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Friday, September 3, 2010

Meet the Cast of First Day - AlloyTV

Meet the cast of First Day - the hot new web series from the creators and executive producers of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars!


Tracey Fairaway as "Cassie" - Pretty and clever, Cassie Mitchell should be turning heads and breaking hearts, but she can't seem to get out of her own way. A fresh start at a new school could be just the thing she needs to put her string of boyfriend-less years behind her. Now, if she can just execute a perfectly choreographed first day...

Elizabeth McLaughiln as "Sasha" - Cassie's yonger sister, Sasha, is confident, uber-organized, trendy, and a classic over-achiever. She seamlessly transitions into the popular crowd at their new school—but making it all look easy isn't as easy as it looks.

Jesse Kove as "Ryan" - There's a lot more to Canterbury High School's heartthrob than just his perfect looks. Ryan acts in all the school plays, he's the high scorer on the soccer team, he's really smart, and he even cares about animal rights. He's perfect boyfriend material. The kind of boy you daydream about in class...


  1. So this is what happened to Cassie.

  2. Seems that way. Still waiting for a watcher to appear...


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