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Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Last Link Fix v13

Making The Last's page even more superior to the The Resistance's, v13 of the The Last Link Fix is here with the following changes:

(Automatic) inline refreshing of comments
With this version installed, every few minutes, the comments in your comment board (that is, on the main page) will automatically refresh themselves - no page reload necessary.
And yes, for the F5-addicts among you, there is a button to do it manually ;)

(For practical reasons, the automatic refresh is limited to the latest board of each week.)

Inline posting of comments
As an extension of the above, you can now also post with no page reload whatsoever. You just enter your post, hit Add comment, the comments refresh, and that was that.

Comment board collapsing
Since the old boards go static relatively quickly after a new video was released, this version collapses all but the latest board of each week, reducing page length, distraction, and confusion.

The boards are collapsible at will, so if you want to open up an old one, or close all of them to see just the videos, neither is a problem.

Minor changes
Beyond that, we have the usual assortment of small fixes - I fixed the header image to finally fit the pre-defined header area, I adjusted the The Resistance logo in the sidebar to fit in with the others, and I added a link to The Last on profile pages. (To keep the balance, I took out "My Dashboard" for that - since the dashboard is available from the bottom bar, no functionality is lost there.)

(This screenshot finally shows off the fixed link, too.)

We have extensively beta-tested this version (we had four or five test versions o_O), and two independent testers have found no problems - so there are no known bugs, and I'm rather confident the script works fine.
Nevertheless, these are the deepest changes to the site yet, and if you do find a bug, please report it in the comments below - I can't fix what I don't know about.

Download the latest version here, and feel free to leave any other kind of feedback as well :)



  1. The inline posting of comments works really well!

  2. hang on, so...now the fans are so desperate that they're actually doing the C's job?


    It's over, folks...just give it a rest.

  3. Fans have always taken the initiative to improve the LG15 experience. Whether it is LGPedia, setting up software to log character chats in IRC etc etc etc fans have always led the way. What is interesting is that the enjoyment of helping out with such projects can be just as rewarding as watching the shows.

    The great thing about the internet is that it does empower the user base of a "product" by making them creative partners rather than passive participants. We now have not only a fan created canon show but fans are actively improving the actual web site itself to meet the needs of the community.

  4. Don't think it worked for me...instructions on what to do please?

  5. The post for the previous version has step-by-step instructions on how to get it running - just use this script's download link instead of the old one in step 2.

    Sorry, I forgot to link the old post in this one. :S

    Short version is, make sure you're running Firefox, get Greasemonkey, then install the script. (Just download it, Greasemonkey should catch it and ask to install automatically.)

    If you have any more trouble, just ask here, or come into chat :)

    @anonymous: If I was doing the C's job, I would improve the whole site. This is specifically targeted towards The Last, to the point that the Resistance pages are explicitly excluded in the script. It's fans helping fans enjoy other fans' work better, because EQAL is fucking them and us over (again).

    It's community.


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