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Saturday, March 14, 2009


i know im a dork for sayin that but its the truth



Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/HayleyQ17

Follow HayleyQ17 on Twitter!!!!!!

Follow Supersam73 on Twitter!!!

New Day For Advertising and Public Relations Agencies from SXSW

I caught up with Brian at the Bloggers’ Lounge at SXSW that TechSet was sponsoring and he told me about the geek culture of TechSet and how it is changing what advertisers, marketers and public relations agencies are changing because of social media.


Top Ten Hottest You Tube Women

Watch more at http://www.theyoungturks.com

Harper's Globe was posted as a response to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIlbiTyq2yQ

The Black Dawn: Episode 6 (web series)

Forced into a corner, Lee reveals what he knows about how widespread the plague is, casting a darker shadow over their present situation.

Relationship Advice - TheZarbodShow

Relationship Advice

Joss Whedon: Dollhouse Is about to Get "Stronger" and "Pretty Intense"

Calling his latest creation's first episodes mere "baby steps," Joss Whedon is getting the word out that from Episode 6 on, Fox's Dollhouse will be an extra-compelling place to visit.


REVIEW: “True Believer” raises bar for Dollhouse


In stark contrast to some of the show’s other episodic guest stars, Bloom delivers as the nervous yet confident leader of the cult.


Tomorrow Never Knows Episode 1 - StrikeTV

Peter Hyoguchi's new sci-fi puppet show.

Bell's Back - vertumnalia (theCoalition)

She showed up at the door with something in her hand.
We've lost touch with Sean. If anyone has heard from him please let us know.

Visit theCoalition

About A Boy... - supersam73 (Samantha Chronicles)

his is the story of why I'm leaving Ohio. Enjoy.

I See You... - DangerousWreck (HG)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - Never look behind you. Just keep pretending youre safe.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Webseries Down Under - milowent

A tribute to the up and coming webseries from Australia that are taking over the Internets - Lg15:The Last and OzGirl.

Buying Tim-Tams from a man in Sydney
The Opera House was right next to me
I said, "Your webseries is a hit!"
He just smiled and gave me an Anzac biscuit,
And he said,

"We come from a land down under
OzGirl and The Last, and they'll be others
Can't you hear, can't you hear alarms clang!
You better run, we're throwing boomerangs!"

Execs lying in an office in L.A.
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
They say "these aussies, so full of tricks!
Its because they're all ex-convicts!"
And EQAL said,

"Webseries from the land down under?
Hot chicks with accents, make us purr
They've stolen all of our best bits!"
That's really why EQAL dumped the Misfits!

Oh! Webseries from the land down under?
won't even notice they've taken over!
Can't you hear, can't you hear them laugh at me!
Far away, watching within cooee!

Webseries from the land down under?
Is Bree there too, sometimes, I wonder!
Crack open another V.B.!
They're invading our screens, these crazy aussies!


Thanks to Mathieas for photoshop skills
And PJ for the animated Last pic
And to Australia


Friday, March 13, 2009

My Interview With Kristen Stewart - hollishillis

I will not defend anything I say or do because no matter what (even though this video has NOTHING to do with Twilight, just the way Kristen Stewart handles interviews) there will be several little girls yelling at me saying "shut up slut ur juss jeluos dat she gits 2 make out with rob and u dont ur gay!"
I welcome these.

Harper's Globe Worldwide.....

Miles says....

"Thanks everyone, glad you are enjoying the show. We should have the video issues fixed. If you can't see the videos outside of the US, let us know because they should be viewable EVERYWHERE. Also, these are the "Daily Posts," the first episode will be up on March 18th. You can learn more about how to watch the show here."

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

A message to all members of OzGirl

Sadie is under considerable stress due to recent events. As such the two cameramen involved in this week's incident have been fired due to the time it took them to respond to the situation.

Sadie has requested that we stop filming her for 2 weeks so as to allow her to recuperate. She feels the pressure of being in front of the camera all the time is slightly overwhelming.

OzGirl will return with Episode 10 on March 30th! Stay tuned for more videos and updates between now and then.

Visit OzGirl at: http://ozgirl.tv

Streamy Awards: Official Nominees Announced!

Where else can you get a heated race between Lisa Kudrow and Felicia Day, or Rosario Dawson and Jessica Rose, or how about Tay Zonday and Eva Longoria Parker?


The Seventh Circle

A WorldFiles Event at theCoalition.

Beginning Monday, March 16th, the WorldFiles will feature one video a day for 7 consecutive days and when it's over...

Nothing will ever be the same.

Visit theCoalition

I WAS ON A BOAT! (Eight Minute Cruise Video! Watch at Your Own Risk!) - OrangeKeekat

Cruise to Mexico.

