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Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Modern Day Lobby Lud: Wired’s Manhunt for Evan Ratliff

Starting on August 15th, Evan Ratliff disappeared and challenged Wired’s readers to find him.




Evan Ratliff

Evan Ratliff is a regular contributor to Wired and Ready Made magazines whose work has also appeared in Outside, the New Yorker, and the New York Times.





Chat: #vanish on freenode

Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evan Donald Ratliff
Hometown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlanta
DOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 23, 1975
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5′11″
Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue
Hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown
Build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium
Medical condition . . . . . . . . Celiac disease
Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @theatavist
Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eratliff@atavist.net
Known online alias . . . . . . . Thrimp Johnson
Known to frequent . . . . . . . . Beaches, Wi-Fi-enabled coffee shops, soccer-watching bars, used bookstores, taco stands, dive bars, fishing holes
Last seen in . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco
Starting August 15, I will try to stay hidden for 30 days. Not even my closest friends or my editors will know where I am. I’ll remain in the US and will be online regularly. I will continue to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and I’ll make cell


Eqal Inc. launches Jack In A Onesie


Subscribe to ARG Netcasts on iTunes

Subscribe to ARG Netcasts on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=216547140


Players believe there is a dead drop connected to The Society for Linian Studies at the Riverside Branch of the New York Public Library (127 Amsterdam Ave 9 [at W. 65th St.]) that needs to be picked up – hopefully sometime soon.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that they know exactly where to look in the library. The current theory is that it’s a book starting with the call number 998 or 999 – but online searches show that there are no books in those sections at the Riverside branch. Communications with an ingame character seem to confirm that the Riverside branch is correct, and that looking in the General History of Arctic islands & Antarctica (998) or Extraterrestrial worlds (999) is on the right track, but nothing specific has been established… yet.

Read more: http://deaddrop.wonderweasels.org/2009/08/21/the-society-for-linian-studies-dead-drop-nyc/


Eye on Jackson Davis

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_Davis

Jackson Davis (born March 19, 1979 in Gloversville, New York) is an American actor. He is best known for portraying the character "Jonas" from the lonelygirl15 videos series and its spinoff KateModern, and its sequel series, LG15: The Resistance. He was born in Gloversville, New York but was raised in Lancaster, Pennsylvania where he attended Ephrata High School. He will star in the upcoming 2009 film You, Only Better....
After graduation from high school, Davis worked a series of odd jobs before enlisting in the United States Navy. Davis was unhappy in the Navy, and afterwards he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting.
Davis was cast on lonelygirl15, his character Jonas was described as the rich alpha-dog contrast to the penniless beta-dog Daniel, played by Yousef Abu-Taleb.[6] In addition to his work on lonelygirl15, Davis has appeared in an episode of CSI:New York, and starred in an independent film called Strange Angel.
Davis also starred in a very popular Bud Light Ad shown across the world

Maddison Atkins V1.0

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/maddisonatkinsv1

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Level 26: Caption Contest (Level 26)

Publishing by Anthony E. Zuiker

Your caption will be judged on how funny/witty it is, how unique it is and by how much discussion it inspires. I will be giving Sqweegel Awards out for the best caption for each image.

To submit, simply drag and drop the image into the Level 26: Caption Contest Forum post, and write your caption below it. If you are having difficulty with the images, just the caption will be fine, but remember to note which image the caption is for.

You are welcome to caption as many times as you’d like for each image. I will be in the Forum each day to read your captions and make comments. Hopefully we can all get a good laugh out of this, and a few of you can get some Sqweegel Awards!

Your deadline is Wednesday, August 27th at 11:59pm PST.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Jack The Ripper: A Documentary (Parts 3 and 4) (Level 26)

Publishing by Kristine Huntley

Jack The Ripper documentary (part 3 of 6)

Jack The Ripper documentary (part 4 of 6)


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Friday, August 21, 2009

Miles Beckett: The Future of Stories

Newsarama has an interview with EQAL CEO Miles Beckett, which was conducted at ComicCon. The rather lengthy interview covers everything from the early days of lonelygirl15 through Level 26.

So, there is the LG15 universe... where there is this mythology, like I said, of this blood trait – trait positive – they are positive for this trait, unnamed, that lets them live longer, and if you take the blood out of their body and put it into your body, you can live like an extra fifty years. So around the turn of the century, Aleister Crowley, the famous occultist, made this discovery. He discovered ancient Egyptian documents that some Pharaoh had discovered before him. He figured out a way to test for this blood trait and so he set up this secret society called the Order to scour the planet for these girls because they realized that if they could keep finding these rare girls, drain their blood, and put it into themselves every fifty years, they could live forever. And they created a fictional religion called the Hymn of One which is like a front for the Order. They don’t really know what they are doing but they are kind of operating on behalf of the Order.

