New Mediacracy is a podcast hosted by Epic Fu's Zadi Diaz and Steve Wolf along with Big Fantastic's Chris McCaleb. Each week they are joined by various members of the web space. This week they were joined by JenniPowell and The Guild producer Kim Evey. For the most part they talk about the recent Streamy Award ceremony and the Celebrate the Web event organized by Evey and Powell. However, notably, the show has a very loose format and the guest tend to wander from subject to subject. Also, the episode runs nigh on 3 hours so definitely block off some time when you plan to listen to it, which I would suggest.
Below, I have tried to create a basic rundown of the various topics the show covers with approximate time codes to facilitate following along.
The episode is available for streaming at the show's website or the MP3 can be downloaded directly from here.
"I would imagine most of the Streamy-nominated shows have seen a nice lift in viewership over the last six weeks, you want to keep that momentum going. How do you do it?"
What is the quickest way to fame and riches? Simple, make a web series. This is the premise of a new show, The Webventures of Justin & Alden, scheduled to debut next week. The series follows two struggling actors as they attempt to produce their masterpiece.
The series, which debuts Tuesday, April 27th follows Alden Ford and Justin Tyler a pair of hapless actors as the set out to make the greatest web series show in the history of the web. The two sojourn forth with unproduced script in hand for Los Angeles, naturally, hoping to get their masterpiece produced or in the interim to attach a major star to the project. Along the way they cross paths with many familiar faces including Felicia Day, Mark Gantt, Taryn Southern, and Jessica Rose.
The series is produced by Wilson Cleveland, Sandeep Parikh who along with his Legend of Neil co-creator, Tony Janning, wrote the series, as well as, Easy to Assemble’s Illeana Douglas and Dominik Rausch. The series was directed by Streamy award winning director Sean Becker. Trident Layers is sponsoring the series. Trident recently sponsored this year’s Streamy awards. Fortunately, the series was filmed before the Streamys. In fact, judging by the trailer it looks like several scenes were shot on Streamy night.
Given the number of major players attached to the project, certainly, it will garner its fair share of buzz. Furthermore, it will be interesting to see the effect so much star power has on the show’s viewer ship. Check out the trailer below and decide whether or not The Webventures of Justin & Aiden is worth a look.
"According to ScanScout‘s Online Video Insights report, 24 percent of all videos streamed in March were watched in the primetime hours between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., when most TV networks show their top programming. "
"The current state of YouTube is such where a large number of “next generation” YouTubers are gaining immense popularity at a rate much grater than the original popular YouTubers, some of whom are stagnant or losing popularity. "
There's a lot of discussion around the Streamy Awards and everyone's personal experiences around what happened that night, and at the Celebrate the Web event that Kim and Jenni organized later in the week.
The Streamy Awards conversation begins at approximately 8min:15sec of podcast 180.
Historically some people have had a hard time playing embed podcasts so here are links where you can obtain the podcast in a format that works with your computer and preferred player:
Television pickups of web series have been an increasingly regular part of the landscape ever since Marshall Herskovitz’ Quarterlife saw its brief NBC run back in 2007.
The Guild Inks Deals on iTunes & Netflix, Web TV Academy Develops Standards
"...I sat down with George Ruiz, a new media agent at ICM who also serves as secretary for the IAWT. He shared the details on the new guidelines the group is developing."
Greg Goodfried, Co-Founder, President and COO of EQAL; Co-Creator and Executive Producer of lonelygirl15 and KateModern, pitched his content idea to Miller Lite and was recognized as the Audience Award recipient. #StreetClips caught up with Greg after the panel to discuss his new job creating content for Miller Lite, in partnership with the Digitas Brand Content group, The Third Act
Webseries You May Have Missed: A collection of webseries that were nominated for Streamy awards, which had not received much attention in the web TV space.
StreamyGate: The first of many controversies surrounding this year's Streamy Awards. This one specifically deals with the proposed and quickly abandoned "For Your Consideration" program, which cause a major outcry among the nominees and the community.
