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Monday, June 22, 2009

OzGirl Season Finale

The season finale of OzGirl is this Thursday, June 25th. Following the extra long season finale, tune in for a chance to speak live with the cast and crew of Australia's first web series and get the answers to your burning questions. How does filming in Australia differ from say filming in LA? Is Sophie Tilson as sweet and naive as her character Sadie? Were those Shanrah's ginormous sunglasses? In addition, to interacting with the cast and crew, there will be an opportunity for some lucky fans to win amazing prizes. (Editorial note: LG15 Today cannot vouch for the amazingness of the aforementioned prizes. Amazingness subject to change without prior notice. The level of amazingness may differ from country to country.) The finale festivities kick off at 4:30 AEST, 11:30 PST and at 2:30am EST Thursday morning, the official website and video says the 26th, but I believe that is a mistake. For further information check out OzGirl.tv.

Lastly, to celebrate the season finale of OzGirl, LG15Today will be running numerous stories and features on the cast, crew, and production in preparation for the season finale.


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