I Sleep on the Bottom- Robin (HG)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - Sparky has been kind enough to let me stay at his house. In his basement. Oh yeah, living the dream!

Music Credit: Little Jinder - Polyhedron (Aumenaire Remix)

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Third, and Bloody, Harper's Island Postcard


No LG15 this year - at SXSW?

Anon has pointed out this was in response to: @1timstreet (at actual @ was @1timstreet1, which is a dead link but we assume this was a typing error)

"@ggoodfried you are such a grown up. How come Harper's Island is not at sxsw?"

From Twitter

"@1timstreet1 No LG15 this year, too much to do with launching @Harpers_Globe/www.harpersglobe.com'

Greg Goodfried'



Some of you have asked how I got the job, and how I got here. Truth is, I don’t really know. A letter arrived in the mail, I read it, next thing I know I’m on this Island.



Sparky has been kind enough to let me stay at his house. In his basement. Oh yeah, living the dream!


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.


Hi, first let me introduce myself, my name is Rachel and I'm one of FOX 7's web producers and I'll be offically attending SXSW interactive festival for the 2nd year in a row and attending SXSW in general for the fifth year in a row.



You can never tell - N1ckola

Dalej według planu

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

13 weeks, 25 suspects, 1 murderer on Harper's Island... Suspect everyone

The series takes a step beyond television at www.GlobalTV.com with an
exciting lineup of multi-platform features that allow fans to further explore
this one-of-a-kind murder mystery experience.




For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Urgency - Chas (LG15: The Last)

Who's paranoid now?!

"Chopin Etude Op.10 No.12" by Berrycomposer
"Space Blues" by Gizmogeeks


Should this transmission be trusted? How do we know its not the Order sending us on some wild goose chase? We can't trust anything we see..they may be telling us this so we don't go and find Jayde in QLD and so they can take her...I'm so scared! I don't know who or what to trust anymore..these ideas float around in my head and I can't help thinking what if?!

I totally agree with you femaleprodigy to the extent about who can you trust..but I've been with Mitch for just over a year now and i really do trust him and i love him alot. Toni, yeah she's a new friend but she is in danger too, she has no reason to lie to me, I want to protect her, she is going to get Jayde for us so thats a good thing. Separate we are vulnerable, together we are strong and can defy the Order

For more links to LG15: The Last visit our LG15: The Last blogspot portal page.

Join The Globe - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - Hey everyone. Just getting HarpersGlobe.com up and running, wanted to tell you about it and show you around the office.

Music: Ryan Lindsey - "Open Late"

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Harper's Globe updates News archives

Via twitter

Harpers_GlobeWe've updated the News Archives section of our site. Thanks to @RobinMatthewsHG. Some interesting things in there. http://twurl.nl/8nd3cl
Read the stories here

John Kemp, head of the Harper’s Island Tourist Board wants “visitors to enjoy the grand nature our island provides, and also enjoy the beauty of our town and its history.”

Swamp Penguin - lem0npeng1 (theCoalition)

I made it to the swamp. No sign of Bob or Sean just yet.
Nope, not yet. Not...yet...nope...

Visit theCoalition

Hulu gets social

"The Web site, a joint venture between General Electric Co.-owned NBC Universal and News Corp., launched “Hulu Friends” which integrates functions from social networking sites MySpace and Facebook, as well as e-mail providers Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail, and allows users to see what their friends are watching, share new videos and leave notes for each other."


Walking Hard - Fallen Angel

I am going to build a formitable team to go and get Angel. I WILL find her and we Will get her back! If you want to help respond to me through video response, comment, or personal message. I am going to kill that bastard. - James

Harper's Globe: Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS: @RobinMatthewsHG will be releasing her first video tonight to the community at www.HarpersGlobe.com. (#Harper's)

Source: Twitter

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Episode 33: Missing - The Hayley Project

Maybe there's a chance that someone saw Hayley when she was being abducted. But there's got to be a better way to figure this out than Lexi's "bright" idea. - Slade

Zamiana - N1ckola

Mówiłem, że to się nie opłaca...

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

‘Blood Cell’ Scores WB.com, Jessica Rose Thrills Again

The horror-thriller web series has found a home on Warner Bros.’ online network TheWB.com for release later this year.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MTV Orders Up ‘Private High Musical’

Creator and star Taryn Southern will produce the new pilot, which is still in pre-production.


WHAT TIME IS IT?...Coverage of Glenn on BreeFM

Glenn, live on BreeFM @11pm EST, Wednesday.

The Creators of LG15: The Last on GlennFM!! - on BreeFM !!!!

