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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Don't Expect More Web Series on Xbox Anytime Soon

A Microsoft executive says most Web content deals, outside premium content players, aren't worth the hassle.



How many do you recognise?
The song is 'M.A.D' by Hadouken & is out now on iTunes

A sneak peek at the new lonelygirl15/LG15.com umbrella web site from Eqal?

A few weeks ago Renegade discovered a new umbrella web site which at that time was little more than an empty shell but because of the interesting URL it was worth keeping an eye on. This week development work on the site has rapidly added a lot of content which seems to suggest that the site will ultimately become the new lonelygirl15/LG15.com web site, at least once Eqal completes the design work and modifies the URL etc etc.

Check it out: http://anewversionofl0nelygirl.info/ <====

Other web sites available on Eqal's Umbrella software:


Visit our Umbrella blogspot portal page.

Anchor cove poll: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2455

What Is Umbrella, Really?

Friday, September 25, 2009

In the Director's Chair! If we could spare an extra... --p8nbulldog

A behind-the-scenes look at the Poor Paul season two finale!

Girl Number 9 hitting the web next month

Fans of Torchwood or Lonelygirl15 should keep an eye out for Girl Number 9, a new indie web series set to debut on October 30.


Follow them at @CJLYNDON, @vincentboylan, @ryan_dunbar and @C_Weinberg (or, for outside-the-narrative news, follow @girlnumber9 and @jamesmoran.


'Dollhouse': Jamie Bamber talks about his marriage to Eliza Dushku's Echo

::::: SPOILER ALERT:::::

Season 2 of "Dollhouse" premieres tonight and guess who's coming to dinner? Oh, just "Battlestar Galactica" CAG Lee Adama, a.k.a. British actor Jamie Bamber.


Exclusive: Joss Whedon Talks “Dollhouse” & Eliza Dushku

....we couldn’t pass up the chance to talk with Joss about the show, comics, and his new movie. Check out the interview below…

Read more: http://www.complex.com/blogs/2009/09/23/exclusive-joss-whedon-talks-dollhouse-eliza-dushku/#ixzz0S9xcsyJq

Sorry, Whedonistas, No Dollhouse Web Content for You!


INTERVIEW: Crystal Chappell Talks Venice the Series

Photo: http://www.soaps.com/guidinglight/news/685/Soapscom_Exclusive_Interview_With_Crystal_Chappell

CC: Gina is a strong driven, business oriented woman. She is successful in her work and clueless in love. We will follow her journey through this community of Venice. But it will involve her family and friends.




Style Series Presented by Diet Coke Returns for Second Season

Culinary Star Tom Colicchio and Acclaimed Musician Jewel to Appear in First Episode



‘You Suck at Photoshop’ Profs Launch ‘Big Fat University’

The wacky guys behind Streamy-winning You Suck at Photoshop at the Big Fat Institute, Matt Bledsoe and Troy Hitch, are at it again.


The Best Guides to Watching TV Online

But there are some emerging TV aggregators that can help bring all your programming together into one place.



‘Know Your Meme’ Schools Net Newbies, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Each episode of Know Your Meme is hosted by Rocketboom correspondents, like Elspeth Rountree, Kenyatta Cheese, Jamie ‘Dubs‘ Wilkinson and new Rocketboom NY host mememolly, in white coats on a laboratory set as if they are scientists who have painstakingly researched meme data and are presenting you with reports on their findings


The Level 26 "Continuity" Contest

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

So, here’s the contest: The three members that pick out the most errors in the book win. It’s that simple. They can be continuity problems, logic issues, misspellings. We want the book perfect for the iTunes app and iTunes LP, not to mention the paperback.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Aimee Garcia from the NBC medical drama Trauma opens her Eqal Umbrella!

:::::UPDATED LOOK:::::

http://www.aimee-garcia.com <==JOIN


From Wikipedia:

Aimee Garcia (born November 28, 1978) is an American actress, best known for her role as Veronica Palmero on the sitcom George Lopez.

