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Monday, June 29, 2009

Writer Uses Journal to Encourage Volunteerism

Raegan Payne, a Los Angeles area writer and actor, is in a race to complete fifty different volunteer activities by 2010.



Raegan Payne is the actress who played Sonia on the lonelygirl15 web series. Born in Murray, KY, Raegan graduated from the University of the South (Sewanee) with a BA in English and one in Theater and has taken classes at the British American Drama Academy. Before joining lonelygirl15, Raegan worked in theater, improv and sketch comedy, independent film, TV, and commercials.

Raegan first heard of lonelygirl15 long before becoming a part of it, and even watched Jessica Lee Rose accept the Big in '06 Award from VH1. When her agent approached her about meeting with the Creators, and possibly being in a "party video;" she accepted and "it all went from there."

If she weren't an actress, Raegan would like to write a novel or go to Culinary School and become a Pastry Chef. A fan of Giada and Paula Deen, Raegan is obsessed with the Food Network. She also enjoys surfing and snowboarding, but admits she could be better at both. She finds inspiration from people who dedicate their lives to teaching others.


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  1. I don't remember her looking that good.

  2. Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.


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