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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ode to Zynga's Street Racing - tinywatchproductions

It's time for one last ride.

Brian, Mike & Dominic as themselves. Created using GoAnimate.com's tool set. Check them out at www.GoAnimate.com!

YouTube stars make big money — but why?

So who the hell is watching them?


Source: @TheFineBros on Twitter

Conspiracy For Good: Event 4 Recap - Part 2: "The Takedown"



Therapy - zenbabee

If you find the Mickey, I'll subscribe to your channel. :)

Missed Connections Live Episode 1

NYC Cafe Hostess hopes to find Mystery Economist Man

See more episodes: http://www.youtube.com/user/LBMProductionsLLC

In Her Words (Inspiration): Melissa Center

It’s an interesting model for new creators who are experimenting with the medium, so DCTV asked Melissa to talk about her process in developing the show, from origin to new premiere!

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ARG Update

ARGs 101: ARGNet Owner Featured on The Digital Cowboys Podcast

... and this week ARGNet’s own Michael Andersen was their featured guest.


The Hunt for the Infinity Killer Heats Up in Dexter Game

This year, an alternate reality game will welcome in the new season of Dexter, which returns September 25th.


Alpha Planet - Behind The Scenes

Creators Mike Darling and Arron Fenton talk about the back story of Alpha Planet.

Produced/Directed by: Mike Darling
Story/Written by: Mike Darling & Arron Marie Fenton
Music by: Ivan Ruiz Serrano
Adam Landrey: Michael Sweeney
Karin Dawson: Jen Sweeney
Luke Brodie: Don Jeanes
Ian Scott: JD Mendonca
Boom Op: Benn Bluml & Brian Cook
A Rena'Sance Robot Production

Friday, August 27, 2010

813 Episode 2: Hacker (13 hours earlier)

This episode takes place 13 hours before Johnny's nightmarish interrogation.

Transmedia Talk Podcast – Episode 1

Transmedia Talk is co-hosted by Nick Braccia and Robert Pratten and looks to shed light on the topic of transmedia storytelling....

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'eScape' Episode 4 "ROMO"

'eScape' Episode 4 "ROMO" from Runic Films on Vimeo.

Steven lashes out while Joshy ends up trapped... again. Jason Fantaro learns CampQuest will make or break his company, Fantaro Games.

Vampire Mob

Vampire Mob Episode Three

Episode Three - "Castle on the left" - Starring: John Colella, Reamy Hall and Andrea Cansler More about Vampire Mob at http://www.VampireMob.com

Vampire Mob Episode Four

Episode Four - "Through the tunnel" - Starring: John Colella and Chris Mulkey. More about Vampire Mob at http://www.VampireMob.com

"Bumps in the Night" Live Tip #23: Castlevania

What a terrible night to have a curse. Or not to have a safeword.

Net Neutrality: 7 Worst Case Scenarios

Both sides –- those opposed to FCC regulation of net neutrality and those who think it’s necessary –- proclaim that their defeat would be Armageddon.

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Apotheosis - Jason Bigart & Jay Erickson

Apotheosis is a fantasy based criminal investigation web series where magic, not science, is used to solve crimes.

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Google Me

Google’s Latest Acquisition Is All About Facebook

Khare will be working on Google Me, the company’s still-unconfirmed social network.

Read the full post

Our work here is done… ☺

I worked with Salim Ismail, another “pub/sub” pioneer with a disturbing doppelgänger to co-found Ångströ and unlock the power of your social graph.

Read the full post:

Just Say Tenso - ROCKETBOOM

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Molly talks about appropriate student/teacher social media relationships, recycling chewing gum, censorship in Brazil, the end of war in Iraq and the month-long traffic jam anticipated in China.

Ask the Attorney: Videos & YouTube: Who Owns Them?

Can YouTube use all or part of your videos?

The answer: Yes. The YouTube TOS has you giving a license to them.

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That was a close one - TheExperimentWIP

Travis goes missing.......

The Experiment: A Work in Progress…


New Mediacracy: Episode 17: The One About the Identity Problem of Web Video

In the theme of getting back to basics, most of this episode's discussion centers around the identity of web video, or the lack thereof.