The article can be read in its entirety here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

VENUS SPA Episode 1: Come and Knock On Our Door

Like Andrea was totally canned from the office! She is like all bummed out to the max and found this bitchin' Aerobics Studio called the Venus Health Spa. Word is they need instructors to the max dude! Will she make the cut?

Music by The Pumps! http://www.thepumps.net
Get The Pumps on iTunes! http://www.apple.com/search/ipoditunes/?q=the+pumps+and+orphan

The Women of Level 26

Publishing by Anthony E. Zuiker

Women in Hollywood have taught me so much in this business.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".


New York-area MSO, Cablevision, has this week launched an interactive TV channel and two free VOD services on its iO digital cable platform.


Hey it's Miles also demo'ing Umbrella for AFI


Evan Williams on what's behind Twitter's explosive growth

http://www.ted.com In the year leading up to this talk, the web tool Twitter exploded in size (up 10x during 2008 alone). Co-founder Evan Williams reveals that many of the ideas driving that growth came from unexpected uses invented by the users themselves.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/top10

Fantasy Goes Wrong! - TheStation

YouTube Looks to Unexpected Recommendations

Written by Chris Albrecht

The article provides the example of how someone who watches Van Halen videos might get “fatigued” after viewing a bunch of them in a row, so YouTube might generate a recommendation to watch scuba videos (Snorklin’ With the Devil?) instead.


First Look At ‘Compulsions’ Teaser

by Marc Hustvedt

The basic setup is that even completely normal people have hidden and often dark desires, or compulsions, that are kept inside and never acted upon.


Dave Szulborski Tribute at ARGFest 2009

A tribute to the late Dave Szulborksi, a pioneering Alternate Reality Game developer, storyteller and puzzle writer. Credits:

Music - Dave Szulborksi
Video production - Michelle Senderhauf and Dee Cook

A tribute to the late Dave Szulborksi, a pioneering Alternate Reality Game developer, storyteller and puzzle writer.


Jack The Ripper: A Documentary (Parts 1 and 2) (Level 26)

Publishing by Kristine Huntley
Jack The Ripper documentary (part 1 of 6)

Documentary on Jack The Ripper, from the murders he committed, the clues he left behind, and the mystery of his unknown identity.

Jack The Ripper documentary (part 2 of 6)


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Web.Files #7 Dusty Peacock

Web Files' host, Kristyn Burtt, interviews comedian Gary Valentine, about his Crackle.com web series, Dusty Peacock, where he plays an inept, yet endearing, Endurance Artist. Someday, Dusty will show us all how to endure.

CBS and Pepsi bring video ads to printed page

When some readers of Entertainment Weekly open their magazines next month, they will discover characters from US television programmes speaking to them from a wafer-thin video screen built into the page.


140 Character Conference

Given the location of #140conf:LA, this event will have a special focus on the use of twitter in Hollywood.


Call for Characters

Looking for people to join the "Cast of Characters" for the upcoming #140conf Events in Los Angeles and London

The Web.Files #6 Mommy XXX

Web Files' host, Kristyn Burtt, interviews web series reality star, Demi Delia, from her hit show, Mommy XXX. Delias easy-going, down-to-earth style is the perfect counterpoint to her oddly normal life as a famous porn star. Check out the behind the scenes look with Demi Delia: http://bit.ly/liw5Y

‘Level 26′ Is Already Giving Me Nightmares

by Marc Hustvedt

I want to earn a level of authenticity with that audience and realize that I am taking a chance and putting my money where my mouth is.


He shot on the RED camera and cast professionals, recognizable faces like Michael Ironside, Daniel Buran, Kevin Weisman and Bill Duke.

He even mentions some mild ARG elements like a phone number to call the killer that might have the killer calling you back.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

‘Do You Wanna Date My Avatar’ Breaks 1M Views, #1 On iTunes, Amazon

Guild creator and star Felicia Day wrote the lyrics to the song and Jed Whedon composed the music and directed the video.


56.com Lets Users Charge for Video

The site set up kankan.56.com where people can upload and set their own prices.



L26 Guest Blogger: Speedy (Level 26)

Publishing by Anthony E. Zuiker

"A good film accompanied by a good music score is equivalent to a good DJ set. "


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

What Will Record Labels Look Like in the Future?

Each of these individual factors is bad enough, but a coming threat to labels is that the contracts of many career artists are coming to an end.


No Harpers Globe Season 2

The "chatter" on Twitter seems to indicate that there has been some type of confirmation that there will be no Harpers Globe Season 2.


Our petition didnt work!


