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Saturday, May 30, 2009

{Dark Angel} O U T L A N D - michiev

clips from Dark Angel, owned by James Cameron. staring Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly and Jensen Ackles (Season Two)

Celldweller - Outland (From TrueAthem.com)
Celldweller - Ursa Minor {Proton Mix} (From TrueAnthem.com)

Friday, May 29, 2009

2/365 Jenny tries HD - csldeljcljnl

Trying in HD


Wow, this is taking a long time to load, you get to read my conversation with myself while I discuss this loading.
Dum de dum de dum.
I wonder how long it will take to process after it's done uploading?
Probably a while.
Follow me!: http://www.twitter.com/aboleyngirl
Loonggg time.
Direct video upload from HD camera.
I need one of those cool flipcams from cafepress.com. HD please!
I have a huge mosquito bite on my leg. *huff*
Hiccups. And I'm out of soda. *sob*
Holding breath
Dog barking in cage. Poor puppy.
Finished holding breath; did it work?
Doin' the hoedown throwdown. Woo hoo.
My "z" key is stuckish.
Bye, I'll stop boring you.

Anthony Zuiker's 'Level 26' marks origin of the 'digi-novel'

Level 26: Dark Origins, to be published by Dutton Sept. 8, is the first in a series in which each book will be supplemented with 20 videos, or "cyber-bridges," featuring actors playing characters from the nov


More about Level 26

Lonelycracker Commercial - gablcjp

Lonelycracker Commercial Take 1


Follow me on twitter!

Lonelycrack Commercial Take 2


Follow me on twitter!

PIE Message: Kroll Talks About Uncle Wilty - OrangeKeekat

Just to clear up a few things, my daughter has very good taste in men, thank you very much.

Dark Angel No Giving Up - michiev

Clips: Dark Angel - owned by James Cameron
Music: Crossfade - No Giving Up



My LG15: The Last Review part 1 - loveyabud93

This covers Week 1-3 of The Last!
Comment if you guys want me to the other 7 weeks!
Cause it was a heck of a lot of work!

Harper's Globe - Ep 10 - The Killer Lurks On Harper's Island

Not content to wait around, Robin goes searching for the Cheshire Cat; she finds his house ransacked and empty. On her way to get help, Robin learns the fate of the Cheshire Cat and realizes there is much more tragedy to come.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Ktoś chciał mnie dopaść... - N1ckola


Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

i have come to a decision - helloangiecole

watching jess's dog while she's away is a little rough.. so i've come to a decision..

The Future of Twitter

While it is not clear that Twitter will become as large as social networks MySpace and Facebook or video-sharing site YouTube, the company could certainly have 50 million visitors by the end of the year.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Joanna Shields Leaves AOL

Early this week, AOL announced that Joanna Shields* President of its People Networks Division would be stepping down so that she can return to London and pursue "entrepreneurial endeavors." Shields joined AOL as part of its 850 million dollar acquisition of Bebo.

Joanna Shields is largely credited with the success of Bebo, success being the aforementioned sale price, and for spear-heading the networks move into original online content production. Ironically, Shields received undue internal criticism for securing such a high price for Bebo, which has failed to make noticeable gains on social network leaders Facebook and MySpace. Undoubtedly, the situation only got worse when the CEO responsible for Bebo's purchase, Randy Falco, was pushed out early in the year in favor of Tim Armstrong who is attempting to restructure Time Warner and spin the under performing AOL off.

Update: Well, I guess we now know what motivated Ms. Shield's departure. Time Warner made it official Thursday that they are splitting AOL from Time Warner ending one of the most interesting mergers in US history.

*Disclosure: Joanna Shields is on my Bebo page, which I keep forgetting I still have; therefore, by internet law we are friends.

R.I.P. Cheshire Cat - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I'm sorry, Andy. I'm sorry I posted that video when you told me not to. Now you are gone. And it's all my fault...

