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Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Was The Biggest Deal in 2009? Call For Submissions

So, the end of the year is upon us, which means it is time for publications far and wide to create meaningless lists of the most important/silly/dumb/whatever events of the year. Because not all contributors to lg15today are bots with impeccable memories, we open the floor to you. What do you think are the biggest stories in the land of EQAL in 2009 (perhaps we'll do a 2nd list for webseries generally as well). Off the top of my head lots has happened despite the lack of any new original content directly from EQAL in 2009, including:

* Harper's Globe
* EQAL's decision to move away from creating original content
* Level 26
* EQAL's Polish series n1ckola
* The second TSIY contest, and Mason's win
* Mason remixes
* 2nd BreeFM Prom
* Resurrection of the old lonelygirl15 forum
* The first TSIY contest for EQAL, and the misunderstanding.
* The recent Meep Up/Party In the Breeniverse
* LG15: The Last
* Paula Deen
* Alicia Silverstone site
* The return of Maddison Atkins
* Jessica Rose appearing in webseries everywhere

So, whaddya think?


  1. * Harper's Globe
    - this was an interesting combination of TV and web series. While both were enjoyed separately CBS+Eqal could have done a much better job in providing an integrated experience. Marketing for HG on the part of Eqal once again exposed this as their biggest weakness as a company, even when they were handed TV commercial spots

    * EQAL's decision to move away from creating original content
    - seems like so long since TR ended. The interesting part here was the comment left by someone on LG15 Today that seemed to imply that Amanda had walked away from the community a long time ago. Without her drive and energy no one else at Eqal seems to be willing or able to pick up the baton.

    * Level 26
    - lot of fun comments about a dude in a condom. Interesting concept but it showed how difficult it is to redesign a genre/format.

    * EQAL's Polish series n1ckola
    - why not subtitles. Either Eqal does not have the rights to put out its own version or they just did not see any money in it.

    * The second TSIY contest, and Mason's win
    -TSIY is still a flawed concept in that it tends to divide the community rather than bring it together around a shared vision. The contest was fun and it will be great to see what Mason comes up with.

    * Mason remixes
    - these were really fun. It is great when something inspires the community and people start making videos again. We have always been about making videos and this was the type of spontaneous outburst that makes the community fun.

    * 2nd BreeFM Prom
    - fun as always but it probably did not live up to the first prom. Still a good event.

    * Resurrection of the old lonelygirl15 forum
    - it should never have been taken down in the first place. Duhhhh. What was Miles thinking?

    * The first TSIY contest for EQAL, and the misunderstanding.
    - Who knows what could have been. That said, The Last picked up the ball and ran with it. Way to go The Last.

    * The recent Meep Up/Party In the Breeniverse
    - This was really really really fun. It is always nice to see collaborative fan run projects and this turned out to be one of the best. Great promo videos and a lot of old faces, cast and crew. This is what we are all about but it would have been nice to see more new faces from the web series community at large.

    * LG15: The Last
    - epic

    * Paula Deen
    - seems to keep Greg pretty busy.

    * Alicia Silverstone site
    - seems to be doing well

    * The return of Maddison Atkins
    - The first short run of Maddison was truely epic and for those who were around when she died there will probably never be anything quite like that moment. Maddison 2.0 was a really imaginative way out of what had eventually become a complex situation for Maddison 1.0. It was well executed and won over much of the original fan base and added a few more. Excellent execution of an ARG.

    * Jessica Rose appearing in webseries everywhere
    - What seems to be missing is a series where Jessica has the lead role. It is time.

  2. The first known picture of 436 over Norway.

  3. the launch of Umbrella

    the web series world moving past EQAL

    In the Bedroom hitting 30 million and breaking into the top 100 (hasn't happened yet, but it should before the year is over)

  4. Misfits debacle by FAR. Final nail in EQALs coffin as far as I'm concerned.

  5. Jessica Rose was the star of Blood Cell and Sorority Forever.

  6. :):):)

    ...and the video Jess did with Taryn @ the motel.

    That was just epic..... well until the 436 got it.

  7. Venus Spa emerging as a web show to watch in 2010!!! :)


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