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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where is Sadie? - OzGirlTV

The Streamy Awards are here and we would love your help to nominate us in various categories! The Streamy Awards are like the Oscars for Web Series - celebrating the best of the best!

To show our thanks for your ongoing support, we're going to be giving away a signed (by the cast) OzGirl Trucker Cap to the fan who is able to help us most in nominating us daily until January 15th.

You can vote once per day for the below categories here -
http://www.streamys.org/submit/public-submissions/ * Best Drama Web Series * Best Foreign Web Series * Best New Web Series * Best Ensemble Cast

And vote here daily for the individual categories -
http://www.streamys.org/submit/public-submissions-people/ * Best Directing for a Dramatic Web Series - Nicholas Carlton * Best Female Actor in a Drama Web Series - Sophie Tilson (Sadie) / Shanrah Wakefield (Megan) * Best Male Actor in a Drama Web Series - Richard Askin (George) * Best Guest Star in a Drama Web Series - Joel Famularo (Tony) * Best Writing for a Drama Web Series - Nicholas Carlton and Sophie Tilson * Best Editing - Nicholas Carlton * Best Cinematography - Nicholas Carlton

Thank you sssoo much for your help and for your ongoing support of OzGirl! We couldn't do it without you!

What Was The Biggest Deal in 2009? Call For Submissions

So, the end of the year is upon us, which means it is time for publications far and wide to create meaningless lists of the most important/silly/dumb/whatever events of the year. Because not all contributors to lg15today are bots with impeccable memories, we open the floor to you. What do you think are the biggest stories in the land of EQAL in 2009 (perhaps we'll do a 2nd list for webseries generally as well). Off the top of my head lots has happened despite the lack of any new original content directly from EQAL in 2009, including:

* Harper's Globe
* EQAL's decision to move away from creating original content
* Level 26
* EQAL's Polish series n1ckola
* The second TSIY contest, and Mason's win
* Mason remixes
* 2nd BreeFM Prom
* Resurrection of the old lonelygirl15 forum
* The first TSIY contest for EQAL, and the misunderstanding.
* The recent Meep Up/Party In the Breeniverse
* LG15: The Last
* Paula Deen
* Alicia Silverstone site
* The return of Maddison Atkins
* Jessica Rose appearing in webseries everywhere

So, whaddya think?

Dead Animals and Airports - hollishillis

If you're interested in joining my book review channel go over and check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpWMU8fWauY

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Guild Sells Out! Intro - watchtheguild

This holiday season join Felicia Day and Sandeep Parikh as the Guild sells out with a line of merchandise no sane consumer would ever consider purchasing. Enjoy all 6 commercial parodies written and directed by Greg Aronowitz ("Do You Want To Date My Avatar" weapons maker)

P4A - Habitat For Humanity - Michiev

heres my project for awesome video for this year.

to find out more about P4A
to find out more about my favorite charity in this video
and ask me anything about anything, ESPECIALLY my video here

Submit a Web Series for the Streamy Awards



BronzeGolem posted

Hum I can see the board is dieing down already, but before it does completely I'll announce our next community activity:


The season to be jolly is upon us once more and on the board that means 2 things:

- Christmas Avatars. Bring out the santa hats and beards and decorate your avatar, I already did

- LG15 spoof Christmas songs. Adapt the lyrics of popular christmas songs to lg15 and if you have a good voice, sing it.
I'll also be uploading all the lyrics from last year that didn't get singed for anyone who wants to sing them.
Here are two songs from last year to get you all inspired

Jonas Balls:

12 Weeks of Lonelygirl15:

Get cracking lonelycrackers, the LG15 folder of my mp3 player won't fill itself, if the H.P. Lovecraft society could make 2 cd's of spoof christmas songs I say we can make 3!

Oh found another one!



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Web.Files #24 - Coolmom.com

On the latest episode of the Web.Files Kristyn Burtt interviews Daphne Brogdon of Coolmom.com and Momversation.com two websites, which aim to put a new spin on online parenting sites. The two discuss the unique challenges of being a mommy blogger as well as the challenges of monetizing web content and establishing oneself in a niche market.

Daphne Brogdon is a veteran tv host, who has worked on numerous television shows including CNet's The Web and the Fox's Inside 24. In addition to her television work she is a standup comic, writer, and producer.

