by his descendants.

The surname is now mainly found in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Carruthers is a member of the Armigerous Clans and Families of Scotland ie it has a recognised coat of arms.


Carruthers Coat of Arms


"Origin Displayed: Scottish

Spelling variations of this family name include: Carruthers, Carothers, Carouthers, Carrothers, Carruther, Carruthirs, Carruthers, Carrutherys, Cridders, Gridders and many more.
First found in Dumfriesshire where they were seated from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D"

Katherine Pawlak auditions...

From Katherine Pawlak's MySpace:


Hey guys,

I know it has been a while since I have had the chance to actually talk on Myspace....but...

I have a HUGE favor to ask of all of you...

I have entered an acting competition on Massify.com and would really love for you all to vote for me. Time is running out b/c voting ends on April 25th...so here's how to do it.

Go to www.massify.com

click on auditions

and search under find auditions...Katherine Pawlak or When hell is full...

Watch my vid and click VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Thank you so much for your support and please tell your friends...all votes will help b/c I am already behind in the race due to complications on the upload.


Katherine xo

Ed: Just click here to see the contenders for female lead in the - 'Ghosts In The Machine' competition. Page down to find Katherine Pawlak and Becki Kregoski. You need to register and log in to cast a vote, and you can vote for both of them.

Katherine Pawlak on LGPedia.

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From http://www.eqal.com

"It started with a lonely girl and a simple idea: tell a story incorporating the best elements of traditional narrative and online interactivity. Today that idea has transformed into EQAL (pronounced “Equal”), the social entertainment company dedicated to redefining the way we interact with content and with each other. Merging technology with creative development and production expertise, we are leaders in the creation and distribution of truly interactive shows. Formerly known as LG15 Studios/Telegraph Ave. Productions, we currently produce the two most successful online interactive dramas: lonelygirl15 and KateModern. Through partnerships with independent producers, traditional media companies, and multinational brands, we are launching new interactive shows and building online communities that engage users like never before.

We believe that the community is just as important as the content we create. With this as our blueprint, we construct interactive shows that transform passive viewers into active participants. Our shows entertain and enlighten, driving discussion and encouraging viewers and participants to immerse themselves in a shared entertainment experience. Interactivity lies at the heart of all our shows through the seamless integration of online discussion and live events with community generated content and professionally produced material.

As a social entertainment company, we are committed technologists with an eye towards leveraging the power of the internet to deliver interactive content. PHP, XML, and Javascript aren’t just buzzwords we throw around to impress investors; we deeply understand their utility and are building flexible and scalable web applications that encourage deep interaction between participants and the show.

It’s an exciting time for everyone who loves great entertainment."

From the EQAL blog:

Hey everyone, welcome to our new website. Congratulations to the folks at Anchor Cove for figuring out that we were up to something before we made the official announcement. As you might imagine, it’s been an exciting (and exhausting) year for us. We had so many opportunities after the hugely surprising success of lonelygirl15, but we realized pretty quickly that it was most important to stay true to the impulse that inspired us to launch lonelygirl15 in the first place: our desire to create new forms of entertainment.

We’ve spent the last year and a half working hard at producing lonelygirl15, launching KateModern, and figuring out a business model that works in this emerging medium. None of it would have been possible without the help of our incredible team and our amazing community of hundreds of thousands of passionate viewers. Of course, you all know the actors on each show, but you may not know James, Amanda, Kelly, Casey, Luke, Kevin, Yusuf, Marcello, and the entire lonelygirl15 and KateModern production teams without whom none of this would be possible. We are incredibly fortunate to be working with such an all star group of individuals.

It’s an exciting time for online entertainment. There are a slew of independent producers, digital studios, and social media companies sprouting up, not to mention the fact that traditional media isn’t exactly ignoring this whole “internets” thing. We’ve always wanted to stay independent and produce interactive shows that we could put our hearts and souls into, and sometime last fall we realized that raising money would give us the ability to remain independent and produce amazing shows on our terms.

After six months of fast food and airplane delays, we found a VC that shared our vision to build a company that would produce truly interactive shows. Many of the exciting innovations we’ve all talked about will finally come to fruition now that we have the funding to act on our shared vision. Needless to say, we’re very excited to get started.

No investors would have put a cent in this company without the passionate and amazing community that has formed around LG15. A sea change is under way, and you are all at the very beginning. We are so excited to take this ride with you and see where it will lead.
Who’d have thought a video series co-starring a purple monkey puppet would come so far?


