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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Zimm The Series - Male and Female Screen Tests - ZimmTheSeries

Zimm The Series - Female Version Screen Test

Zimm The Series - Male Version Screen Test

Hi! We're excited about our new web series and we want you, our audience, to weigh in and let us know which actor you'd like to see play the lead character of Zimm.

We have two great actors and we love what each of them bring to the character. However, we can only have one Zimm.

Should Zimm be MALE or FEMALE? Let us know what you think at:

This is a rough cut from the pilot. It has TEMP SOUND and a TEMP SCORE but you'll get the idea.


New Sci-Fi Series Lets Fans Choose Lead Actor

Zimm, a 24-esque, science fiction, action series needs your help deciding if the lead character should be a man or woman.

BURBANK, CA -- Zimm, an original sci-fi, action-thriller, described as 24 with aliens, is letting viewers vote on whether the lead character should be a man or woman. Fans can go to www.zimmtheseries.com and watch two dueling screen tests. One features the lead character, Bailey Zimm, being played by a woman and the other features Zimm being played by a man.

Executive Producers Maryam Storm and Gregory Storm came up with the idea of letting viewers vote on the lead character as a way of getting the audience involved and excited about Zimm from the start. This interaction will allow the audience to be more personally invested in seeing where the series goes since they played a direct part in the show's trajectory.

Zimm the series follows Bailey Zimm, an over-stressed, undercover, NSA Field Agent who is unwillingly recruited by a secret arm of the government to help prevent a terrorist attack by a newly discovered alien race.

The series is created and written by Gregory Storm whose writing credits include The CW's Girlfriends and ABC's Night Stalker.

In the short time since the videos went live, the screen tests have had over 2,000 views and counting. You may view the Female Zimm Screen Test directly by visiting http://www.zimmtheseries.com/?p=12 and the Male Zimm Screen Test directly by visiting http://www.zimmtheseries.com/?p=18.

For more information and to see who the viewers choose to play Zimm, please visit www.ZimmTheSeries.com. Zimm is also on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ZimmTheSeries and Facebook at www.facebook.com/ZimmTheSeries.

Harmony- StrikeTV

"...I am Ken LaZebnik; it was my honor to adapt Phil's books into these short pieces. As you all have noted, this is just a taste of the great things in the "Harmony" series of novels. Right now, we are looking for a corporate sponsor who would be interested in sponsoring additional episodes. It could be through product integration or just traditional advertising. We're hoping to find the right sponsor and continue making more episodes!"

Zynga Gunning Up (And Lawyering Up) For War Against Facebook With Zynga Live

"Pincus announced at a 5pm meeting yesterday at Zynga that Zynga was going to launch a social game network called Zynga Live."

Read more:

Help with the Lonelycracker Awards

From LG15.com

BronzeGolem posted:

Ladies and gentlemen, meepers and lurkers it's time once again to celebrate our community, the next month will bring you once again *drum roll* The Lonelycracker Awards *applause*.

For those who don't know The Lonelycracker Awards are our community awards, in which we award to the best members of our community, the Golden Pmonkey award, for expertise in such fan areas as Best Commenter, Most Diligent Meeper, Best Avatar and so on.

Making an award ceremony is a lot of hard work so I'm setting up this discussion so you guys can leave your suggestions, opinions or give assistance if i ask you.

We have to take it upon our selves to make this the best ceremony we can, because lets face it Lonelygirl15 is dead, with no lg15, there can be no lonelycrackers, so this will be our last awards, our last chance to honour the great people we met in this comunity over the years, and also pay our respects to our dearly departed show.

Note: a few spelling changes were made to the original quote.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Digital Hollywood 2010 Content Summit Panel Wrap Up Part I

Thanks to a twitter contest from DigitalLA I was able to win a pass to Digital Hollywood 2010. I was able to catch a few panels and just about all of them were for the Content Summit. In these panel wrap ups I'll give you what I felt were the key points made by the panelists followed by a Key Panel Takeaway. If you are interested in some of the other panels from Digital Hollywood video is available on their site.

Web Indies Explosion-How to Create, Produce, Fund and Own Your Own Web Show and Make a Living in the Process.

