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Saturday, May 16, 2009

IRC PROM 2009 Royal Court

Princess - Maddy
Prince - SNL06
Queen - Liv
King - Cloud_ax


To tune in: CLICK HERE and open the file in itunes, wmp, winamp, or whatever you listen with.

To Join chat: CLICK HERE

To Vote for Royal Court: CLICK HERE

Maxter stopped by!
Cat from THE LAST stopped by!

The IRC Prom 2009 Royal Court winners are:

KING - Cloud_Ax
Princess - Maddy

1st Place: LIv with 21 points
2nd Place is a TIE: PJ and SNL with 9 points
3rd Place: Jo_16_2 with 6 points

1st Kayvhan
2nd Maddemp
3rd SNL

***DJ Sheetz Puzzle Winner***

Web Series Are Coming Into A Prime Time of Their Own

When done right, the experience can be more intimate, more creative and more personal than you ever expected.


Eye on Cheshire Cat (Harper's Globe)

on HGPedia. Cheshire Cat is the alias used by a mysterious poster on the Harper's Globe website. He delivers shrimp to local establishments on the island, and Nikki Bolton has recently identified him as "Andy" or "Andrew".

After Robin revealed that she had gone skinny dipping with Brent, He tells her that people are watching her and that she is in danger. Robin is extremely freaked out by this, and the next day, he posts footage of Robin and Brent skinny dipping.

A few weeks later, when Robin goes to Brent's apartment, Cheshire Cat attacks her and tries to give her a VHS tape. Robin returns later and finds his keys, and returns them to Maggie at the Candlewick Inn, who reveals that 'Cheshire Cat' is a young man who delivers shrimp to the hotel.

When Robin finally enters Cheshire Cat's 'lair' she finds his home has lamps and a tv covered in plastic, numerous cats and a closet full of videotapes. Robin tries to take some when she hears a knocking noise, causing her to flee the house.


Harper's Globe Timeline

Could this be Cheshire Cat?

Screen capture from Jay: http://www.harpersglobe.com/user_profile/view/10721

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com



Alot of you have asked me over the past couple of months why I come out with promotional videos for new series I plan to start and then never begin them. There is reason for this. i care about this community so much and have been a part of it (behind the curtain) for about 2 years now. It is not just that I come up with these great ideas, post a preview for it, and then give up. I wouldn't do that to you. It is much more difficult then you all think. Personal, if you will. But I do owe you some form of explanantion. Dharma Rhode, the new series I have just announced yesterday at http://www.youtube.com/dharmarhode is not just any new idea. It is 6 degrees (http://www.youtube.com/everyonesconnectedtv) just may way of reinventing the old storyline. I actually began writing Dharma Rhode around 4 years ago as a sort of experiment on my writing abilities. It was supposed to just be a 6 week test on how welll I could manage at creating believable characters in a unique environment who's lives became dramatically altered when each moved to a new city not known of before. And so, Dharma Rhode, as a city, was created. Since then, this series has become my baby, winning several prestigious writing awards throught both the state of California and my own hometown. What you see now is a part of that story. Think of it as Dharma Rhode: Blackout, the first of many ever changing storylines within this universe. December 21st, 2012. There is a secret as to why the world shut down that day. And an even bigger conspiracy as to why it started back up. Can you guess the mystery? Everyone's connected.

Subscribe to Dharma Rhode's youtube channel to find out more.

IRC Prom 2009 DJ Schedule!

1pm IRC Prom 2009 Opening Ceremonies
2pm Bex
3pm SNL
4pm Sheetz
5pm Sheetz
6pm Cloud
7pm Liv
8pm Apo
9pm MicFranXon (announcing the new King, Queen, Prince and Princess)
10pm Chels
11pm Maddz

Prom will take place on Saturday, May 16th. Prom will be held in IRC Freenode in the #Breefm Channel. To listen to the Music and join chat go to : http://breefm.blogspot.com starting at 1pm Pacific

Friday, May 15, 2009

Taco Bell - hollishillis

What do YOU think? Any other weird ones?

{DEAN} SPN Life Like - michiev

Music: The Rosebuds - Life Like


Clips are from all seasons of SPN (even the ones i haven't seen yet. don't ask.. i just thought they looked mighty shiney :D) staring Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, all copyrights belong to their respective owners (like the CW :D)

hg tshirt - ohhmmama

video comment for the Harpers Globe T-shirt contest!

