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Sunday, June 14, 2009


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Your Twitter Challenge for Week 12, should you choose to accept it (and you should, cause the prize is fun), is to get the most popular Twitterer to RT something about Harper’s Globe. They can RT our URL, the Twitter account, the new episode. The winner will be awarded based on the popularity of the TweetCeleb they get to RT (we have a metric for this, so it’s not going to be a debate over who’s more “popular”, Ryan Seacrest or Shaq, for example).You have until Monday morning at 9am PST. Remember to get a screenshot of the RT for credit.The prize? The bloody tape box left on Cheshire Cat’s body.Happy Tweeting, Harpies!


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com


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