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Saturday, October 24, 2009

This Is My Party Now! (Cassie Halloween Party)

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009.
Time: 10pm, Central Standard (Daylight Savings) Time.
Place: Second Life, Kane (156, 46, 24), Gothinger Forest Christian Church

Short cut: http://tinyurl.com/cassieiswatching


"Maggie stood a few feet away, unfazed by the long distance as the fertility drugs they had given her seemed to give her a bizarre caffeine rush."


More episodes: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/search/label/LG15%3A%20The%20Zombies

@jessicaleerose stars in 'Ghost Town' 2nite on @SyFy 9p.m.

Reminder tweeps: @jessicaleerose stars in 'Ghost Town' 2nite on @SyFy 9p.m. w/Gil Gerard, Elize du Toit & Billy Drago.




You were the ones with every clue,
now get online and join the Crew!
Well drink our toasts to that girl Cassie,
and party 'till our eyes are glassy!


Perhaps you were fan of CassieIsWatching, and joined Second Life in search of the brown turtleneck-wearing, ever-sobbing, anagram-composing CodesInto Serapis at a crowded church in Kane, and soon abandoned SL, saddened by the way the ARG seemed to fizzle out after October 12th? Or maybe you stayed on in Second Life with Cassie's Watchers and developed a serious drinking problem! Either way, please join us for a frightfully fun night of reminiscing, drinking, lag, cow-dancing, projectile vomiting, and Cassie talk on Second Life!

Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009.
Time: 10pm, Central Standard (Daylight Savings) Time.
Place: Second Life, Kane (156, 46, 24), Gothinger Forest Christian Church
(If you can't remember how to get there, click the Search button, open the People tab and enter my SL name, "ahcapella Caldwell," and IM me, lol!)

And in the meantimeSTAY CASSIE!

Discussion on Anchor Cove http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1459

Short cut: http://www.tinyurl.com/cassieiswatching

Tim Armstrong’s Secret Project Is To Turn AOL Into A Low-Cost Content Machine

TA: 'We have some secret sauce that I can’t announce."


The secret project is a new content-management system (CMS) which will make it easier to produce and publish Web content across AOL’s sites and perhaps beyond.

It’s like a fancy blogging platform with all sorts of tracking and ad-monetization built in.


White Collar

Hope y'all checked out White Collar, the show LG15 writer @campjim is now working on. I hear it's radtastic.





Friday, October 23, 2009

Coke Correspondent on AMA Red Carpet


THE VOTE IS YOURS: Share it!!!!!


Just click the "share" button on http://lg15theshowisyours2.blogspot.com and encourage your friends (using your favorite social networking sites) to watch all the videos, and VOTE in "LG15: TSIY-2 PEOPLE'S CHOICE".

Rippol Wants to Affect How You Find Video

Written by Liz Gannes

Rippol will compete with Clicker, SetJam, ffwd and all the big online TV aggregators like TV.com and Fancast.



Deputy 26 "Crime" Challenge: Week Two (Level 26)

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

Week Two's challenge is this -- I want all the deputies to find the most interesting crime story on the Internet and blog about it. I want you to submit in 300-500 words your rationale as to why this is the most interesting crime story (in your own words), submit an online article about the subject (with pictures), and attach a video, much like I did with the Albert Fish blog. I found the documentary on You Tube. You must have all three to qualify.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Fiction Addiction's Dark Addicts' Recruitment Video - TeamCu11en

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Harper's Globe Launch up for Prism Technology/Convergence Award

R+C wins PRism Award for Tech/Convergence for EQAL Harper Globe - woohoo!!!




Rogers & Cowan: http://www.rogersandcowan.com/



The Web.Files #16 - Compulsions

On the newest episode of The Web.Files Kristyn Burtt interviews Compulsions creator and writer, Bernie Su, as well as the series producer, Michael Tohl. Compulsions is a dramatic thriller that possesses the atmosphere of Dexter while sharing its story structure with Lost, and is one of this years most anticipated new web series. The interview contains some never before seen clips, at least I haven’t seen them, and features some insight into the three main characters. The only downside to the interview, everyone was wearing a hat, except Kristyn… what? she looks good in a hat.