We All Created EQAL
As some of you may already know, today we officially launched our social entertainment company, EQAL. Thank you all so much for your continued support for our shows and this community. Check out the new website www.EQAL.com, the EQAL blog, and the first articles breaking the story.

lonelygirl15 and KateModern Creators Form EQAL (Techcrunch)

‘lonelygirl’ Gets Popular With Investors (Wall Street Journal)

Source: insideLG15

Institutional Investors
Spark Capital

"Spark Capital is a venture fund based in Boston, Massachusetts. Our investment focus is on the conflux of the media, entertainment and technology industries. Over the last decade, telecom, wireless, and cable operators have spent enormous amounts of capital building up their broadband infrastructure. The next decade will be spent monetizing this infrastructure. We will exploit this opportunity by investing in companies that we believe will benefit from the rapid transformation of media and content driven by innovative technologies and evolving business models."

Additional Investors

Conrad Riggs: from LG15 Today

"Conrad Riggs, a producer with Mark Burnett Productions (Survivor), did make a “small investment” in Lonelygirl15 before the series started striking brand integration deals, and LG15 studios rents office space from Riggs in Santa Monica."

Ron Conway: from Wikipedia.

"Ron Conway is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist who was an early investor in Google, PayPal, and Ask Jeeves.
He is featured in Gary Rivlin's book The Godfather of Silicon Valley: Ron Conway and the Fall of the Dot-coms, described as 'the man who has placed more bets on Internet start-ups than anyone else in Silicon Valley'."

Marc Andreessen: from Wikipedia:

"Marc Andreessen (born July 9, 1971, in Cedar Falls, Iowa and raised in New Lisbon, Wisconsin, United States) is a multi-millionaire software engineer and Silicon Valley "whiz kid" entrepreneur best known as co-author of Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser, and co-founder of Netscape Communications Corporation. He was the chair of Opsware, a software company he founded originally as Loudcloud, when it was acquired by Hewlett-Packard. He is also a cofounder of Ning, a company which provides a platform for social-networking websites. Andreessen is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, having started 2 successful companies and working on Ning, his third venture."

Georges Harik: from Starupsearch.org

Georges Harik was an early engineer at Google where he co-developed AdSense and AdWords advertising systems. He later led Google's internal startup initiatives, a program called Googlettes, responsible for developing new web applications such as Gmail, Google Video, and Google Groups.

Frank and Annette Zajaczkowski:from LGPedia:

"Frank is the father of Miles Beckett, one of the Creators. The senior Beckett appeared as a Watcher (bald and sporting a beard in the elevator) in The Human Ransom and again as a thug in They Shot Him!.
When lonelygirl15 first started to get popular, Miles Beckett borrowed money from his parents to help pay Jessica Lee Rose's salary and to keep the project afloat.
Frank Zajaczkowski's name was revealed in the first NowInLA.com podcast from the Creators on March 6th, 2007."

From Wikipedia:

Series A rounds are a critical stage in the funding of new companies. A typical Series A round is in the range of $2 million to $10 million and is intended to capitalize a company for 6 months to 2 years as it develops its products, performs initial marketing and branding, hires its initial employees, and otherwise undertakes early stage business operations.

After Party - Cynthia (The Flock)

I feel like crap, but thought I should let you all know what's been going on around here.

Oh and whoever turned the camera on while I was asleep, you're so dead :p.

Follow the Flock on LGPedia
Discuss the Flock

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

TechCrunch: EQAL formed. 5 million of funding raised.

Lonelygirl15 and KateModern Creators Form EQAL

Now Beckett and Goodfried have formed EQAL (pronounced “equal”), an interactive media company that will continue producing the Lonelygirl15 and KateModern series among others to come. The new company has raised $5M in Series A from Spark Capital and individuals such as Conrad Riggs, Ron Conway, Marc Andreesen, and Georges Harik.

Both series will be hosted at LG15.com. Since the company’s name refers to the equality of this new type of media, and the way in which community members interact with the stories it produces, LG15.com features social media like comments, chat, a forum, and a wiki.

EQAL plans to produce different versions of its shows for different countries, all of which will be distributed through LG15.com. These shows will contain occasional nods and references to each other, and their plots may even cross over at times.

modelmotion said...
So Ning is in on the deal.......hummmmm...

greg said...
Hey modelmotion,

Just wanted to clarify, Ning is not in on the deal. Andreessen made a personal investment.