  • Mark Vega, Founder, Libertas Law Group, Moderator
  • Laurent Touil Tartour, Creator, Urban Wolf- Tartour state that what lead him to the web was that his goal was to get his movie worldwide distribution, which is impossible for an indie filmmaker. He went on to tell the amusing story of how he secured funding by going to venture capitalists and telling them his project was a start up and not a web series. His strategy was based on the philosophy, “if the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.”
  • Jacob Rosenberg, filmmaker & CTO, Bandito Bros.- Rosenberg revealed that when a company secures them to create stills for print and a :30 second spot they will budget it so they have money left to create and present a web film.
  • Daniel Tibbets, SVP & Studio Chief, GoTV- Tibbets advocated doing “work for hire” to establish yourself while building your own brands.
  • John Heinsen, Founder, Bunnygraph Entertainment- Heinsen related that the studios didn’t get it and wouldn’t put the That 70’s Show website at the end of episodes because they didn’t want people turning off the TV.
  • Doug Cheney, Partner, Big Fantastic- Cheney described the path in which Big Fantastic took, starting with “Sam has 7 Friends” which lead to getting repped by UTA which lead to meeting with Eisner which lead to “Prom Queen.”
  • Key Panel Takeaway- The strategy of two of these panelists was to trick or misdirect the people they hoped to get money from. I'm not sure that should be the model to follow but I guess you can't argue with success.

A Good Knight’s Quest: Episode 11

Dorian, Adrianna and Gabriel come face to face with Agent Zero.

StayTunedTV 2010 Awards Official Nominees


TubeFilter Readies Research-Driven Product

"...TubeFilter.TV plans to launch its first research-driven product in the third quarter -- a database that will operate as a sort of IMDB for Web content..."


The Scariest Thing I Ever Saw: Another JJ Abrams Viral

By Michael Andersen

"Very little is known about Super 8 or its related viral experience, although MovieViral.com has provided a succinct summary of what little information is available."

Read the full post:


Wiki: http://super8.wikibruce.com/Home


I Heart Vampires: Moment of Truth

Watch episodes one week early at http://take180.com/vampires

While Aradia continues the exorcism, Sam gets fed up with Wyatt and Luci.

u-2 - iamamiwhoami


A Threatening Vlog - hollishillis

Check this blog out and to compliment it this vlog channel. One is serious, one is not:

Walk On - michiev

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Web.Files #37 - Stupid for Movies

The Web Files

The Web.Files returns this week with an all new episode featuring the recently launched movie review series, Stupid for Movies. Kristyn Burtt interviews hosts Wade Major and Marke Keizer as well as the series creator and producer Mike Rotman. The trio discuss how they are attempting to redefine the movie review format as well as the advantages and surprises of having such an interactive audience. Also, watch to see whether or not Kristyn is able to successfully stump the two movie experts with a bit of suggestively placed movie trivia.

Hosted by LA film critics Wade Major and Mark Keizer, Stupid for Movies covers both recent movies as well as DVD classics. Filmed in a converted and conveniently sound-proof garage, the series is the brain-child of Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show producer Mike Rotman. Major and Keizer, who also host a podcast, engage in an entertaining and occasionally raucous discussion of recently released movies as-well-as discussions of user suggested DVD’s in a segment called “Rent it, Buy it, or Burn it.” The show also features a weekly news segment hosted by YouTube ‘celebrity’ Chad Vader via Skype. The show streams every Thursday at 11 Eastern, 8 Pacific on Ustream. Also, following the live broadcast, episodes are uploaded to blip.tv.

Kristyn Burtt

Will You Support Net Neutrality For Your House or Apartment Network ?

I got news for everyone, the bandwidth in your home is more limited and more variable and harder to manage than the bandwidth coming into your house from the internet.

Read the full post:

I Heart Vampires: The Exorcism

Watch episodes one week early at http://take180.com/vampires Aradia tries to extract Gideon from Nick.

Second year games Cu Chulainn - Mrjohnnyspud1

lonelygirl15 took over my life - shesfreshh2death (April 8, 2010)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010 Webby Winners Announced: Letters to the Future, District 9, and True Blood Take Home Honors

By Michael Andersen
Yesterday, the winners of the 14th Annual Webby Awards were announced, recognizing excellence in “interactive design, creativity, usability and functionality on the Internet.” This year, a trio of alternate reality gaming projects came home with accolades.
Read the full post here.

The Future of TV: Why NewTeeVee Is Wrong

...we disagreed, and couldn’t resist making our case with a post titled The Future of TV: Five Lessons for Mark Cuban — prompting him to pen a reply, which he sent via email.


"Bumps in the Night" Live Tip #11: Nightmares

Even Rick James couldn't beat Freddy forever...

