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Friday, January 2, 2009

A final warning to the community - abandonskies23

You think we are playing games? We are not the Resistance. We will not mislead you when we say that we WILL kill you


  1. .... once again...

    "video has been removed..."

    *sighs* even in their warnings... they don't even know what they want to say. If you really aren't "playing games" then why was this video removed?

    Kill us? Fools! You don't even know what you're dealing with!

  2. I understand why "in game" they removed the old videos (though not this one) but I really think its counterproductive if your trying to build a fanbase. People don't like missing videos. One of my forum friends much-debated watching a series that had 2 videos missing until he was reassured it didn't destroy the plot.

  3. Perhaps they could just change the title to suggest that the video is "no longer available" but leave the actual video alive for those who need to catch up.

  4. On the youtube account the video was still there so i used the embed for the current version of the video.

  5. I honestly don't know what's wrong with the videos. I privated some of them because the order took over the account, but decided to put them all back due to the short time span. Their all back up, if any of you are having problems, let me know.


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