Currently, she is starring on the Peter Berg NBC medical drama Trauma as the EMT Helicopter Pilot Marisa Benez.


Other web sites available on Eqal's Umbrella software:


Visit our Umbrella blogspot portal page.

milowent said...

Anchor cove poll: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2455

What Is Umbrella, Really?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Social TV – The Emergence of New TV 2.0 ecosystem

How much longer will it be (or can we handle) until we move from our passive, numbing, anti-social, traditional TV screens to a more connected and shared, interactive TV space with family, friends, and communities?


LA Fires Torch ‘Mountain Man’ Set, Bittersweet Return

by Jenni Powell

But the return is also bittersweet…Mountain Man was entirely shot in a series of cabins in the Angeles National Forest called The Ranch, which was effected by the recent rash of wildfires that swept across much of Los Angeles.


I Need to Help You!

Ok, so here is the deal folks. As a college student I don't have enough time in my schedule to create an entire social show by myself. Even if I had a great idea, which I don't, I haven't the time to do it all. I do however have the desire to participate.

I am currently a student in Graphic Design, minoring in English. You have seen my posters through many of the LG15 contests, Find the Cure and others. I have also been in a resistance video for my win. I know what you are thinking "Thats great... but that video sucked... audio was bad and the video was all pixelated." I couldn't agree more. But I currently have an HD camera, ready and willing to make a video for you. I can help you with making posters or graphics to promote you show, storyboarding, giving your 8 week treatment a little oomph, and/or create videos for your series.

This is where you come in!

If you are creating a pilot for TSIY, and want some help in any of the ways listed above e-mail me at kericanfly@gmail.com or drop me a comment. If you have other ideas feel free to ask me about those too. I look forward to hearing from you.

Coming Soon: Real-Time Interactivity Between TVs and Smartphones

In the near, not-too-distant future, smartphone users will be able to push content from their TVs and computers onto their phones.


Online video ads: The tipping point is near

We are seeing large brand advertisers planning seven-figure online video buys on a more regular basis than ever before.


The Internet gets its own Food Network

The company has no sponsors lined up Hungry Nation at this time, but is keeping production costs low by tapping shows that are already in production on networks like YouTube.


Hungry Nation Aims to Make Next New Audiences Salivate

And the series comprising the new online channel — Working Class Foodies and recent acquisition Vendr TV, with Lush Life co-production 12 Second Cocktails to come in October — are out to provide a down-to-earth take on the culinary experience.


Going LIVE!

Tubefilter Hollywood Web Television Meetup is proud to present Going LIVE!, an in-depth look at what it takes to pull off a live television show on the web.

Monday, October 19, 2009
7:30 pm – Panel / 8:45 pm – Mixer

Busby’s East (Mid Wilshire)
5364 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036


Introducing Secretary of Defense Norman Wycoff (Level 26)

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

We were blessed to get Glenn Morshower to step in and play Norman Wycoff in our cyber-bridges.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Venus Spa Ep. 5: Chicks Love Joysticks!

So like Ally just got a bitchin new Atari machine dudes! Now she's like totally hooked on it and we don't know what to do.

Join the Venus Spa Facebook group and chat with the cast and crew!!

Music by the Pumps and Orphan!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Taryn O'Neill launches an Umbrella

http://www.tarynoneill.com/ <= JOIN

Taryn O'Neill on IMDB

Other web sites available on Eqal's Umbrella software:


Visit our Umbrella blogspot portal page.

In a Social Networking World, What's the Future of TV?

Joss Whedon, the veteran television producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the current Dollhouse, expressed confusion over the Emmy he won for Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, a program which was never aired on television (broadcast or cable): "If we were on TV, maybe we would've won an Oscar...We don't understand."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/henry-jenkins/in-a-social-networking-wo_b_292014.html

Sexy Gotee - mitchcontrol

You guys voted and here are the results! Music: "Don't Get Attached to the World" by Jared Scharff and The Royals

Details on Twitter’s Imminent Geolocation Launch

Users won’t see any new features on the Twitter web site when geo launches except for the settings page where you opt in.