Miss Behave Official Trailer - MissBehaveTHESERIES

In this scripted, teen driven web series, a proper sixteen year old girl gets more than she bargained for when she begins deceiving her childhood friends to cover up her exciting new alter ego, while her older sibling faces challenges of his own dealing with an overbearing mother, new found adult responsibilities and sexual identity issues.

Web site: http://missbehave.tv

"Miss Behave is joining the ranks of original web content with a dramatic teen online soap opera that will give its audience strong characters that relate to today's teen market. With a cast of professional actors (including four ex-Days of Our Lives stars, plus recognizable faces from television and movies), Miss Behave tells the story of the Archer children, Tori and Billy. Stemming from an affluent background doesn't always mean happiness as these two mixed teens reveal in this character driven web series inspired by real teens.

Jillian's character, Tori Archer, always the good girl, and the apple of her Daddy's eye, has discovered her wild side but gets more than she bargained for when she begins deceiving her childhood friends to cover up her exciting new alter ego and super bad-boy boyfriend."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Summary: Chris Black possesses a power that could lead to the destruction of the current regime, and they will stop at nothing to destroy him.
The chase is on as Chris runs for his life in this sci-fi thriller set in an alternate and futuristic Los Angeles.

Director : Ricardo de Montreuil
Producers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Eliz Eskeranli
Writers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Antonio Perez
Cinematographer: Andres Sanchez
Composer: Angelo Milli
Special Effects Supervisor: Aaron Burns
3D Modeling and Animation: Juan Somarriba and Francisco Concha
Visual Effects and Compositing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Editing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Color Correction: Santiago Padilla
Sound Design and Mixing: Martin Seltzer
Budget: $5k
Format: RED 1920x1080
Special thanks: Filmosonido, CO3 and Converse

You can find concept drawings, 3D models and production stills at THE RAVEN facebook site:


Contact: info@theravenfilm.com

Exclusive: THE RAVEN Takes Hollywood By Storm!

Most studios have already inquired with Montreuil's reps at WME about expanding it into a feature. The short is only 72 hours old.


Research credit: Renegade

The Webventures of Justin & Alden Ep. 2: 1760

A road trip without time travel and celebrity hitchhikers? Not in this town. Justin & Alden's friendship is put to the ultimate test when they offer Illeana Douglas a ride to the Streamy Awards. To keep up with the story become a Fan at http://facebook.com/tridentgum.

The Webventures of Justin and Alden' Make it Big at the Streamys

"Sponsored by Trident Layers and brought to you by the good people at CJP Digital and Horizon Media, The Webventures of Justin and Alden is a self-aware, comedic romp through the land of Trying to Make it in Hollywood and the world of web entertainment."


The Steps Ep. 6 - "Happy Birthday"


‘Naught For Hire’: Early Buzz for Noir Sci-Fi Romp

by Jenni Powell

"Though production on the series doesn’t begin until this summer, with a premiere scheduled in December, there are already some fun nuggets floating around the internet to get the buzz train for the series leaving the station early."


The Future of TV: Five Lessons for Mark Cuban

"This week, he’s complaining that all those evangelists of over the top video are ignoring the way average Americans use their TV, which is for cable and VOD, according to Cuban."



Places for webseries creators to stream LIVE VIDEO for webcasts and live web events

From StoryGas:

"They generate a 'buzz' in the community, and when it comes to being honest and authentic... you can't do something much more stomach churning... or thrilling... than playing it out live."

Read the full post:

Looks Like Our Nominated Show is Ignored Again By TubeFilter

::::: UPDATE:::::

Tom Konkle said...
It is a gift to be chosen to be in this or any screening and in the Streamys.

The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift.

We were contacted by Tubefilter now and they have decided they will include our nominated series in the screening and we are grateful to have a place at the table of relevancy while looking at last year’s work is still on the radar. It is all fleeting. It goes a long way to making us feel like at some point we had the nomination elevate our profile to be considered among the other ones already or repeatedly chosen.

So, a sincere thank you for the change of heart and giving us a moment this time too and we appreciate the decision to include a segment of the ridiculous Safety Geeks: SVI series we worked so hard on to be part of something this time in the presentation of Best of the Web, nominees and winners of the Streamys for a good cause… The Egyptian Theater organization.