Pink Sharpie of Truth--Hello Bart and Harry. - OrangeKeekat

A welcome message. Disregard my outburst on the forums, slices, I reconsidered.


Shhh. - OrangeKeekat

Things may be falling...

Music: Breathe by Tryad


Something Is Coming.

Scripts are made for this all new online interactive social show experience comprising of 12 weeks of intense action and intrigue. On December 21st, 2012, the entire world experiences a blackout for nearly an hour. During this time, people all across the globe begin to experience strange visual interpretations of the times to come. Yet, their is a mystery behind it all that no one saw coming. This was no mere blackout. This was fate.

To audition for the series, send me an email at jeremyssmart@yahoo.com telling me a little about yourself (a either a picture or video of you that will show me both your appearance and background with the camera. I will then in turn send every volunteer a script of the first video of episode one (as each episode will contain multiple pieces of content) for you to act out and send back over to me. For now, the deadline for submissions is June 2nd. We are hoping to get a cast and crew together by mid June in order to shoot the series over the summer.

Subscribe to Dharma Rhode's youtube channel for more information



BREAKING: Fox preps Dollhouse for Fall relaunch

UPDATE: all indications are looking really really really good!

Primetime Pilot Panic: Fox Gives Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse' 2nd Season

The network is reported by Variety to be prepping the Joss Whedon created series for a Fall return, for an inital 13 episode order.


Fox close to renewing 'Dollhouse'

Word spread Friday ayem that "Dollhouse" is looking good for a 13-episode sophomore renewal and is likely to stay in its Friday night berth.


Fall TV: Dollhouse "Looking Really Good" for Renewal, as Fox Also Tackles Strahan Comedy

Meanwhile, on the renewal front, sources tell TVGuide.com that Dollhouse is now "looking really good" for a Season 2.


Fall TV Scorecard: Which Shows Are Returning? Which Aren't?

With the networks poised to begin unveiling their plans for the 2009-10 TV season, we thought it time to begin keeping tabs on exactly which shows have earned a pick-up.....


Dollhouse Renewal Likely

so in the case of Dollhouse, good DVD sales would benefit the network's sister company, which is not a factor for Terminator.


Surprise: Fox leaning toward 'Dollhouse' renewal

It’s a sci-fi show, which tend to bring in nice ancillary revenue such as DVD sales for sister-company studio 20th TV.


Dollhouse not in the doghouse?

But the renewal does come with caveats. Fox (like all networks) is asking for some serious budget cuts this go around,...


Fox Focuses on Stability in Upfront

The network’s desire for stability even extends to Friday nights, where it’s strongly considering keeping the low-rated “Dollhouse” on the air for another 13 episodes.


Twitter throws a wild party for the Dollhouse comeback!


Nie zgadzam się - N1ckola

Acta est fabula

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Harper's Globe - Ep 9 - Who Can You Trust On Harper's Island?

Robin confronts her fears about the Cheshire Cat when he leaves her a videotape of Brent being kidnapped. With the help and support of the HarpersGlobe.com community, she comes to realize that the Cheshire Cat is trying to help, and pleads with him to help her understand what is happening on the Island.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

We have a new kind of T-shirt giveaway for you today. Starting the moment Episode 9 goes live on YouTube (approx. 12:30pm PST), we will be giving out T-shirts to certain YouTube comment numbers. If you end up being one of the comment numbers, please PM this account with your YouTube and HG account info so we can verify your identity.

Harpers Globe

Here are the comment numbers:

74, 298, 467, 712, 992, 1150, 1323, 1657, 1936, 2000, 2192, 2356, 2500

The comment numbers above 2000 will also get an extra special bonus!

Happy commenting, Harpies!



Hilarie Burton of One Tree Hill to produce a web series?

What are you going to do now?
"I'm hoping the fans support whatever my next endeavor is. I'm actually curious what they want me to do... On the blog that I have for my production company, we're producing a web series that we're going to start shooting on Memorial Day. We've also got a television show that we're turning into a graphic novel, and we've got a film we're raising money for."

If you are a fan of OTH you might want to stay away from this link until after Monday night season finale. It does contain a major spoiler so you have been warned.


Agencies Speak About Video Advertising Needs

Digging a layer deeper, agencies are looking for better targeting technologies for behavioral (38% of respondents) contextual (27%) and demographic (17%) targeting.


