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Saturday, October 2, 2010

‘Venus Spa’ Season Two Debuts

by Mathieas McNaughton

...for those with fond memories of the 80’s, the retro comedy might bring back some lost recollections of the past glory days.

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Cinemassacre's Monster Madness Day 2: Return of the Vampire!

James can't get enough of the only vampire that matters and he covers Bela Lugosi's unofficial sequel to Dracula!

Cinemassacre Monster Madness: The Phantom Creeps!

In celebration of HollisHillis's 30 videos in 30 days we're checking out James Rolfe's epic 30 days of Monster Madness this October! (His 5th annual Monster Madness!) This year James is covering the WORST monster movies ever made. Methinks he was watching some Camp Bloody Beach when he shot his intro. :)

The Social Network - AlloyTV

What's the craziest thing Andrew Garfield's done to get a girl? Check out our interview with the hotties of the Facebook movie!

Level 26: 100,000 Members Strong

Dark Prophecy - Clown Killer Teaser
The teaser trailer to the second installment in the Level 26 digi-novel series "Dark Prophecy: A Level 26 Thriller" by Anthony E. Zuiker.

Written & Directed by Anthony E. Zuiker
Daniel Buran
Justine Bateman
Michael Ironside

Posted by Anthony E. Zuiker

As many of you know, Dark Prophecy: A Level 26 Thriller will be released here in the United States on October 14, 2010.


Well... - TheExperimentWIP

The Experiment: A Work in Progress…


Friday, October 1, 2010

Travis Betz, aka ‘The Receptionist’, Wins Kia’s Search for Next YouTube Star

He also added that YouTube is the place to be for building up an audience for his online video creations.

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Molly Reviews The Social Network - ROCKETBOOM

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Molly gives us a sneak peek into the highly acclaimed film, "The Social Network", and discusses the growth of social media in recent years.

The Social Network Official Movie Site http://www.thesocialnetwork-movie.com/, Facebook http://www.facebook.com/, Napster http://www.napster.com/

They're Here's Photos - London Eyewitness Photos


They're Here - Who is here?

Eyewitness video from Edinburgh, Princes St. Have you made contact yet? They're here....10.10.10

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Venus Spa S2.2: Molly Gets Nailed in 8-Bit!

So like Molly is all alone in the locker room, or at least she thinks she is! Is she gonna be okay? Let us know in the comments!


Weapon: Deluxe Pocket Rocket
Items: Lighter, key, STD pills and a really big Phone!

Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TeamVenusSpa

New Music in a New Landscape - ROCKETBOOM

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly gives us the rundown on where the music industry is going and what's up with social networks.

C.S.I Crossover, iPad App Set for Level 26 Book 2

The total budget for the experience, according to Zuiker, was $700,000 — $250,000 going towards the video production ...

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[9/30] Recap of SSS - hollishillis

In which I complete my sixty seconds in September successfully!!!

I take up more places on the internet here:


WeReadBooks Channel (Book review collab channel)




Hollywood is Like High School with Money: Ep. 6: Embrace Your Inner Drama Geek

Taylor goes undercover to put an end to Kylie's blackmail.

First it Was Makeup, Now Gaming Gurus Booming on YouTube

... until recently, there’s been no other noticeable success stories for the gaming community.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This web series doesn’t deal with drug or alcohol, but deals with a more common and often times more emotionally brutal reason for recovery. Break-ups.

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World Full Of Nothing: the d a r e - Ep. 4

Rachael concludes her first video with a dare: if anyone watching finds her and can convince her that life is worth living, she won't kill herself. Elsewhere, FBI Special Agent Krissie Templeman, posing as a teenager online, makes a date to rendezvous with a suspected predator. "World Full of Nothing" is the award winning feature debut of director Jesse Pomeroy, presented here in a multi-episode web series.

Breaking The Silence - TheExperimentWIP

It's been too quiet too long. Is everyone ok? I'm glad I'm alive to ask.

The Experiment: A Work in Progress…


Dexter Game Concludes with a “Bang”

Read the full post:

The Infinity Killer then left both of their fates in the hands of the players, asking them to vote for who would live and who would die.