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Holly Berry posted:


Idź po kolei -


Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Google Catches a Wave

Google announced Thursday plans for a new application/protocol designed to revolutionize communication. (end over-blown marketing hype) Google is billing its latest project ‘wave’ as a modern rethinking of email and instant messaging. A "wave" is “equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.” In other words, it allows a group of people to talk and share media or ‘wave apps’ in real time.

Furthermore, Google plans to make the wave API open-source allowing disparate individuals to develop a plethora of unique and useful or frivolous but cool applications that work with Google wave. For instance, during the demo the developer dropped a Google map into the wave and manipulated it in real time. Google has launched a site for developers and hopes to create a number of applications before wave launches later this year. Also, for those of you concerned, they have already created a Twitter app.

For more information check out the wave site, or google Google wave, there a million and one stories about it.

Episode 19 - Even Animals Have Rights - OzGirlTV

Sadie and Lisa protest against animal testing! And something unexpected happens...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brett and Max in a Taco duel.

Brett Ryback on LGPedia.

Maxwell Glick on LGPedia.

Lgpedia Needs Your Help: Ways To Help

Eye on LEVEL 26

The Dark Origins (originally titled The Dark Chronicles) are a digital novel series written by the Emmy-winning CSI franchise creator Anthony Zuiker. EQAL has been hired to develop "a rich social network, blog and destination web site for the series".

The website is scheduled to launch in July, and the first novel, Level 26, is set to be released on September 8, 2009.



Hello, Detective. - OrangeKeekat

Music- Being Done in the Late Tuesday

Career Decisions in the Morning - OrangeKeekat

Fun times with the Gigantic Book of College Major Doom XD

Music: Moment of Green by Antony Raijekov

Happy Towel Day to All My Froods!

Hope this finds you before the end does!!


Checked out andycat.com - Robin (Harper's Globe)


@aethre Do you think it could really be him?

@FH14 He wasn't at the Globe. Going home now...

@Ubfly @MellyBelly626 @Lhriangel Thank you! If you guys can figure it out while I find Sparky and Brent, maybe we can get past all this...

CC is Andy Cullen. Got it. What else?


Read My Picture Introduction

CC 2

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

{DARK ANGEL} Everything you ever wanted - michiev

Clips from Dark Angel (2001-2002) staring Jessica Alba, Jensen Ackles, Michael Weatherly. Owned by James Cameron and Fox Studios.

Sia - Breath Me
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Feel it Now (From the Bones original television series soundtrack)
Finale - Dr Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, Sung by Neil Patrick Harris, Dr Horrible and it's music is owned by Joss Wheadon and Mutant Enemy Productions.
The Morgue - Supernatural Original Score, Music by Christopher Lennertz

No Copyright Infringment Intended.

Rest Easy While You Can, Robin - DangerousWreck (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - There is a clock ticking. Ticking for you. And when the alarm goes off, you will wake up. In my world. Are you prepared for what's in store for you?

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Trait positive - N1ckola


Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Topless at the Beach - MaxterBexter

We hit the beach after setting up camp, and Max decides it's the perfect time for a striptease.

Klucz - N1ckola

Obiecałem coś... pewnej kobiecie.

Discussion of N1ckola on Anchor Cove (including translations when available).

Vampire Diaries

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vampire_Diaries_(TV_series)

The Vampire Diaries is an upcoming TV drama based on the books series of the same name by L.J. Smith. The plot revolves around Elena Gilbert, a tragic young heroine who is the object of passion for two vampire brothers—one good, one evil—who are at war for her soul and for the souls of her friends and family.

On February 6, 2009, Variety announced that The CW Television Network greenlighted the pilot for Vampire Diaries with Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec set as the writers and executive producers. On May 19, 2009, the pilot was officially ordered to series for the 2009-2010 season.

Heroes, Dollhouse, and Chuck: how short seasons are saving sci fi TV

Shortened seasons allow for lower production costs, greater freedom for actors to be involved in other projects, and most importantly a tight focus for the writers.