Web Series Brand Auction

Early today, Space Truffles announced that it had partnered with Brand in Entertainment to produce the first ever web series brand auction. What is a brand auction, you ask? Also, more importantly, where can I get some tasty space truffles? Well, according to BIE’s press release, the auction organizers “will invite professional representatives and advertising agencies to bid on exclusive packages to feature their services and products among a variety of media platforms.” In other words, advertisers will compete for the right to advertise in certain projects. Two of the web series involved in the auction are Pink the Series and After Judgment.

Founded by Gennefer Snowfield, Space Truffles is a specialty shop specializing in branded entertainment and web series promotion. On her website Gennefer wrote, “…what I’m most excited about is how our participation in this event will help further advance and legitimize the web TV category, demonstrating the high production and narrative quality against traditional, mainstream media also being auctioned. It will also serve as further testament that investing in web series is a viable tactic for advancing marketing objectives…” Figuring out a viable means of funding web series has been an on-going issue. Perhaps this will be a first step towards advertisers being more willing to invest in the medium.

My Comments Were Deleted (lonelygirl15 june 24,2006)

A very old filler vid from the lonelygirl15 channel that was recently unprivated.

Prior thread at anchor cove: The Missing Lonelygirl15 Episode! (June 2006)

Felicia Day in Guild Wars 2

Felicia Day appears in a behind the scenes video for the latest instalment of the popular MMORPG Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2. In it she voices a female character called Zojja. (She appears around the 2 minute mark.)

Giving Tyria a Voice - Guild Wars 2 Behind the scenes video

Guild Wars 2 The Races of Tyria - Teaser trailer in which Felicia lends her voice.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Vote for LG15: The Last

Samantha Carr said:
Hey Everyone. It's been awhile but we really need your vote in the Streamy Awards! got to http://www.streamys.org/submit/ and submit your vote for the last!!! :)

Vote for Venus!

Be sure to vote for Venus Spa for Best Comedy Web Series today!

Remix to the Future - Smashing

Back to the Future Remixed and Mashed Up with Beastie Boys, Timbaland, Diddy, Fergie, Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Britney Spears, and Dr. Dre. A Smashing Frames edit. http://SmashingFrames.com

Smashing was an early lonelygirl15 fan, starting from before the time of the "outing" of the Creators in the summer of '06, and active on the original lonelygirl15.com phorum and Anchor Cove. Though this vid is not related to lg15 (unless you want to make an extremely tenuous connection to EvilSarah's "Hey McFly, I'm evil" comment), this is the first video he has uploaded in quite a long time.

Related thread at Anchor Cove

Monday, December 14, 2009

Janet Jackson Flash Mob - CarlyAJ

Carly Jones dancing in the Janet Jackson Flash Mob at the Grove in Los Angeles on November 14, 2009


Thanks for everyone who helped bring the "World Wide Meep Party" and "Party in the Breeniverse" to life and made them smash hits. Out of a simple idea on the comments board these concepts grew through the spirit of collaboration and once again we demonstrated that with the help of the interwebz we do have the ability to control our own destiny as a community. So, whether you helped promote it on comments, made a video, tweeted, posted on facebook etc etc, or just showed up to enjoy a really awesome evening and meep, thank you all. A special thanks to all the cast and crew who showed up and helped make the event so special.


If you want to download an mp3 copy of the "Party in the Breeniverse" song: ttps://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNkMFhpOC9OQngzZUE9PQ

....and don't for get to support the two really awesome videos made for the events:

Party In The Breeniverse

Join The Resistance!

Carly Jones said ....

Meep meep!


Hiya everyone! So great to see the old and new LG15 community going strong :)

I don't know if there will be another season of With the Angels...you'll have to ask Mary about that one ;)

Maxwell Glick said....

Hey guys! I think I am doing this right! Wanted to stop by and say you guys rock and I appreciate all the continued support!!! :)


Masonishappy said...

Hey Lonelycrackers!

Sorry I can't take part in the festivities for tonight, but we're hard at work this evening filming 'LG15: Outbreak', and I'm needed on the set!

Make sure you all check out the show when it premieres 01.11.10!

We'll have a preview up on Youtube for you all to check out later this month.

Anyway, just wanted to drop by and say MEEP!

bye :)


How to join today's events...