How to use Realtime Search

Google's Realtime Search has a new home at http://google.com/realtime and new tools to make your real-time search experience faster and more comprehensive. Learn about Realtime's geographic refinement and conversations feature and learn how to set up your own Google Alerts for Realtime results.

World Full Of Nothing - Trailer

In the midst of a teen suicide epidemic captured on video blogs, 15-year-old Rachael (Bella Nelson) reaches out to strangers through her own series of confessional videos daring someone to find her and prove to her that life is worth living. Her videos are discovered by an internet predator and an FBI profiler (Angela Bozier) and both set out to find the young woman with very different intentions. Adding to the madness of the world Rachael is trying to understand, is a tragi-comic chorus of pundits, media personalities and religious leaders, all using the current events to further their own agendas.

This series deals with a delicate subject matter.

Anyone in need of help should used the Crisis Hotlines link:


which you can find at any time in the top right of the blog.

Miss Behave - Ep. 11: Much Ado About Nothing: Part 1

As Dylan tries to understand what has caused the riff between his two best friends, Tori realizes that Riley might not be the best choice for her but big brother Billy has other plans and persuades her to set up a "double date" with Riley and Tasha for therapeutic reasons.

Blockbuster “prepares to file for bankruptcy”.

... it struggles to cope with competition from Netflix, Lovefilm and Redbox, companies who have revolutionised the rental industry with their postal and on-demand services.

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Road Trip to San Fran to see SoCo - hollishillis

On Saturday night we planned a road trip to San Francisco to see our favorite band, Something Corporate do a reunion tour at the warfield. We left Monday at 2pm and came home Wednesday at 11:30 pm. It was AMAZING.

Kia Soul Who's Next Competition -- Episode #3: Bloopers

Judges ShayCarl, Ian and Anthony from SMOSH, and Lisa Nova give their thoughts on some of the entries that didn't make it to the round of 8 in the "Kia Soul Who's Next?" Contest. Visit http://www.youtube.com/kiasoul on September 2nd to see the final four semi-finalists and vote on who you think should continue to the next round of the competition!

Spade Episode #1 - DarkstoneEnt

This is an audience participation web series where YOU! Get to choose what happens. The show airs every other Thursday for the rest of 2010. So watch all the 3 parts of this episode and click on what you would like to see happen in the epilogue. Voting ends 72 hours from air date so vote now!

Darkstone Entertainment

Spade Episode #1-10 RECAP (Part 1)

See more episodes: http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkstoneEnt

Season Two of Miss Behave to launch late fall 2010

From the press release:

Stars from the soap world, prime time and the silver screen will be guest starring on the second season of Miss Behave, which is currently in production. Days of Our Lives star Eric Martsolf will be joining the cast as Marcus Dunne, a famous movie star who is represented by the Queen, the mother of Tori Archer (perfectly portrayed by our lead Jillian Clare). Kyle Kaplan, most recently a series regular on the ABC Family show Ten Things I Hate About You, will be playing a DJ, his other real-life passion. Teen star and executive producer Jillian Clare adds “So many of our new cast members have been my friends for many years – it's so exciting to finally all work together on such an amazing indie project!” New next door neighbor to our lead Dylan (Brett DelBuono) is Sam, played by Madisen Beaty, most recognized as the star of Lifetime's Pregnancy Pact, and the younger version of Daisy in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Sure to bring comedic relief to the heavy drama unfolding in second season is real life publicist Chris Rossi who guest stars in several episodes as Jorge, the over-worked event planner sent by the Queen to oversee Tori's birthday party. Also adding laughs is internet sensation Carol Ann McCracken (McCracken Live) as herself who said "I had an absolute ball working with the amazing cast, crew, and production team of Miss Behave! I wish a show like this existed when I was a teenager...5 years ago. Ms. McCracken loves Miss Behave!"

The show is also adding series regulars to the talented line up including Michael Bolten (currently starring in the coming of age feature film Flipped) as an Aussie hottie also repped by the Queen, plus newcomers James Rustin and Jamison Tate who both worked on the series last season. Of course, the show wouldn't be complete without our resident shrink Dr. Freed, portrayed flawlessly by Patrika Darbo, and her sidekick receptionist Kristina, played by the talented Jacee Jule. Both Patrika and Jacee shined in just one memorable episode of Season One and will definitely show up in multiple episodes of Season Two.