The case of "andycat.com" (Harper's Globe)

Posted by Jason on harpersglobe.com

Hello all.

What you guys found was a work in progress/testing site for a future HG story wrinkle. Nothing was finalized, or ready for public consumption. Unfortunately, you can't hide everything online. As many of you noted, and as I would concur, EQAL would never use the death of a child to extend the storyline of one of our shows. That post was simply one of MANY ideas that were batted around and, in this particular case, batted down. It was up merely to show others in the company what we could and could not do.

This site will be a part of HarpersGlobe.com at some point, and it will be held in the utmost standards of taste. As all online properties of EQAL are.

Thank you for understanding.


See previous story for details: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2009/05/andycatcom-harpers-globe.html

Discussion on Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2266&start=0

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Andy, Where Are You? - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I hope you're OK. The house is trashed and I don't know where you are. I'm gonna go find Sparky.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

SHIORI posted:

The mostly complete full Andy picture from "Andy, Where Are You?"

2009 Digital Content NewFront

The 2009 Digital Content NewFront will take place during Internet Week NYC, on June 3rd, 2009 from 11:30-6:30 pm (doors open at 11:00). This is an invitation only event, but will be viewable via live webcast.

Buffy Vampire Slayer movie remake

The Kazuis were credited as executive producers on Buffy the TV show as they owned the rights, but are reportedly not planning to include any of the Vampire Slayer's supporting characters or sidekicks from the hit show in the movie remake.


"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" returning to big screen

"Buffy" creator Joss Whedon isn't involved and it's not set up at a studio, but director Fran Rubel Kuzui is working on a relaunch with Vertigo Entertainment, which specializes in English-language remakes of Asian films, such as "The Grudge" and "The Departed."


Eye on Cole Harkin

Deputy Cole Harkin was one of two officers who responded to the 911 call regarding the murder of Harris Antonini alongside Deputy Joshua Aiken. Wakefield killed Aiken, and Harkin was burned "horrifically" by one of the boat explosions caused by John Wakefield, according to news reports. He survived after being immediately attended to by Sheriff Charlie Mills and local youth Henry Dunn, but sustained third degree burns and was airlifted to Seattle, where he was placed in critical condition at the Washington Pacific University Burn Center.

The burns "cover[ed] 40% of his body, encompassing the entire right side, including his face." Doctors performed several skin grafts and plastic surgeries, and Harkin spent two and a half months in recovery at the Burn Center. After the worst of his injuries were healed, he returned to the island.

Recent Events
In "Thwack," Harkin is spotted by Trish Wellington and her father Thomas Wellington after they are injured during a bike ride in the woods. Instead of responding to their request to use the phone, Harkin sets his vicious dog loose on them, and the animal is killed by Thomas in self defense.

Harkin is seen again in "Sploosh", allowing J.D. Dunn to hide in his cabin.


Harper's Globe Timeline on HGPedia.


From the opening of Sploosh, Cole Harkin stands against his shack and an arrow comes across the screen. Hard to tell if it is going toward him or if it will pass him.

Someone Is Dead! - Robin (Harper's Globe)

http://www.HarpersGlobe.com - I'm going to Cheshire Cat. I saw a man at the church. He... he was dead. Something awful is happening here. Please... keep me safe.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

my girl posted:
In one of the "blips" there are some embedded images. We have seen these before in a DW video. One of them is shaped like the word "if". It looked to me like they show a room of some sort. I can almost make out what looks like the corner of a pic frame.


See also screen caps from MY GIRL http://www.harpersglobe.com/photos/list/11396/1076/1

MICAHW29 posted:

Twitter, Brillstein develop TV series

"We've found a compelling way to bring the immediacy of Twitter to life on TV," Liebman said.


Twitter Heads To Hollywood, Plans To Develop TV Show

Reveille Productions is known for producing TV hits like ABC’s Ugly Betty and NBC’s The Office.