A few people have asked how they can attend todays events:

"World Wide Meep Party" - 6pm EST
"Party in the Breeniverse" - 8pm EST

Simply go to LG15.com. If you do not already have an account you will have to create one but it is free. Once you are signed on go to the home page of LG15.com and read through the comments on the home page. Then simply join the conversation by entering your comment in the comments box (note that to follow the conversation you will need to refresh the page unless you simply add a new comment).

Conversations can either be random or will take off in a direction. Just stick around long enough to get a feel for what is going on and do not be afraid to ask questions and of course MEEP.

If you want to explore the culture of the lonelygirl15 community a little deeper, here are some useful links:

LonelyCracks Anonymous
Defense force

NOTE: You will need to be sfs to get comment 436 so good luck. It is however an awesome power.

Felicia Day, Michael Wayne, Dina Kaplan Join IAWTV Board of Directors

The International Academy of Web Television, the independent, non-profit organization that serves as the voting body for the Streamy Awards, officially announced its Board of Directors today along with its first Chairman, Michael Wayne, co-founder and CEO of DECA (Digital Entertainment Corporation of America).


Join The Resistance! - lonefox101

Go to LG15.com tonight at 6:00 too show your support and prove the Order wrong!

Thank You from the Cast and Crew of Venus Spa!

On behalf of the cast and crew we wanted to thank each and every one of you guys who made our first season a memorable one! We may have missed a few of you but remember that we love all of you!!! We hope you will be with us in 2010 when Venus Spa returns with a whole new season!

THE PUMPS: http://www.thepumps.net

Come talk Venus Spa at http://forum.anchorcove.net

Riese Episode 4: Spares

Unwilling to turn a blind eye to The Sect's suspicious activities in Helmkin, Riese searches an eerie warehouse for answers.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Party In The Breeniverse - milowent

LG15 meep reunion 12/14/2009 - Party In The Breeniverse

I hopped on the net - 3 years ago
to check out lonelygirl15
welcome to the land of crazy fun----meep!
i melted right in

started commenting and spending all of my time
always crazy so many friends of mine
no longer a slacker
became a lonelycracker

my tummi's turning cuz i need a new video
refreshin til my F5 breaks
but when its says new video processing
and a new video comes up (x3)

Type my life away
This is my place
My friends they are all here
laughing all night, oh yeah
meeping all day, oh yeah
my lonelycrackers are all here
and my sides are about the burst
meep - a party in the breeniverse
yeah - a party in the breeniverse

over time we drifted away
its a natural thing you know
its not a trick or the 436
the internets just go on

but its so hard with my friend not around me
we need another breenivese party
i miss talking 'bout plantcakes
and seeing jonas as my beefcake

my tummy's turning cuz i feeling kinda lonely
I need an orange slurpee
So let's meet up, let's all meep-up
like a new video coming up(x3)

Vocals: Betz28
2nd vocals: Milowent

Video: Credits to come, from many many fine community videos, including
chippercat13, zoey, terryfic, elixir, qthec, modelmotion, lordgreystoke422, kelseygirl15, voyboy, goodgollyitsholly, valleygirl15, lgpedia, etc. etc.


December 14:
"World Wide Meep Party" - 6pm EST
"Party in the Breeniverse" - 8pm EST.

As first suggested by misspinaberry a special even will take place in the Breeniverse on Monday night.

"In honor of the anniversary of "meep", ALL MEEPERS will be having a reuniting!!!!! This means that at this time, ALL MEEPERS should report to the board and we are going to chat it up on the disscussion board like its 2006 (the year that lonelygirl15 started)!!!!!!!! PLEASE spread the word around and RSVP on the board so I know whos coming!!!! Organize things to discuss or do! We need to get this community back on its feet again.


FYI: The Meep Party on Dec 14 will be held on the main comments board page right at LG15.com. Use the comments box to participate:

http://www.LG15.com <== EVENT LOCATION

Original post: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/2009/12/you-are-invited-yesyou.html

The 9th Annual Year in Ideas

Once again, The Times Magazine looks back on the past year from our favored perch: ideas.


Content Farms: Why Media, Blogs & Google Should Be Worried

"So is the Web becoming awash with low-quality content produced by content farms like Demand Media, Answers.com and now AOL? Yes it is."


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For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

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