See: http://missbehave.tv

Articles about Miss Behave:http://www.webseriestoday.com/search/label/Miss%20Behave

MISS BEHAVE Triples Cast For Upcoming Season Two

Thursday, August 26, 2010

he found me - TheExperimentWIP

The Experiment: A Work in Progress…


Square One Episode 2 - The Truth About Tracy Rose

Emily's roommate, Casey, makes it her mission to rid Emily of her antiquated practices of dial-up and pen-pal writing with an actual pen. But does all this quick access to information really make everything better? You decide once Emily finds out "The Truth About Tracy Rose."

The Last Stand: Between Two Tides - Ep. 3

When the hopeful find the hopeless, all are pursued with equal hunger by the infected. A revelation, and a moment of redemption aren't enough to live on, but it's a start.

Galaxy Sailor Productions

San Francisco New Media Film Festival

Call for New Media, Web Series, and Film Submissions for Upcoming New Media Film Festival

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Dominion - Minisode #10 - Blood in the Water

Starring: Katie MacTavish & BJ Jeroy
Narrated by: Sean Michael Field
Music by Damian Sanchez
Sound Mix & Design by Andre Philips
Written by Andrew Stoute and Rodney Smith
Directed, Filmed and Edited by Rodney Smith
"Dominion" and characters created by Andrew Stoute & Rodney Smith
Join us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dominionseries

Transmission Surveillance - phone conversation intercept pt.1

Watch more Hard Drive 13 at http://harddrive13.com

Part one of a intercepted conversation between an Interplanetary Security Department field agent and his handler. Source unknown.

Hard Drive 13 is a conspiracy theory action adventure cliffhanger serial web series that follows the adventures of Nomad, a hacker and corporate spy as he uncovers the mother of all conspiracies. Joined by Dee, shadowy and gorgeous government agent, and pursued by the rogue black-budget Interplanetary Security Department, Nomad attempts to unravel what's really going on and, while he's at it, save the world from the gravest danger it's ever seen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

10 Keys to Running the Show Without Losing Your Marbles- #1 Manageable Goals.

In this past year, I learned a lot of lessons (most the hard way) but they were invaluable. I’d like to share with you all the main keys that helped me to survive with my sanity and show intact.

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Zombie Roadkill PSA

Experience the marvel & mystery of Mother Nature. Join actor & honorary park ranger Thomas Haden Church on a journey through the Great Outdoors. But beware, they don't call it 'the wild' for nothing. Zombie Roadkill premieres on FEARnet.com October 4th. Go to www.FEARnet.com/zombieroadkill for more details.

FEARnet's 'Zombie Roadkill' Announced

FEARnet announced today that it will debut the first two episodes of Zombie Roadkill, its new original series brought to you by Ghost House Pictures on October 4th...

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In Her Words (Being a Hyphenate): Tina Cesa Ward

DCTV asked Tina Cesa Ward to talk a bit about her experience as a hyphenate.

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Hanging in Kenai - TheZarbodShow

Hanging in Kenai

Dancing on the Red Carpet

His eyes welled up with tears and he explained that his influence is so great, it is almost like Michael is still here.

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Summer Mixtape Madness, Treasure Hunting

Explore your city, make something with your hands, map your experiences, or sit back and listen to some new tunes! Check out some tech and websites that will help you make the most of your summer before it's over. How are you spending the end of your summer? Let us know in the comments or tweet us at @epicfu!

site : http://epicfu.com
fbook: http://facebook.com/epicfu

Universal Dead Takes on Zombies, Gets a Feature Deal

By Liz Shannon Miller

But if you find yourself wondering what about Universal Dead inspired interest in a feature version, though, the answer is in Episode Three.

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[trailhead] Plato's Cave

From Kandiman @ Unfiction:

Looked around, couldn't find a proper thread, only mentions in the trailhead thread.

A Dr. Schreber has been following several of us on Facebook, he also added me on Skype and I'm chatting to him as I type this. He has a blog at Wikispaces, which seems to be the place to start.