Oh god. . . - Robin (Harper's Globe)


For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beyond the 4th Wall - Rachel Risen Q&A Part 2 - hayleywinters

Part 2 of Rachel Risen's Q&A on the Hayley Project.


The Home Portal / Introducing Boid! - TheZarbodShow

Zarbod does some stuff. Then something funny happens. More stuff and then closing credits. bla bla bla.

andycat.com (Harper's Globe???)


R.I.P. Cheshire Cat
Posted in Uncategorized on May 22, 2009 by andycat1
Robin, if you are reading this, I am probably dead. He has found me, and he has killed me. Please do not blame yourself for my death; I have expected this moment for many years.

There is so much to tell you, so much you need to know. But if he finds the answers here, all will be lost. I have pre-set this blog to release new posts automatically. Each post will help you. Read them carefully, for there are words and pictures, and much more beneath…

Good luck, Robin Matthews. I hope you do not meet the same fate I did.


bluedaisy posted:

yes cc is andrew cullen and the "fate of my father, the real cc" means his real father is christopher cullen
Glen Seay posted:

And with the order of the blogs, CC seems to be saying:

1 If you are reading this, I am already dead.

2. My name is Andy Cullen.

3. John Wakefield killed my father, Christopher Cullen (the real CC)

4. I tried to help him (father); I am trying to help you.

As of right now, I am thinking this blog will "auto-update" once a day after CC is found dead.

NOTE: There are substantially different opinions on whether or not the "found" web site is related to Harper's Globe or not. What do you think?

gina posted:

I can't buy it that EQAL / CBS would have any part in using a real, and recent tragedy. It is fishy...creepy. And the clues...well nothing new really. I am confused, disturb and anxiously awaiting clarification from Jason.
Kassi posted:

To tell you the truth, I think that some of the others are onto something about this being a fake done by an overzealous fan. Albeit, we've had two puzzles that have used similar methods (i.e., figuring out passwords), but they've never been right next to each other. Also, someone (I think it was Aeth) was right in saying that the writing style is certainly more eloquent than usual. When we see CC's writing, it's usually very choppy, very simple, in "texting" format. And while Eqal has used real sites, it's usually generic sites, like Twitter or Photobucket. The other stuff seems to be made up. I just don't see Eqal or CBS condoning the use of a real tragedy in a game. Also, the puzzles itself are very simplistic, whereas the puzzles we've had so far have proven to be a slight headache--enough for us to wrack our brains and want to tear our hair out (or at least, for me it has been).

And I do believe that the person creating the blog just didn't think of what it would mean to use that particular article as a puzzle. I'm sure they looked at it and thought, "Hey, it's in Wakefield, and it's a death...that's creepy enough and will work." They probably had a brain cramp.
Kelly Lenahan posted:

one look and it looks completely fake to me. like 100% fake as in someone trying to be a character. It's sad that people do that to mislead others :/

katiemodern posted:

kelly lenahan i always agree with you and i agree with you again...EQAL would not exploit a real tragedy...
The Barmaid posted:
It's not hard at all to add fake info for WHOIS during domain registration...the question is - if the article about the girl who was killed is real, then this is a "gamejack" site and I would encourage you all to abandon it as in game. If it can be determined the article about the girl is fictional, then maybe this has merit.

As a rule producers aren't going to end up liable for that sort of invasion of privacy in a game...and would make all content fictional beyond general vague stuff that's neutral. I've not seen the article at all, but from the looks of it, my wager is that this is a jack and not part of HG at all, and will be confirmed as such.

See official statement by Jason on behalf of Eqal, Inc.: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2009/05/case-of-andycatcom.html

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

Vote for the Harper's Island killer: http://harpersislandtoday.blogspot.com

Harper's Island - Sploosh - Episode 6

With the wedding party reeling after the deadly events at the rehearsal, Abby, Henry and J.D. take matters into their own hands as they try and solve the murder.

For more links for Harper's and Harper's Island visit out Harper's Globe blogspot portal page

Harper's Island is intended for viewing solely in the United States and Canada at this time.

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