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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Web Series Today on your "smartphone"

If you have a smart phone there is now a mobile version of Web Series Today that is much easier to read on mobile devices. Just go to http://www.webseriestoday.com on your smartphone and it will do the rest. Remember to bookmark the site for later use. Better still, most devices such as an iPhone will allow you to "Add To Your Home Screen" which essentially works as an App (without any notifications unfortunately).

On the iPhone just click on the central icon at the bottom of the screen and select "Add To Your Home Screen" and thats it. Simple hugh:) Each device will vary but this approach makes it really easy to read Web Series Today on your smartphone.

Enjoy, mm

1 comment:

  1. Not sure Koldcast videos will work on the iPhone. Might be an html5 issue.

    If you test this out on YOUR phone, leave a comment and lets us know what works and what does not work. Make sure to include the make of the phone used in the test.


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