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Saturday, February 7, 2009

BROKEN - michiev

Music is royalty free :] [ccmixter.org]

6' - 002 Gotta Get Away

Where do you turn when home is not the answer? - Jeremy Williams

CLICK HERE to go to the website and read blog posts, decipher clues, and interact with the characters!


Twitter is a social networking site that is becoming all the rage lately with its easy way to keep up to date on people you are interested in. Happily, a lot of Guild crew/cast have Twitter accounts, and if you choose, you can follow them! We thought we’d provide a handy list for easy following. Happy Twittering! :)

The Guild: @theguild

Michele Boyd (Riley): @micheleboyd
Fernie Chien (Wade/Stunt Guy): @killa4
Felicia Day (Codex): @feliciaday
Amy Okuda (Tink): @amyokuda
Sandeep Parikh(Zaboo): @sandeepparikh
Jeff Lewis (AS Vork): @vork

Sean Becker (Director/Editor): @seanbecker
Matthew Brackney (credit animator/artist): @mastermatt111
Kim Evey (Producer): @kimevey
Edgar Garcia (Webmaster): @egspoony
Jared Hoy (Gaffer): @jaredhoy
Kenny Mittleider (BTS/Official Fan Podcast): @geekyfanboy
Jenni Powell (PA/Official Fan Podcast): @jennipowell
John Schmidt (DP): @johnschmidty
Andrew Gleason (VIP Extra/Location Provider): @andrewgleason


Elevator - A Familiar Face w/Laura Silverman

Harold can't place a face.

Knights of the Guild podcast

"Over in the right hand column there is a topic called “pages”. There are now three pages up. “About Us” where you get to know a little more info about the hosts of Knights of the Guild."


Friday, February 6, 2009

snow time... - escapefromhere07

once again lol

Trait Positive [Reminder] - adrieXskittars

The deadline is coming up soon! Have you submitted your video yet?

On the Road With Greg & Miles : Part III - InsideLG15

Greg and Miles throw cows and get their make-up done in Warsaw, Poland.

LG15’s Latest Drama: Losing Its New Pilot

Written by Liz Shannon Miller

"Both sides, as it turns out, were operating under a misconception with regards to the nature of the contest — which wasn’t legally a contest."

Read the full story: http://newteevee.com/2009/02/06/lg15s-latest-drama-losing-its-new-pilot/

TSIY 2.0 Plot Ideas on Anchor Cove

by milowent on Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:03 am

We now know (reaffirmed by Greg's chat earlier this week) that there will be a 2nd season of The Show Is Yours. This will give everyone a chance to submit their ideas that they didn't quite get around to the first time. In fact, its very possible they will get more submissions this go around, if The Last has any success.

So, feel free to share your TSIY 2.0 pilot ideas in this thread ....

Add your ideas on Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=1915

JEROMY BARBER visited BreeFM chat!

BreeFM: JEROMY BARBER the creator of highly acclaimed Maddison Atkins Series visited BreeFM chat
Click here to listen
Listen with your preferred player!
Join the IRC Chat!

Jeromy Barber is the creator of the Maddison Atkins ARG. He was born in Pasadena, Texas. After graduating from Baylor University, Jeromy moved to New York City as an actor. Jeromy formed his production company, 12th Street House, in 2005 in order to raise money for various feature film projects. In New York City, Jeromy stepped away from his career as a commercial actor to pursue making film projects of his choosing.

He teamed up with New Yorker cartoonist, Matthew Diffee, to produce his first short film "Walk" (starring "Arrested Development's" Tony Hale). Since, Jeromy has produced dozens of projects of various lengths, formats and budgets.

Most recently, Jeromy is writing and directing the Alternate Reality Game Maddison Atkins, a companion series to the Redearth88 storyline. Inspired by the relatively new cross-platform format of Alternate Reality Games, Jeromy is devoting significant energy to develop projects in this audience-immersive internet based genre of story telling. He currently resides in Nacogdoches, Texas, where the Maddison Atkins ARG is set.
On May 1, soon after the shocking deaths of Maddy and Adam, Jeromy posted a message on the lonelygirl15 forum offering to field any questions fans may have (ruling out questions relating to the plot). These may be viewed at Questions and Answers.


LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help

An interesting highlight from chat:

05:16 snl06 i remember maddison
05:16 snl06 that was a good show
05:16 jeromy me too
05:16 jeromy thanks
05:16 snl06 :D
05:17 snl06 is it over now?
05:17 jeromy depends who you ask
05:17 snl06 if i asked you, what would you say?
05:17 jeromy I would say, Depends who you ask
05:17 jeromy lol
05:17 snl06 hahaha
05:17 snl06 lol
05:18 snl06 Where is Clara these days?
05:18 snl06 How's she doing?
05:18 jeromy not sure
05:18 jeromy not really sure who that is
05:18 jeromy ;)
05:18 snl06 hehe
05:18 snl06 lol
05:18 snl06 since i was a n00b when i first joined
05:18 snl06 and I only knew a little about about Maddison
05:19 jeromy yeah?
05:19 snl06 I thought Marla was a fictional character, played by Marla
05:19 snl06 er
05:19 snl06 Maya*
05:19 jeromy now, Maya, I know
05:19 jeromy !!
05:19 snl06 and i didnt know that Marla was Maya's screename
05:19 jeromy She's great as far as I can tell