Read the full thread:

ARG Update

Help Edna? Maxis Cooks Up an ARG for Genre-Switching Darkspore Game

Coming in February 2011, Maxis is taking the tools they developed for the Spore franchise in another direction by moving into the action-RPG space with the release of Darkspore.

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Jurassic Park Slope: Dinosaurs, Hipsters, and Bill Murray

Burns and Filipek are developing Jurassic Park Slope, an interactive transmedia experience about urban hipsters and dinosaurs, and are determined to get Murray to star in it.

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Flashback to 2007: Web Series You May Have Missed

by Mathieas McNaughton

Dirty Bomb Diaries: http://dirtybombdiaries.blip.tv/
Satacracy 88: http://www.hulu.com/satacracy-88
Starlet: http://www.filmaka.com/filmaka_series.php
Afterworld: http://www.afterworld.tv

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The Rainbow Cake - ROCKETBOOM

Molly teaches you how to make a rainbow cake!

Rainbow Cake Recipe

Robot, Ninja and Gay Guy - Travis Richey

Robot, Ninja & Gay Guy is a sitcom web series about a guy who loses his boyfriend and puts out a Craigslist ad for new roommates.

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Be in @JustinBieber 3D movie!!! You have 24 hours to respond!!!! GO!!!

go to bieberfever.com/movie for more info.

1) upload a video of you lip syncing to "THAT SHOULD BE ME" by Justin Bieber
make sure you shoot it in a cool location in your town. we want to be showing people singing the song all around the world

2) upload a still photo of you smiling! with your friends, or family in your Justin Bieber gear. Have fun with it.

3) Submit the link of your video of photo to bieberfever.com/movie

You only have 24 hours to submit so do it now!!!

Bieber in the movie updated announcement!!!

The submission deadline to get in the Justin Bieber 3D movie has been extended an additional 24 hours so you have one more day to get our videos in!!! Thank you for all the videos so far. Be creative.

Go to bieberfever.com/movie to submit your link.

Man Teen - Ep. 3 Honest Talk

Shack teaches MAN-TEEN how to talk to girls.

Take A Bucket Entertainment, LLC

Enchantment Under the Web Dance! Charity Ball for LA’s Our House

2010 Prom Court Nominees include:

Shanrah Wakefield – OzGirl
Maxwell Glick – lonelygirl15
Benny & Rafi Fine – YouTube’s TheFineBros

To see the full list:

BREAKING NEWS: Digg goes 436!

::::: UPDATE: The new Digg has now escaped the 436. Some regions may be slower than others to escape, but when it does be sure to follow: http://www.digg.com/webseriestoday

::::: Digg this story: http://digg.com/news/story/breaking_news_digg_goes_436

The popular social bookmarking site Digg has been taken by the 436.


Digg was supposed to launch its new site on Friday, but it looks like the 436 got there first!


New Version of Digg Goes Live For Everyone This Morning

Digg v4 will be rolling out over the next few hours, and brings some major changes that could totally change the dynamic of the site.

Read the full post:

The New Digg Is Coming Soon Today

At 12:30pm ET, Digg business development chief Matt van Horn wrote, “New @Digg is launching.. right now! Hopefully we won’t break the internet in the process. GO TEAM"

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Marty and Doug's New Religion: Webisode 1 (Now in RGB Colors!)

Marty and Doug's New Religion is about two slackers that decide to start a religion in their apartment for all the wrong reasons. Webisode 1: It's a normal Sunday of stalking for Marty and Doug. But an unexpected visit for a spiritual friend gives their life new meaning.

No Pork and Beans - VEGAN 101: Ep.1 (The First Vegan Comedic Web Series)

Award-Winning Web Series!
"Whether you're as voracious as a velociraptor or as gentle as a lamb, DO NOT miss out on the very funny new web-series "Vegan 101". It's an ultra-modern, sassy, & smart examination of the old chestnut "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT". Consider me a BIG FAN!- Jane Wiedlin, Musician

"The Vegan 101 series finally puts to rest the whole tree hugger, too serious for their own good archetype. Joanne is funny, intelligent, attractive and above all, committed to her venture. Bravo!" Rikki Rockett / Poison

Hilarious and popular IMDB sketch comedy series about taking the Vegan lifestyle to extremes. Starring Joanne Rose.