Behind the Scenes of CSI Sqweegel

Read the full post:

The episode airs on October 14, 2010 at 9 PM


The Great Gorilla Run - ROCKETBOOM

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!
Humanwire Correspondant Luana Di Pasquale reports on the efforts made by the Gorilla Organization to save the gorilla population through a fun and creative annual event.
Artistic Films www.artisticfilms.co.uk, The Gorilla Organization www.greatgorillas.org/london, www.gorillas.org/
Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!
Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos! http://facebook.com/rocketboom

[9/29] Emissions - hollishillis

In which I pass. FINALLY. And I may sing in the car a lot. And yeah I know it's dangerous to vlog and drive. It's the cardinal rule after all!

You can follow me here:

The Transformation of Aviation - ROCKETBOOM

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly takes us through the journey of human flight!

[9/28] Pockets Are Important - hollishillis

In which I don't talk about trees.
You can follow me here:

Lies, Damn Lies, and Online Video

Posted by Jim Louderback

Tubemogul Study Finds Fraud In Online Video Getting Worse, Not Better

Read the full post:

Tubemogul Report

Online Video View Fraud, Paid Views and What to Make of It

Jim Louderback is a vocal critic of the current state of ‘views’ in online video.


Not Tonight! - BlackBoxTV

Not Tonight! (Commentary)

Not Tonight! (Behind the Scenes)

You Are Not Alone - modelmotion #theyrehere

They're here. http://www.theyrehere.net

Funemployed - Ep 1 - You're Fired, I Quit! - WongFuProductions

"Funemployed" a new web series by Wong Fu Productions and KevJumba
Today is not a good day for Jason and Kyle...
Follow Jason and Kyle on their journey through unemployment as they discover what their friendship and chasing dreams really mean.

See more episodes:


Hollywood is Like High School with Money:Ep. 5: Ep. 5: Be Prepared for the Quarterback Sneak

First Day: episode 8 - AlloyTV

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vampirism Bites 1.11 - Here Comes The Doom

Behold! After 100 years of slumber, The Return of The First Vampire: The Dracula!

Dracula isn't coming, Dracula is already here.

Life my suck, but Vampirism Bites!

They're Here - the countdown to 10.10.10 continues

News desks across the world ready themselves for 10.10.10

They're Here....in the skies above us

This lastest footage has dropped in from the skies above a major UK city. They're here, have you made contact yet?

They're Here - filmed between Chester and Nantwich, England

We are pleased to share this footage. All will be revealed on 10.10.10 when we can make contact.

Does Newest Viral Video For “They’re Here” Give Clues?



The Guild: Season 4 - Episode Episode 11 - Hostile Takeovers #theGuild

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&from=sp&fg=shareEmbed&vid=bc83c4e0-f9e4-49ca-a66e-6c3ce4c5753f" target="_new" title="Season 4 - Episode 11 - Hostile Takeovers">Video: Season 4 - Episode 11 - Hostile Takeovers</a>
Vork refuses to put his honor aside; Zaboo does something right for a change.

::::: See more episodes of The Guild: http://lg15today.blogspot.com/search/label/The?uild

Web Series Network: Web Series Organization Update

In addition to many outstanding benefits, this organization will have its own free standing HD Web TV Network that we like to call the Hulu of Indie Web Series to host and cross-promote content from its member-partners.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Molly Goes to the Maker Faire - ROCKETBOOM

Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly takes a trip to the Maker Faire to show us all kinds on new and interesting inventions!

Maker Faire: New York 2010

[9/27] Apple Trees - hollishillis

I promise I will NOT talk about trees tomorrow.
You can follow me here:

Web Series Winners at NYTVF

Here’s a summary of the web series that took home cash and acclaim on Saturday night.


Check out the full list here:

Vuguru Taps Fireworks, Bullish on International

Pretty Tough is the latest web series project that the studio is taking to the international markets hoping to entice buyers hungry for reasonably priced US entertainment content


Geek Beat Radio

Geek Beat Radio: LIVE at 11pm EST!


