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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crystal - Response - Lhriangel

Response to Crystal's video.

Your Brain Online

"Texters, surfers, and twitterers" have not trained their brains "to process multiple streams of novel information in parallel," as is commonly asserted but refuted by research, and claims to the contrary "are propelled by ... the pressure on pundits to announce that this or that 'changes everything.' "


Epic Fu Tubefilter Meetup

Epic Fu Tubefilter 126
Originally uploaded by Lan Bui
See more: on Flickr

Outtakes - TheColourfulSwirl

Some outtakes from all of my videos so far :P
And some extra random bits from videos that were too long xD

Slamdance Summit


vg15: I shoot the gun before asking questions - valleygirl15

For serious

Crazy Antics :) - TheColourfulSwirl

Hey Crystal, your life sounds pretty crazy right now, so enjoy this ;)
And to everyone else- lol I know they're pretty easy (as long as you know LG15) but I wanted to try it :P

Alerte! - LG15awakening

ne confiance à personne

Sony-owned Crackle acquires Disney's web series Trenches

Trenches, which was written by Dawn Cowings and Sarah Yaworsky, stars The Wire's Micci Sampery and The Good Shepherd's Lev Gorn and follows a group of soldiers on a war torn planet forced to battle merciless beasts as part of a rescue attempt.


7 reasons why web video should be a top marketing priority for 2010.

The majority of the content, information and entertainment that we consume in the future will be delivered on a wirelessly (or wired) connected screen.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Hope For Haiti Now

Contribute NOW: http://www.hopeforhaitinow.org

iTunes <== Pre-Order

Live on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/youtube

Twitter: http://tweettracker.mtv.com/app/online.html

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hope_for_Haiti_Now:_A_Global_Benefit_for_Earthquake_Relief

LG15: Outbreak - Back To Wonderland - Crystal

First order of business: cleaning this stuff up. Don't get me wrong...I'm not a neat freak or anything, but I can't have my apartment looking like it was robbed. So, today I'm dedicating my time to picking EVERYTHING up, re-stacking my DVDs, organizing my shelves, cleaning the dishes, and most importantly: setting off three timed explosions of air freshener-bombs. I'm pretty sure I have the scent of 'lonely nerd' permanently embedded into my skin since sleeping on Will's couch, but I'll do my best to remove it.

Read the full post: http://www.lg15.com/tlc_units/filter/6/743/1

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

The New Buried Life Trailer - buriedlife

‘The Buried Life’ Cloys from YouTube to MTV


Live on YouTube: Hope for Haiti Benefit Concert with U2, Jay-Z, the Boss and More - citizentube

On Friday, January 22 at 8 p.m. ET, YouTube will live-stream "Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief," hosted by George Clooney, Wyclef Jean, and Anderson Cooper to raise funds for earthquake relief.

The global telethon will feature performances by Wyclef Jean, Bruce Springsteen, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Shakira, and Sting in New York City; Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Dave Matthews, John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift and a group performance by Keith Urban, Kid Rock, and Sheryl Crow in Los Angeles; and Coldplay, and a group performance by Bono, The Edge, Jay-Z, and Rihanna in a newly added London location.

Want to find out what time this concert will start in your country? Check here.

Hope For Haiti Now: A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief


Sqweegel’s Office Pool Contest - Level 26

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker:

So here’s the contest for both the Deputies and the Community:

Submit the winner of the two NFL Conference Championship Games this weekend and provide the final scores to each game. The submission that is closest to what actually happened is the winner.

You must also provide your predictions AND the final score for the Super Bowl.


Crystal: Don't Worry - Be Happy! - tankusann

A video-making fool or a fool who makes videos?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rest In Peace, Bob Samuels - itsPeng1

I feel really bad about not contacting him after all this time. Now it's too late.
With respect to Bob, I'll be updating his blogspot for him from now on.


LG15: Outbreak - Objective Assigned

Knowing yourself is just as important as knowing who to trust.
Create an account on LG15.com/outbreak and take part in the interactive experience!