The First Vegan Comedic Web Series!

For more episodes: http://www.youtube.com/joannemrose1

BlackBoxTV: Episode 2: Where Are You?

Produced by http://www.youtube.com/Sammah1
and @JenniPowell
The BlackBoxTV Score was written by Brandon Roberts
Except for "SIrens" By The Epilogues
Music Supervision by http://www.youtube.com/MusicKillsKate.

BlackBoxTV EP2 Interviews/Behind the Scenes

Vampirism Bites 1.6: Fight Schlub

Belle and Kristy (try to) learn how to fight, while vampire hunter Simon Polidori gets into one!

Remember: The Dracula Clock is ticking...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Roomies! Ep 6.1 Sally vs. the A$$#@/$

Sally comes face to face with the douchebag who cheated on her. Mayhem ensues.

The Guild: Season 4 - Episode 6 - Weird Respawn

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&from=sp&fg=shareEmbed&vid=f60dc2c6-db30-497f-8186-3453e05f4f8f" target="_new" title="Season 4 - Episode 6 - Weird Respawn">Video: Season 4 - Episode 6 - Weird Respawn</a>
Zaboo struggles to deal with his mother's new attitude; Codex juggles work and gaming.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Legend of Neil, Season 3, Ep. 3: Fairyhood

Neil's multiple, and definitely unprotected, indiscretions with Fairy finally come home to roost. Is Neil ready to deal with being a father?
Featuring the hilarious Sklar Brothers and musical guests Paul and Storm performaing the theme song.

Episode Length: The Stats

What is a good episode length?

Read the full post and join the conversation:

The Temp Life Season 4 Recap: Episodes 1-10

http://www.facebook.com/templifetv. Four-minute catch up on the first 10 episodes of The Temp Life season 4.

The Girl Who Cried Baboon - ROCKETBOOM

Click here for more info on this episode!

Molly reports on the girl who cried baboon, plastic waste, and more.

The Misadventures of Moni and Meli; episode 1

Two girls chronicle their lives as they earnestly pursue their acting careers in Hollywood. They produce a show within a show that proves that sometimes reality is, indeed, more entertaining than fiction.

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/MeMoProductions1




See: http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=30201

Don’t Be a Writer, Be a Creator

"In the digital era, writers sell stories, while creators build storyworlds.”

Read the full post:

Source: http://indieintertube.tv/static/transmedia-writers-have-more-fun/

Atom’s ‘Quitters’ at 100,000 Views and Still Smoking

First off, the show is produced by Jamie Bullock of No Mimes Media. They are primarily known for their ARGs, but No Mimes seems to have a great handle....

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Eisner: Content still king

We have 25 different series in the works that will be cut into varying lengths from half-hours to 13 minutes to six minutes.

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Source: Web Series Network

Build a Fig Rig : DIY Film Tutorial

Have you ever wanted to have a sweet steady cam rig, but don't want to spend up to $300? This week Zack teaches you how to build a crazy cheap Fig Rig! Make sure and check out the test film coming out tomorrow! It's a single take and it was all filmed using this week's build!

Indy Mogul's Backyard FX features cheap, DIY filmmaking tips and tutorials including special effects, props, and camera equipment. 'Build' episodes on Mondays and 'Original Short' test films on Tuesdays featuring the build.

Website: http://www.indymogul.com
Submit: http://www.indymogul.com/submit
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/indymogul
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/indymogul

Travelista Around the World - Trailer

LA Web Fest - Taking 2011 Submissions

Workshops and panels covering various aspects of this dynamic new medium are also held over the three-day event, once again taking place at the Stage 52 Theater in Los Angeles March 25-27, 2011.

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DEATHLESS- Episode 01 - "All Fall Down"

At a funeral, an uninvited mystery woman reveals that the deceased was murdered by an ancient creature, now stalking all associated with the victim. She extends a chilling offer of help, which bonds them to her as bounty hunters of the Deathless.