The Fourth Circle - CreatureInc (TC: A/A)

I was quite distressed to hear you reject my offer of employment so cavalierly. I did however find out quite a few intriguing things about you during my pre-employment research. That being said, I could not help to take a more personal look. I am quite disappointed that you refuse to share these wonderful journeys. Clearly, I am not so selfish.

Oh, and Lawrence, if you are truly scared you may want to keep a closer eye on those whom you choose to trust. I will admit that I am the one that is now putting you in great danger. I highly recommend looking over your shoulder from now on. Caution is a must.


Fate Gradated, Violin Fire - Whilhelmlol (LJ15)

Was it felt? I had a hit left, I saw

WHAT TIME IS IT?...Coverage of Glenn on BreeFM

Glenn, live on BreeFM @11pm EST, Wednesday.
Stream is:

This article was written live during the show. As such it may contain significant factual errors. Over time it is hoped that these will be corrected.
Craziness, insanity and pure random information coming right up.....

Mari will be back on the show again in the next week or so. They worked on their estiamated taxes again.

Glenn said he should never serve on a jury. If it was a celebrity of course they are innocent.

There is still stuff that Glenn cannot talk about yet.

Glenn signed up for Bebo today! Aps are becoming standard across all plaform. Glenn wants an ap that has a map with push pins to show places in Europe he wants to visit.


Glenn recommended the movie Mask with Eric Stoltz and Cher in it.

OpAphid was the first time in a while that Glenn has chosen to give his all to something. He has previously done it with journalism and music. You have to be happy with the decision you make in life and make the most of it. Life has its ups and downs. Glenn aspires to be a "good person".

Who would play Glenn in a movie?: Elden Henson: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0711805/
Glenn was at the Tenacious D show at the Roxy having procured a ticket at the door. Some dude yelled out "Elden". One of his friends had played the "headless stand in" on Idle Hands with Eldon Hensen.
From Wikipedia:
"Elden Henson (born August 30, 1977) is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for playing Fulton Reed in the Mighty Ducks trilogy with Emilio Estevez, and playing Lenny Kagan in The Butterfly Effect."

Glenn's band Headbord played Mills College when it was all girls. There was a big banner saying "Lesbian Avengers"? What did it mean?

From Wikipedia

"Founded in 1852 and established in Oakland, California, in 1871, Mills College is an independent liberal arts women's college, with graduate programs for women and men. As the first women's college west of the Rockies, Mills is one of the oldest institutions of higher education for women in the United States. The College was initially founded in Benicia as the Young Ladies' Seminary under the leadership of Mary Atkins, a graduate of Oberlin College. In 1866, Susan Tolman Mills, a graduate of Mount Holyoke College (then Mount Holyoke Female Seminary) and her husband Cyrus Mills bought the school and moved it to Oakland. Mills received its charter in 1885 and introduced graduate degrees in 1921"

Flashback to Mills College (the Sarah Lawrence of the west coast). If you are playing at an all girls college don't be surprised about the jokes. Brendon, one of the band members liked to open doors and that is when they found the huge banner.

From Wikipedia

"The Lesbian Avengers is an activist group for queer women who want to promote lesbian issues and perspectives. The group aims to empower lesbians and all women to become experienced and effective organizers to take back their power and rights to live freely and unharmed. Since its founding in New York City by 6 longtime lesbian activists who had worked in different groups --Maxine Wolfe, Anne D'Adesky, Ana Simo, Sarah Schulman, Marie Honan, and Anne Maguire-- in May 1992, the group has worked mostly through direct action and street theater acts like fire eating. The British wing of the group was formed in 1992 by members of OutRage!"

:The Lesbian Avengers use the following slogans:
"The fire will not consume us — we take it and make it our own", (chanted while other Avengers are fire-eating)
"Be the bomb you throw", and
"We recruit" (referring to the societal fear that homosexuals 'recruit' children)."

There was another banner saying "Be the bomb you throw". Brandon wanted to steal the banners.

Glenn discussed the Queercore social movement.
From Wikipedia:

Queercore "is a cultural and social movement that began in the mid 1980's as an offshoot of punk. It is distinguished by a discontent with society in general and a complete disavowal of the mainstream gay and lesbian community and what those involved believe to be its oppressive agenda. Queercore expresses itself in DIY style through zines, music, writing, art and film."