Glenn said that LG15: The Last is community involvement the likes of which we have not seen for quite some time. You can either ask a question in the BreeFM chat room or e-mail it to glenn at glennfm@gmail.com. LG15: The Last is off to a really good start. Glenn is impressed by it and he enjoyed the pilot and the teaser trailer. With a crew from Australia,LG15: The Last is expanding the globalisation of the Breeniverse.

While waiting for The Last, Glenn tried an impromptu PSA based on something that happened to him the other night. The message was to talk about culinary safety. Take the seeds out of the peppers if you want to lower the heat but wear protective gloves because the inside of a pepper can cause chemical style burns. If you do get anything on your skin wash it very, very carefully to prevent a burn.

Andrew Strouthos
Catherine Williams
Emily Rose Robinson
Samantha Carr

Sam, Em, Cat and Andrew are all present.

Sam: was a closet LG15 fan. She got into the show after Bree was found to be fake...around the time of Sarah and Jules.

Andrew: studying media at the moment.

Sam: TSIY - saw the post and ran to Andrew and told him that he had to do it. Then she ran to Em for help writing. Then Cat joined and they all got involved. Andrews dining room has become a production office. Since Australia is smaller in terms of population they decided there would be 5 trait positive girls.

The production cycle was very quick for the pilot. It took 3 days to upload to get the right video quality. They wanted to push the Australian thing because it had not been done before.

They had to look up some things to make sure they were getting everything right. They did not figure they were going to win.

When The Misfits was announced as a winner and The Last was also anounces as a runner up they were blown away. Then it turned into this.

After the teaser was posted it got peoples attention. They wanted to do something great. The had to rewrite scripts because of what happened with The Misfits. The atmosphere and the idea are there but some of it had to be staged.

They are about three quarters way through production. It has been hectic. It is very organic. It helps that the actors are also helping write.

Eqal, Inc. has given a lot of help and they are in constant contact with Amanda. The have been given free reign provided they check in with the ideas.

They are spending the $2500 on getting to location, make up, and camera equipment. They are shooting with a Canon AHX1 and a Sony HD, 1080i interlaced.....and put into progressive for you tube.

They had been looking into doing a web series and when this came up it was perfect. They pick up character influences from friends and family.

LG15: The Last is about 5 trait positive girls. Glenn asked about Cassie!

They had watched a few of the community video series. They love the way the community revolves around LG15. They wanted to remind people that they are "the community".

They are located in Sydney near the opera house.

Glenn used to watch the UK show "Coupling" and discovered that Australia was founded by convicts. Australia "started" as a British colony and they sent the convicts there.

There are not a lot of Australian web series. They mentioned "OzGirlTV". The USA is a huge exporter of entertainment properties so it is hard to compete. They talked about how the Internet helps find shows from other cultures.

What do they like online: The Guild is awesome. Evil Guana productions is very good. A lot of youtube stuff. Zeitgest (Cat is obsessed with conspiracy theories).

What TV do they like: Dexter, House, CSI, Gossip Girl, Friends, Heroes, Sex In The City. They are very much behind the USA. They can be as much as two seasons behind.

They talked about all the international versions of The Office.

Beyond The Last?: there is a competition to do an "ad" that they hope to do as a project together. There have been so many contests over the past year. They are very open to a season 2 of LG15: The Last. They are sad that they are getting to the end of producing season 1. They are thinking of how they can leave it open ended.

Will there be a 12in12?: They signed an NDO so they cannot disclose. Just watch. There will be announcements leading up to it.

Glenn was amused by the last name Sarah now has. He never really thought about the characters last names.

The Last team has been pressed for time but it makes them more creative. They would love longer than 8 weeks but they think they have a great 8 weeks planned.

They thanked PJ for the caricature drawings

Because they are in Australia the potential for a live event is limited. They do plan some live chats with characters. You might get to meet Chas.

They loved Sarah being a double traitor TWICE in LG15: The Resistance. They love that Danielbeast is back and look forward to a new season of LG15: The Resistance. They like Karl and Terrence.

Their favorite vids: Bree and Daniel. The torture videos. Jonas and Jennie hooking up. They like the controversy. They did some background research in the beginning but now they just turn to Sam with questions since she has watched the entire thing.

They love how fans defend their videos. They love the song Milo did on Anchor Cove.

Shout outs: Mitchcontrol and the people on LG15.com. They love the support from the community and are quite blown away. Keep watching. This week is a bit slow but there is some really exciting stuff as it picks up. They try to show different parts of Australia.