From Renegade in chat:

Morse code normal speed: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8WQWLQYI

morse code 25% speed: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5J2HWBHE

morse code wave form:

I got it as ..- . -- .-. -. | . .-. -. | -.. --- --.- | . .-. -.. ... | . -.- -. -- | ... .-. . --. --- .--. | ..-. ..-. .. --. | ... .. | . -- -. .- | ... - . .-- .-. -. - | . .... -
Solution: "The target's name is Will Powers. Make sure you are armed."


Unsolved: French Puzzle

The "French Puzzle" can be found during the appearance and disappearance of the french phrases at the end of the videos Forgotten and Objective Assigned. Several symbols and letters appear quickly on the screen, seemingly at random. It is currently believed that several videos may be required to solve this puzzle, and it remains unsolved.

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Strike.TV: Still Stuck in the Year 2008?

This attitude came from comments made by the execs present, such as CEO Peter Hyoguchi, who admitted that the reason Strike survived the economic downturn was because it’d never managed to become a full-scale operation.


Discussion on Anchor Cove: http://forum.anchorcove.net/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2578&p=18277#p18277

Help Haiti Now Webcast Featuring Major Celebs Airs Friday Night - citizentube

A U2/Jay-Z/Rihanna collaboration and a jam including Kid Rock, Keith Urban, and Sheryl Crow will be among the main events.

Live Chat: More Engagement, More Donations

Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Bono To Headline MTV's 'Hope For Haiti' Telethon

Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Alicia Keys and Christina Aguilera will also perform at the show, airing live Friday at 8 p.m. ET.


Haiti Earthquake Relief: How You Can Help


Hope For Haiti Now: A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief


The Web.Files #27 - The Fine Brothers

The Web Files

On the most recent episode of The Web.Files, Kristyn Burtt, who is currently experiencing a bit of Motor city melancholy, interviews The Fine Brothers, Benni and Rafi Fine, the sketch comedy duo and YouTube pioneers. The duo talk about their success and frustration with monetizing the web space. Also they are full of advice for would-be YouTube auteurs. In fact this is a must watch and sobering interview for anyone looking to launch their web TV career.

The Fine Brothers uploaded their first YouTube video in 2004. Since then they have released dozens of videos and gained over 30 million views. In 2009, they were embroiled in a bit of controversy when ABC launched its online Lost recap series, Lost Untangled, which closely emulated a series they had created a year before. Their latest project is My Profile Story, a scripted series about what happens when one logs off their social network and the profile comes to life. The series was part of the brand integration auction, which took place Wednesday in New York.

Hello, Crystal - LG15: Awakening

Are you watching closely?

Change of Plans - lonefox101

BLAST FROM THE PAST.... first released June 20, 2008

Pay back's a bitch

It's Not the Impression That Counts. It's What You Do With It

Rumor has it that the large home-page display units on YouTube are sold out through 2010.


The Search for Baby Gabriel

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

"Obviously, our thoughts and prayers go out to Gabriel and his family. I’m hoping they find him safe and sound. "

Read the full post: http://www.level26.com/tlc_units/filter/2/642/1

Leads in Baby Gabriel Search - CBSNewsOnline

Police are investigating new leads that the mother of baby Gabriel may have put him up for adoption. Hattie Kauffman reports. Maggie Rodriguez spoke with Lt. Mike Horn about the investigation.

For more information about Level 26 check out our blogspot portal page!!!

Previous stories about Level 26

WARNING: Level26.com may contain links to "adult material".

Reducing the Cost of IP Law

In this paper I attempt to identify the most important changes that should be made to IP law to reduce its most egregious and significant costs, while not gutting its alleged innovation-stimulating effects.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where to begin? - Crystal


So many things have happened since last week, it's hard for me to even begin to describe it.

First off: I've discovered Will isn't a creep. He's just a nerd. A tiny, scrawny, clueless little nerd. But, he's nice.

