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Monday, May 11, 2009

The Future Of The Hayley Project

From a recent blogpost by Andrew Park, creator of the show:

What now? (and business development thoughts) (April 17, 2009)

... Basically, there’s momentum for us to do Season 2 (especially coming off our season finale and the Streamy Awards). This is our goal, and we’d like to shoot during the summer. However (and this is a big HOWEVER), it is important for us to secure financing. Season 1 was a fun, but an incredibly difficult challenge. In many cases, we got really lucky with scoring great locations, having a tremendous cast and crew who basically worked for free, and the fortune of schedules aligning for us to pull it off. I’m amazed that we actually managed to do 37 episodes. That said, Season 2 is contingent on having money to pay the people who deserve it, and make sure that we’re not forced to bootstrap our way through production like we did previously. I’m confident when I say, we cannot accomplish the same level of quality of Season 1 without financing the second time around. So, with that all said, here’s what we’re doing ...


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