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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

SPECIAL LXD Message to our International Audience!

Thank you for your patience. We have been working hard to change the system and make the LXD distribution model sustainable both for the art and for the web business.

Most of the world will be getting access to LXD episodes by the end of September so hang tight. We're almost there. Unfortunately we have to go country by country and that takes time. But it's our highest priority and we have been working tirelessly to get it done.

UK, Germany, Spain, Phillipines, Australia, Canada...etc. But we want to know where you all are from so we can target more if we need to. So respond to our FACEBOOK.COM/THELXD messages and tell us where we need to be. We'll create an account for your country and you guys can demand it so we know where to put our priorities as we get the deals together.

Again thank you for your patience. Our number one goal is to create a new system to get it out to the WHOLE WORLD right when we release it. Many think it's not possible for a long time, but we intend to change that idea.

-Jon M. Chu


  1. Chu didn't come off as arrogant as the Bannen crew did so he probably mended a lot of fences. That said they made a massive mistake taking the first deal that came their way instead of waiting for a good one that didn't alienate their fanbase. Felicia Day bit the bullet and it paid off and The Guild has NEVER blocked people from watching because they were from the wrong country.

    If they were serious about creating a "new system" they would have gone their own way. With their previously established fanbase this would have worked out but they went another way and had to face backlash for it.

  2. The backlash is good. It is good that so many people spoke out on this issue. Clearly the World does not want a regional distribution system on the www. That has been made clear by a very vocal World audience.

    It is time to put the W back in www!


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