This week YouTube began removing several of its most popular videos. For the past several years, parody videos based on the German movie Downfall have spread across the Internet; however, YouTube has begun flagging them for copyright infringement, despite the fact that many feel that the videos fall under the protection of the fair use doctrine. Whether or not this will halt or encourage future parody videos remains to be seen.
Most of the parody videos center on one particular scene in an underground bunker, where Hitler, having been told by his generals that the war is lost, flies into a tirade. The audio is usually left in place and subtitled to fit whatever the creator is attacking. At one time there were over 100 various Downfall parodies online. Videos have ranged from focusing the recent Presidential election to the launch of the iPad. In an interview with New York Magazine in 2010 the film’s director Oliver Hirschbiegel stated, “Many times the lines are so funny, I laugh out loud, and I’m laughing about the scene that I staged myself! You couldn't get a better compliment as a director.”
Once before in 2008, Constantin films, the Germany company that holds the rights to the original movie, successfully managed to have several of the videos removed through DMCA. In this instance, YouTube’s Content ID program is mostly likely responsible for the video’s removal. The program requires rights holders to submit reference files that YouTube then uses to check uploaded videos for infringement. The system is automated and dependent upon checking uploaded video against existing reference files. In fact, YouTube flagged my video within 10 minutes of uploading it. Several of the most popular parodies were removed; however, many more still remain. After all, a good meme is hard to kill. In fact, the recent attention will undoubtedly lead to further Downfall videos.
The most commonly sited defense against copyright infringement is the fair use doctrine. Fair use is an extremely complicated issue, which has been applied inconsistently across jurisdictions; however, courts have historically given parodies more latitude than other works claiming the fair use defense. A few of the key issues to examine are whether or not the derivative work is for a commercial or noncommercial use, its effect upon the marketplace and whether or not it is a transformative work. The folks at the Electronic Freedom Foundation believe this is a clear case of fair use; however, they tend to think just about everything is fair use.
If one wishes to make their own Downfall parody video doing so is relatively easy. Various clips from the movie are available here. Simply drop it into your favorite movie editor, add in some subtitles, upload it and wait to see how long it stays before YouTube flags it. Perhaps the best solution, which would avoid any further copyright problems, is to create a new scene, inspired by the original that is freely available for parody purposes. This could be a fun YouTube project. Imagine your favorite YouTubers decked out in their finest NAZI apparel, machine gunning pseudo German back and forth; that video alone would be a classic. For the role of Adolf Hitler, I would definitely recommend Shane Dawson.
The future of copyright law in the digital age is of importance to everyone. The removal of a few YouTube videos may not seem important, but it might have far-reaching implications. Every year precedent is established that will shape the course of law for decades to come. Also, most of them are extremely funny, and it would be a shame if they disappeared. Speaking of which, check out my Streamy Downfall video directly below.
"Harassing or intimidating someone by text message, e-mail or posts on social networking sites like Facebook would be deemed "cyberbullying" and would be a crime under a bill that advanced Tuesday in the Louisiana Legislature."
Every day new webseries sprout up. For example, the following webseries episodes were uploaded to Youtube in the last 24 hours and are from the most recent uploads under the search term "webseries"
GUSTAV: Pilot Episode (not appropriate for children)
GUSTAV appears to be some kind of parody of a highly-oversexed swedish guy who plays a keytar. (Imagine Napoleon Dynamite with a Swedish accent talking about his balls.)
Bar Town Promo
Looks like some Indiana college kids doing a show about Indiana college bars. Video description: "Promo for the web series Bar Town. Check it out at
"In a last-minute recasting, Sara Fletcher has been tapped as the female lead on Josh Schwartz’s comedy pilot for CBS Hitched. Fletcher replaces Smallville alumna Kristin Kreuk...."