Robin on Twitter (Harper's Globe)

I'm taking the Brent tape to the Sheriff.


Eye on Christopher Cullen

Christopher Cullen was the fourth victim of John Wakefield.

Christopher Cullen was born on Harper's Island on September 29th, 1951 to Jane and Louis Cullen. He worked on the docks with his father as a child, and greeted boats as they docked. Following high school, Cullen moved to Seattle and worked the docks there.

He moved back to Harper's Island with his wife, Wendy, four years later, and returned to the docks. His son Andrew was born a short time later. When his father passed away, Cullen took over as Harbor Master.

The day of the Wakefield murders, Cullen was late to his post and noticed a scuffle on one of the boats. As he went to investigate, the boat exploded and a man ran toward him with a fishing knife. Cullen ran, alerting people to run away and get help. He ran into the woods, where he was impaled with a head spade and hung at the Tree of Woe.

Following the murders, a memorial was built in Cullen's honor at the docks.


Harper's Globe Timeline on HGPedia.


bluedaisy posted:

@web i agree they have been dropping tid bits not only was andrew's name mentioned but also in the archive this was written "After four years of working on the docks of Seattle, he returned back to Harper’s with his new wife, Wendy. " when abby goes to see robin there was a note on the door to see Wendy for job oportunities. http://www.harpersglobe.com/photo/view/14696/564/4154/1


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The History of IRC Prom

Prom will take place on Saturday, May 16th. Prom will be held in IRC Freenode in the #Breefm Channel. To listen to the Music go to : http://breefm.blogspot.com

Presenting: The 2009 IRC Prom Royal Court Nominees!

Prom will take place on Saturday, May 16th. Prom will be held in IRC Freenode in the #Breefm Channel. To listen to the Music go to : http://breefm.blogspot.com

The polls have closed and the official nominees have been announced!
The top 4 in each category are in the running for their title.
The Prince and Princess categories did not have 4 different nominees for each so every nominee has a chance. Any 1 vote ties were decided on air during MicFranXon's show via a series of 2 out 3 coin tosses.

Congrats to our nominees, but it's time to start campaigning!

Polls will be open Saturday May 16th during Prom Opening Ceremonies at 1pm and closing at 9pm (all times Pacific)

and now your official 2009 IRC Prom Royal Court Nominees!




**the only 2 nominees**

**the only 3 nominees**

I Understand Now - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - Cheshire Cat, I know you weren't filming me. I was wrong about you. Will you help me?

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Tymczasowe wyjście - n1ckola


Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).



Cheshire Cat Is Trying To Help You - Shiorikins (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - He might be the only one who really knows the truth about whats happening on the island!

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Dark Angel Alive - michiev

Clips from James Cameron's Dark Angel

(2000-2002) Featuring Jessica Alba, Jensen

Ackles, Michael Weatherly & More

Music: Superchick - Alive
No copyright infringment intended

Episode 17 - The Incredible George - OzGirlTV

George's birthday transforms him into the Incredible George!

IRC Prom Royal Court Nominations Close TONIGHT!

Please submit to breefm@gmail.com your screen name and the names for nomination.

King and Queen must be 18 or over
Prince and Princess must be 17 or under

Here is an example of the Best way to send in a Nomination:

Screen name = Community Name

King- Full Screen name
Queen- Full Screen name

Prince -Full Screen name
Princess - Full Screen name

The top 4 names of each category will be put into a poll to vote on during prom. Feel Free to nominate anyone from the community.

Nominations are Open Now so send them in before they close TONIGHT (Thursday at 10pm Pacific.

On Saturday May 16th, starting at 1pm Pacific, the voting polls will be open.
(Currently I am looking at a facebook widget for voting, but details will be here at LG15today on prom day on where to vote)

Royal Court Announcement will be made During Prom by the 9pm PST DJ.

Nominations sent more than once from the same email will be counted only once. Nominations sent in after the deadline will not be added to the tally. You may not nominate yourself. Please include your Screen-name, email

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Playing a stalled game

by Jeromy:

"I respect the Alternate Reality or ARG. I respect the TiNaG philosophy. I am trying to make this a magical fantasy for you all. Regardless, I have a renewed respect for your experience and for seemingly stalled situations. Hang in with me. This will be fun. I am committed to it fully. and .... I love you."