Glenn gave a big thanks to LG15: The Last for the skype conference interview. Everyone enjoyed a great chat with LG15: The Last in the BreeFM IRC chat room after the interview. Jeromy of Maddison Atkins and Jenni Powell also joined the chat so it was a really amazing and fun community reunion. Please give this great community series your full support. There stuff is awesome!!!!

Here is the archive of of stories from LG15 TODAY concerning Glenn's radio show on BreeFM.

Send questions to GlennFM@gmail.com


LG15: The Dark Knight Part 3

What did they call me at Internal Affairs Gordon?

Follow Robin Matthews of Harper's Globe on Twitter

http://twitter.com/RobinMatthewsHG <===

Hometown Press Inc. is proud to announce the hiring of Robin Matthews as Community Manager for the recently launched www.HarpersGlobe.com.


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Harper's Island Social Network?

Ok, so now apparently viewers need instructions one how to watch and participate. Ambitious yes, but already my head hurts. Check out the first screamy video entry below.


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Łatwo poszło - n1ckola

Ktoś przy niej jest

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Paranoid Past -Mitch (LG15: The Last)

I really didn't want it to come to this...

Author's Note: Please give this video some meeping love on youtube. The Last deserves it!

Mitch is the one person that Chasina confides her fears in when she recieves the news that she has trait positive blood. However, he is less inclined to believe this, and writes the whole subject off as one of her over-reactions. However, he later realizes how convinced Chas is of the conspiracy, and promises to accompany her.

Mitch on lonelygirl15 LGPedia.

LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help

For more links to LG15: The Last visit our LG15: The Last blogspot portal page.

There's a secret in the Harper's Globe Trailer....

From Harper's Globe's twitter
There's a secret hidden in the trailer...can you find it? http://tinyurl.com/cbx6h4

Can anyone see anything? I asked about words that flashed quickly and was told to think bigger.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holly Dances and Attempts to Make a Vlog - hollishillis

Buy The All-American Rejects album When The World Comes Down in stores now!!!
It's really good! I can't explain it!!!
Please no pervy comments, I was too lazy to put on jeans after a long day off, so deal with my short shorts maturely for God's sake!

The Mustn'ts Live Streaming Concert On BreeFm!

On Wednesday March 18th Starting 6 PM PST and ending 8PM hop over to Breefm.blogspot.com to catch the special live concert by The Mustn'ts.

The Musn'ts are the folk duo of  Vicki Tippit and Jeromy Barber (creator of Maddison Atkins) .

It's sure to be fun! (Someone request Jeromy to cover Womanizer by Britney Spears, I hear it's to die for.)

LG15: The Dark Knight Part 2

So Jonas, wanna know how I got my scars?



A one day 12in12 event. Stay tuned for details...

The Creators of LG15: The Last on GlennFM!!

Glenn, live on BreeFM @Wedneday 11pm EST.
Stream is:

There will be an interview with The Creators of LG15: The Last on the air & people can submit questions via the BreeFM chatroom.

Send questions to GlennFM@gmail.com

LG15: The Last behind the scenes on LGPedia

LG15: RP

Emma Wharton.

Yay. I get out of school tomorrow!
I'm going to go ahead and tell you guys about my surprise.
I'm traveling.
I'm not saying where, because The Order is everywhere.
It's going to be so fun to see my parents.
It's been so long since I've seen them, ya know being at boarding school and all.

Alright, I'm going to do some homework and something social.


Emma Wharton.

Heyyyy guys.
Guess what
That was my big surprise
I came home for spring break.
oh my goodness it feels so good to be home
i've missed everything.
mom is cooking like this huge dinner tonight for my homecoming.
i am so jet lagged though and this whole time change thing is getting to me.
i'm going to go take a nap and maybe that'll help


Ice Storm Ramblings - kaitlynisaacs (theCoalition)

"That which lies on the border of the seen and unseen, is that which unsettles the mind the most."

Visit theCoalition

Pink 29 In HD: About A Boy

Nate takes on her first assignment and makes a new enemy.

Iditarod 2009 - TheZarbodShow

Zarbod goes to the Iditarod in Anchorage Alaska

Taco John's: Behind the Scenes - MaxterBexter

MaxterBexter wreaks havoc on the set of Max's Taco John's Commercial!

P.S. The thumbs-up guy is Grady Cooper, the director

Call Me Toni - Antonia (LG15: The Last)


I did some research we need to find out where this girl lives, it's important!

Berrycomposer -

- Chopin Prelude No. 4
- Chopin Etude Op.25 No.9
- Chopin Aeolian Harp
- Chopin Mazurka Op.68 No.2
- Chopin Nocturne Op.15 No.2
- Chopin Raindrop Prelude

For more links to LG15: The Last visit our LG15: The Last blogspot portal page.