A miało być tak miło - N1ckola

For the official web site use the N1ckola link on the right menu

Translation by Mjuzz:

-Cat doesn't have food again?
-What happened?
-Nothing, i just cut myself..
-let me see...now you have a bloodstain on your shirt.
-Crap, it's a new shirt..Oh I don't know Daniel, is that really so complicated, i've begged you 6000 times to look after cat...that's so hard, huh?
-I forgot, I'm sorry...
-Ok, give me a break..
-Come on, I'm not doing it on purpose...
-That's probably gonna be messy for a few days...


This is creepy, especially at the end when somebody writes 'We need more, look for adult!!!' Hmmm...Any ideas?

For the discussion on Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewforum.php?f=58

If anyone want to make subtitled version here are instructions on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQOlc_JNqF4



"What's wrong with the Oscars, Miles Beckett?"

It’s nice that it’s a big ceremony and that there are big celebrities there. But I think that the important thing is that everyone can feel that they’re a part of that.


Alaskan Intervention - TheZarbodShow

Zarbods move to Alaska is not well received.

http://www.youtube.com/user/ Biblegirl7
http://www.youtube.com/user/ DameEdithDivine
http://www.youtube.com/user/ Doublebug1
http://www.youtube.com/user/ RockinDanceTeacher
http://www.youtube.com/user/ Greg Gallows
http://www.youtube.com/user/ MrTsBastardChild
http://www.youtube.com/user/ JohnTheRidiculous
http://www.youtube.com/user/ zqueenbean
http://www.youtube.com/user/ Riddle Spider
http://www.youtube.com/user/ Jenlight

Who Done it? - DrActionSoluna

I give some insight to who might have hacked Hayley's computer.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Animus Cross

Anchor Cove thread on Animus Cross

Two years after the end of the Civil War, darkness has
become a way of life in the Inland Northwest woods.
Evil lurks in every shadow and the small settlement of
Animus Cross stands in the middle of it all.

Episodes 1-4 are on the Animus Cross website. So far, episodes are posting on the 5th of every month, so Episode 5 will be coming March 5th if that holds true. Check it out.

Tubefilter article on Animus Cross.

Get Ready for Social TV and 3 Screen Video Packages

Instead, it would offer the same video service you get for the TV in your living room and include the same channels on your PC and mobile phone.


Catching up with The Burg: Is There Hope for Hipsters?

“Unfortunately, the emphasis on ‘millions of views no matter who the audience is’ will always put celebrity content and lowest common denominator over independent producers making smart content,” they explained.


Elevator - The TV Set w/Kev Jumba - ElevatorShow

Harold doesnt like the new elevator entertainment setup.

Purple Monkey (Kind of...) - hollishillis

Benny the Beluga Whale=Purple Monkey. He's way better anyway SO THERE!
Link to video I'm immitating.

Trait Positive [Contest / Character Analysis] - adrieXskittars


LOL. The video received an "All Time" honor. :D MY FIRST! Not for long though. After the winners are chosen, I'll clear out all the video responses. D:

Thanks to MapleTheory for extracting the maps for me! :D

Check back for daily updates!

I left out some things / need to clear out some things from the video. It was either because 1. I forgot them and thought of them now and 2. it didn't fit within the song. :D

- Submit your video until the deadline! Deadline: Saturday, February 07, 2009, 11:59PM PST. Anything submitted after that (Sunday, February 08, 2009, 12:00AM PST) will not be accepted.

- I won't be taking submissions from comments, messages, IMs, etc. Only through video responses!

- ONLY CHOOSE ONE PART YOU WANT TO BE! Don't choose all three parts or else the submission will be ignored. D:

- I won't judge your submission by how the video looks. What that means is that I could care less if your video's flashy. :P What matters is the character.

- I prefer the online version of Bannedstory. As long as I can load the Bannedstory code on the online version of Bannedstory, then it's fine. Make sure it's loadable. :D

- The name 'Elder' doesn't mean like an old person with a cane in the series. It's just the name of a high ranking in the Order. :P

- If you win, your name will be apart of the credits. In the video description, your name and YouTube channel will be shown.

- If you win, I'll message you and shat for contact information and if you have any questions about the series, concerns, etc.

- [02/03] If you can't put your code in the video description, it's probably because it's 3.0. If you can't, just message me with your code. Messaging me with your code will not affect your chances at all.

- [02/03] Everyone has a fair chance! I'm tempted to accept some people right off the bat! But everyone will have an equal and fair chance. Names will be chosen randomly for each character.

- [02/03] Don't feel discouraged if a certain number has tried out for a certain part. Just try out anyways! Who knows? You might win!

- [02/03]
Q. can we create more then one person for this contest? -pokerkid6
A. Only one character per person. Making numerous accounts will result in automatic disqualification.

- [02/04] Animation is NOT required when making your submission video. A simple video with just your MapleStory character is fine enough for me. Oh, and the BS code in the video description. :P

- [02/04] A PERSONALITY / HISTORY OF YOUR CHARACTER ISN'T NEEDED! The personality is really depended on what part you're playing. Watchers, for instance, are mysterious as someone apart of the Resistance are brave and outgoing. And Shadows are tough and strong but manage to keep their cool.

- [02/04] Don't message me asking to look at your submissions. x.o

- I'll let you know of anymore bullets. o:

PINK 24 In HD: Someone to Watch Over Me

Nates night takes a dangerous turn, as more than one man has his eyes on her.

Episode 25: Two Heads Are Better - The Hayley Project

I can't get wrap my head around this Morrison Peters connection and the email addresses. Something doesn't add up. I need to talk this one out.

On This Day In Lg15 History: Community Appreciation Week (Feb. 4-8, 2008)

One year ago this week, lg15.com featured fan videos as part of Community Appreciation Week. A total of 11 videos got coveted front page placement during the hiatus between Seasons 2 and 3 of Lonelygirl15, in 5 categories: Best Advice to a Character Video, Best Comedy Video, Best Video from an Independent Series, Best Music Video, and Best Spin Off Video. See the full list with links on LGPedia.

Micfranxon: The #1 Eternal Songs Of the Hymn Of One

Maddison Atkins: What Happened Today Part 2

On the Road With Greg & Miles : Part II - insideLG15

Greg and Miles deal with jetlag and meet the nice people at Agora who are producing n1ckola, the new LG15 series in Poland.

Coupon Time - 365daysofgoodness

Under Pressure - RutEarth29

Oh my goodness, I feel like a zombie. Last month my mom said that I walked in from the clinic with the bear and just crashed. She said they called last week to remind me that I had been vaccinated and that my immune system would probably crash like they told me it would at the clinic...at least they said they told me it would. I honestly don't remember anything past the doctor telling me to have a seat. But apparently I am cootie free, so woo hoo! Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm going to pass out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WHAT TIME IS IT?...Coverage of Glenn on BreeFM

Glenn, live on BreeFM @11pm EST, Wednesday.

This article was written live during the show. As such it may contain significant factual errors. Over time it is hoped that these will be corrected.

Glenn played the theme for " Three's Company" for the opening of the show which seemed fitting after last weeks show where he talked about John Ritter. In life any story is good when it comes down to one big misunderstanding. Normally it means you really messed up. People try to explain things like they are an episode in "Three's Company".

Last December Glenn said that "The Show Is Yours" contest seemed like too little too late because there used to be a lot of people in the community who would jump at the opportunity. Today a lot of those people are "professionals". However if someone came up with something great it would be a bonus for Eqal. It was explicitly clear they were not promising fans anything in return. People like to give Eqal a hard time, but it was clear because we all bashed the contest because they were not giving anything. Why would a professional want to do it? If someone did it for fun that would be cool. If they had done it two years ago there were a lot more people in the community who would have participated. Why not just do your own thing if you are not doing it for free? Now if you knew there was $2500 involved more people would enter the contest. A policy where you give nothing is one way to make sure "professionals" do not enter it.

We all know how things tend to shake out in this community. Why would this be any different? If things were going well they would not end. If you are an aspiring professional, why? Perhaps Glenn should have said something to Jenni. However it happened, Logan and Jenni appear to have gotten the wrong impression of what the contest was about.

Two weeks ago people were questioning if it was fair. That is why there was a runner up. This contest was intended for the community. It was not intended for former employees. If someone is willing to work for nothing why should Eqal object? If Mesh or Grant had wanted to enter and it was good, then why not?

Glenn is just talking about the situation, so if there was some misunderstanding The Misfits were probably just not paying enough attention. We all knew the deal. It seemed pretty clear what was going on with the contest and why it was a minefield of potential disasters. He is not defending Eqal. He is just pointing out that it is pretty clear what the contest was intended to be. Sometimes people believe things because they want to. We have all been guilty of that.

You can do an online series for nothing. Glenn has done it 3 times. It does not mean it is best for you. It will cost your soul and your tears. Max and Becki do their own videos for free. Exposure was supposed to be the prize. If you had something else going on why would you enter?

A year ago the world was a different place. Things were being funded by hedge funds. It totally disappeared with Bear Stearns. A year ago online video was ramping up nicely. Today it is Hulu.......there is so much good stuff for free. It is so much easier to do a commercial than "working in" something that is essentially irrelevant to the plot.

Glenn read the original draft for the Ice Breakers Sour integration video. 2 years ago that was an experiment. Today if you have a social network you can sell that. If you are just doing an online web series and posting it it Youtube.......not so much.

Glenn found it interesting that The Missfit statement said Logan made the decision. Jenni said there was a misunderstanding. Greg was upset because Amanda cried. It really was like an episode of "Three Is Company". Perhaps there was more going on than we know. Given the situation $2500 seems like a lot of money to turn down. Glenn understands that when your woman cries you do what it takes to fix it...... that is called a relationship. Most guys will do what it takes to calm you down.