‘Riese’ ARG Lures In Steampunkers Before Series Launch

The ARG (alternate reality game) for Riese the Series has begun, you still have time to join the winning side.


See other Riese stories on LG15 Today: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/search/label/Riese

6 Degrees" Live Chat At 8pm EST/5pm PST

At 8pm EST/5pm PST, 6 Degrees is having a live character chat on dhrh.tk! If you want to catch up on videos, blogs, comics, or anything else from the Dharma Rhode universe, you can find it all there! In the chat, Jeremy will decide how best to deal with Sector 7, and why they're after him. Hope to see you there!

http://dharmarhodeuniverse.ning.com/ <-- chat in the social bar at the bottom of the web site.

Jeremy told us of the regret he felt for killing the man who broke into his house. He also notes that, on the disk, there are hundreds of people listed as being under Sector 7's watch, but only 6 on the website. He and Marcus are 2 of the 6. Sector 7 joined the chat, and seemingly kidnapped Jeremy, as the chat came to a shocking close.




Streamys Showcase at @NYTVF

The Streamy Awards were founded in 2009 by a consortium of leading new media companies (Tilzy.TV, Tubefilter, and NewTeeVee) to recognize outstanding achievement for shows produced originally for broadband distribution. J


Scott Brown on the Facebook Movie

Today, however, the fear of new microstudios (College Humor, Funny or Die) and delivery systems (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) is so fierce and so tangible that Tinseltown is reaching for its weapon of last resort: the handshake.


EQAL at NYTVF (with Greg Goodfried and Miles Beckett)


From wrighteous1 :

Original idea behind LG15 included an indie movie where Youtubers attempt to save LG15. -- Crazy, weird.

"Lonely Girl is not the most profitable thing we've done..." hahahaha

"We're still in a period of time where people are trying to figure out what formats work on the web" - EQAL

"People are spending tons of money on micropayments ... [facebook, zynga, etc]"

"Kids see it as an entertainment property they love, they don't care the format--they'll buy the itunes, they'll..." EQAL

"I really believed in the product...yes, I love Paula Deen" EQAL

EQAL makes a good point about being behind and loving what you are working on. This is how you get audience and sell to brands.

"I was a lawyer, he was a doctor...yeah we had no clue about anything about this at the time" EQAL

"Coming both with Production and Technology[their SocialPlatform] gives us an edge." EQAL

Go to EQAL.com to sign up for the private beta of Umbrella -- their Social Pub platform -- "tumblr meets ning"

"[EQAL wi]ll be actively scouring other umbrella sites to partner up with ... we'll deal with advertisers..." Very cool + Scalable

Price Point for Umbrella: estimated cost for content creators ~$20-$30/month maybe $50/month depending on the extra features.

"we'll be working with other media providers, blip.tv, youtube, [etc.] ... we don't do any hosting on our site"




Greg and Miles Live From NYTV Festival


Since the Eqal presentation is over we replaced the embed with a just a link~mm

Web.Files #12 - Dirty Bomb Diaries

On episode 12 of the Web.Files, host Kristyn Burtt interviews Sean Hinchey, the creator and writer of the Dirty Bomb Diaries, as well as the series director and editor, Eric Tozzi. The pair discuss the creation of the series including being inspired by lonelygirl15 along with some interesting behind the scenes tidbits. Also, Kristyn Burtt was able to get the scoop that they are in pre-production on season two of DBD, a season which Hinchey and Tozzi say will be on a much larger scale with more characters and locations. Also, the location for the interview is very clever and Kristyn wears a hardhat… what? she looks good in hats.