@mattattack53, We are in the process of talking to CBS about how we can continue the “Harper’s” brand in some capacity online


TraverseTown said...

This is an email I got from Miles:

"Fellow Harpies,

Sending you a quick email to update you on Harper’s Globe and tell
you about an exciting new project we’re working on with CSI
creator Anthony E. Zuiker: Level26.com.

First, HarpersGlobe.com will continue to live through the release
of the DVD and indefinitely thereafter to support the foreign
releases of Harper’s Island. There will not be any new content on
the site, but it will still be a place to watch Harper’s Globe,
full episodes of Harper’s Island, and interact with the community.
We are in the process of talking to CBS about how we can continue
the “Harper’s” brand in some capacity online, but we’re not sure
what that will mean or if it will happen. We’ll keep you posted.
Needless to say, we are THRILLED by the size and passion of this
community and we’d love to continue producing great stories for
you to enjoy if we can.

In the meantime, we’d like to recommend that all of you check out
Level 26: Dark Origins, a “Digi-Novel” from Anthony E. Zuiker, the
creator of the CSI franchise. Level 26 is a book, movie, and
community all rolled into one multi-platform experience. It
explores the world of Steve Dark, the top criminal investigator in
the country, and his quest to bring down Sqweegel, the world’s
most notorious killer, a demented contortionist who wears a
“forensic-proof” latex body suit.

The hardcover book features cover art and illustrations by
Marc Ecko, and as you read the text there are calls-to-action
directing you to the website to unlock cinematic video
“cyber-bridges” that fully immerse you in the world of Level 26.
You can pre-order the book and join the community right now on
Level26.com. We are having a special pre-order promotion for the
book that I would love for you all to participate in.

Thank you for all your support!


Miles Beckett

Digital Hollywood Fall

Digital Hollywood Fall, Santa Monica, California
Date: October 19-22, 2009
Location: The Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica, California,


TV Not Losing to Web Video Ads Anytime Soon

The added engagement and interaction of online video is probably the main reason that this added expenditure has been deemed worth it and the online video ads deemed valuable.


ARG: Radiohead / Wall of Ice

By seeding cryptic content and allowing the fans to do the digging, Radiohead were effectively running their own Alternate Reality Game: a treasure hunt in which collaborators work together to solve a series of clues and get to the end of the game.


LG15:The Last


Eye on the Streamy Awards

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streamy_Awards

The Streamy Awards, popularly known as the Streamys, are presented annually by the International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) to recognize excellence in the arts and science of web television production, including directing, acting, producing, and writing. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented takes place in Los Angeles, California. They are the first ever envelope-opening live streamed award show.

The winners of awards in 25 categories, including the Audience Choice and Visionary Awards, were announced for the first time on March 28, 2009. Winners of the 1st Annual Streamy Awards included individual recipients (Best Male and Female Actor), and web series themselves. Certain awards are presented before the main ceremony at the Streamys Craft Awards.

The Streamy Awards were created by Drew Baldwin, Brady Brim-DeForest and Marc Hustvedt of Tubefilter and Joshua Cohen and Jamison Tilsner of Tilzy.tv


YouTube Gets Time Warner Clips

[P]eople in the United States will be able to watch a wide selection of clips from CNN, Turner, The Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, as well as Warner Brothers movies and hit TV shows like Gossip Girl and the Ellen DeGeneres show [sic.]


Time Warner Strikes Distribution Deal With YouTube

Key to the deal is the use of a Time Warner embeddable player, through which the company will be able to control and sell advertising, rather than relying on the ads that YouTube would place against the content.


Tweet Your Pitch: Live the Branson Way

To enter, just tweet your idea to @perfectbusiness with the hashtag #micropitch.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Great Flu Video Game Turns Pandemic Into Pastime



Sci-Fi Collective: Become a chosen one


Sci-Fi Collective: Become a chosen one: chooseme@scificollective.tv

Web Video: Can We Now Say Something Sucks?

Online video is becoming a legitimate, engaging storytelling medium. But has it evolved to the point where we can successfully critique it? And how do we as a community draw the line between encouraging new creators to contribute and establishing standards for quality content? Because, face it, sometimes "it stinks!"


eGuiders cuts through clutter of a gazillion videos online

"We thought actually taking the approach of using experts to guide people to content was going to be the best approach."



KoldCast Launching Studio, Jumps Into Original Content

by Marc Hustvedt

They made a name for themselves and built loyalty amongst web series creators looking for a home for their series, offering a hands on partnership that included custom ad units, cross promotion and PR support. Shows like After Judgment, The Super Man, The Crew, Pink, OzGirl and The Midwest Teen Sex Show make up the core of the more than 50 web series on the network.


