Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010. Time: 10pm, Central Standard (Daylight Savings) Time. Place: Second Life, Kane (156, 47, 25), Gothinger Forest Christian Church* * - AKA "the Cassie church"
PRODUCERS J. Sibley Law, Jeremy Funke, Patti Law, Nathan Wrann
Intro Voiceover: Bill Rock
CAST Kathryn Fumie, Jeremy Funke, John Pyron, Vic Terenzio, Andrew Gullans, Joel Vetsch, Anna Hayes, Maureen Kelley, Tracy James, Jeffrey Sherman, Alexandra McDougall, Sara Alvarez, Mike Chaiken, Camisha Farquharson, Tobe Johnson, Wendy Olafson, Karen Connelly, Tucker Chase, Gregiore Mouning, Dave Fuller, Jaspar Law, Joseph Mallon
CREW Mike Fine, Sarah Friedman, Nathan Wrann, Jeremy Funke, Cassandra Ritone, Andrew Gullans, John Librie,
Ever wonder how one movie can be a sequel to 2 different movie franchises? James "tries" to explain. Oh and did you know Troll was the first Harry Potter movie?
Cassie said to "come and get it." Those who did cannot forget it. The virgin and the Beast have gone, but Cassie's Watchers party on.
From: Ahcapella:
Can you believe that it's actually been four whole years since Cassie lured us to Second Life? Well, CodesInto Serapis may be gone, but the memories and her red roses live on in our hearts and SL inventories, respectively. Join us as we reminisce about being assaulted with anagrams, discombobulated with drops, and hopelessly hooked on various LG15/Cassie forums during the months of September and October in 2006. (Halloween costume optional. Dancing cows will be made available upon request.)
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010. Time: 10pm, Central Standard (Daylight Savings) Time. Place: Second Life, Kane (156, 47, 25), Gothinger Forest Christian Church* * - AKA "the Cassie church"
Keeping up with the popular ARG that kicked off its first release, the Copple and Kiff are also releasing an iPhone game voiced by The Guild’s Felicia Day.
When the world is overrun with zombies, what happens to the vampires who've been feeding on humans all along? 1 part Zombieland, 1 part Shaun of the Dead, and 2 parts Clerks, this satirical web series follows a group of overly analytical vampires who find themselves knee deep in a race to preserve a newly dwindling food source.
Watch Zach Galifianakis be interviewed by Gordon Keith on WFAA-TV, Channel 8, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Is Zach being trolled or is he in on this Between Two Ferns spoof?
On the other side, the United States has combined its Department of Defense, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency in an attempt to clamp down on the Internet with censorship and encryption-banning laws.
The outpouring of good energy and support from the fans has been brought to a whole new level this year – it’s been incredibly galvanizing, and I don’t think any of us can wait to get back to work!
Vag Magazine founders Sylvie, Fennel, and Bethany lay out their editorial vision for Vag shortly after buying out fashion magazine Gemma with the proceeds from their Etsy shop. Staffers Heavy Flo and Reba are on board, but lone Gemma holdover Meghan is skeptical. Check out more at
But I do know that it will form a huge basis of the future of the Internet, how we consume media, how we communicate with friends, how we play games and how we shop.
FBI Special Agent Krissie Templeman convinces her superior to let her find Rachael, hopefully before the predator does. Rachael's second video appears, this one with a direct clue as to her whereabouts. "World Full of Nothing" is the award winning feature debut of director Jesse Pomeroy, presented here in a multi-episode web series. Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!
What happens to a congested town when traffic lights are removed? Humanwire Correspondent Martin Cassini reports on this experiment performed in Somerset County, England.
Fit Roads
Martin Cassini
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if you weren't aware: you can BUY hits on youtube now. major players are buying in. 500,000 "hits" costs about $15k
anonymous said... You've been able to do this for years through companies like BBE, For Your Imagination, AlphaBird, etc.. This is not sanctioned by YouTube -- these are independent companies supplying a service to meet a need.
There are many roadblocks that prevent people from creating the everlasting ARG, and I'm going to take a few posts to highlight those issues and talk about what Remix Fiction is doing to overcome them.
This episode we have guests Eric Mortensen from in New York and Big Fantastic's Ryan Wise, along with NM regulars Chris McCaleb, Zadi Diaz, and Steve Woolf drinking from a cube of wine.
What makes music pop on the web? Right now there are several contenders for the champion title in Internet music land. It may be the warped sound of autotune, or Nerdcore's geeky rhymes, maybe 8-bit instrumentals is King, or perhaps it's an unexpected and peculiar throwback to the early 80's. You decide!
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Kids react to viral internet videos! Leave a comment on what videos you want to kids to watch next!
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A materialistic-but-loyal Brooklyn D.J. rides the coat tails of an up-and-coming rapper. One problem: the rapper just might be a cannibalistic serial killer.
The first episode of "Untitled Fiction Project": James and Georgia, a loving couple, come home tipsy from a wedding. Then James gets a text he can't ignore. He has something important to tell Georgia.
Starring: Jeffrey Casciano & Lauren Plaxco Directed, Shot & Edited by Alonso Mayo
"Untitled Fiction Project" is an unscripted narrative web series experiment by Director Alonso Mayo in collaboration with The Gloria Gifford Conservatory in Los Angeles, CA. Each week in October through December, 2010, the Director and two Actors will shoot a one location scene of no more than 10 minutes (an episode). The scenes will be mostly improvised and each scene will build upon the storyworld created in the previous scene. Work on each scene will not begin until the previous scene has been posted online. Comments are welcome.
Untitled Fiction Project 1.02: "A girl can dream" (an unscripted web series)
The second episode of "Untitled Fiction Project": James confronts Nicolette, his lover, who has broken the only rule of their affair: don't tell anybody.
Starring: Jeffrey Casciano & Jade Warner Directed, Shot & Edited by Alonso Mayo
Untitled Fiction Project – Episode 1 “Honest is good”
Each week in October through December, 2010, the Director and two Actors will shoot a one location scene of no more than 10 minutes (an episode). Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!
Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly gives us the rundown on mobile patent lawsuits, the overwhelming amount of McDonald's restaurants in the U.S., blackouts, and a newly discovered mammal.
... we want to you to go out and photograph where and how Dark Prophecy is displayed in bookstores to give us a better idea of what the situation is out there.
The mission is to: nurture and develop the Writing of web series, by allowing writers to hear their words read from different actors with different voices while receiving constructive feedback.
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