Described as lonelygirl meets an A-bomb, Dirty Bomb Diaries is the a high concept drama made on a shoestring budget; the series reportedly cost only $600 to produce. The series centers on Misty, an attractive young girl who recently moved into a new apartment in the city, shortly before a dirty bomb explodes, crippling the city and leaving the survivors scampering to claim the dwindling resources. Misty continues to video blog, even when she is uncertain the videos are getting out, at first to record what happened, but as the situation grows more desperate, it becomes the means of maintaining her sanity.

‘Dr. Horrible 2′ and a Joss Whedon Digital Studio?

During a conference call to promote the new season of Dollhouse, Whedon somewhat officially confirmed that a sequel is going to happen:


Caution Flags Raised at NYTVF Industry Day

The panel started off with a surprising question from Rick Feldman, NATPE President & CEO as moderator, “Are we still in the TV Business?”


A Dark Origins Web Exclusive: Introducing Baby Sqweegel

A Dark Origins Web Exclusive with Anthony E. Zuiker - insidelevel26

Anthony introduces the world to Baby Sqweegel.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy birthday Toni?

Antonia Moore was born on September 23rd, 1986. If she is still alive, today is her 23rd birthday. If not, today WOULD HAVE BEEN her 23rd birthday.

Do you think Toni is alive and celebrating her birthday in Order captivity? Or do you think the tweets are the work of Sibylla and Xavier?

Antonia Moore on Facebook
Antonia Moore on Twitter

Compulsions First Look

Compulsions is a new web series scheduled to debut around the end of October. The series has an intriguing premise, three ordinary people who rather than suppressing their dark compulsions act on them as an emotional outlet. Each of the three main characters has a different compulsion, one being Sadism, the second, previously unannounced compulsion, belongs to a women described as being a compulsive trophy hunter, someone who enjoys the thrill of the hunt. The third compulsion is still under wraps.

Bernie Su, the series creator and writer, describes the show as having the atmosphere of Dexter with a story format similar to Lost’s structure. Compulsions is a dramatic thriller designed for a more mature and sophisticated audience and as such may not be suitable for younger viewers. However, when I spoke with Bernie Su, he stated that the more mature themes are more implied than explicit, but he did not rule out the possibility of a pre-roll warning, which will ensure that every teenager who comes across the show will want to watch it. Furthermore, each individual episode will be told from one character’s point of view and will jump around in time; however, the overall story will be contained within a confined, specific time period.

The cast includes the versatile Craig Frank (The Crew) and Annemarie Pazmino, who audiences should remember from Sorority Forever, as the girl who propositioned Taryn in one of the shows more interesting episodes… that was pretty hot. Rounding out the cast is Janna Bossier, who is perhaps best known for appearing in Slipknot’s music video for Vermillion. Also, other familiar faces are expected to appear; however, once again, creator Bernie Su is keeping some details to himself, as part of his master plan to build suspense.

Compulsions is one of the few independent web dramas in production. I asked Su why so few dramas are produced, and he stated that with a drama it is important to execute on every level from the character’s back-stories to lighting and sound quality, where as a comedy is much more forgiving if one of the elements is off. Also, I would add that given the drive by nature of web videos it is simpler to give the audience a few laughs than to expect them to delve into a complex story; however, I believe there is an audience looking for more sophisticated story telling on the web and Compulsions may be the show to tap into that audience.

The first season consists of eight episodes. Unlike most series, which stretch the release schedule out, the current plan is to release all of the episodes within a couple weeks; however, the show’s producers are currently seeking a distribution partner so the release schedule is subject to change. Su stated that he is not simply seeking massive view counts, but that he rather is looking to build a loyal audience and generate buzz about the project. Given the amount of attention the project has received already, it was recently part of a write up in the New York Times, that is a likely outcome. For more information on the series check out the official website, follow it on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook.

Live from The Twitter Confernce in LA!

Live from The Twitter Confernce in LA!

The Guild Episode 4: Get it back!

Codex enters enemy territory to get her Guildie back.