From Anchor Cove...
Posted by Tom Konkle

Further damage control, they are host a Best of The Web screening of nominees and winners from the Streamys at the Egyptian theater and guess what we were invited to pay BUT we had sent clips to be included in the best of the web montage at the awards we were nominated for (silly us) we weren't in anything or even seen as a show in either awards so we asked the logical question, " as one of the "best" are we going to have clips from our shows in this event?"

Read the full post:
Tubefilter's Best of the Internet! on Facebook:

Join us for a very special night with Tubefilter as we screen the BEST OF THE INTERNET, showing clips and episodes selected from the nominees and winners of 2010 Streamy Awards with discussions and celebrity appearances by the biggest and brightest stars on the web.

Read the full invite:

Tubefilter’s Best of the Web this Friday at American Cinematheque
by Brady Brim-DeForest

"At 7:30 PM this Friday, Tubefilter will invade the Egyptian Theater with the stars and creators of the hottest web series and online entertainment."


Monday, May 3, 2010

Tomorrow Twitter Will Release New Tool For Embedding Tweets

While taking images of individual tweets and incorporating them into blog posts is not new, it has always been in Twitter’s words, “a bit of a hack.”


Warren Buffett Debuts ‘Secret Millionaires’ at Berkshire Meeting

Kids can trade $2000 worth of Buffett Bucks with real stocks, with a chart showing the top virtual investors.

Read the full post:


"Further Lane" at Atlanta Film Festival And Elsewhere

"Further Lane", a short film from Lonelygirl15 creator Mesh Flinders, was screened last month at the Atlanta Film Festival.

10 Questions with Mesh Flinders of FURTHER LANE (April 9, Atlantafilmfestival.com)

Via Twitter, Mesh says that the film will also be screened at the Connecticut Film Festival later this week.

The short film is reportedly about 12 minutes in length, and was filmed last summer in the Hamptons.

* Further Lane on IMDB

8th Wonderland: A Virtual Nation Up in Arms

"They decide to create a virtual state and restore democracy, but “real” states view them as terrorists."

Read the full post:


u-1 - iamamiwhoami

iamamiwhoiam Is Not Christina Aguilera, But Is Pretty Interesting

iamamiwhoiam joined YouTube in December 2009, whereupon he/she/it began uploading strange but ethereal music videos featuring an anonymous blond woman, her identity disguised by masks, make-up, masking tape and/or mud.

Read the full post:

Digital Hollywood

Digital Hollywood, May 3-6, 2010






Generation U (2010) trailer

— Unemployment could be the adventure of a lifetime. -----

Twitter @Generation_U. Facebook Fan Page: "Generation U". Created by Nate Golon. Directed by Andre Welsh.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

True Blood: Minisode Eric & Pam

If you have a problem with the embed go here

Editor Update: For those of you, like me who are curious about Yvetta, she is a new recurring character for season 3 played by Natasha Alam. Below is the casting description for the character.

YVETTA Female, 20’s, gorgeously hot Eastern European is Eric’s (Alex Skaarsgard) new dancer at Fangtasia. She speaks Czechoslovakian with subtitles and knows how to work a stripper pole. She and Eric have a sexual relationship…2 lines, 3 scenes / POSSIBLE RECUR (36) Actress must be able to dance and be comfortable with nudity.

Joss Whedon Heart Broken

Joss Whedon performs Heart Broken from the Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog Musical Commentary during a live episode of The American Life. The entire musical commentary, which is an extra on the Dr. Horrible DVD is very good and easily worth the price of the DVD.

Five Questions With… The Guild‘s Kim Evey

New media is the opposite — it’s niche marketing that allows instant access to people who build their own communities based on common interests, often regardless of demographics rather than because of them.



ASSISTED LIVING has it's 40'th episode on-line at KoldCast.tv. If you haven't seen ASSISTED LIVING it's a comedy about Dustin who is a stand-up comedian going through a mid-twenties crisis.

Season 5 trailer:

Series Page on KoldCast.tv

CHUGGER Webisode 1

chug•ger [chuhg-er]
a freelance fundraiser who cajoles pedestrians into donating to charities.

Dan arrives for another gruelling day as a Chugger and is put through the usual motivational trauma of his overzealous boss, Nick.

See more:

THE BLANK PRESS: Boss/Assistant - Ep 1

The title says it all. The never-before-seen realistic dynamic between boss and assistant. If you've ever been in a subservient work role... you will get this. If you're the boss... you will get this.

Written & Directed By: Aaron Max Bilgrad

Music Used With Artist's Official Permission:
Brock Smith
"The Plan"

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/THEBLANKPRESS

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