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Saturday, February 13, 2010

VG15: Will Gets Shot and I Don't Care - valleygirl15

Read the title.

Also, I ask Gregson to be my Valentine.

From the Heart [A Poor Paul Valentines Minisode] -


"Bonnie came over to play a Valentine's Day song she wrote for me on her ukulele."-Paul.

Starring Zack Bennett and Samantha Droke.

Music: "From the Heart" by Samantha Droke

Directed by Sean Michael Beyer

©2009 Eye Scream Films

Aol Instant Messenger hooks up with Facebook

Users on Aol's pioneering chat utility Aol Instant Messenger (AIM) can now chat with their buddies on Facebook.


Friday, February 12, 2010


R.I.P. Nodar Kumaritashvili



DISCLAIMER: I do not represent nor do I pretend to represent Vanoc or ANY Olympics committee. Please do not remove my video or sue me or yell at me. Thanks.

$50m spent producing web-series content

It is expected that the market will grow to be worth approximately $150m by 2013.


Re: LG15: Outbreak - Because I Left - zenbabee

part 17

LG15: Outbreak - Because I Left

How could I have ruined everything? - Mason
Go to LG15.com and check out the extended experience!

Show page: http://www.lg15.com/post/because-i-left

Interactive link: Not available at this time.

Source: Jordan

Translation from Greek:

What Happens To The Tightrope Walker who Falls without his safety net?

Julie Peloquin said

Ok, I got it!
πατηετιγ μιοπε

Translation from Greek:

Wait for my sign

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

OzGirl Turns One


This week marks the one year anniversary of the launch of OzGirl, the Australian webseries, which still stands as a paragon within the web TV space. The series, which starred Sophie Tilson, Shanrah Wakefield, and Richard Askin, was produced on a shoestring budget by then 19 year old film student, Nicholas Carlton. The show went on to win both the best acting and best webseries awards at the Independent Television Festival, which was held in Los Angeles back in August. So far the fate of season two remains unknown, I heard there are a couple of guys in New Zealand who are still holding their breath... those Kiwis have amazing lung capacity.

Currently, Nick and Sophie are working on a new webseries. They recently finished shooting a 15 minute pilot and hope to go into full production later this year. Also, Nick recently celebrated his twentieth birthday. After OzGirl wrapped, Shanrah Wakefield moved to Los Angeles, where she was immediately adopted by a band of gypsies otherwise known as the web TV community. Also, she recently saw a real live raccoon. Richard Askin, who played George, never friended me on Facebook, so I have no idea what he is up to; however, I assume it involves the consumption of large quantities of alcohol and trained Kangaroos.

For those who have never seen OzGirl, now would be a good time. Well, actually a year ago would have been better, but that would be a poor use of a time machine. OzGirl was one of the best webseries of 2009, a fact that, hopefully, Streamy voters will officially recognize in April. Congratulations, once again to the cast and crew for making a really remarkable series.

Valentine’s Day Tutorial

Missed the my ustream tutorial? That’s okay…


Multifandom - Chemicals React. - michiev

music: aly & aj - chemicals react.
clips from: Buffy, angel, house, lg15, supernatural

Multifandom - Dreams Come True - michiev

MUSIC: Hall & Oates - You make my dreams come true

Pairings: Buffy/Spike (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Buffy/Angel (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Fred/Wesley (Angel)
Fred/Gun (Angel)
Sam/Jessica (Supernatural)
Jennie/Jonas (Lonelygirl15)
Daniel/Sarah (Lonelygril15)
Jonas/Sarah (LG15: The Resistance)
Jonas/Maggie (LG15: The Resistance)
Beaumont/Maggie (LG15: The Resistance)
Charlie/Gavin (Katemodern)
Julia/Tariq (Katemodern)
Steve/Charlie (Katemodern)
Bones/Booth (Bones)
Dean/Jo (Supernatural)
Dean/Layla (Supernatural)
Dean/Lisa (Supernatural)
House/Stacey (House)
House/Cuddy (House)
Sarah/Carl (Lonelygirl15)
Maggie/Bianca (All My Children)
Wilson/Amber (House)
Willow/Tara (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Giles/Jenny (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

LG15: Outbreak - Finding Help

It's time to set differences aside. - Will
Go to LG15.com and check out the extended experience!

Show page: http://www.lg15.com/post/finding-help-2

Interactive link: Not available at this time.

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Vlogging and a few surprises...- LG15awakening


The Web.Files - The Buzz

On this week’s episode of The Web.Files the lovely and talented Kristyn Burtt interviews… humm well that’s not going to work anymore. Okay, let’s try this again. This week’s episode deviates from the established pattern and introduces the Buzz (no relation to the Google privacy killer). So what is the Buzz, besides the thing spamming your gmail inbox? Oh, wait that’s still the other one. The Buzz is a series of shorter vignettes about the web series world, rather than the familiar approach of featuring one series each week.