Compulsions has an interesting premise, ordinary people who rather than suppress their darker compulsions, act on them as an emotional outlet. Last month, I talked with Bernie Su about the series at length, during which he shared his thoughts on the series and web series in general. The series is scheduled to debut towards the end of October, the exact date and place to be announced.

Update: I received an email from series creator, Bernie Su, today stating that the new launch date for the series is December 1st. Also, I have been using words such as dark, edgy and mature to describe the series, well, I have had the opportunity to view the first two episodes and I can state that not only is it dark, edgy and mature, but it also is brilliant and riveting. Personally, I cannot wait for the series to debut.

‘Days of the Living Dead’: Zombies Never Looked So Awesome

by Jenni Powell

The show follows a rag tag group of renegade actors, artists, technical directors and filmmakers working together to produce one of the largest and most heralded haunted houses in the country, Statesville Haunted Prison.


Venus Spa Ep. 8: Bikini Bottoms Up!

They said it couldn't be done, they were wrong...

Song: Out of Control by The Pumps


"Once she began hallucinating, she ran around her cell screaming vulgar insults about, oddly enough, Chas, saying how she always hogged the good stuff."

Read the full post: http://www.lg15.com/blog_entry/view/10038/53/1

N1ckola translated wanted

Hey guys, this is FH14 from the LGPedia. Recently, I've been updating the N1ckola section of the wiki. Several transcripts of the series are up in English for your enjoyment thanks to the efforts of Mjuzz at Anchor Cove back in February and March.

However, we only have the translations for the first 40-or-so episodes. If you speak Polish or know someone who speaks Polish, we are looking for someone who can provide translated dialogue for these videos. Even only a couple would be greatly appreciated.

To submit a translation, please head over to the N1ckola forums at Anchor Cove. To watch the series, visit N1ckola.pl

[15] Holly Compares Vampire Novels - WeReadBooks

I talk about The Vampire Diaries: The struggle and The Awakening by L.J. Smith
I also talk about Twilight by Stefanie Meyer.
I love both book series. I really do. Any comparison or dumb thing I do to compare the two novels is very light heartedly done. So don't...feak out...you know who you are....edward people....

Melanie Merkosky's Harper's Globe showreel

Harper's Globe on Harper's Island. (CBS)

Watch at the original location.

The Guild Episode 8: +10 to Bravery

Codex takes desperate measures to save the Guild. She even goes outside!

Fallen Angels - Book 1


Fallen Angels - Book 1: Welcome To Munich (Kindle Edition)
by Gregory Austin McConnell (Author)



::::: SPOILER ALERT:::::
"Fallen Angels" tells the story of Wade's journey towards redeeming himself from his past life of sins. Every day he is forced to struggle to find the truths of morality, and is faced with the difficulty of judging the difference between right and wrong in a world seemingly filled with morally gray areas.


Elevator - Oh Oh Its Magic - ElevatorShow

When Chris and Derek have a magic-off, everyone wins. Guest starring Lonelygirl15's Jackie Jandrell!
Follow me on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/woodytondorf
And get ready for the special Elevator Halloween mini series! Starts Monday!

"Do You Wanna Date My Avatar?"- w00tstock v1.1 Los Angeles! - theamberyone

Crappy quality video (taken by iphone) of amazing (and hilarious) acoustic performance of "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar" by Felicia Day, Molly Lewis, Paul and Storm, Jeff Lewis, and Sandeep Parikh at w00tstock (at Largo) in Los Angeles, CA.

Definitely one of the highlights of w00tstock!


Considering this was w00tstock, and was mostly advertised via word of mouth, the internet, and twitter, I think it appropriate that I link to the performers on twitter:


w00tstockers not in this video:

Such an amazing night!

The Zuiker Halloween Party: A Nightmare (Level 26)

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

Every year, my wife (Gorygirl) and I host a drop-dead Halloween party at our home.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Becoming A Jones (ep 1)

A wise philosopher was once rumored to have said, "Ah, there are more webseries than grains of sand on the beach." Here is episode 1 of "Becoming of Jones", posted to youtube last month.

"Developed as a family dramedy for television, Becoming A Jones is based on a true story about a young teenager named PAIGE. Life at home can be difficult for Paige. Her mother MYA has two jobs, stacked bills and is going through her fourth divorce. After conflict with her mom, Paige runs away from home.

Written, Directed and Produced by Annastasia Allard
Starring Elizabeth Machabeli, Michael Barnaba, Jordan Fowler, and Judy Thompson as MYA. Executive producer Tina Machabeli. Cinematographer by Brandon Miller. Grip by Matthew Stouppe. Music by American Shoguns."

Milo's comment: The acting in this drama series is a bit stilted and delivered more like a play, like many webseries, but I was intrigued by the opening sections, which used child actors, and then the switch to teenagers. Episodes 1-3 are already online.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Secret Girlfriend: 10:30PM EST Tonight on Comedy Central

Q & A with Sara Fletcher

How different is starring in a tv show than a web series?

For this particular project (Secret Girlfriend) it was actually very similar. For both SG and RE88 the main character/characters talk directly into camera, which is part of what makes the TV series so unique. Most of the time when an actor is filming a TV series, you avoid eye contact with the camera at all costs. Overall, I would say the biggest difference is crew and production size. Obviously for web, not as many people are needed to produce quality content. However, during the shooting of Secret Girlfriend we would have any where from 30-50 people on set at a time.

What are the ups and downs of both in your experience?

At the end of the day, I love being on any set working as an actress, whether for web or TV. Working with a small crew is great because you get to know everyone individually and tend to feel very comfortable stretching yourself as an actor. However, a low-budget small crew may not have the ability to film at a bar or a mansion, etc... which can be a hindrance, unless the writer is aware and uses the spaces/locations that the crew has available to them. On the flip side, working for TV is equally fulfilling. Although you may not get to know everyone that is on set everyday, there are perks to having a larger crew and more funding. Locations can be more extravagant, there's more money in the budget for costumes, food, production, etc... However, there's also more pressure to work as quickly and efficiently as possible since there are so many people working simultaneously.

Which character can you relate to more: Jessica or Rachel?

I think I've got a little bit of both characters in me. Jessica is pretty adventurous and loves playing kick-ball, hanging with the guys, etc...I would say we're pretty similar in that respect. Rachel tends to be more introspective and I too have my meditative moments.


More about Sara Fletcher and Secret Girlfriend: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/search/label/Sara%20Fletcher

If you have any more questions for Sara, leave a comment below and we will post the answers next week!!!!

Simply Simon - Behind the Scenes #3 - Max and Yousef

Two familiar faces, Max and Yousef, talk about how calling in favors can really help when creating your own webseries.

Simply Simon - Behind the Scenes #2 - Set Tour with Tom

Our fearless director, Tom Ptasinski, takes us on a tour of a pivotal scene during the filming of Simply Simon!


MySpace Launches a Hulu for Music Videos

Today sees the launch of MySpace Music Videos, a searchable collection of music videos from all of its major and independent label partners.



Google Launches Social Search

The bottom of search results will soon have social networking information from your friends, like their Flickr photos or their status updates.


Mashable's Top 10 Most Viewed Webseries for Sept 2009

Last month, Mashable started its most viewed (Top 10) webseries chart. The numbers for september are now up:

The Top 10 Most Watched Web Series, September 2009 (Mashable, Oct 15, 2009)

The top 10 (full stats and discussion available at the article) are:
1 Fred
2 The Station
3 Smosh
4 Autotune The News
5 24 Hours News (The Onion)
6 In The Know (The Onion)
7 The Guild
8 Red Vs Blue
9 Hardly Working (CollegeHumor)
10 Jake & Amir (CollegeHumor)

Help me out guys...

ok so im pretty sure that doctor was lying but i dont know how i can prove it so i need your guys help, so how do i prove that the doctor ive known all my life is lying to me about something that kept me in bed for about a month so sick i slept for nearly two weeks straight and has broken my trust of him.




Just another typical Saturday night.

Warning: This video contains mature situations and may not be suitable for all audiences or all viewing situations. Viewer discretion is advised.

shentekad.mov - masonishappy

Doctor Who writer launches online drama

Having already penned episodes for Doctor Who, Torchwood and Spooks writer James Moran has turned his hand to a new web-only series.

Doctor Who and Torchwood fans have this year been teased with special episodes and shorter series as their favourite programmes cut down on production, but that doesn't mean all the shows' writers have just had their feet up -- James Moran, who has penned episodes for both shows, has written an online-only crime thriller that features an array of well-known stars.
The mini-series, entitled Girl Number 9, features Doc Martin's Joe Absolom as a man arrested for the murder of seven young women and features Torchwood actor Gareth David-Lloyd and ex-EastEnder Tracy-Ann Oberman as the investigating detectives.


A Dark Origins Web Exclusive with Saif and Nate

An inside look at how the agents of the Dark Agents, Saif Rahman and Nate Russell Coleman, were assembled.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Elevator Halloween Trailer! (Featuring Jackie Jandrell) - ElevatorShow

Elevator's epic 4 part Halloween Mini Series kicks off Monday October 26 and ends Thursday October 29! Come watch us tear into Twilight, New Moon, and True Blood!

Follow the madness on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/woodytondorf
And follow everyone's favorite vampire-janitor! http://www.twitter.com/HaroldFTW

From Woody Tondorf: "Jackie Jandrell, who played Gemma on the web series Lonelygirl15, will guest star as the female lead in the annual Elevator Halloween mini series and will also star in several other Elevator episodes starting October 22nd. Jackie's character will lampoon the Bella Swan character of the "Twilight" saga as she falls for Harold the Janitor, who "comes out of the coffin" to tell everyone he's a vampire."

Web 2.0 Summit: Evan Williams Wants To Kill The Suggested User List

Today at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco, Twitter co-founder and CEO Evan Williams took the stage for a discussion with Federated Media’s John Battelle.


‘You Can’t Fast Forward a Live Show’, Going LIVE! Panel at Tubefilter Meetup

by Marc Hustvedt

The entire panel, which can be watched now on demand (above), reached over 700 concurrent viewers on the live stream through Stickam.com and here on Tubefilter News.


It's a Poor Paul Wedding! [Poor Paul ep38] - PoorPaulPoorPaul

"My Grandpa Paul invited most of us to his wedding. He's marrying his new lawyer Pauline. She's a lot younger than him and reminds me of Meredith the bitchy new wife in The Parent Trap movie. Oh and according to Clyde, she's a total GILF." -Paul.

Starring Samantha Droke, Wes Whitworth and Zack Bennett as Paul.

With Special Guest Stars Ezra Buzzington as Bradford, Jessica Rose as Beatrice, Richard Riehle as Grandpa Paul and Elaine Hendrix as Pauline.

Co-Starring Sean Michael Beyer, Whitmer Thomas, Palmer Scott, Andy Dardaine, Reggie Jernigan, Jackson Davis, Dustin Belt, Tara Robinson and Conn Barrett.

Music: "Feel" by Kelly Keeling and "In Pieces" by Cherry Suede.

Written by Geoff Hoff & Steve Mancini and Kevin G. Schmidt and Sean Michael Beyer.

Directed by Sean Michael Beyer.

©2009 Eye Scream Films


Babes of Darkness - theNathalieG

Nathalie G's Level26.com Recruitment Video - created at http://animoto.com

See more: http://www.level26.com/tlc_units/filter/2/452/1

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

UCLA Study: The Internet Is Altering Our Brains

Research has shown that mental stimulation similar to the stimulation that occurs in individuals who frequently use the Internet may affect the efficiency of cognitive processing and alter the way the brain encodes new information.


Joss Whedon looks beyond doomed Dollhouse

The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is going to direct an episode of the Fox series Glee after he wraps the 13-episode order of Dollhouse.


DOLLHOUSE Why Is FOX Letting It Live? (Or How Invested Is FOX With Joss Whedon?)

Summer Glau is expected to be on the show and she herself has a big following.


Memories & Black Holes - ROCKETBOOM


Interview Project is a portrait of everyday Americans filmed during an extensive
road trip throughout the United States. Beautifully shot and edited, Interview
Project captures the ups and downs of the human experience through the
meaningful accounts of these people.


JOIN: http://blog.interviewproject.davidlynch.com
Welcome to the Interview Project Blog! This blog is powered by our friends at EQAL and it is the result of our collaboration with the AFI Digital Content Lab. Please join the community by clicking the 'sign up' button at the top right of your screen and following the simple instructions. Blog members will be able to engage with the community by participating in the discussion of Interview Project. Additionally, members of the site will be able to create their own profile pages and upload their own creative content. We will be looking through the pages that are created and selecting content that we find interesting and placing it on the home page. We encourage you to take the time to show the rest of the members the things that you consider important contributions to our site. Your participation is a critical element to the success of the community and we hope that you enjoy becoming part of our online family!




We met Clinton on an overcast afternoon. He was standing on the side of the road as if he had been waiting for us to come along. We quickly turned around and drove back to ask him for an interview. He agreed and began telling us his story. He told us about his obsession with Stevie Nicks and about his trip to Hollywood where he met Rosanne Barr. Clinton also told us a story about his friend Johnny S. who was murdered and dumped into his fireplace one night during a three day party. When we finished the interview we said goodbye to Clinton and drove north, listening to Fleetwood Mac at high volume.

Discuss this episode at http://blog.interviewproject.davidlynch.com/tlc_units/filter/2/17/1

Other web sites available on Eqal's Umbrella software:


Visit our Umbrella blogspot portal page.

What Is Umbrella, Really?

Anchor cove poll: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2455

Level 26: The Next Level

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

Recently, we met with EQAL and Team Level 26 to discuss how to take Level26.com to the next level. We collectively decided that we’d like Level 26 to be the “one stop” crime destination on the Internet.


For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lee Gallison joins Eqal?

Current Career Direction
Transitioning from career as principal of Gallison Design to contract art direction, design and project management.

10+years art direction and project management experience in the entertainment industry.





IAWTV Gives Itself Herculean Task of Uniting Web TV Makers

What’s unclear is whether the greater web video community is on board to acknowledge the IAWTV as their core industry organization.


Epic Fu creator Zadi Diaz and The Guild creator Felicia Day said they’d favor an IAWTV that was truly international and independent, advocated for causes like net neutrality, and deviated from a Hollywood-centered model.

Web TV Week Kicks Off Tonight With Tubefilter Meetup!

“Going LIVE!” panel all about live streaming web series streamed LIVE at 7:20pm PST on Stickam http://www.stickam.com/tubefilter

Going LIVE! Panel:
Hailey Bright, Co-Host, Coin-Op TV Live
Drew Baldwin, Producer, The Streamy Awards (and Tubefilter co-founder)
Brian Gramo, Founder, theStream.tv
Tyler Crowley, Exec. Producer, Mahalo Daily, This Week in Startups, Kevin Pollack’s Chat Show
Bismarck Lepe, Founder, Ooyala
Moderator: Marc Hustvedt, Editor-in-Chief, Tubefilter News


At Digital Hollywood....

At digital hollywood - the prez of Variety says no one can make money on YT/Internet video.


Can Hulu Save Traditional TV?

Imagine that The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal had gotten together and created Google News. Or that Sony Music and Warner Music Group had introduced iTunes. That's Hulu, a daring attempt by would-be victims of the digital revolution, NBC Universal and News Corp., the parent company of Fox, to control their content -- and their fates.


Scifinal.com: The last stop for independent sci-fi online

SciFinal is a web directory focused on providing information and links about independently produced science fiction web series. Show producers are encouraged to login and create a showpage today. If you're a show creator, SciFinal is a free way to promote your show. For viewers, SciFinal is a way to learn about exciting sci-fi shows you may not be familiar with.

Either way, if you want to find the best science fiction series on the web, SciFinal is the place for you!

SciFinal. The last stop for independent sci-fi online.


Gap Casting Call


PoorPaul: Special guests Jessica Lee Rose & Jackson Davis

Fun New Ep Tomorrow! w/@zack_bennett @sammydroke @weswhitworth spec guests @elaine4animals @jessicaleerose @Jacks0nDavis & other surprises!


If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

Join the discussion: http://www.tinyurl.com/webseriescommunity