CSI: The Experience

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

Last week, I had the very awesome opportunity to attend the opening ceremony of the new CSI exhibit at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas called “CSI: The Experience.”


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

The Guild Episode 3: Player Down

The Guild tries to cope with one man down. Or maybe two.

Introducing Secret Girlfriend with Sara E. R. Fletcher

Secret GirlfriendStarts Oct 7 10:30pm / 9:30c
Introducing Secret Girlfriend
Joke of the DayStand-Up ComedyFree Online Games

Watch "Secret Girlfriend," an unapologetic new series from Comedy Central, starting Wednesday, October 7 at 10:30pm / 9:30c.


Sara E. R. Fletcher on LGPedia: Sara E. R. Fletcher is the actress who plays Rachel in Redearth88

Sara Fletcher on IMDB.

Secret Girlfriend on IMDB

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Guild live at BlizzCon later this week!

The cast of the popular web series The Guild will once again be making a live appearance at this year's BlizzCon, participating in a discussion panel and chatting with attendees about all aspects of the show at their booth.


It's back! - mitchcontrol

What's up youtube, I'm back!


All-you-can-eat dumpling feast w/ OzGirl clan


Shaun the Scotsman face-packs 15 dumplings - part one - shanrahwakefield

part 1....before my memory card filled u

A True Crime Farewell (Level 26)

Posted by Kristine Huntley

For my final True Crime blog, I’d like to turn it mostly over to you and find out what draws you to serial killer stories, either real life ones or fictional ones. I have many friends for whom tales of serial killers are “too gory” or “too scary” or just “not my cup of tea.” Obviously, for those of us here, that’s definitely not the case.

Josh Caldwell will be taking over for me here at Level 26 next week

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".


The panel will handicap the 2009/10 schedule in the context of the program development and pilot production for that season; the increase in reality programs and their effect on the Industry. Also, on the agenda are digital cross-platform distribution and other hot button issues such as media consolidation, net neutrality and the financial health of the broadcast business.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - The Beverly Hills Hotel

Level 26: New York Times Best Seller

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

For the week of September 8th through September 15th, the New York Times ranked Level 26 as #31 out of 35 on the extended list.


Also, several key members of the community (Female Prodigy, Mimi, Kassi, Night Wanderer, Big Yellow Hero, Bri, Gee Z Girl, to name a few) really got the word out through Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

"We are also considering doing a live cam for the entire shoot of book two."

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

CBS News to Launch Web Interview Show Hosted by @KatieCouric

Tomorrow’s debut episode airs online at 7:00pm ET with guest Glenn Beck, who will be discussing politics and his new book with the anchorwoman.


Streamys Showcase at @NYTVF

In NYC this week? Don't miss the Streamys Showcase at @NYTVF this Wednesday, Sept. 23: http://nytvf.com



The power of transmedia storytelling

Transmedia storytelling, often referred to as crossmedia or multiplatform storytelling takes the elements of a character’s narrative and applies them uniquely to each medium while extending the story.


Digital Family Summit

"This event will bring together leading community builders, social media experts, application developers, marketers and digital media business leaders to explore the very timely topic of "Managing Online Communities.""



Dharma Wants You Wins Primetime Creative Arts Emmy

ABC, the producers of LOST, and Australian digital entertainment company Hoodlum walked away from last night’s Emmy Awards with the award for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media – Fiction for their work on the alternate reality game Dharma Wants You.