See more episodes: http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchDEATHLESS

Haywire: Preview

The first preview for the horror/sci-fi webseries Haywire! http://www.haywireseries.com

The second preview for the horror/sci-fi webseries Haywire! http://www.haywireseries.com

TWiT’s Leo Laporte loses faith in social media

However, he recently discovered that a glitch with Buzz meant that everything he had posted there since 6 August hadn’t been seen by anyone, and seemingly no-one noticed.


Chatroulette has gone offline. Holding page says “The experiment is over”

There is a promise that the site will launch an updated version tomorrow...



Online Resources for Webseries Beginners

"These are starting points; this list is not intended to be all-inclusive."

Read the full post:

EQAL is Hiring a Product Manager

"We are looking for a Product Manager who can act as a translator between the creative vision of our celebrity clients and the technical specifications required to build and deliver a website built on our Umbrella platform. "


Sony’s Bet on Sticking With Web Shows

Analysts point out that Crackle could become the primary entertainment channel for Sony’s PlayStation Network, a fast-growing video service that pumps games and online content into the living room via PlayStation 3 consoles.


Source: Web Series Network

The Future of TV Is Not on Cable

Consumer behavior is fundamentally changing, and it starts with the young people who don’t see the need for cable.


The Meet Up - shiftslider (TheExperimentWIP)


The Experiment: A Work in Progress…


'The Last Airbending Exorcism on the Left' Trailer

visit: http://www.hollywood.com for more!
Exclusive: 'The Last Airbending Exorcism On The Left' Trailer
In 2009, Reverend Cotton Airbender arrives in Last House, Louisiana to perform his final exorcism on Miley Cyrus.

Movies involved:
The Last Song
The Last House on The Left
The Last Airbender
The Last Exorcist

Join the Facilitator Network

The Facilitator Network will be an opt-in group of people who want to contribute to Remix Fiction's collaborative transmedia projects.


How Much MONEY Do I Make!? (Re: YouTube Stars Making $100,000 Plus Per Year article)

Here is the article that falsely claims I've gotten 159 million views in the past 12 MONTHS:

My official total video views since I joined YouTube in 2006 is 113 million -- spread over FOUR YEARS. I'm very proud I've gotten this many views, but I certainly haven't gotten anywhere near the impossible 159 million in a year! You can see the actual total on my channel page:

This is in addition to the fact that their CPM estimates are actually totally wrong. Although it's kind of fun to be on a list I don't belong on, it's more important to me that people get their facts straight before spewing garbage to the public.

As far as going into more detail about my YouTube income, besides it being my own business, naming actual specific figures is against the partner agreement all YouTube Partners have signed with Google.

Thanks for all of your kind notes and comments!


http://www.welostourgold.com The fourth of eight videos that give clues to buried treasure in New York City. Want more piratey goodness?

Vampirism Bites "Bonus": "Dr. John Gray's Anatomy of a Vampire"

From the desk of Dr. John Gray of The Hunting Party: Vampire Sciences Division:

"Alright, this is the first episode of the Q&A the boys in our brand spankin new, "New Media Department" put together. After assuring me that the utmost production value was put into the video to ensure professionalism, that I said nothing wrong in the final edit, as well as the highest quality music money can buy in the background, we feel this should be a great entry to help out all the rookie vampire hunters we've had pop up lately.

Do not let vampires watch this. It will piss them off badly. Also, I don't know why you're laughing when you watch it, since I haven't seen it yet, but don't be an idiot and put this on YouTube or something. The boys in New Media put in a hard 2 hours to get this polished, and it's an invaluable way to communicate with the newbies among us. Stop Laughing."

Dr. John Gray, The Hunting Party: Vampire Sciences Division.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

5 Questions With…VODO Founder Jamie King

By partnering with creators like The Yes Men, King and VODO have had real success using BitTorrent as a legal distribution platform.

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NOT! Trailer - TheNotShow

Preview of the web series, NOT!, a comedic look at dating disasters.

Publicist John Wildman Sits Down With WSN NEWS - webseriesnetwork

'Feel Good Film Festival' Publicist John Wildman sat with WEB SERIES NETWORK NEWS for an exclusive interview. He speaks on the controversial 'Why Web Series Suck!' panel at the third annual FGFF Festival in Los Angeles.


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For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

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