The inaugural episode of the Buzz features three segments. The first is an interview with the cast and crew of Blue Movies and The Fall of Kaden from their Streamy presentation party. Check out the presentation video hosted by Shira Lazar. The second is an interview with SafetyGeeks:SVI star, Brittney Powell during which they discuss her role as well as her saucy pinup calendar. Lastly, there is an interview with Jonathan Nail, creator of the upcoming show Solo - the Series.

Once a YouTube Challenger, Veoh Files for Bankruptcy [RUMOR]

Investors in the company included Goldman Sachs, Time Warner and Spark Capital, who were all eager to get into Veoh and a host of other video-sharing startups that raised massive amounts of funding after YouTube exploded and sold to Google for $1.6 billion in October 2006.


Download YouTube Videos - No External Sites Needed

I've been putting this post off and putting it off (I'm not sure why), but I figured it was about time to share this with the rest of you. There is a very simple way to download YouTube videos straight from your browser, without the aid of sites like KeepVid. Unfortunately, this only works for IE8 and above, or other browsers for the time being.

UPDATE: As of February 2009, the codes provided in December 2009 no longer work. The updated codes should work.

To use this, simply copy the one of the following codes into a bookmark, and open the bookmark whenever you are on the page of a video you want to download.

360p (FLV file)

javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['video_id'] + "&sk=" + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['sk'] + '&t=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['t'];

480p (MP4 file)
javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['video_id'] + "&fmt=18&sk=" + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['sk'] + '&t=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['t'];

HD 720p (MP4 file)
javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['video_id'] + "&fmt=22&sk=" + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['sk'] + '&t=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['t'];

HD 1080p (MP4 file)
javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['video_id'] + "&fmt=37&sk=" + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['sk'] + '&t=' + yt.getConfig('SWF_ARGS')['t'];

Keep in mind that, while the normal and HQ links should work for every video on YouTube, the HD links will only work for videos that have an HD version available. Currently lonelygirl15, KateModern, and The Resistance videos are available in HQ, while a few Harper's Globe videos and all of The Last and Outbreak's videos are available in HD. So, if you want higher quality screencaps, keep this in mind and go for it!

These links should work given the above, but a few recent HD videos have proved finicky. If you have this problem, use http://windowsforus.com/youtube. To use this link, simply open the page and paste the YouTube URL into the box provided. It generates every download link available, so there is no more guessing whether a video is available in a higher quality!

Information via Unlock for Us.

This Week So Far... - TheColourfulSwirl

:) Just random clips I kept making this week...too short to upload on their own, so I mushed them all together :P

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Multi fandom - Lucky - michiev

Colbie Calliat & Jason Mraz - Lucky

Dark Angel

Re: LG15: Outbreak - The Date - zenbabee

part 15

For the other parts to to: http://www.youtube.com/user/zenbabee

LG15: Outbreak - The Date

In case I don't get a chance to explain it, you all deserve to know what happened. - Will
Go to LG15.com and check out the extended experience!

Show page: http://www.lg15.com/post/the-date

Interactive link: not available at this time.


The Key - masonishappy

Wait for my sign.

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Re: LG15: Outbreak - Vlogging: A Definitive Guide - zenbabee

This is for Mason... Mostly.

Book Review: Level 26: Dark Origins by Anthony Zuiker and Duane Swierczynski

The cyber-bridges are terrifying, realistic, insightful, and very well done.


Google's experimental fiber network

We're planning to build experimental ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States to make the Internet better and faster. Check out this short video to learn more, or visit http://www.google.com/appserve/fiberrfi

Think big with a gig: Our experimental fiber network

We're planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States.



Bumps in the Night Live Tip #2: Invisible Men

In your FACE, Claude. LITERALLY! -Greg

Rockin' robin!!!! - experimentation123go

This is my second go at Rockin' Robin. I love this song, please excuse the ridiculous dancing. Apparently I couldn't help myself.

Taryn Southern: Want A Role In My Movie?

"For those of you who watched my live chat last night on UStream, I announced that I’m looking for a few extra roles to fill for the movie I shot in January. Except I don’t “actors.” I want YOU guys."


Web Series List: 2009 – 2010

"The following is primarily a source of reference for me, and also for you…"


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

LG15: Outbreak - Vlogging: A Definitive Guide

Here's some tips for my hypothetical replacement. - Mason
Go to LG15.com and check out the extended experience!

Tags: lg15 lonelygirl15 outbreak resistance bree daniel jonastko danielbeast mason crystal will order shentek hymn of one episode five vlogging guide green

Show page: http://www.lg15.com/post/vlogging-a-definitive-guide

Interactive link: not available

Green flashes at: 5:14, 5:41, 6:04, 6:14, 6:17, 6:37, 6:43


Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

Source: Faffyfoo

Check out all the "green frames" and associated comments (provided by femaleprodigy): http://www.flickr.com/photos/femaleprodigy/sets/72157623299839959/

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Hulu Leaps Into Original Web Series Game

I’m sure fellow industry watchers are wondering, is Hulu seriously planning to enter the race to produce quality original Web series and if so, how would it impact a market that already includes producers such as Michael Eisner’s Vuguru, Sony’s Crackle, Dailymotion, Babelgum, Next New Networks, DECA and a slew of talented independents breaking new ground?