Ted Bundy: A Bio (Part 5) (Level 26)

The final part to A&E's program on Ted Bundy. Part 5.
Be sure to stick in this Halloween for a Halloween surprise biography.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Clarifications and Answers to Questions for TSIY2

From: http://inside.lg15.com/2009/09/21/clarifications-and-answers-to-questions-for-tsiy2/

Hey everyone,

We are really excited to be doing TSIY2 and can’t wait to see the amazing pilots people come up with. We put out our rules a few weeks ago over at LG15 there have been some requests for clarification about the rules. I went through and answered the first couple waves of questions and a couple users have added a series of new more detailed questions they would like me to answer. I want to thank these users for asking a lot of good questions and I’d like to take this chance to do my best to answer the remaining questions. Below are the answers. I want to note that a good amount of the questions are very specific legal questions asking a bunch of “what if” questions pertaining to the contractual relationship between EQAL and the winning producer. I cannot go into those detailed questions here because the answers are unique to the specific winning producer. If my failure to provide specific answers to those questions makes any producer unwilling to submit his/her pilot, I understand. However, we hope that you trust that we will honor our end of the bargain, be good partners with the producer, and do our best to make a very successful TSIY2.

Site Features: Regarding the website, as previously discussed the new version of LG15.com will launch in time for producers to submit their pilots on October 1st. The website will receive new features, upgrades, and technical support that is consistent with all other EQAL websites.

Legal Issues:
Question: On a previous question about retaining rights, you said “We will be acquiring the rights so the producer cannot submit the show places without our consent.”; is that limited to the particular pieces of content created for TSIY2, or does that extend to the characters and additional mythology created in support of it, i.e. would EQAL fully and exclusively own the rights to the characters of the winning show? (Thus blocking continuation of the series independently.)

Answer: EQAL will be the owner of all IP in TSIY2. We are NOT doing this for personal benefit. We are doing this because all characters in TSIY2 will become canon to the LG15 Universe and those characters need to be built on by the community in TSIY3, 4 and so on. We will be using a Creative Commons non-commercial share-like license for all of the LG15 content, including the content we acquire with TSIY2. Therefore, we need to have ownership so that those characters will be part of the canon and new producers can build off of them under our license to the LG15 Universe.

Question: Once the winning show is over, will there be any remaining/future liabilities for the winning team, or does the contract just end?

Answer: They will have to send us all the video files - we will send them a hard drive and paid postage. After that, no further obligations or liabilities.

Question: Given that TSIY shows are officially canon, how would credit be handled in potential future plots which use characters or plot elements created by the winning team? e.g. would there be “Based on characters created by…” credit? Or is all of that swallowed when EQAL obtains the rights? (This is of importance even if EQAL does not plan to continue LG15 or to touch upon TSIY storylines, because future TSIY teams might do this.)

Answer: We will give credit to the Producers of all TSIY shows based on our contract with those producers. Those contracts are private and confidential.

Question: You have had 16 days to look into the IRS issue. What tax-status will the $5000 have?

Answer: The winning team will not have to pay taxes on the $5,000. All further details will be discussed with the winning team.

All further questions in the Legal, Organization, and PR issues are too specific to cover in this general setting and those issues will be dealt with between EQAL and the Producer and are covered by the private and confidential contract between us.

OpAphid & Nikki Bower:

Question: Which exact “version” of OpAphid and other related characters can/should be used? Should any post-LG15 character developments (e.g. RE88) be disregarded, or should the characters as they stood after their full storylines (e.g. after RE88) be integrated?

Answer: You should use the version of OpAphid that ends with Nikki Bower saying they are missing and haven’t been heard from in weeks. Nikki Bower’s statement can be regarded as canon and you should not use any OpAphid character developments that happened as a result of RE88.

Question: In the past, we were explicitly told not to regard Nikki Bower Reports as canon. Nevertheless, Nikki Bower had important roles in several high-profile LG15 episodes, making the character itself canon. In that light, how should writers treat the information from “Following the Drugs - NBR Investigates”, in which Nikki B. states “OpAphid is missing and hasn’t been heard from in weeks. And Tachyon and Brother… they’re missing too.” as well as “Tachyon, Brother, and OpAphid, they were the only people watching Bree’s videos”. Should this be regarded canon LG15 information and thus form the starting point for any TSIY storyline not based on RE88 events, or should this be disregarded like other NBRs, and the teams are free to make up their own explanation of the characters’ absence (with Glenn’s help)?

