"Article 436" of the IAWTV Bylaws reads:
Conflict of Interest
1. Any member of the board who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the Board to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his seat and refrain from discussion and voting on said item.
Really? Nope. It is called "Article 436" for a reason! It does not exist!!!!
Article 436 is really Article "VII. Conflict of Interest" from an article on "How to Write Non-profit Bylaws."
The real question is: "Should it?" More to the point why was such an article not included in the IAWTV Bylaws, who made that decision and why?
We know that Brady from Tubefilter is a bit of an expert in forming non-profits and he was involved in the formation of the IAWTV so perhaps he would like to explain why no such article was included?
The issue becomes pertinent because while it was certainly discussed before the Streamys, the conflict of interest between Tubefilter and the IAWTV has been a hot topic of conversations since. With the "Tubefilter guys" holding 5 out of the 11 seats on the Board of Directors of the IAWTV it is clearly an important topic. Even the Tubefilter guys have admitted that this number is not appropriate, yet despite their involvement in the debacle that was the Streamy Awards not one of them has seen fit to step down from their position on the Board of Directors of the IAWTV.
If we really want to "Rebuild The Trust" a good first step would be for at least 4 out of the 5 Tubefilter guys to take such action effective immediately. Since Brady Brim-Deforest is the Executive Director of the IAWTV it would probably be harder for him to step down until he is replaced.
From the IAWTV Bylaws:
Section 7. Executive Director. Subject to such powers, if any, as may be given by the Board to the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman, the Executive Director shall have the powers and duties of management usually vested in the general manager and chief executive officer of a corporation and has, subject to the control of the Board, general supervision, direction, and control of he day-to-day business and officers of the Corporation.
Yesterday we suggested that it would be a good idea for the membership of the IAWTV to elect an entirely new Board of Directors that reflected the current opinions of its membership. Having 4 new Board Members would be a good first step in that process because if an initiative like a proxy ballot comes from within the Board it is much easier to implement.
Full text of the IAWTV Bylaws.
For more information on the 436 see LGPedia
The icon is a screen shot from KateModern where the 436 was given a cameo.
Joe, the creator of the 436 could not be reached for comment.