Be there!!!


Chat room: #geekbeatradio on the freenode server.

Last weeks podcast:



The 19 Revenue Sources For WebSeries Creators

I’ll break each of these items out in future post’s. Here goes:

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Guillermo del Toro and Transmedia

Guillermo del Toro, DreamWorks Ani strike deal

.... during the next 10 years, the entertainment landscape will shift into a transmedia world -- a confluence of movies, TV, books, video and online -- and artists will need to be educated in all aspects of media.

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Source: Web Series Network:

101 Dates - Episode 8 - Girl, Serenaded

all about Alice and her very important date(s)

Starring Sarah Harpur, Emma Olsen and Jacob Rosevear

Created by Chaz Harris

BOSS OF ME - Episode 6

BOSS OF ME - Episode 6 from Sabi Pictures on Vimeo.

Squaresville: A new webseries about burning brightly.

Thanks to our amazing crew: @bobbydp, @bombstockton, @j_hat, @jmkondrath, @mrmattenlow, @msottovoce, & @trosenfelt #Squaresville

Sometimes it's how you see your hometown, and sometimes it's how your hometown sees you. “Forget it, this place is totally squaresville”.

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/SquaresvilleSeries

Follow Squaresville on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/L7sville

NYTVF Digital Day Highlights: Indie Success through Branded Entertainment, Syndication

Almost all of the panels emphasized that branded entertainment is the best way to go to monetize independent online video.

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Replays of all of the panels are available here:

Nigel & Victoria, Episode 6: Would you have dinner with me?

To find out more about the series, see behind-the-scene photos and product reviews, follow Nigel & Victoria on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NigelandVictoria

Episode 6:
It's now Victoria's turn to play humble. Nigel's charm works well again but this time Victoria has something to offer. Her agent has seen Nigel's films and thinks they're great. Also would he like to go to dinner with her? Yes BLOODY please.

Heroes Of The North: Black Terror: Origins - Ep. 5

Executed for the murder of two colleagues at his research lab after an attack by Medusa goons, a murder he cannot remember, Robert Benton awakens in the morgue, burning with an intense rage, super strength and a pain that only the strongest drugs can assuage...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

[9/26] Trees - hollishillis

In which I discuss trees.

You can follow me here:

PICNIC: Everything We Know About Transmedia Is Wrong

He then prefaced his definition of transmedia by discussing The Beast, a game that many consider to be the first alternate reality game.

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The upcoming web series SCREAM QUEEN CAMPFIRE adds more names to its roster

We posted the cool sneak peak for the upcoming indie horror web series Scream Queen Campfire which is spear headed by filmmaker Jonathan Moody and today we have more names to be added to the already talented roster of people involved.

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TWP to LA LIVE on Ustream! (Promo)

Follow our trip at www.ustream.tv/tinywatch ! Watch as we sleep, watch TV and try to play Jenga in a moving car! We'll be live streaming our entire trip to Los Angeles (or as much as we can via the 3G's), so if you're bored, follow along!

Runs 9/26 - 10/3!

Thanks to Ustream for making us a featured brodcast!


Post Trip Q&A (inTransit)

In this segment, I try to answer a couple questions regarding my recent trip from Los Angeles to the Panama Canal. I talk about picking hotels, the best food, and what's next.

Follow: Twitter.com/peterbragiel
Check out my other channel @ http://www.youtube.com/intransitTV

I didn't answer all the questions, but will try to answer those on my other page or even in another video. As for what's next, i'm still figuring out ways to go on another long distance adventure. I didn't really answer the question in this video 100% but I tried.

Five Questions With…7Robot CEO Sarah Szalavitz

Below, she discusses the potential power of 3-D printing, the problem with the term “transmedia” and how online video’s role in the digital marketplace has changed.


Bret Easton Ellis Presents "All That Glitters"

A sneak peek behind the scenes of the new CW show, All That Glitters, from acclaimed writer of "American Psycho", Bret Easton Ellis. All That Glitters takes us into the lives of the hot, young, sexy and rich crowd that s... more »

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