Coming back to the apartment after getting things situated with the authorities and the landlord was a headache. My room was freezing, and I couldn't find a place to crash for the night. Since my window had been busted in by whoever decided to rummage through my place, I had to wait until things were fixed before moving back in.

Read the rest at lg15.com/outbreak.


For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Introducing Drop.io

drop.io logo

Once upon a time, when people needed to collaborate, they met in a large room to discuss their project. Then the Internet was developed, and people realized they did not actually like being around one another. Unfortunately, people still had a need to collaborate with others. Last year, when Google announced Wave, many anticipated that the ultimate solution for file sharing and real time collaboration via the Internet was around the corner. However, still in its infancy, Google Wave has yet to make the big splash its developers had hoped. Fortunately, there is a website, Drop.io, which offers many of the same necessary features.

Drop.io is an online file sharing and collaboration tool that is a snap to use. Setting up a drop takes only a few seconds, it does not ask for any personal information and no registration is required. Yet for all its simplicity, the site offers users a wealth of tools and options. Drops can be either public or private, private drops are secured by either a guest password or limited to a specific location. I have no idea why that would be useful, but I am curious to find a use. Also, drops are not searchable so the contents stay private even from the all-seeing eye of Google.

Drop.io offers users a number of ways to interact. Each drop is assigned a unique email address and telephone number, which allows for conference calls and voice messages. Also, thanks to the unique telephone number, Drop.io can send and receive faxes. Each drop has an integrated chat room, which can be popped out and embedded elsewhere, and support for video conferencing. Lastly, Drop.io is fully integrated with Facebook and Twitter making it easy to share files with friends and followers alike. Phone, fax, email, voice mail, chat, video, and twitter, Drop.io covers every conceivable method of file sharing and collaboration, well except for maybe carrier pigeon.

Drop.io’s latest enhancement was the release of the Drop.io API. The API allows developers to integrate the site’s functions into existing applications. For instance, the Drop.io Firefox plugin allows users to drag and drop files from the desktop directly into a drop. Also, Yahoo Mail recently integrated drop, allowing users to simply send large file attachments via email. Given the numerous ways Drop.io allows users to share files and collaborate the potential use by third party developers is limitless.

While there are a number of sites that offer to host one’s files, Drop.io stands above the rest. The fact that the site requires no registration makes it a very attractive option. Also, despite being simple to use, it still offers a wide range of powerful tools, which allow users to share files and collaborate in nearly every conceivable fashion. Next time you need to share some files with your friends, backup some of your own files, or if you are planning that next big ARG drop, Drop.io might be the solution for your needs.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Taco-Vision - mitchcontrol

I decided to try to cheer you up with Tacos Crystal!

LG15: Outbreak - I Got Jacked - Crystal

I'm REALLY regretting moving into this building. Somebody tell me something good. Quick. :( - Crystal

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Where is Crystal? ...OMG - LG15awakening

Quick update. Shot the other day, finally got the chance to upload it. OMG!

Why Conan O'Brien Can't Go Just Internet -- Yet

Do you think Conan O'Brien should focus on online distribution?


Twiistup is Leaving LA

via facebook:

"With Twiistup 007 coming up next week, we wanted to let you know that the Summer edition of Twiistup is moving to a new city so this will be the only Twiistup Conference in LA for 2010. We won't be back in LA until next January so this is your only chance to come to Twiistup this year. Don't miss out. http://twiistup7.eventbrite.com/

Remember to join our Plancast page and let people know you're coming http://plancast.com/a/40m

A Deeper Dive Into 2010 Video Advertising Predictions

The large video players have discussed the issues of fake pre-roll, auto-start in-banner video being sold as pre-roll, and the actions of bad actors in the online video business ad nauseum.


Monday, January 18, 2010

LG15: Outbreak ...Crystal's back!

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Call For Entries

Create a hit web show of any kind - comedy, prank, reality, lifestyle, doc, drama - it's up to you.