There are things that you can study about humanity. Dr. Drew would talk about how we are all unique but if you look at any other species in the animal kingdom how many polar bears would you have to study before you could say you understood them? Perhaps 100?

How many average females would you have to study before you could discover common themes in terms of their sexuality. People do not want to accept that you can more or less get some indications.

Glenn knew a lesbian who was also in love with him. You can make generalites about polar bears but people will not allow you the same freedom with humans. Compare it to Garage Band or Mr. Potato Head, where you have a lot of different variables and yet there are common themes. There might be 20-50 noticeable variants on the base track despite the fact there might be millions of actual unique variants.

When you play Rock Band or Simms you have to configure your character. It would be interesting to pretend you were making a game like that and you had to set up the psychological profile of the character based on their childhood experiences. You could probably narrow it down to 40 or less basic types. (eg, Dad did not stick around, Mom did not stick around, neither parent stuck around........). What variables affect your character?

Question: How does Glenn come up with the names for characters.

Sarah (Lonelygirl15) she was intended to be a slutty girl with issues whose parents neglected her. Molly was the chosen girl who was spoilt. In Loveline Sarah is the most ofter used "fake" name used by girls calling loveline. Glenn pitched it as an homage to Loveline but also as a Biblical reference

Molly: a soft name that projects innocence. In the comic book runaways their female character was called Molly but he thought it would work. Glenn told Miles that Lonelygirl15 is very similar to RunAways which has the "Staff of one". Cryptonesia, who knows? You can buy RunAways on Amazon.

Molly was cast as a red head but she backed out. (This was not Sam).

Aunt Alex: another runaways homage.

Rachel was also an biblical reference.

From Wikipedia:

"Runaways is a Marvel Comics comic book series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona. The series features a group of teenagers who try to make up for the evil done by their supervillain parents by becoming superheroes. They are commonly referred to as "the Pride's kids" or "those kids in L.A." by other characters in the Marvel Universe, due to the team's lack of an official name and the majority of Marvel's characters being based in New York.

In 2006, the series won the Harvey Award for best continuing/limited series.

In February 2007, series creators Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona left Runaways at issue #24 of the title's second volume. In April 2007, long-time Runaways fan Joss Whedon (of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly fame) signed up to take over the title for 6 issues. Marvel has announced Terry Moore, creator of Strangers in Paradise will take over the title after Whedon leaves, with Humberto Ramos on art.

"Molly Hayes - Daughter of evil telepathic mutants Gene and Alice Hayes. Mutant powers include super-strength and invulnerability. Use of her powers originally caused her to tire very quickly, but has increased her endurance against fatigue with repeated usage of her powers."

"Alex Wilder - Son of organized crime bosses Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder. Child prodigy at strategic thinking and planning. De facto group leader in vol. 1. However, it turns out that Alex was on the side of his parents rather than the Runaways by volume 1's conclusion. He is killed along with all of the Runaways' parents."


Glenn says The Turtles - Happy Together is in this top 100. It is timeless.

Here is the archive of of stories from LG15 TODAY concerning Glenn's radio show on BreeFM.

Send questions to GlennFM@gmail.com
Played @ Song Title
01:47:56 Loveline - Holocaust
01:44:12 Coheed and Cambria - The Suffering
01:39:22 LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out
01:35:42 TLC - No Scrubs
00:53:53 The Turtles - Happy Together
00:50:14 Letters to Cleo - Here & Now
00:46:16 Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles
00:42:34 Stacie Orrico - Stuck
00:37:55 Chris Rock - Your Mother's Got a Big Head
00:34:31 Danzig - Mother
00:32:52 Blink 182 - Mother's Day
00:29:37 AMG - Yo Momma Told Me...
00:27:29 Adam Sandler - Oh Mom Current Song
00:24:14 Everclear - Volvo Driving Soccer Mom
00:18:50 K-Solo - Your Mom Is In My Business
23:19:03 Spitalfield - I Loved The Way She Said `L.A.`
23:16:14 The Stereo - Tell Your Football Dad No
23:13:05 Boys Like Girls - Heels Over Head
23:10:24 The Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
23:09:27 Song Mash Up - Mix + Comp
23:05:47 Ridel High - Self Destructive

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