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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Apology and Explanation, Part 742 (The Samatha Chronicles)

Hey guys, SNL here again. And...this is yet another post where I explain the lack of Samantha Chronicles episodes. There was supposed to be a new episode last Monday, but, as you can see, there clearly is not.

Well, last week, I noticed my computer acting oddly. Of course it had a billion problems, so we had to shut it down. I was unable to come to IRC for a few days. So, naturally, I was very excited to collect the new episode from Liv and edit it.

But...ever so fortunatly, her computer crashed the day before, and she lost both the script and her footage. Which means I have to re-send her the script and she has to re-film it as well.

I am very, very sorry for this wait. I feel like I'm being a douchebag to all the Samantha Chronicles fans out there. I hate to sound like I'm making up excuses, but there's nothing I can do.

The new episode (providing nothing else goes wrong) should be posted next weekend, and all the videos un-privated. I, again, apologize for the wait. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message on me YouTube account (youtube.com/user/snl06)!

Thank you for your patience, you have no idea how much it means to me!



  1. Dont worry your doing fine.
    its called experience there are going to be accidents you can learn from this and remember in future make sure you plan ahead to take into account unforeseeable accidents.

  2. Don't worry. Production is tough and I think everyone understands that. It is also a learning experience, so may the force be with you....


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