Read the full post:

Re: Behind the Scenes - Maddison Atkins

"This summer is a much bigger effort, with a lot of folks on board! Not in their free time either. These people are working on the production full time. We've been meeting for weeks, and things are really coming together. We put this video out there to reassure folks that this isn't going to be like it was last time."

Read the full post:

WHAT TIME IS IT?... Coverage of Glenn on BreeFM

Glenn, live on BreeFM @11pm EST, Wednesday.

Tonight's show was another "chat and music" show.

Here are a few highlights from chat (note that this is not a full transcript but rather a few edited notes and hence it may not fully capture the context in which remarks were made. It is provided solely to give you a flavor of what was discussed. Next week, join us for the full conversation live).:

Is LOST still on? lol. Never could get into LOST

I've spent the last few weeks doing a TV research project to confirm what I've widely heard discussed. The Wire is the best hour long serial television show ever made. It's like a novel following all these characters on both sides of the law in Baltimore and each season is like a novel-sized story arc with different settings/backdrops, but most of the same characters. The Wire does a longer and much more layered version of what HEAT did but it's not a cop show, which is what I thought it was at first and I also realized that a lot of the best actors working right now were in The Wire...and a lot of them are British which through me a bit to hear their normal voices... esp the dude who played Charles Miner on The Office, but he is a bad-ass on The Wire. I ignored it for its entire run on HBO, which just ended last year but it was so worth putting all other television on hold to watch it all b/c I'm in absolute awe of the way in which it tells its story. It reminds me of a better version of Homicide... which makes sense b/c it's from the guy who wrote the original novel that the NBC show was based on and Richard Belzer makes a cameo as Munch in Season 5. But, my advice on watching The Wire is that it builds like a novel, and you might feel like you're confused for the first 3-5 episodes until it starts to come together. But, after that first season, each season really builds nicely and it's easier to be patient but seriously, I cannot recommend it enough... every season is excellent... the 4th season probably the best b/c it adds the focus of a group of middle school students & it just kicks your ass. It never got nearly as much hype as the other HBO shows, but I think that's because it's one of those shows you have to start at the beginning with.

Lance Reddick from Fringe plays the Captain in it.

For me, it's just blown my mind on how you tell a multi-character story in a visual medium and juggle plot lines in the same world, with the overlap and connections.

So what did everyone think of the 2-part Dollhouse pseudo-finale? Yeah, it was interesting how it opened up those possibilities but I think it tried to cram way too much into one episode and am I the only one who didn't care for Alpha?

I need to catch up with Fringe at some point, but I understand the season finale was good. I'm now convinced the best way to watch any serial show is in back-to-back episodes. I mean, I think it's the reason DVD sales of TV took off. But, we're kind of seeing that impact now with Dollhouse & Terminator. Both have weak ratings, much better DVR #s, and online views are solid but both are in the top 10 most pirated TV shows online.

Episodic shows are more template and don't hold up as well in back-to-back b/c it becomes repetitive.

Everyone is using bottle shows as a term this week. I thought that meant a single set episode - like a Star Trek TNG ep all set on the ship. They used that term for last week's Breaking Bad b/c it mostly took place in the RV & the desert.

Freaks & Geeks is probably #3 in terms of hour long serialized dramas IMHO. I'd say The Wire, Breaking Bad, Freaks & Geeks.

I'm gonna say definitively that Freaks & Geeks was the turning point for television. Fall of 99. That really started this modern golden age of TV we've been in. There were harbingers leading up to that.. shows like Larry Sanders, Seinfeld, My So-Called Life... but in 99 with Freaks & Geeks, we really started to see television get a lot more interesting. Alias was also part of that first wave... X-Files was probably the closest precursor tonally.

Next week I'll be back with the talking & such.

Here is the archive of of stories from LG15 TODAY concerning Glenn's radio show on BreeFM.

Send questions to GlennFM@gmail.com


The End Is Nigh-

The Last Series is entering it's final days,  though there is no word yet the finale is most certainly upon us. Below in the comments post your thoughts on the series and together we can come up with a plan to make this finale extremely special.

Staraliśmy się.. - n1ckola

I zamiast słodkich nadziei ziszczenia

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

You Cannot Escape, Robin - Dangerous Wreck (Harper's Globe)

Never assume you are safe. Never assume you are at peace. Because danger is everywhere. Danger is right behind you...