The Bannen Way Hits 8.4M Streams Since its Crackle Debut

From its early debut on Dec. 29 to its official Jan. 6 premiere to today, the web series has racked up over 8.4 million streams, surpassing Angel of Death’s already impressive 4.7 million views and making it the site’s fastest-growing web series to date.


NOTE: It is not clear where the numbers came from or if they have been independently verified. Crackle is a destination site that has currently not opened itself up to site such as Tubemogul that try to monitor such numbers.

Cathy’s Book App Contest: Win an iPod Touch

To celebrate the app’s launch, Running Press Books is giving ARGNet readers the chance to win an iPod Touch and iTunes gift cards.

To enter, follow the instructions: http://www.argn.com/2010/02/cathys_book_app_contest/

LG15.com goes down for an upgrade...

We are in process of upgrading our servers and will be back shortly.

You can follow us on Twitter @eqal for updates.


::::: UPDATE: LG15.com is back up. Unfortunately Eqal has still not fixed the LGPedia issue.

Google Buzz

Start conversations about the things you find interesting. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. http://buzz.google.com

Google Buzz for mobile

Google Buzz for mobile allows you to see what's going on around you, post messages tagged with your location, and keep up with your friends on the go. Visit buzz.google.com from your phone's mobile browser to start using buzz.

Introducing Google Buzz

Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting.


The Last Stand - jedivavra

A viral infection has struck. The first version left many sick and dying. The mutation that followed killed millions. The final mutation brought about untold horrors: zombies.

Those that survived the airborne version now try to survive the fluid borne version that is past from infected to infected.

A small group of people have made it out of the city and wish to cross the river just outside of town. Their journey: to make it to St. Teresa's. The last reports had St. Teresa's as a refuge for those that had no money or medical care. It was meant to be the place for hope to survive...

Please visit The Last Stands website http://TheLastStandOnline.com for more information, media, blog,donations, and merchandise.

There are several more recent episodes of this series at http://www.youtube.com/user/jedivavra

TAINTED LOVE Episode 1: Nancy and David - TaintedLoveSeries

In Episode 1, we meet Nancy and David, a married couple. Their love is true and everything is going so well. Until, tragedy strikes.

This is a film I made back in 2006. I decided to re-edit it slightly and release it as a web series. I hope you enjoy.

The social failings of Google

So, why is Google going to succeed THIS time when its past experiences into social networking have failed and failed miserably?


Upcoming Valentine’s Cards Tutorial!

posted by Angelique

On Thursday, February 11, 2010 I am thinking of hosting a live stream Valentine’s Cardmaking tutorial starting at 5 PST / 8 EST.

Read the full post: http://efficientcreativity.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/upcoming-valentines-cards-tutorial/

Monday, February 8, 2010

Scifinal.com Commercial - scifinal

Scifinal.com commercial. The last stop for independent sci-fi online. Over 50 webseries listed.

LG15: Outbreak - Wishful Thinking

Meet my fish, and enjoy watching as I work up the nerve to further embarrass myself online. - Will
Go to LG15.com and check out the extended experience!

Show page: no link most likely due to an Umbrella upgrade issue. The default link should work until the next video: http://www.lg15.com/outbreak

Interactive link: http://www.lg15.com/video/view/10457/7675/1

For more links involved in LG15: Outbreak check out our blogspot portal page. http://lg15outbreak.blogspot.com

READ about LG15: Outbreak

Life Hiatus and scaring FH14 - Gwenavere14

Too busy, lmao

HAIRRRR! - TheColourfulSwirl

My fringe is no longer as straight as it is in this video :(
And, my hair dresser said I'm not allowed to straighten my hair for a while...

Bloopers - LG15awakening

random bloopers from our past videos.

Verizon Wireless censors 4chan: TechVi Now Morning Edition

Users of Verizon Wireless cannot reach 4chan, the iPhone's latest OS is now jailbreak-friendly, Google explains why they ran a Super Bowl ad, and more on TechVi Now. Distributed by Tubemogul.

Verizon Wireless explicitly blocking 4chan?

Verizon Has Blocked Access To 4chan, But What Are They Gonna Do About It?

"After an hour and a half on the phone, we've received confirmation from Verizon's Network Repair Bureau (NRB) that we are "explicitly blocked.""


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saints WIN!!!!

U2 and Green Day "The Saints Are Coming"

All About The Drugs - ApotheosisAZ

Crystal, it's time you learned the truth about "the Resistance."

THE BEAUTY HUNTER with Serena Yang - sypstaff

In her new series, THE BEAUTY HUNTER, Serena Yang takes viewers on a global quest to uncover the beauty in everything exploring the personal passions, inspirations and wildly divergent lifestyles of the worlds experts on everything from architecture to race cars to avant-garde art.

Eqal Umbrella: http://www.superhumanseries.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/serenayang
See also: http://serenayang.tv

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