Independent Television Festival Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony for the Independent Television Festival took place on the final night of the festival. As previously mentioned OzGirl won for best acting as well as best web series. The event streamed live on stickam. The video is rather long, clocking in at over 47 minutes. Below is a list of some of the more notable moments with the approximate time code for more efficient fast-forwarding.

  • 00:00 - Opening remarks by the festival organizers.
  • 10:30 - The award for best acting.
  • 24:00 - Monica Herman stretching for time. (What? She's cute. If you want hard-hitting news go to the Washington Post.)
  • 32:40 - The award for best comedy (winner Merrime.com)
  • 38:50 - The award for best web show (winner OzGirl)

Greg Goodfried is going to be on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader with Paula Deen



Can't wait 2 see @greggoodfried on 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader' with @Paula_Deen!! http://twitpic.com/dwbxk (via @thedeenbros)


Research credit: Liv

After Hollywood, Filmmaker Dylan Kussman is Producing a Web Series in the Scenic City...

Having worked Hollywood for a decade, Mr. Kussman is bringing his experience to Chattanooga, writing, directing and starring in a Web series called "The Steps," a film-noir-style story about a man who moves from L.A. to Chattanooga hoping to escape a criminal past under an assumed identity.


Level 26 Exclusive: First Look at the L26 Featurette

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".


The Ones That Got Away: Serial Killers Who Eluded Capture

Posted by Kristine Huntley

These killers are especially haunting because their deaths rob the public of the chance to ask the question, “Why?”


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Gacy: A Bio (Part 5) (Level 26)

Posted by Kristine Huntley

A&E Biography - John Wayne Gacy - Part 5


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Monday, August 17, 2009

Joss thinks .....

Let's go the extra mile here and DESTROY THE SWIFTBOT! Then I can get back to the business of making Dollhouse stranger.

New Media 2012

From next-gen journalism to cloud computing, from social media marketing to online storytelling, this will be an afternoon designed to inspire the ideas, inform the opinions and influence the actions of presenters and audience, alike.

When: Sept. 19, 2009 / Where: Langley, WA
Tickets: $35 Event Only; $60 Event + Post-event Party
Please Note: This is a limited seating event


The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar

AMAZON MP3: http://bit.ly/amazonavatar
ITUNES VIDEO: http://bit.ly/itunesvideo

Directed by: Jed Whedon
Music by: Jed Whedon
Lyrics by: Felicia Day
Rap: Jeff Lewis and Sandeep Parikh
Backup Vocals: Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon
Director of Photography: Omer Ganai
Choreography: Chantal Robeson
Edited by: Jeff Yorkes

Costumes: Sarah Trost
Weapons: Greg Aranowitz
Production Design: Tyler Robinson

Vincent Caso
Felicia Day
Jeff Lewis
Amy Okuda
Sandeep Parikh
Robin Thorsen

Bijoya Das
Jul Kohler
Maurissa Tancharoen

As we learned at Comic-Con, Day wrote the lyrics before handing them over to Dr. Horrible composer Jed Whedon (brother of Dr. Horrible creator Joss Whedon) who wrote the music.


Web Video Makers Hope Software Finds Audience

Umbrella is different, Beckett said, because it targets people known in the new-media world as “prosumers” – budding filmmakers or established celebrities who want to put videos and other content on the Internet and reach an audience.


Eye on the LG15: The Last soundtrack

This page is dedicated to listing all the music featured in the LG15: The Last videos. The pieces are organized in chronological order according to the blog in which they were featured. It provides links to the artists' pages and to the songs themselves whenever available.


For more links to LG15: The Last visit our LG15: The Last blogspot portal page.

IAWTV Prospective Member Meeting

Are you interested in becoming a member of the International Academy of Web Television? Join us at Digital Hollywood on October 19, 2009 for an informational session and to learn more about the IAWTV.



Ryan is a very famous professional skateboarder (own reality show on MTV, Life of Ryan) and Red Bull came up with an idea that they will take over his own website and provide the resources to keep the content going.



Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome to MAGMA!

Magma is an entry point for online video. When you first land on the page you are presented with two sections. The top section shows you the most definitive view to date of the most popular videos on the internet. This is based on a variety of factors including, total views across duplicate videos around the internet, cumulative comments, likes, blog posts, tweets, diggs, stumbles, etc.

I’m excited to reveal the actual website URL for Magma. Until then, you can find the sign-up on our temporary dev site at http://hotlikemagma.com




Credit for invite code: Renegade

YouTube W&L: Shane Dawson & Lonelygirl15

links to who i talk about in the vid:
FOLLOW ME! http://www.twitter.com/thewillofdc

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