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

LonelyJournal15 - the sequel and conclusion to the LG15 saga

LonelyJournal15: a fan-written sequel and conclusion to the LG15 saga

first entry - http://lonelyjournal15.livejournal.com/1259.html
click next at the top of each entry to read the next entry.
all entries can be read at http://lonelyjournal15.livejournal.com

PLOT SUMMARY: Alexis Capshaw is a lonely girl. Or at least she was until she moved into her new apartment and met her neighbours; unstable and gun-wielding Jonas, friendly yet bizarrely paranoid Daniel, brash and hedonistic Sarah, and Gina, who seems to be suffering from severe trauma of some kind. Alexis expected dealing with her new neighbors would be a challenge, but she never expected fistfights, breaking and entering, gunplay or explosions.

Alexis is starting to miss being lonely...

written by ireactions, suze900 and renegade15

NOTE: This story is set after LG15: The Resistance, and does not acknowledge the events of The Last and N1kola.

I was going to write some notes here about why I wrote the story, what I think the good bits are, what I think the weak parts are, what the subtext is... but, hopefully, it's all in the work itself. I'll just use this space to admit that some bits have been shamelessly borrowed from Glenn Rubenstein's RedEarth88.

From Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2252&p=15366#p15366

The Lonelycracker Awards

by BronzeGolem

Since Skye brought up The Lonelycracker Awards I would like to beg everyone who hasn't done so to vote here,


Please vote, if I don't see at least 50 votes I'm cancelling the awards.

Also there is another community project we have been neglecting, making LG15, The Musical. It's something many of us, maybe all, would like to see, and that I seriously doubt EQAL will ever make, so it's up to us. If we had everything ready on time the best thing would be to enter it as a submission to TSIY: Season 2.
The basic idea is to turn LG15 season 1 into a musical, so we are trying to make songs that follow the story of the first season, songs about bree, about the ceremony, about running away from home, about going after that trait+ girl friend of taylor, etc. And since most of us don't write music, the idea is to adapt the lyric of existing songs into LG15 songs, I for instance adapted Eternal Flame by The Bangles into That Trait+ Blood.
I can't write a full musical all by myself so I'm asking all of you to make songs too. If we all get on it, we WILL make it happen


Nikki Bolton thinks she knows who Cheshire Cat is.

Nikki Bolton thinks she knows who Cheshire Cat is.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Beyond the 4th Wall - Rachel Risen Q&A Part 1

Part 1 of Rachel's fan question and answer session. Special thanks to Kodak for providing the HD Zi6 pocket video cameras, which the interview was shot on.

For survey results, visit the exec producer/co-creator's blog at www.tailslating.com

Take Charge (LG15: The Last)


Do we risk it?

"Ambient Darkness Slaying" By Sean Beson
"Doombells" By Sampleconstruct

For more links to LG15: The Last visit our LG15: The Last blogspot portal page.

04:40 Izabe_Cause Hey everyone, does this look like Bray to you?

Community Art

Artwork by MILISSA S



Artwork by Bri: http://www.harpersglobe.com/user_profile/view/14689

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Felicia Day was on Kevin Pollack

Sunday night Felicia Day was on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show. Her segment begins about four minutes in after the Larry King videos.

Big Fish, Little Fish - synergies10 (theCoalition)

syn⋅er⋅gy / [sin-er-jee]

1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

2. Cooperative interaction among groups that creates an enhanced combined effect.

Visit theCoalition


Here on Harpers Island - boobylandmaster

My CAP for Harpers Globe.

I know the singing and editing are kinda eh, but it turned out better than I thought.

Just a slower and instrumental version of the Gilligan's Island theme. Scared to put it up but im doin' it!

We’ve asked you for video submissions and text blogs, but this CAP is all about the image! We want you to create your own Harper’s Universe poster. It should contain elements and characters from both Globe and Island, a tagline of your making, be in .jpg format, and can be as witty, scary, dark, fun, et al, as you’d like. To help you in your assignment, you can go to the profile of Site Administer Jason, and download an array of images he has uploaded for your benefit.

The winning poster will be featured on the show page and the user will get their very own Harper’s Globe T-shirt!

To submit, simply post your CAP content to your profile, and then flag it as “Cool”. Also, make sure to announce your upload in the CAP: Make Your Own Harper’s Poster Forum, so that everyone can enjoy your work. Your deadline is Monday 5/18 @ 5pm PST.

Good Luck, Harpies!



