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Sunday, February 22, 2009

How Dare They ! - LG15: Origins


In response to those who think this is complaining...
Just watch it


  1. Really? You're so desperate for attention that you couldn't have possibly just sent an e-mail? You had to make a video making EQAL into a giant big bad bully because they sorta forgot your T-shirt (by accident I'd like to add)?

    Look: Send an e-mail. They'll get back to you.

  2. I said the same thing on youtube. You're just coming across as whiny, and stomping your feet.

  3. I'll reply the exact same way I did on YouTube.

    EQAL is a COMPANY, a USER should not have to be in contact with a professional company in order to get their prize. When running a competition it is not the users job to get in contact with the company, the company running the competition needs to contact the participants for their prize.

  4. Yeah, I didn't get mine either, but it's not that big of a deal...

  5. Over-reacting much? What's wrong with just sending an email instead of making a spectacle?

    I know that Amanda's been really sick with the flu the past few weeks on top of being pregnant, and she's the one who has been running TSIY, so cut them some slack.

  6. Just when you think someone couldn't find anything dumber to complain to the creators about.

  7. Come on guys! Stop ganging up on him!

    As he has said they should be more professional about these contests. They should have at least e-mailed him. Besides... e-mailing them doesn't do much good anyway... I sent an e-mail several weeks ago and still haven't gotten a response.

    Let him vent!

  8. Keri, we understand. And We don't want to "gang up on him" but he's senselessly attacking EQAL for no reason other than view count. Trust me, this is for view count other wise he would have had the decency to just vent as you have and perhaps sent a second follow-up e-mail.

    The logic is baffling: How is the company supposed to know if they forgot some thing? Yes, in a perfect world they would never make mistakes and Microsoft would instantly send me a new Xbox every time mine burst into flames. But they don't unless I tell them.

  9. Can someone please just message Amanda and get this fixed?

  10. MM,
    Amanda and EQAL must never know about this. It would defeat the purpose.

  11. In the best way possible, I'd like to add.

  12. Oh lawd.
    Send them an email and quit your whining.

    If something like this can get you so upset, I have no idea how you are going to function in the world.

    Grow up.

  13. i agree with origins, not even emails will get you the prize. i entered in the fight the order competition and the prize was a signed photo for all entrants.
    i sent an email including my address then amanda sends an email back saying she will get it to me.

    a few weeks later, i still hadnt recieved it so i sent an email asking her and she never got bak to me, so i decided that i would resend that email eery day to see if i could get a response.

    About a week of doing that jenni powell then sent me an email saying they neva received my very first email with my address and she sed i wasnt able to get my picture. since then i have never been able to trust the creators, so this situation doesnt really surprise me coming from them.

    So if this is wat it takes so that is hets him his rightfully earned prize, i say good on him


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