Map out season one of your series. Shoot your pilot episode. Upload it here with your series proposal by May 1st, 2010. If you're a hitvidi winner, you'll get a production deal worth $10,000 to produce the first season of your series


Taryn Southern Golden Globes

Last night Taryn Southern was part of NBC's coverage of the Golden Globes after party. As she mentioned early in the week this was her first network hosting gig (that means job for those who do not speak hip entertainment lingo).

Wrestling Comedy Web Series To Be Featured In First Ever Brand Auction At Christie’s, NY

Full Nelson, a seven-episode web series set in the rough and tumble world of indy wrestling has just been added to the auction catalogue for Brand in Entertainment’s first of its kind Inaugural Integration Auction to be held on January 20 at Christie’s in New York City.
While the series features real wrestlers among its cast, it’s also attracted the talents of Carlos Bernard (24’s Tony Almeida) and Lisa Donovan (YouTube’s LisaNova).


FULL NELSON - The Series - giantleap
A new comedy from the producers of 'Reno-911' and 'Hollywood Residential' that's gonna kick you in the nuts

Riese the Series - Chapter 2 Trailer

A sneak peek at the upcoming Second Chapter of Riese, VIDAR, premiering February 1st. Riese stars Christine Chatelain, Sharon Taylor, Ben Cotton, Patrick Gilmore, Ryan Robbins, Alessandro Juliani, Emilie Ullerup and Allison Mack.

LG15: Outbreak: WORST. WEEK. EVER. - Will

From Will's profile on LG15.com

To call January of 2010 the worst month of my life would be a bit of an understatement.

I wake up Saturday to the news of the Eiffel Tower explosion. All of Europe is on high alert, and everyone suspects terrorism. Not a good way to start off the day at all. Makes my head spin.

But, no worries! After all, the playoffs are still on! Despite the heightened security threat, the Cardinals game isn't cancelled. That could only mean good news, right? I mean, it's the Saints. THE SAINTS. Kurt Warner should have no trouble at all wrapping this thing up and advancing to the next round.

But then, due to an interception and a blind side, my man gets knocked to the ground before the second half. ...And he doesn't get up.

I don't care what any of you say...Kurt Warner is one of the greatest Quarterbacks to ever play the game, and THE greatest alive. He didn't deserve to play his (supposedly) final game while injured.

So, the Cardinals are out.


With the final Saints touchdown, my week of misery was complete.

And of course, there was the icing on top:

Crystal's still gone.

No word. No trace. The room is still locked up, and I can't get into it.

uh...not that I tried.

I talked with the landlord, but he won't tell me a thing. Something about 'confidentiality'.

I dunno. A lot of you are wanting me to break in...but I definitely don't want her to think I'm more of a freak then she already does.

If she isn't back by Wednesday, I'll consider it.

...and, on a lighter note, you all keep hammering me with messages wanting to know more about SHENtek. Sheesh...I get it, already. ...I'll bring you to work with me the next time I film a vlog. Sound good?

Oh, and another thing: it's snowing. Like....a lot.

...anyone have any GOOD news to share?


For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Hello There, Seeker: A Look Into the Future With Interdimensional Games

By Michael Andersen

"On January 1, 2010, Interdimensional Games Inc. (iDGi) issued a press release announcing their discovery of a means of exporting the human consciousness into another dimension by using a satellite, ‘iDGi-1′, orbiting the moon."


The Code Book

The Code Book traces the fascinating development of codes and code-breaking from military espionage in Ancient Greece to modern computer ciphers, to reveal how the remarkable science of cryptography has often changed the course of history.


Behind the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - rocketboom

In honor of A. A. Milne's birthday Molly reports on the story behind the adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

For more info, including video and images visit http://rocketboom.com/winnie-the-pooh

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Martin Luther King "I have a dream"

The full version of Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech.


China censors to pull Avatar from screens

The move comes amid government anxiety that many Chinese are making a link between the plight of the film's Na’vi, who face being displaced form their homeland, and that of those in China who are subject to often brutal evictions by property developers.


Branded Content Goes Gavel to Gavel

Media agencies wary of new auction model


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