See more: http://www.harpersglobe.com/photos/list/10007/937/1

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

The 436 pulls off the double!

The 436 has taken down both LG15.com and HarpersGlobe.com at the same time!!!!!

Joe could not be reached for comment.

:::: UPDATE: after an outage of approximately 52 min both sites appear to have struggled free of the 436.

Ms. Wilson's War is beginning to film again

Ms Wilson's War is beginning again. The first installment (Anthony Carter) has been made.

Follow along and keep an eye out for our new films. If you are interested in following please keep these sites in mind while looking through Youtube and Myspace:

Monica -

Lexi -

Hymn of One Foundation

Mandalyn Reign

Anthony Carter

Please join us as we begin a new chapter that will try to explore more of the LG15 world, and will bring us back to the roots of LG15. Viewer content and direct interaction are greatly appreciated and encouraged. Your suggestions and interactions will affect the show!

We hope to hear from you, the viewers, soon.

-the cast and crew of Ms. Wilson's War.

Cheshire Cat Is Misunderstood - femaleprodigy1978 (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I watched his videos again and noticed that hes always filming someone in the shadows.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Cell Phone Novels: A Japanese Digital Literature Revolution

Originating in Japan in 2003, an author under the pseudonym of Yoshi, ‘published’ the first mobile-phone novel ever, entitled Deep Love, a story about a teenage prostitute who finds love through a chance encounter.



by mrmattenlow

"Online Video, Web Television, Web Media, Content, Web Series, New Media, Webisodes, Online Series, they’re all words we use to describe the videos we make and distribute online, but shouldn’t we have solidified a term for them by now?"


Nie ma nic za darmo - n1ckola

...a co Ci miałem mówić?

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Tailored marketing behind web show success

ozGirlTV: As a result the show attracted 22,000 subscribers on the Bebo platform alone.


On This Day in LG15 History: May 12, 2006

Three years ago today, on May 12, 2006, the Lonelygirl15 account was created on Youtube, and the domain lonelygirl15.com was anonymously registered. "Bree" started friending people on YouTube and commenting on videos, so that when her first video (not vlog) was released on May 24, she was already on her way to developing a following. Jessica Rose, however, would not even audition to play the role of Bree until the end of May.

Season 3 cast photo

One year ago:
daniel actually gets the center position

Two years ago:
you mean this picture is two years old?  My god?  Do i die?

Summer 2006:
this shot dates to Aug 22, 2006

probably registered too soon

See all This Day in Lg15 History posts.

Content owners will only get paid if they open up all the way

“I really feel like my problem isn’t piracy,” Mr. Doctorow said. “It’s obscurity.”


Eye on the "Head spade"

::::: SPOILER ALERT:::::

Head spade
A head spade is an instrument used in whaling. It is the heaviest spade used in the process of cutting up a whale, with the entire length (with pole) measuring approximately 1 meter, or 3.5 feet, and can be wielded like an axe. It is used to facilitate the chopping of large bones, such as the vertebrae.

Use in Whaling
The head spade is used to break the whale into smaller, easier to manage sections during and following flensing (the skinning process). It is primarily used to facilitate separating a whale's head from its body, by thrusting it through several layers of blubber and muscle until striking the vertebrae.

Other prominent whaling instruments include a variety of other spades, the harpoon, the blubber pike, and the gaff.

Use as a Weapon
The head spade was first used as a weapon on Harper's Island during the Wakefield murders in 2001. Harbormaster Christopher Cullen was impaled by a head spade in the woods, while attempting to flee from the harbor.

The head spade's next use was seen in the episode "Crackle", where it was used to decapitate Reverend Fain. Later, in "Thwack", the head spade falls from the chandelier in the church, impaling Thomas Wellington below.

The head spade may also have been the weapon use to kill Marty Dunn in "Whap", as it has the ability to easily cut through bone, and Marty's entire lower half was bifurcated.


Harper's Globe Timeline on HGPedia.

See: http://www.whalecraft.net/Spades.html

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brent's Been Taken! - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I know he said "For [My] Eyes Only", but I need your help! Why does the Cheshire Cat have this? Why is he showing me this?

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

That's It! I Can't Take It Anymore! - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I've tried to stay calm, but I can't be calm anymore. This is a tape of Brent. Being taken. What is happening on this Island?

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Robin on Twitter: "The tape said "For Your Eyes Only". But I don't know if I can handle this on my own..."

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