Glenn just cannot see a situation where Eqal said privately they would fun a project if someone entered. If that happened it was a weird set up. If they were offered enticement to enter we are in quiz show territory. Companies mislead people all the time but, in this case what Greg said adds up. If there was inside information then it is entirely different but that does not appear to be the case. Glenn said that Greg sounded very sincere.

People have bones to pick with Eqal and they are coming out of the wood work. If just now your issues are coming to light it is pretty late in the game. Where have you been? If you are still around you are with it for better or worse. People love to tear down stuff on the Internet. Glenn's entire life, every time he's done something that's succeeded, there's always been at least one or two people who couldn't wait to try and tear him down. That is the nature of the Internet. If you try anything you are going to mess up an fail some of the time.....that is just then nature of things....... you just have to keep trying.

Glenn thinks Jenni Powell. is awesome. She is Glenn's longest friend in the community. They did two or three episodes of the hamster project that was never released. In working with her she has always been a sport. She has the best attitude of any professional he has worked with. Glenn is sad that things did not work out for her and he wished he had talked to her going into this. Glenn is the first to admit he has been in misunderstandings and he "gets it". Jenni is the type of person who cares about doing something cool that people like.

Glenn talked about how difficult the economy is right now and how LG15: The Resistance has not been able to get any funding. However somehow "anon" seems to think it should be easy for Glenn to produce RedEarth88. If you want to tear someone down tear down the guy with $5 million in venture capital.

Glenn will be back next week. Same place, same time.

Here is the archive of of stories from LG15 TODAY concerning Glenn's radio show on BreeFM.

Send questions to GlennFM@gmail.com


life - ThatFreakinRandy

this sums up life.
not really.
I just took a bunch of random clips from the Zi6,
edited some stuff together,
etc., etc.

what you should take from this:
there's nothing to do on YouTube.
so go to http://finalrequest.ning.com
and join the community.
there's a lot to do there.
typing like this:
it is really annoying
so I don't know why I'm doing it.

and the blurriness is not because of the camera.
I thought it would end up different
but then it just looked stupid
epic sorryz.

music: incompetech.com

Hacked road signs stir worry

Pranks involving electronic road signs stir worry


Research credit: ApotheosisAZ

Another Update ! - LG15Origins

We still need you to be in our series. So if you're interested PLEASE let me know ! If you want to know my views on the scandal here they are: I think it's ridiculous (sorry Jenny) that the misfits thought they would receive money for winning the contest. The contest was to PRODUCE your own pilot, and maybe they didn't know this but PRODUCERS pay for the entire production. So yeah i'm disappointed because The misfits was my second choice after FinalRequest, and i'm really not into the last right now...but I'll have to deal and hopefully they'll live up to expectations. Anyways, anyone else who entered TSIY, did you get you're autographed surprise ? EQAL never e-mailed me and i'm pretty upset, was I left out ? :(

The official OzGirl production blog launched


This blog is your access to the inner workings and behind the scenes shenanigans of OzGirl, Australia's largest social web show.

A Change is Gunna Come (mitchcontrol)

Grandma Gives everyone a little bit of insight, a blast from the past! Directed by Mitchell Wright, Story by Jackie Bennett.

Respect Online

In the last few days we have seen some very heated discussions. Some have been productive and we thank everyone who participated. Some have been controversial and done in the heat of the moment. We appeal to everyone to avoid personal attacks. Feelings might have been hurt, and we understand that, but that is no reason to attack individuals. So, if you have something to say, say it with L.O.V.E.


SUBSCRIBE to "respect online".

Było minęło - N1CKOLA

To visit the N1ckola web site use the link on the menu bar on the right of LG15 Today.

Mjuzz wrote:

-They won't call..
-They will, they promised after all...and if they don't, we will. That would be a shame to lose contact..
-You know I'm not talking about them.
-Could you stop?
-Yeah because it's none of my business, right? I can see how you react, just like now.
-Cool, great that we understood each other...
-Olka, but if you won't do this, then i finally will.
-Don't you even try!
-Honey but that's sick!
-{reads text}"Thank's for a nice evening, we had fun, once again best wishes, Rafał and Magda."
-Yeah that was a nice evening. Being with you is like living with some pipe bomb.{Looks at watch}There's already tomorrow in Poland.So it's already end of birthday...
Now you know you have to get in touch with your parents..

Here, can you enjoy now?
Tho i gotta say it again : it's not exact!! ;]
The title is a bit hard to translate it's more like "Was and passed"...i don't know i find it hard to translate lol.


Anonymous said...
home made subtitles for n1ckola

Statement From Jenni Powell Regarding TSIY

Dear Community,

I feel it necessary to apologize to you for the events of the past few days. Believe me when I say we went into this as fans. Our intention was to create a series worthy of Lonelygirl15, which we love. Due to a series of misunderstandings and miscommunications between The Misfits team and Eqal, the project simply fell through.

Every day in this town, writers and producers hand pilots to production companies in hopes of gaining their financial backing to create something worthy of their company name. That is what we thought we were entering into, and that is what we poured our passion into. We saw this as an opportunity to work with Eqal to create the next step in the Lonelygirl15 universe, and as such, we hoped Eqal would agree to fund the production in partnership. Eqal saw the prize of the competition as the opportunity to officially lend the Lonelygirl15 brand to our work, whereas, we saw the prize as a paying job we would love to work on. I wish Logan, Will, and I had all the money in the world, so we could produce whatever we wanted without worrying about finances. We simply misunderstood the purpose of the contest, and we regret having to have the matter cleared up this late in the game.

I know some of you are angered by what happened, and to you I truly do apologize. Many of you have become dear friends and you mean the world to me. My only wish moving forward is that we as a community can focus all our energy into supporting The Last team. Their pilot was amazing, and they deserve to get everything out of their victory. I apologize to them if this situation in any way diminishes their success. Our intention was never to take anything away from anyone, and if that becomes the case, I truly am sorry.

Very Sincerely,
Jenni Powell

How to Get the Perfect Suntan

Featuring Rachel Risen from The Haley Project. This is very umm educational.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

EQAL / LG15 Stickam Chat re TSIY (Feb. 3, 2009) (Part 1 of 4)

Audio from stickam chat with Greg Goodfried, COO of EQAL, Inc. and co-creator of Lonelygirl15, regarding "The Show is Yours" Contest (TSIY).

TSIY challenged fans of lg15 to submit their own pilots and treatments for a planned 8 week fan-created series to be featured on lg15.com. The winner, announced last week, was "The Misfits", with runner-up "The Last." On Monday February 2, 2009, EQAL announced that The Misfits team had decided to pull out, and that The Last would now be the featured show. Greg set up a stickam session (though his webcam never worked) on February 3, 2009, to respond to uproar in the lg15 fan community over the drama.

Essentially, it sounds like it came down to a misunderstanding between EQAL and TheMisfits over what level of funding (if any) EQAL would offer to assist the show. No explicit promise of financial support was mentioned in the contest rules, but subsequent conversations may have led to a misunderstanding.

EQAL / LG15 Stickam Chat re TSIY (Feb. 3, 2009) (Part 2 of 4)

See Part 1 for full information.

EQAL / LG15 Stickam Chat re TSIY (Feb. 3, 2009) (Part 3 of 4)

ETA:EQAL / LG15 Stickam Chat re TSIY (Feb. 3, 2009) (Last, Part 4 of 4)

Credit: special thanks to milowent of Anchor Cove for putting together this series of videos!!!!!!!!

Graduation Day - JessicaMorning (tC: A/A)

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way. -Dorris Lessing
In my absence I've learned the value of continuing education. You never stop learning.

The one where I get shot at. - lem0npeng1 (tC: WoW)


So, how was your weekend?

Mine. Oh, y'know, the usual. Went out for lunch, got my homework done...Oh, yeah, I got shot at by a damn assassin who's goal in life is to kill a handful of kids.

DAMN do I run like a girl.

Episode 24: Technical Difficulties - The Hayley Project

Somebody was watching us. NOT COOL. Thanks for everybody's support. Fortunately, Randy came over to help secure our Internet access.

The Guild, Episode 10: Socializing Sucks

Season 2 - Episode 10: Socializing Sucks
Season 2 - Episode 10: Socializing Sucks

Live Chat With Greg Goodfried (terminated)

::::: Eqal Stickam chat with Greg Goodfried at 4pm Pacific today (see below).

::::: Read the list of fan submitted questions for Greg Goodfried.

This article was written live and may contain substanitive errors. We hope to correct these over time. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of Greg Goodfried and or Eqal. but please remember this is only a best effort to provide an outline of what was said.

Greg apologized to the misfits for coming down on them too hard.

Their funding goes towards the company not the projects. They do not have resistance season 2 funding at the moment. They will be continuing, but the advertising market sucks in 2009. They want to harness the community's talent so TSIY was born.

They will help with logistics and donate equipment if they live in LA. The winner WILL BE WINNING SOME MONEY IN THE END....details later.

They debated selecting the misfits. The Poll on LG15Today was the breaking point on selecting The Misfits.

Banner ads may be visible on the site in time.

They were offered $2,500. Reaction was disappointing from Jenni's side. She wanted to submit a budget, hire producers and actors, etc. Amanda broke into tears because Jenni went out, she wanted more money. This is "not there fault(s)." They don't want to look like the bad guy. Greg was "pissed.' He wished they never submitted. The Last is "doing cartwheels" over the $2,500. He hopes to God we give The Last the support. They are going against state laws by not giving money. They wanted to surprise with the money.

He wanted the pilot winner to play it like they did in the beginning. Assumed he would do it with just friends and family. Thought that MaxterBexter were "sooooo cool" for keeping connected with the community.

All answers are in TOS... which they are not allowed to break. EQAL is a studio/comany that owns LG15 property. Owns the mythology. Owners of copyrights can make derivative works. The TOS reads that "The World" may make derivative works of the LG15 universe. Non commercial, new story, must be uploaded to LG15.com (link, etc.) Subject to the LG15 license given. "It's kind of like creative commons". LG15 isn't making any money off of the TSIY show. The winner still makes $2,500 anyway.

The "rude post" was so that the community can get a full answer. "Creative differences" would give an unclear answer.

The question for revenue sharing: "Absolutley"

Focusing mainly on TSIY 1 now. All for open collaberation with shows.

Copyrighted music was allowed in Pilot, Seth was giving a bunch of cleared music to the winner for the show. Again, lack of funding. When Obama fixes the Economy, the advertisers will be awesome and then they will finish LG15:TR.

TSIY is wanted to stay in the universe, keep same mythology.

Virgil (Joey) would work for free if he won TSIY.

Tech Developement is a hard thing. They have a team working on the website and forum functionality for new shows. "With the technology, you guys, please bear with us." Eqal is both a content / tech company. "The technology drives the content". We will have a very exciting year at EQAL.

They are trying there best towards a n1ckola translation.

100% of the other pilots were clear that they would not be receiving financial compensation. Assume when entering TSIY you will get no money.

"Razor thin decision is choosing The Last and The Misfits.

He like's their accents.

They are not behind CiW.

They are working on solutions. They cannot use phpBB due to site integration. One or two dedicated forum workers. He's not the tech-guy, he will learn about turning the phpBB back on.

He apologizes for being "rude," he was pissed and his wife was upset, but doesn't apologize for the abrasive clairification. EQAL will not stop with TSIY. Watching and learning about the pilots was "Magical"

Amanda's pregnancy is a super-secret.

He does not know about the runners up. He's leaving to go ask... Lot of support for Randy!"

"So guys, how'd I do? We all friends again?:"

No premier date for the last yet.

Working on translating n1ckola and an english site for lg15.com/n1ckola

Misfits is not canon.

He knows nothing about the italian market.

Working mostly on first person. Maybe more third person depending on n1ckola. Not their decision for third person for n1ckola.

"Aussie Aussie Aussie" "We are pumped to see what you guys do".

"Alright. That's it"



Thanks to Randy for kindly helping with this article.

Link to LG15: The Last pilot

Discussion on Anchor Cove

LIVE BLOG: Do you have a question for the chat with the creators?

Greg Goodfried suggested we come up with a list of questions. Leave your question below!

See Update - LG15: The Show Is Yours & greg said... and From LG15: The Misfits for background.

We now have confirmation via email from Eqal that the comments regarding a Stickam chat are from Greg so we can assume the Stickam chat will take place at 4pm Pacific later today!!!!

Join Greg Goodfried of Eqal, Inc in a Stickam chat at 4pm Pacific.

"I will be using the stickam account “eqal” for the chat at 4:00 pm. Thanks"

Source: insideLG15

Join the Eqal Stickam chat

6' - The Beginning of the End

This is my story now... - Jeremy Williams

LG15: Final Request

Big Plans... Sorta.

Well guys, it's Bailey again!

Thank you guys for letting me know about the Super Bowl. I should have expected my friends to trick me again. Well congratulations to Pittsburgh, than.

So I thought that I would let you all know a little bit more about who this Bailey person is. ;) Well I'm fifteen. I'm turning sixteen in March, though! I'm so excited! So I live in this random town in Texas. Nothing really happens here. We usually have to make our own fun. Recently we've been getting ice, so that calls for a lot of sliding down icy hills on trashcan lids! Shhh, though. My parents would kill me if they knew I was doing things like that! The town is also getting a lot of new things. I read an article in the newspaper about the plans to turn it into a "tourist destination." Like that's ever going to happen.

Yesterday was super boring as expected. I really wish I could of at least seen the game... that way I could maybe understand what my friends always talk about. Something about safety and a hundred yard score thing? Whatever. I still don't understand football. If anyone would like to explain the basics of football, I would absolutely love you forever! :)

So, I've been reading all of your comments, and I want to thank you guys so much for commenting. It's made me feel so welcome here! I can't wait to get to know some of you even more. You should all start blogging here on this site, too! That way we can all stay in touch.

Cat from the comment board asked me if I had any big plans for 2009. Actually, yes I do! Well... kind of. I'm not quite sure of how big it is, but my parents are sure excited about it. I'll keep you guys updated, but I've been in preparation for a while for something I was chosen for. And only me! I was selected special for something for church. I have no idea what it is, they have just been telling me that "it's very important, and I will know with time." I have no idea what that means, but I am so excited! Just to let you guys know, I am really into religion. And to be selected for this... it just blows my mind!

Well I'll keep you guys updated on everything! Thanks so much! :D


Respond to Bailey: http://finalrequest.ning.com/profiles/blogs/big-plans-sorta

From LG15: The Misfits

lg15themisfits: http://www.youtube.com/user/lg15themisfits

We regret to inform the community of LG15 that "The Misfits" will not be continuing.

It was ultimately Logan's decision to pull out of the project. In his words: "We were going to do it right or not at all."

With the lack of resources presented to us, we felt that we could not give you the best possible show. We will tell you that big names in the web video community were lining up to be on our show, and it is unfortunate that we cannot bring together this high-powered concept to reality.

Don't worry, though. We are moving ahead. We hope that, when our new projects come to fruition, you come along with us on the ride!

We'll keep you in the loop - we promise.

LG15: The Misfits on LGPedia.

LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help

Monday, February 2, 2009

greg said...

Note: we do not currently have verification this this comment came from Greg Goodfried. Perhaps it should be posted on insideLG15 since that if the official LG15 blog.

In response to Update - LG15: The Show Is Yours

greg said...
Hey everyone,

We understand that many of you are disappointed and so are we. But please understand that we did not mean for this to happen. When we created the pilot process we did not mention anything about financing the pilots.

We imagined that you, the community, would submit shows like lonefox, the facility, the coalition . . . shows that many of you are already doing for fun as a creative outlet in your spare time. We never imagined that at any time any applicants would be "giving up their day job" or produce a show that would take up their whole life. We imagined this as something that many of the talented creators in this community were already doing in their spare time, after school, or on the weekend and that your production teams would be made up of family and friends (just like we were in the beginning).

We only asked for two videos per week (16 total) because we knew from experience that this could be done over a couple of weekends. This was never intended to be a full time job/commitment for the TSIY winning producer.

When we saw The Misfits, we expected that they got the actors and other friends to participate for the exposure. We expected that they would take a couple weekends and shoot a bunch of videos - just like we used to in the early days.
We never expected to be asked for money as we never promised giving money for the productions.

I think that all of the other pilot contestants did not think they were getting financing. If I am wrong, I apologize, but we were NEVER asked by any of the entrants if we would finance any of the shows. I know for a fact that LG15: The Last didn't expect financing. We tried to set up a cool experience for producers who before TSIY were making shows without any promotion. We wanted to take one of these shows, or a new show, and give it great promotion.

If it will help mend wounds, I would be happy to do a live chat with everyone and answer as many questions as you have.

The last thing we want is to upset anyone.

Also, with all that being said, we are REALLY excited to watch LG15: The Last and we hope that you will support them as much as you would have supported The Misfits.



Greg said...
OK. Tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific time on stickcam.

Please collect any questions you guys may have and I'll answer everything I can.


"6 degrees" will premiere tonight on both http://www.youtube.com/everyonesconnectedtv and http://www.facebook.com/wall.php?id=51393926524#/pages/6-degrees/51393926524?ref=nf. Each character will have their very own facebook pages in which the community can interact and even change the course of the storyline. Only one character has been announced thus far:
JEREMY WILLIAMS, AGE 14, DHARMA RHODE CA (Click on information to view Facebook)
You may send any of our characters messaged, pictures, and videos in order to develop further ideas into their own individual decisions.
The series is represented in daily video blog and text blog format (including regularly updated pictures and puzzles). We have an overall basis for the storyline, however it is up to you, the community, to sway our characters (who are percieved as real everyday people living in our world) on what their next move shall be.

Update - LG15: The Show Is Yours

"There have been a few changes to “LG15: The Show Is Yours” and we will now be featuring “LG15: The Last,” the talented group from Sydney, Australia. We are SO excited about the new cast of characters, international location, and story that “LG15: The Last” will bring to the LG15 Universe. We are confident that with their amazing creative concept, ingenuity, and community participation, “LG15: The Last” will be AWESOME!!!

This change was brought on by “The Misfits” production team’s decision to back out of “LG15: TSIY.” The production team incorrectly believed that EQAL was going to fully finance their show even though we made it very clear in the rules that we were not going to finance the chosen pilot. This project is about giving you, the community, a chance we never had – a platform to showcase your talent and gain experience and exposure. This was never about financial reward, but rather an opportunity for the best community show to be featured front and center on LG15.com and to become part of the ever expanding canon. In our minds, and the other producers who submitted pilots, this is a fantastic opportunity.

So please join us in welcoming The Last to the LG15 Universe and we hope that you embrace their show with same passion and fervor you have shown us."

Source: insideLG15

The Last on YouTube

Leave a comment and let us know what you think about this change in plan.

Discussion on Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=52&p=12743#p12743

Power - 626973686f70 (theCoalition)

Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

~Friedrich Nietzsche

Visit theCoalition

Hollywood Web Television Meetup

This month’s Meetup we’re featuring none other than you, the amazing creators who are at the heart of the web television community. So, instead of a panel this month, we’re putting together a screening of web series episodes from members of the Meetup community.That means we need your submissions! Here’s the catch, you have to come to the Meetup to be part of the screening. To submit your series, just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch about including it in the lineup.


Inny świat - N1ckola

From Anchor Cove:

Re: 2009.02.02 Inny świat [Another world]
by Mjuzz on Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:54 pm

Okay, here's a quickie, so there may be some mistakes, that's not exact translation as always and stuff..
-Listen i didn't know what's going on with that light, i thought there's something wrong happening
-Because it was a whole complicated operation
-yeah like in CIA
-but we didn't have to convince your boss for long
-oh you awful conspirator
-and by the way your boss is totally easy-goin'{he's pretending him then}
-ooh, good afternoon!
-oh was it Rafał? Poles are as common as dogs in London, huh?
-Oh, come on, i was 'playing my role'
-So, we're here
-Here's our house
-Listen, we met today in kinda extraordinary circumstances, so maybe we'll hang out at some party at our home?
We would play in that monopoly..
-Ha, I knew you're gonna like it
-yeah, you totally suprised me!
-We would love to come by, but we're getting back to Poland tomorrow, and we came here just for couple days to do sightseeing..
-yeah we have a job and family in country..
-You know how it is..
-but hey, we can always exchange numers, just in case, so we can meet sometime..
-yeah sure, it's not the end of the world, maybe it's just half of it
-yeah, here's our card..
-Oh Wałbrzych..
-I know, "one big hole"? Naah it's not that baad, they just show it's poor in movies and stuff..{here he talks what do they say bad about wałbrzych[a city]}
-No,no that's not the point, i know Wałbrzych, my parents live there..



Elevator - EWF Grudge Match w/Mr. Safety

Mr. Safety's grudge match with Jacob backfires.


Extra Sheetz Show

I will be doing an extra show on Monday Feb 2nd at 8pm due to teh Superbowl. Come check it out!

DJSheetz <3

Click here to listen
Listen with your preferred player!
Join the IRC Chat!

Hopeful's favorite Super Bowl Commercial

hopeful's favorite Super Bowl Commercial


Take the Superbowl poll!!!!!!!

LG15: RP


02 February 2009 @ 06:10 pm
A Change of Plan
They might know. I fear they're changing location. This, however, provides an opportunity.

Bree, I need to speak to you soon.

31 January 2009 @ 08:20 pm
The Stage is Set
I was able to sabotage things for yesterday's ceremony. Lauren isn't dead, not yet, and I don't think they realise I was the saboteur yet either.

The Hymn of One is a LIE, a cover for the murdering ORDER. Watch the lonelygirl15 videos. Watch the KateModern videos. Do so before it's too late, because the Order is hard at work destroying all that evidence.

I only managed to delay the ceremony by a week. It's happening Friday, and security is going to be tight. At least this gives us time to prepare though.

I won't be fooled any longer. Elder Ryvest, what comes around goes around. Now the time for going around has arrived


See also: http://alexialee.livejournal.com/1507.html

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Ten Commandments of Twitter

These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly.



6' is an all new online social show premiering soon exclusivley on Facebook and it's official website.
A group of unidentiied strangers across the world are brought together under interdefining means in order to stop a catastrophic worldwide apocolypse before the event ever actually occurs.
A social show is a new fictional series format in which characters of the development not only post in game video blogs, pictures, and texted documents, but also own their own online accounts in which fans from around the world can message one another and carry out a variety of in game conversations. It is, in a way, a full on universe living within the boundaries of what we call our world. The mission of a social show is to work indeaverously to blend aspects of all creation, bluring the lines between what is fiction and truely a reality.

Hollishillis Mocks Lonelygirl15 Again

Oh fun times =]

IT -- New Beginnings - Zarbod

Zarbod presents...the new format for the show.

New Shows will be moving to the new channel below. It's like the old channel except this way I get paid..maybe.


Copyright Tips

From YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/t/howto_copyright

LG15: Final Request

Who Even Understands the Super Bowl?
Posted by Bailey on February 1, 2009 at 3:30pm
Send Message View Bailey's blog
Hey you guys! It's Bailey again. :)

Thank you all so much for actually reading my last blog post. I'm surprised there are people out there who actually want to read this! I loved the comments some of you guys left me. I'm pretty confident that 2009 will be better now. :)

Also I kind of want to talk a little bit more about my parents. Some of you said they were going through a stage of over protection, but I'm not so sure about that anymore. This year, they aren't even letting me go to a super bowl party! What's up with that? It's a tradition that I always go to my friends party. I guess that's different now.

So right now, I am having just an amazing amount of fun, sitting here, watching the broken TV. We called a repair man to come and fix the TV a while ago. It broke whenever my baby cousin pulled the cord out. Common sense starts early in my family, I guess.

So someone can fill me in on who wins. I don't really care, but I like to be in the loop. I never understand whats going on in football anyway. Last year, my friends wanted to mess with me, so they told me that the Patriots won after the game. I fell for it, me being the goof I am.

So what are your Super Bowl memories? Any big parties? What about this year? Any huge plans? I'd really love to know. :)

So that's about it for today. I have no clue how today is really going to turn out. We don't even have any chips and dip! How can you have no chips and dip on Super Bowl Sunday?

Thanks again for listening. You guys are great. :)


UPDATE: Yay! My friend just texted me. The Cardinal's won!



W00t! FIRST!!!! Is back! Not much to report this time, as n1ckola has only just gotten started, however, we give you the rundown on what's been going on.

N1ckola: http://www.n1ckola.pl/
Final Request: http://finalrequest.ning.com

Also remember:

3rd Triad on LGPedia

3rd Triad is a web series created, written and directed by LG15 community member, Redearth88 assistant editor and BreeFM station owner, Mike Frankson. Aside from vlogs, 3rd Triad also brings third person perspective to the story of Nemarous and his assignment Kendra, through the eyes of Pops, Nemmy's boss.

Read more about 3rd Triad: http://www.lg15.com/lgpedia/index.php?title=3rd_Triad

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