"It was reported in mid-February of 2010 that Kreuk had been cast in the CBS pilot Hitched alongside Jack Carpenter and Eugene Levy. The comedy revolves around a newly married couple still learning about each other while surrounded by their family and friends. The pilot comes from Chuck and The O.C. creator Josh Schwartz. However, it was reported on April 15, 2010 that Kreuk had dropped out of the project and had been replaced by Sara Fletcher as the role was "not a good fit""
#1. MAN IN MY BED - Belinda wakes to find a man (DAVE), who really shouldn't be in her bed. Issue: Dave really believes he belongs in Belinda's (or is that Linda's?) bed. Facebook: Twitter:
Half-Demon Kennedy (The Lone Warrior) arrives on Earth, on a mission, beaten and battered after a recent battle in the Demon Universe.
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A Demon's Destiny: The Lone Warrior is a "live action anime" web series created by Devin Rice. I always wanted to make a live action anime (aka. Dragonball Z-influenced movie) and since Dragonball Evolution recently came out and did poorly (and I was upset) I figured now was the time.
Though I can't make the movie I want to make yet, I figure I could make the prequel to the films, so we've made this series to show them how it's done (and with no budget).
Hopefully your support can help us to make the film, which would be super awesome.
Full of martial arts and energy beams, the show revolves around Kennedy who is a half-demon who has set out to save Earth from the demon invasion. He and his two human companions Michael and Donna journey to the Demon Universe to do whatever it takes to halt this terrible fate.
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A worthwhile nostalgia post a few days ago in Wired reports that internet pioneer "JenniCam" started on April 14, 1996 -- 14 years ago this month! An early precursor to what vlogging and web video (and web porn, to be honest) is today, JenniCam featured college student Jennifer Ringley with a new screenshot every few minutes from her dorm room (and later her apartment). If it was in reach of the camera, from the mundane to the very intimate, it was captured.
The "show" kept up through two apartment moves, one stolen fiance from another webcam girl, and until Jenni finally shut the site down in December 31, 2003, blaming Pay-Pal's anti-nudity policy (she went to a subscription model along the way for full access content). But she probably stopped because she returned to sanity, and has remained off camera since that time.
Less than two years after JenniCam's demise, the young site known as YouTube was beginning to make waves, and in early 2007, with the launch of, the term "lifecasting" began to be used to describe this live-broadcasting of one's life as entertainment. And to try to justify the relatedness of this post to Web Series, I would note that one of the most famous "lifecasters" of today, "iJustine", was part of the Streamys.
We just finished Patti Smith which is up right now, so we’re going to continue to try balancing between really, really tech centric culture and then bringing in the more mainstream and how technology affects the mainstream.
"Using New York as their laboratory, Foursquare—and Meetup and Yipit and Venmo and Hot Potato and dozens of others— facilitates and documents urban interactions, usually in real time, often with an eye toward building communities of users."
Mingle Media TV Covers The 2nd Annual Streamy Awards LIVE from the Red Carpet on Sunday April 11th 2010. Our correspondent Jeff Rago was on hand to interview the celebs on the red carpet and we were in the winners circle for some very excited winners from last night!
Jeff Interviewed The cast of 'GOLD' - a webseries about Role Playing Games -
you can find them online at --- for more media coverage, visit We Make TV Social with LIVE web TV broadcasts.
The truth is that past performance is in fact the best predictor of future performance, not just with individual human beings but with teams, companies, technology, political bodies, and other time-bound entities.
So, when judged on a “Did Zombies Kill and Eat Everyone at the Streamy Awards?” scale, the Streamys were the biggest success ever. Let’s see the Grammy say that.
London is your gameboard. You have 24 hours to claim your streets. 40 postcodes across London. North. South. East. West. Grid phone boxes in each postcode. Run between them. Score points. Run more. Score more. Badges awarded for speed, endurance and stamina. Play for your postcode. Get the glory. Claim the crown
UK runners will take to the streets in less than a week to compete with other runners across London in Nike’s new interactive street game, Nike Grid.
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