Antonia Moore is a character in the LG15: The Last video series. In surveillance footage obtained by an associate of Lucy, she is seen walking around what appears to be a college campus. Little is known about her, as the spy was unable to get very close to her.

Antonia on lonelygirl15 LGPedia.

LG15: The Last behind the scenes on LGPedia

LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help

Eqal, Inc. promotes Harper's Globe on Lonelygirl15

http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=lonelygirl15 <===

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Umowa - N1ckola

wtorek, 2009.03.10, 12:02

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Ooh, Teaser For Harper’s Globe Looks Spooky

In addition to the original Web video series, there is also a forum, a social network to interact with the cast, and news from Harper’s Globe, the island’s fictional newspaper run by editor-in-chief Sparky Mackle.

EQAL raised $5 million in April, 2008.

For More click the link : http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/03/10/ooh-teaser-for-harpers-globe-looks-spooky/

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

New Harpers Globe picture

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Monday, March 9, 2009


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

I was bored...

So tell me something Jonas...


The paradise known as Harper’s Island is endowed with wonderful natural beauty and alive with history. Reachable by a Washington State ferry in the summer season and a water taxi during the off-season, exquisite accommodations and amenities await you on the island.


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.




For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

« Six Minutes to Midnight: Watchmen goes interactive (sort-of) The rift between ARGs and interactive storytelling

But when the crowd of seasoned ARG players takes notice, there seems to be a desire from the player perspective for something more.


Episode 32: Dysfunctional Duo to the Rescue - The Hayley Project

Someone has to continue this investigation. Hayley needs our help. Now if only Lexi doesn't kill me first.

- Slade

Jenn 2.0 - STRIKEdotTV

Pilot - "Time"
Jenn will question her understanding of time. Both challenged and rewarded by the immediacy of the Internet, will this day all fall into place?

LG15: The Last, Updates to LGPedia, and Harper’s Globe

From insideLG15:

"I hope you are all as excited as I am about the launch of LG15: The Last! The trailer looked awesome and the first episode was really great. The team in Australia is working hard to produce an amazing show for the LG15 community to enjoy so we hope you will all show your support by watching it and rooting them on.

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but Greg and I and the entire team at EQAL have been super busy gearing up for the launch of some exciting new projects. As you all know, we’re rapidly approaching the launch of Harper’s Globe, which will run in conjunction with CBS’s new show, Harper’s Island. HarpersGlobe.com will be hosted on the latest iteration of our software and will offer a ton of new features that I think you’re all going to be very excited about. The show page, profile pages, and forums have a received a MAJOR overhaul and will make it much easier for you to enjoy the show and discuss with your friends.

Despite this, we haven’t forgotten about the LG15 community. We can’t “flip a switch” and upgrade LG15.com, but we’ll be working rapidly to upgrade the database schema to match the new framework and re-launch LG15.com with the new features. That’s right, all the features you see on HarpersGlobe.com will make their way to LG15.com in the near future. Finally, I know that it’s been tough for Zoey to run the LGPedia without a lot of help, and it’s particularly frustrating for me because I love using it as a resource. We don’t have someone inside the company dedicated to the job, but we’re very fortunate to now have user “FH14″ (Andrew IRL) who will work with Zoey as an admin on the LGPedia. We’ve spent some time thinking about the best way to run the LGPedia and have prepared a mission statement to guide admins and community editors to make it the best resource for all members of the LG15 community:

“The goal of the LGPedia is to compile the most accurate and thorough knowledge base of everything in the LG15 Universe. It is a community-editable wiki and will contain both official information and photos released by the LG15 team and other material created and edited by the community. At times, we may need to lock pages and/or make “official” edits in order to correct mis-information or protect the privacy of members of the various productions. We’ll work with the community to keep the LGPedia branding consistent with the LG15 Universe and various productions. This may mean providing official photos for actors and crew, official logos, and other elements that will improve the information offered in the LGPedia. Although we’re big fans of every great web series out there, because the LGPedia is dedicated to the LG15 Universe, it should only include information about shows in the LG15 Universe or featured on LG15.com. For instance, “Harper’s Globe” will have it’s own wiki on HarpersGlobe.com where you can compile information relevant to the Harper’s Island/Globe Universe. If unrelated shows are included in the LGPedia, it should only be as a reference or link to the appropriate external website (e.g. to reference other productions LG15 cast/crew are a part of). Thanks for working with us to make the LGPedia the best resource for members of the LG15 community around the world.”

Thanks everyone and enjoy both LG15: The Last and Harper’s Globe.



LGpedia needs your HELP: Ways To Help

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

Join the discussion: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity