In the Mid-Season Finale, while on an Away Mission, Tom, Tim, Patrick and Jala run into some baddies as Andrea gets a special visitor in the brig. Taryn O'Neill and Woody Tondorf Guest Star
On each of these Ning Networks (sometimes called “families” or “covens”), fans are using the built-in features — namely the profile pages and blogs — to assume the identity of their favorite characters and act them out.
All he has to do now is manage board meetings with two of the more forceful personalities on the planet – new investor Marc Andreessen and cofounder/new investor Niklas Zennstrom.
In all seriousness, I really could use some support over there. Ive had alot of great projects fall through in the past few years, but my new channel is here to stay. Hope to see you there!
...oh and this will probably be the last time I log onto this channel, so no more creepy messages like the one person who wanted to see my feet...or the other person who told me to kill myself. so sweet!
Life with Kat & McKay is a new web series about an age old problem. When Kat meets McKay the oh so dreamy (what? he is) waiter at a local restaurant, they are instantly smitten with each other, much to the chagrin of her BFF, who also had her eye on the strapping young server. As their relationship moves to the inevitable conclusion, that would be marriage – get your mind out of the gutter – they must overcome obstacles and navigate conflicts caused by their well-intentioned family and friends. Will they make it to the alter? Does love really conquer all? Will there be bloodshed?
Life with Kat & McKay is a web series done well. Written, produced, and directed by Sandra J. Payne, the show is a quirky comedy that is not afraid to embrace its ‘feel good’ nature. From the Brady Bunch inspired opening, to the jazzy upbeat soundtrack, the show never strives to be more than what it is, a fun short, entertaining series that focuses on its characters without relying on green screens or gimmicks. Also, the series makes good use familiar archetypes – the spoiled daddy’s girl and the mamma’s boy, the rich family vs. the working class one, making the series immediately accessible and the characters instantly identifiable. In many ways the show reminds me of OzGirl in that it is a simple story elevated by compelling characters. This isn’t to say the characters are as interesting as those on OzGirl, Life with Kat & McKay could really use a Megan; however, the actors do a good job of elevating them beyond their two-dimensional archetypes.
Life with Kat & McKay is a web series that is obviously aimed largely at a female demographic, yet I still found it quite enjoyable. Of course, I’ve been known to enjoy the occasional chic flick; in fact, just this week I watched a film, with an all female cast, a very friendly cast. The series is available on several sites including Koldcast. The individual episodes are rather short clocking in under 5 minutes in length. The series has not received much attention from the major players, so this would be an opportunity to experience an undiscovered gem.
Today, NewTeeVee gets to do something we don’t normally get to do — review the competition. OK, technically The Web Files isn’t competition for us — we’re just covering the same beat using different mediums.
While she dashed our hopes of 'Dollhouse' continuing in comic book form, she said she'd like to be part of the upcoming 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog' sequel, and that her Robert Mapplethorpe biopic (which she has been working on for eight years) is finally getting made.
"Next up in the new media realm I’m directing a sci-fi/thriller called Continuum that we’re planning to shoot late this fall and release next spring. Wilson Cleveland and CJP Digital Media are working with us on this project."
She suggests that designers create an entry character or some other entry device where players can “check in” with the game, with a deeper experience for the more avid players that enriches the story without creating impediments to the enjoyment of more casual players.
Online video revolution (2006) In 2006, a perfect storm of faster bandwidth, cheaper camcorders, and the groundbreaking use of Adobe's Flash 9 video player by YouTube combined to launch the online video revolution. The trifecta led to a boom in homemade and professional content - the Diet Coke and Mentos guys, lonelygirl15, SNL's Lazy Sunday, and Senator George Allen's "macacagate" - that has reshaped everything from pop culture to politics.
More Twilight fun? Click here for more videos: Tell us what Celeb you want to see audition for a famous role here:
Tom Cruise auditions for New Moon... You can't handle the spoof! Starring Evan Ferrante as Tom Cruise
The infomer grabs the player’s attention through disruptive communication such as hi-jacking Crime 360 promotional materials, and through on-air and online viral spots.
Time Warner will spin off AOL on Dec. 9 in a stock offering that will value the humbled, formal portal somewhere near $3.5 billion -- slightly bigger than Netflix Inc.
Kristyn Burtt, the lovely and talented host of The Web.Files also hosts a show for Dance Channel TV called the Can't Miss List, which runs down the latest gossip and behind the scenes news of the dance world. I for one was excited to learn that there was finally a web show dedicated to the world of dance, until I learned they do not consider pole a style of dance. Nevertheless, if you like dance, this is the show for you. Also, Kristyn Burtt is chock full of snarky goodness and there are pictures of Julianne Hough, who still will not return my phone calls, even the ones that came from inside her house.
Watch events unfold through the eyes of the security system's mysterious operator.
“Neighborhood Watch at The Hollywood” incorporates an innovative storytelling device called "Forced Perspective." Forced perspective is essentially first person point of view, which is nothing new, however the difference is that the viewer is forced to see the entire story through a character's perspective. The powerful aspect of Forced Perspective is that the viewer doesn't get to see what they want to see or even what they are used to seeing. There is no hand holding. There are no zoom shots to direct your attention to where clues might be-you're going to have to find them yourself. In “Neighborhood Watch at The Hollywood” the viewer is immediately introduced to the control panel of The Hollywood's state of the art security system and it becomes evident that they are watching someone use it to monitor the tenants. The console is completely functional and the operator has access to not only security cam footage but also video from cams hidden in apartments as well as mobile cams. Only the security system's operator controls what is seen and when and discovering their identity is central to the plot.
Pictured L-R: Becki Kregoski, Andrew Lander, Dylan Ramsey, Sharon Ingram, Lisa Kowalski, Windham Beacham and Kirsten Scoles
Not Pictured: Michael Moon, Elizabeth Carlisle, Charlie Heydt, Logan Rapp, Joshua Weiner and Daniel Weiss.
On this weeks episode of The Web.Files, host, Kristyn Burtt, chats over cupcakes with Kaily Smith, co-creator and co-writer with her production partner, David Weidoff, about their award-winning comedy,, which took home honors at both the ITVfest and NYTVfest this year., the '.com' is part of the show's name, centers on Merri, a Quarterlife-inspired, Beverly Hills trust-fund girl who is looking for love online, because, apparently, wealthy, attractive twenty year olds can only find a suitable date on the Internet. Each week Merri goes on a date with a different loser, or the occasional actor from Beverly Hills 90210 and wackiness ensues. The show is targeted at women in there late twenties and thirties and contains adult situations, which may not be suitable for children or guys who do not wish to listen to wealthy, whiny women whimper about how hard their lives can be.
We recently chatted with Zuiker (pictured below) about his delightfully sick, twisted mind, and asked him to explain what exactly this "digi-novel" is all about.
Inside the Mind of Anthony Zuiker for Level 26: Dark Origins
So we're pretty excited about that. I think by book three there may be some different level of interactivity that will be kind of an evolution, like a 2.0 version of the digi-novel.
Following the coordinates, the researchers soon found themselves within Legoland: Billund where they located a tiny crash site, complete with an alien pod lodged in the brick-filled crater
The first being a website for the Rossum Corporation, the company behind the Dollhouses, and another created by the Rossum Corporation's opposition called "Ditch the Tech."
"Whether her involvement in indie games such as Sammeeeees, Wrath of Johnson, and Eldritch Errors, campaigns like Levi’s Go Forth, or her current indie developments for 36nine – Jan’s interest and expertise is in building entire worlds for an audience to not simply to enjoy, but to fully engage in."
This past Halloween weekend, Whedonopolis was front and center once again with the 2nd Annual Dr Horrible/The Guild charity screening benefitting
We caught up with The Guild's Vince Caso (Bladezz) and Michele Boyd (Stupid Tall Hot Girl/Riley) as well as Kelly from Whedonopolis and Denise from!
2009 Dr Horrible/The Guild Charity Screening!
Notable guests in attendance included Felicia Day, Michele Boyd, Sandeep Parikh, and Vince Caso from The Guild!
As a community driven membership organization, composed of the leaders and pioneers of the online entertainment industry, the IAWTV is an important piece of the web television ecosystem — but its work is only just beginning, and it’s looking to expand its ranks.
"Clyde throws this big backyard party for Bonnie to meet her real mom. But Bonnie doesn't know why we're having the party. And since it's the Season Finale, we have a lot of people coming, like Grandpa Paul and Pauline and some guy in an animal costume. Weird." Paul.
Starring Kevin G. Schmidt, Samantha Droke, Wes Whitworth and Zack Bennett as Paul.
Co-starring Katie Malia, Zach Cumer, Palmer Scott, Crawford Wilson, Brittany Belt, Jenni Powell, Paul Romero, introducing Kathy Schmidt as Nancy with Sean Michael Beyer as Mr. Ted, Jessica Rose as Beatrice, with Special Guest Stars Richard Riehle as Grandpa Paul and Elaine Hendrix as Pauline.
Written by Geoff Hoff & Steve Mancini and Sean Michael Beyer and Kevin G. Schmidt.
This reusable agreement is designed to be easily adopted by a wide range of specification communities and organizations as an alternative to the challenging — and costly — process of negotiating new licensing agreements every time. is back up and running. Sorry, we were doing some server maintenance and it took some time.
Yes, we will be using the CC-BY-NC-SA license. We need to put the badge on the site and alter the TOS for so it doesn't conflict. We will get to that before Outbreak goes live. is being updated concurrently with all other Umbrella sites.
LG15 is very important to us. It is our first community and the one that has allowed us to continue working in this space and build a company. Unfortunately it doesn't have the same funding as some of our sites, but we do our best. Projects like TSIY are really important and we can't wait for Outbreak.
I would like nothing more than to do EQAL created LG15 content, but I just don't know when that will happen. I don't want to say yes, no, or maybe because Renegade will get mad at me. So I will just say that we personally love LG15 and wish we could produce content for it but can't at this time.
We are working on posting The Last and all other LG15 content over the to the new site. We have lots of work and a small team, so it takes time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks everyone
stephanie said... Does the license apply to the videos only or also any screencaps taken from the video? If it's only the former, it should also be the latter since it's a piece of the same material.
greg said... It applies to the latter as well. All material will be under the CC license.
For if you’re a true TV nerd, you might be aware of something known as the Tommy Westphall Universe Hypothesis, a theory which posits that the vast majority of network television from the past several decades takes place within the same universe, thanks to the multitude of crossovers and spinoffs that have occurred over the years.
theaberrant: password for the wtf site: u: #matt pass: dendrobium #heiti #ditchthetech
Ditch the Tech
Rossum is evil. You have to resist them because they will cause the end of civilization. If you value your mind and your soul, DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE!
Please Hurry! Ditch the Tech!
Tell your authorities! Find a way to stop Rossum!
On this week’s show, co-hosts David Tenenbaum, Sean C. Stacey, Jonathan Waite and Carie Ward are joined by Jeromy Barber of Maddison Atkins fame for a lively discussion about his work and his passion for storytelling through film and alternate reality gaming.
Still, a few killer apps helped drive adoption - apps like TweetDeck, Times Reader 2.0, and DeskTube. As Air continued to develop, it got leaner and meaner and now version 2 has arrived in beta. Adobe Air 2 is now here, and it's ready to get down to business.
ETA Nov 17 1:09pm PST: Greg's reply from the comments
Greg said... is back up and running. Sorry, we were doing some server maintenance and it took some time.
Yes, we will be using the CC-BY-NC-SA license. We need to put the badge on the site and alter the TOS for so it doesn't conflict. We will get to that before Outbreak goes live. is being updated concurrently with all other Umbrella sites.
LG15 is very important to us. It is our first community and the one that has allowed us to continue working in this space and build a company. Unfortunately it doesn't have the same funding as some of our sites, but we do our best. Projects like TSIY are really important and we can't wait for Outbreak.
I would like nothing more than to do EQAL created LG15 content, but I just don't know when that will happen. I don't want to say yes, no, or maybe because Renegade will get mad at me. So I will just say that we personally love LG15 and wish we could produce content for it but can't at this time.
We are working on posting The Last and all other LG15 content over the to the new site. We have lots of work and a small team, so it takes time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
FH14 asks on twitter: "any updates on LG15 Italy/Japan, any at all, that you can give to us patient LG15 fans?"
LG15 first reported in March 2009 on EQAL's announcement of a licensing deal with Shinto Tsushin to distribute dubbed versions of Lonelygirl15 and KateModern in Japan. In June, Greg Goodfried updated fans to let them know that "we licensed LG15 to a Japanese company, so lonelygirl15 and KateModern will find a whole new life with a Japanese audience, and they might produce a local version of LG15 for Japan."
Deals like this, however, can take lots of time to come to fruition.
A bit farther back, EQAL first announced on June 4, 2008 a partnership with Italy-based M.A.D. Entertainment to create an Italian-language lonelygirl15 spinoff. Subsequent to that announcement, the Polish lonelygirl15 spinoff n1ckola has come and gone, though a second season of n1ckola may materialize at some future date.
Behind the camera, more web series regulars were enlisted. The Hayley Project co-directors Andrew Park and Jato Smith were tapped to shoot the new episodes, with Streamy-nominated Break a Leg creator Yuri Baranovsky writing them alongside Cleveland.
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