Answer: See above.
Question: While we’re on the topic, is Nikki B. eligible for TSIY storylines?

Answer: Yes, Nikki B. the character is eligible but I have no idea if Nikki B. the actress is available. That is up to her as it is up to any other actor to participate in TSIY2.

Question: What is the process for incorporating “OpAphid assets” in TSIY? For example, will EQAL or Glenn provide, say, the voice of OpAphid, or is the cooperation limited to “only” Glenn himself (as in, no Mari, no Op/Tachyon actresses)? How does a producer go about determining what is possible and what is not?

Answer: This is going to be up to Glenn and the Producer. I would tailor your pilot to make sure it can exist only with “Glenn himself” but have ideas for how to incorporate OpAphid’s voice if that is what the Producer wants to do in case Glenn can arrange that. This is all between Glenn and the Producer.

Thanks again to LG15 Today for all the good questions. At this point, I won’t be answering any more general questions in this public setting. If specific producers that are going to be 100% percent making pilots would like to ask me follow-up questions, they can do so by sending me a private message at any of our sites - Level26.com, GetCookin.PaulaDeen.com, HarpersGlobe.com.


::::: Greg answers previous questions about TSIY-2
::::: The remaining questions that we asked Greg to answer.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interview with Melanie Merkosky of "LonelyGirl15" and "Harper's Globe"

Interview with Melanie Merkosky of "LonelyGirl15" and "Harper's Globe" - gordonlake

Melanie Merkosky on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanie_Merkosky

Interview with Yousef Abu-Taleb

Interview with Yousef Abu-Taleb of "LonelyGirl15" - gordonlake

Interview with Yousef Abu-Taleb -- Producer of "Poor Paul" - gordonlake

Interview with Yousef Abu-Taleb - caseystrikesback

Yousef Abu-Taleb on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yousef_Abu-Taleb

Introducing LA Stereo .TV - LAstereoTV

subscribe to our Youtube channel, follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/lastereotv
Introducing a new web series covering the LA hip hop scene, presented by DJ Val the Vandle.
Intro featuring VerBS & Belvi.
Other web sites available on Eqal's Umbrella software:


Visit our Umbrella blogspot portal page.

Dr Horrible on the Emmys

Neal Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion as Dr Horrible and The Hammer in a segment from the Emmy broadcast.

2009 Emmy Awards winners list

Live, with chat:

Results on Twitter:

2009 Emmy Awards winners list

TV Guide Network's 2009 Emmy Awards Red Carpet: Live Fashion Cam


How to become an author on LG15 Today.

A few people have recently asked how they can post to LG15 Today so it is probably time to review the process. If you are a member of the community, all you need to do is send an email request to LG15today@gmail.com. Once we have your email you will be sent an author invite. To post you will need a Google gmail account but the request can come from any email account.

The focus of LG15 Today is to keep the community up to date on what is going on within the community. That can take many forms. Perhaps you have your own web series, or ARG of interest to the community. Perhaps you have a story of relevance on your own blog that you want to link to, or perhaps a radio show on BreeFM that you want to talk about. Perhaps you have an interest in the web series industry in general, or just want to post about something of interest to the community. Perhaps you have just created some graphic art, or a video that you want to show off to the community. Perhaps you have found an interesting thread on a site like Anchor Cove, or a story on an other web series news site, that you think readers would enjoy. It is up to you, your creativity and your passion for the community to share what you think the community will enjoy.

LG15 Today is a collaborative blog. That means we all work together to keep each other up to date with what is topical or of interest to the community. As the needs an interests of the community change, so does LG15 Today. It is a platform created by you to reflect what you feel is relevant in the web series industry with an emphasis on shows that derive from within the community. Whether you contribute as an author, a reader a commenter, or a web series creator your participation is greatly appreciated and helps us grow and thrive as a vibrant online community.

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

Join the discussion: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity