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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kimikiss~ Pure Rouge- Ep 1 Preview - animenetwork

Web Series Today: Become an "Author"

Web Series Today is a "collaborative community based blog" about "web series" What that means is that members of the web series community can become "authors" and post videos, articles about web series, or links to information/news about web series and related topics such as ARGs or "Transmedia".

By creating an open platform for posting videos and web series news chronologically Web Series Today aims to fill the role of keeping the community up to date with what is going on on a daily basis. Show creators, cast, crew, or even fans and "critics" are all eligible to participate because they are in the best position to know what is going on with a particular series.

"Authors" on the blog can post about any series they enjoy and believe that the readership of Web Series Today would also enjoy. It is important to understand the culture, format and open philosophy of Web Series Today before becoming a participant, so if interested, take the time to read the blog daily. For example an author might want to just introduce readers to a series that they think might be of interest or the author might choose to post videos from a series on a regular basis as they are released. Authors are fully responsible for anything they post and answer directly to the web series community.

If you would like to become a participant as an "author" send a request to:
webseriestoday@gmail.com. Use the subject title: "Author request" and explain briefly how you are involved in the web series community.

Blogger only allows a restricted number of authors so it is important that those who do decide to participate contribute on a regular basis to the shared goal of keeping the community up to date with what is going on in the web series World.

Freckle and Bean Trailer

Trailer for season one of the series "Freckle and Bean". Season launches November 8th!

Canada’s Independent Production Fund Greenlights 11 Web Series

... Wip, the IPF Web Series Program, which has greenlit eleven new Canadian web series.

In the Rough
Mod Town
Ruby Skye P.I.
Tights & Fights: Ashes
11 Règles
Fabrique-moi un conte

Read the full post:

Friday, November 5, 2010


From the press release:

SANTA MONICA, CA. November 13, 2010 Create Now will host Inspired: A Create Now Showcase from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at West Post Digital in Santa Monica, CA.

Gifted youth from many of Create Now’s creative arts mentoring programs will be showcasing their talents. Our young performers will entertain guests with original poetry, songs, and renditions of contemporary classics. Create Now’s visual artists will be displayed throughout the event venue. Actor Maxwell Glick (Lonleygirl15, A Good Knight’s Quest) will emcee the event. Special performances from local Southern California bands A Welcome Distraction, Century Blue Project and Katherine Pawlak from Sad Robot will cap off the afternoon.

Event tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for youths ages 2 – 12. All proceeds will benefit Create Now’s creative arts mentoring programs. Tickets can be purchased at http://inspiredshowcase.eventbrite.com.

Come out to give your support to Create Now’s at-risk and high-risk youth while enjoying an afternoon of entertainment, fun, and art.

Create Now is a non-profit organization devoted to providing arts mentoring programs to at-risk and high-risk youths throughout Southern California. Create Now serves vulnerable kids ages 2-25 who have been abused, neglected, abandoned, orphaned, are left homeless, runaways, teen parents, substance abusers, victims of domestic violence, children of prisoners, gang members or incarcerated. This mentoring is provided through five arts programs focusing on writing, music, performing arts, visual arts, and cultural excursions.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163233057029956

Bullying is not cool. - michiev

I didn't script this video. Which is why i was tripping over my thoughts and words. I get a little jumbled when i don't write things out. I was filming this behind my garage, I kept looking to see if anyone would come cause i didn't want them to see me filming and think i was crazy.

It was cold outside too.

Links: (I'll add these later)

Transmedia Talk Podcast

Transmedia Talk Podcast – Episode 9

Mathew Toner of Zeros2Heroes tells us about AreYouWake.tv
Haley Moore tells us about Haunted Majora’s Mask

Listen to the podcast:

Secret Millionaires trailer 1

Coming to a computer screen near you on November 17, 2010, a new rom-com web series.
What would you do with $250,000,000? Would you keep it a secret?
Featuring Simone Alex, Barry Alexander, Dan Amos, Kasey Arnold, Timothy Hornor, Elizabeth Pennington, Blake Robbins, Colin Sutton & Lauren Dobbins Webb.
Directed by Nicholas Sayaan

Montréal Hearts: Episode 8 - Beef Job Interview

Montréal Hearts: Episode 8 - Beef Job Interview from Montreal Hearts on Vimeo.

Montreal Hearts Episode 8 - Beef Job Interview. Still reeling from his discovery that money is missing, Reg decides to hold job interviews with prospective security men. While standing on Reg's rooftop overlooking the downtown core, Garth is horrified to learn that Reg has placed an ad on Craigslist for the security position. The candidates are all unsuitable, starting with a Quebecois guy (JS Elie) who does not want to get mixed up in a prostitution ring. He is followed by a muscular lynyrd skynyrd guy (Elias Varoutsos) seeking pussy, and a fiendish fuck the poor Kiwi Australian (Chris Alsop) who hates police. Their last applicant is a Garfield the cat Gary Coleman guy (Shaun Malley) wearing a straw hat. After Garth leaves to deal with his wife Maxine, a towering brute called the Beef enters. He professes to know about Discordianism and tantric engineering. Reg is pleased to have finally met someone who can deal with the escort agency aspect of the job.

Musical Guest: Shot While Hunting

20101104 - iamamiwhoami


A Beautiful Story ♥ - MichellePhan

Thank you so much for being a part of my Beautiful Story. Now I want to be a part of your story. I want to inspire you to chase your dreams. More so, I want you to join me in spreading positive messages of empowerment and goodwill.

Please help #ENDMALARIA and save a life.
$5 minimum to donate online here http://on.fb.me/phan1m
Donate any amount by mailing in your donation here http://bit.ly/endmalariaform (click "print form")

All donation sizes count, and if you cannot make a donation, you can help out by spreading the word about the #endmalaria campaign. A donation of just $10 dollars will buy one net to help save a life, however all donation sizes are accepted :)

You may also text "NET" to "85944" to donate a $10 life saving mosquito net.

Join the Movement - #endmalaria
Follow @malaria_envoy

We are a million strong, let us make a difference in the lives of others.

- About 3.3 billion people - half of the world's population - are at risk of malaria.
- Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. Left untreated, they may develop severe complications and die.
- Every year, this leads to about 250 million malaria cases and nearly one million deaths.
- Malaria kills a child every 45 seconds and overall nearly one million people each year
- Ninety-one percent of malaria deaths occur in Africa; 85 percent of these are children under 5 years of age
- Since the start of 2010, 70 million nets have been delivered to sub-Saharan Africa.
- Today, nearly one million lives have been saved from malaria because of mosquito nets.

This is a non profit video.
Music FFX-2 Epilogue Reunion

'Save the Date' - Coming Soon to Rocketboom!

Save the Date is a ten part web series that takes place in real-time featuring Rocketboom Daily's host, Molly. Written and directed by award-winning independent filmmaker Brett Haley, Save the Date revolves around the social media mishaps between a group of friends moments before two of the friends update their relationship status from engaged to married. A situational comedy that exposes the misunderstandings that can occur when relying on technology for the truth/facts, Save the Date pokes fun at how being so connected can interfere with rational thinking. Shot over 3 days in New York City with a cast and crew of local talent, Save the Date is Rocketboom's first co-produced narrative series.

'Save the Date' premiers on Rocketboom Friday, Nov. 12th!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Rocketboom!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

Creative Brilliance from the Hive Mind

When people are around other minds in different fields with colliding ideas, they generate breakthroughs.


Elevator - Cracked Rear View

You must always mind your surroundings.
Stay after the episode for a trailer to my new pilot, "Breaking Blizzard," an official "First Cut" entry in the Escapist Film Fest! Please go vote for it and make the adults realize I play well with others. I almost promise you it will be funny. At the very least I'll be arrested.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Venus Spa S2.7: Spandex Makeover!

So like Justine looks so grody in her leather jacket and dirty jeans, gross me out! It looks like we totally have to give her a MAKEOVER!!!!

MUSIC: Bust the TV and Success by The Pumps

The Temp Life Season 5 Teaser: Everyone's a Suspect!

http://www.mydamnchannel.com/thetemplife Premieres December 6th! Someone on the inside is plotting to have Nick humiliated and fired. Is it one of the temps? His boss? His own brother? Everyone's a suspect!


Find a REAL temp job: http://spherion.com

Nick 'Trouble' Chiapetta: Wilson Cleveland
Mark: Mark Jude
Alina: Rachel Risen
Stormy: Thom Woodley
Eve: Illeana Douglas
Cook: Milo Ventimiglia
Eddie: Craig Bierko
Nancy: Taryn Southern
Stevie P.: Sandeep Parikh
Counselor Rick: Tony Janning
Thomas: Mark Gantt
Tammy: Jessica Rose
Bonnie: Rachael Hip-Flores
Hank: Brendan Bradley
Ben: Ben Blair

Written by: Tony Janning & Gabe Uhr
Directed by: Jato Smith & Andrew Park
Exec Produced by: Wilson Cleveland, CJP Digital Media
Produced by: Lisa McCarthy & Lesly Cardec
Director of Photography: Steve Pitre & Ulf Soderqvist

Dan 3.0: San Francisco Gathering!

In which Dan and Danielle have the San Francisco d3p0 gathering, party like it's 1954 when the Giants win the world series, and drive northward to Seattle.

Ford Fiesta: http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/fiesta/

Dan 3.0 Blog: http://dan3point0.squarespace.com/
Dan on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DBUniverse
Dan on YouTube: http://youtube.com/pogobat
Music courtesy of "Mars Argo": http://youtube.com/grocerybagdottv

Also a big thank you to Chris Lesinski for showing us a good time in San Francisco! Check him out: http://twitter.com/lesinski

Graveyard Carz

Coming To Get You - Trailer



Diary of a Wedding Planner- Pilot

Khristy helps plan the wedding of Tori & Matt, a couple who just want to keep things simple, much to Khristy's dismay.

See also:


See also:

The Mockingbirds Diaries - One

The Mockingbirds at Themis Academy introduce themselves to you. They are an underground student-run justice system committed to righting the wrongs of their peers. In Daisy Whitney's THE MOCKINGBIRDS, a novel available November 2 in bookstores everywhere.

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/MockingbirdsBook

Felicia Day’s Red A Ratings Hit

The SyFy original movie Red: Werewolf Hunter premiered last Saturday to an audience of 2.06 million people.

Read the full post:


Despite its violent subject matter, this multi-platform murder mystery series brought its viewers and players in on the story.

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HOT GIRLS IN VEGAS!!! Episode 5 - The Station

Helium and Space Travel - rocketboom

Helium is running out, NASA has a new robot, and Virgin Galactic is selling tickets to space!

Level 26: Dark Prophecy Soundtrack

If you’ve watched the cyber-bridges then you know what an amazing job Bill did with the music.


The Strand: The Strand - Ep. 7

Welcome to Venice Beach, CA. There's no other city in America quite as colorful, crazy or content. The Strand takes us into the lives of several characters that inhabit this offbeat, slightly surreal world and shows us that no matter how different we are on the outside, we're all basically the same animal on the inside.

Gearhead Pictures, LLC

Ruby Skye P.I.: Chapter 4: A Real Green Dress

Chapter 4: A Real Green Dress from Story2.OH on Vimeo.

What’s worse than shopping? Plenty, as it turns out. First, there’s shocking news about Griffin. Next Diana turns up. And then things get really bad.

Franco, Weiler and More on Tap for 2011 New Frontier at Sundance Film Festival

Fourteen installations from artists including James Franco and Lance Weiler are set to take part in the 2011 edition of New Frontier at Sundance Film Festival.

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Square One Episode 12 - Square One

In the first season finale, Emily writes a letter while reflecting upon the last few months

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Suck And Moan Episode 3: "Vampire Support Group"

When the world is overrun with zombies, what happens to the vampires who've been feeding on humans all along? 1 part Zombieland, 1 part Shaun of the Dead, and 2 parts Clerks, this satirical web series follows a group of overly analytical vampires who find themselves knee deep in a race to preserve a newly dwindling food source.

As an emergency meeting is called, meet the rest of the "group" a virtual AA meeting for vampires!

Leader of the Pack web series OFFICIAL TRAILER

Glee star Lauren Potter really shines in her new role as Jenny Cole in this kick-ass trailer for The new comedy LEADER OF THE PACK web series: "A black girl sets out to save the planet and falls for a fun-loving white boy with Down syndrome who's blind to the love of the girl next door in this ultra diverse comedy."

"LIKE US" on Facebook.com/LeaderofthePackwebseries and get the latest updates!


Introducing Comedy Thunder!


Read more:
YouTubers and Next New Networks Bring the ‘Comedy Thunder’


Oscar Winners Hitting the Web!

Oscar Winners Meryl Streep and Shirley Jones are both making guest appearances in web series.

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Untitled Fiction Project 1.04: "I got a story for you"

(TV-14) James meets up with good friend Brian, and gets a reality check he wasn't expecting.


Starring: Jeffrey Casciano & Hailé D'Alan.
Directed, Shot & Edited by Alonso Mayo.

"Untitled Fiction Project" is an unscripted dramatic web series experiment by Director Alonso Mayo in collaboration with The Gloria Gifford Conservatory in Los Angeles, CA. Each week in October through December, 2010, the Director and two Actors will shoot a one location scene of no more than 10 minutes (an episode). The scenes will be mostly improvised and each scene will build upon the storyworld created in the previous scene. Work on each scene will not begin until the previous scene has been posted online. Comments are welcome.

The Buddy Pack Program - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Humanwire Correspondant Lee Zucker reports. The Food Bank of Central and Northeast Missouri sponsors a program called the "Buddy Pack Program." Through this program, backpacks are donated to the food bank along with the food most appealing for elementary and middle school students. The program feeds about 3,800 children in poverty each week, and also sponsors a school snack program.

Level 26: Interview: Angela Bare – Photographer

The photograph of the man above was used for the cover of Dark Prophecy: A Level 26 Thriller. Check out our interview with Angela below.

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World Full Of Nothing: supersizedconcepts - Ep. 9

School bullies, careless teens, a life quest? Rachael contemplates all of this in her 3rd video, a direct response to the predator's intimate messages to her. FBI Special Agent Krissie Templeman brings all the pieces together but is interrupted by a phone call: there has been yet another suicide. "World Full of Nothing" is the award winning feature debut of director Jesse Pomeroy, presented here in a multi-episode web series.

Hillrose Street, LLC

First Edition: Issue #1: Origins

Lori Banks enlists the help of her younger brother Tim to help her start her own comic book.

Vanguard Media Group, LLC

PICNIC on Crowdsourcing Cars and Apple Stores

We return to ARGNet’s coverage of PICNIC 2010 with more coverage from day one of the conference, themed “Redesigning Design.”

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"Girls Girls Girls"

"Girls Girls Girls" is a dynamic movement that is proactively creating more opportunities in key artistic roles for female filmmakers, ...


See also:


Over the last decade, through consumer insight and modelling, advertisers have been looking at the shifts in technology and consumer behaviour to understand what people want to hear and experience, and where.

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Media Space - Episode 2: Elan Lee, Founder/Chief Designer at Fourth Wall Studios

One of the inventors of the alternate reality game genre, Elan Lee has spent his career finding and sharing ways to extract adventure from the world around us. In this episode of Media Space, Lee discusses his pioneering breakthroughs in the area of entertainment and immersive gaming. Lee started his career at the Microsoft Games Studio before co-founding 42 Entertainment - the company behind I Love Bees, Nine Inch Nails: Year Zero, and The Dark Knight.

Learn more about Media Space and watch full episodes at uwtv.org/mediaspace

News Corp. puts Myspace on notice

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. put Myspace on notice on Wednesday, saying the losses at the ailing social network were unsustainable...

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SPELLFURY Update: Season One Finished, Videogame and Indiegogo!

Website: http://www.spellfury.com
Videogame: http://www.spellfury.com/spellfury.exe
Fundraiser: http://www.indiegogo.com/spellfuryseasontwo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The LXD - Behind the Scenes: Mark of the Ox


Learn how The Ox draws its powers.

NewTeeVee ends?

What happened to NewTeeVee? The once popular news site for web series appears to have been wrapped into the main Gigaom web site. The NewTeeVee.com domain now re-directs to http://gigaom.com/video and appears to have a different RSS feed from the original NewTeeVee site. The Gigaom web site retains a sub header for NewTeeVee but it appears that they have decided to move away from the "NewTeeVee brand" toward a more integrated Gigaom new web site.

Hopefully someone at Gigaom or NewTeeVee can clarify what is going on behind the scenes.

Dan 3.0: Los Angeles Gathering!

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour - Episode IV: Fiancée (NSFW)

eff and Jackson celebrate Jackson's engagement.

Tom Konkle and Jeff Lewis

Written by Jeff Lewis
Directed by Sean Becker
Director of Photography - Chris Darnell
Editor - Matthew Smith
Music by Kevin MacLeod (http://www.incompetech.com)

Co-Producer - Kim Evey
Line Producer - T.J. Rotell
Assistant Director - Andrew Seely
Art Director - Denise Pantoja
Gaffer - Jared Hoy
Key Grip - Ricardo Ramos
Sound Mixer - Sean Oakley
Hair and Makeup - Donna Sexton
EPK - Gabe Uhr
Colorist - Chris Darnell
Post Sound - Sean Oakley
Publicity - Brian Kameoka
Promotional Art - Scott Greskovic
Special Thanks - Carrie Anne Hunt

ARGFest-o-Con 2011 Request for Proposal Process Now Open

If you want your city considered as a host site for ARGFest-o-Con 2011, then this download is the starting point to making that dream a reality.

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Tiny Stories - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly gives us a look into the big world of tiny stories.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Rocketboom Daily with Molly!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

First Edition - Trailer

First Edition is a pioneering web series that addresses the sometimes ridiculous, always fantastical, behind-the-scenes world of the comic book industry. Tune in this season to find out how a naive writer, a hapless artist, a bad boy colorist, an otherworldly inker, a washed up editor, and the hottest lettering team this side of Themyscira come together to make the most daring comic of their lives.

DevLearn10: Paging Dr. Strangelearn

By Jane Doh

Through the game, research, case studies, and academic papers are being shared with players to arm them with what they need to convince their organizations of the feasibility and value of new learning strategies.

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The LXD - s2 | e4 - Mark of the Ox

To fuel the Uprising, Organization X has mounted a recruiting mission o...

Spidvid Screencast Demo

Spidvid Platform Demo Video - Female Voice from Spidvid on Vimeo.

See details:

Ruby Skye P.I.: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Break In from Story2.OH on Vimeo.

Ruby proves herself a master of the art of distraction – and pretty good at Rock, Paper, Scissors too. Hailey does some hacking. And the clues all point in the wrong direction.

Crime Scene X: Journey Into Hell - Ep. 6

Jonathon Moon - Frank Piciullo
Tony Rustic - Jeff Prewett
Two Snakes - Robert LeRoy
Sarah - Zarah Mahler
Lt. Moses Dunn - John Gilligan
Detective Houston - Michael Bailey Smith
Charlene Waterbottom - Brittany Werner
Alien - Chris Kelly
Dr. Frank Lopez - Louie Milstein
Monster Bill - Marc Mahoney
Lance Pecker - Banks Boutte
Otto Pecker - Daved Thom
Sue Sayer - Madison Lawlor
Tara - Makinna Ridgeway
Hooker/Zombie - Beth Goldberg
Derrick Turnbow - Anthony Reynolds
Tom - Patrick McSherry
Detective Sims - Mark Musto
Betsy Trujillo - Teryl Brouilette
Chad - Bob Fields
Dillon - Eric St. John

Space Hospital: Series 2/Prolog 0.5 - Confessions in Purgatory

Re: Old Flames and New Procedures Nurse Ratknee's lack-of-progress report to the Central Computer reveals personal achievement and failure, as well as the altered state of morale and crew as Space Hospital hangs in limbo.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Transmedia Hipster Parody Emerges in Williamsburg

That said, you see the concept of Transmedia Storytelling gaining traction not only in Hollywood but also in advertising, education and the non-profit sector.

Read the full post:

See also:

Research credit: Cyng

The Talking Head: The Series

"The Talking Head: The Series" is the story of what happens when an inept liberal commentator inadvertently becomes a hero of the right wing. The show skewers the "talking head" cable news industry in the spirit of the Daily Show but is told via 30 Rock-style character development and energy.

The Talking Head

Promoted Tweets: Testing in the Timeline

... starting today, we are beginning to test syndication of Promoted Tweets in user timelines. Initially, we are testing these with our partner, HootSuite.


Geek Beat Radio

Geek Beat Radio: LIVE at 11pm EST!


Be there!!!


Chat room: #geekbeatradio on the freenode server.



Previous shows:

Conan O'Brien Presents: SHOW ZERO!

Everything Conan @ http:www.teamcoco.com - Before his show debuts on TBS on Nov. 8th, Conan gives you (and 20 lucky fans) a taste of what's to come with the fastest talk show ever; a little program called... SHOW ZERO.

1 billion subscriptions and counting

15 YouTube channels have crossed the one million subscriber mark: fred, nigahiga, kassemg, shanedawsonTV, shanedawsonTV2, smosh, universalmusicgroup, machinima, sxephil, mysteryguitarman, davedays, kevjumba, realannoyingorange, raywilliamjohnson, collegehumor and failblog.

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Missing: Unicorns and Potato Chips - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Today on Rocketboom Daily, Molly covers the search for the missing unicorn, Al Qaeda's latest threat, and TSA full-body scans that would make anyone uncomfortable.

YouTube NEWS - On The Rise - TheWillofDC

The Strand: The Strand - Ep. 6

Welcome to Venice Beach, CA. There's no other city in America quite as colorful, crazy or content. The Strand takes us into the lives of several characters that inhabit this offbeat, slightly surreal world and shows us that no matter how different we are on the outside, we're all basically the same animal on the inside.

Gearhead Pictures, LLC

LOST Parodies: The Blog Post

Though we all know our status as fans did end up revoked by series creator Damon Lindelof the week of the finale (and spawned a subsequent article in New York Magazine about that ordeal), we still continued to produce our series.....

Read the full post:

Kole's Law Ep. 104: Talking Shop

After beating him in court, Colleen offers Terrence an olive branch in the form of going out for coffee to "talk shop". Meanwhile Dan and Samantha offer Terrence their "help" in the form of disaster.

Cyphers Episode One -- "Coincidentia Oppositorum"

Coincidentia Oppositorum from David Forlano on Vimeo.

From Wikipedia: Coincidentia oppositorum is a Latin phrase meaning coincidence of opposites. It is a neoplatonic term attributed to 15th century German polymath Nicholas of Cusa in his essay, De Docta Ignorantia (1440). Mircea Eliade, a 20th century historian of religion, used the term extensively in his essays about myth and ritual, describing the coincidentia oppositorum as "the mythical pattern".

Starvival Episode 6!

Our heroine is a forklift driving diva today!

As always, please don't try this at home...

Halloween - Zombie Bride Make Up Tutorial

Hey lovelies!

I hope you like my final Halloween tutorial for 2010! I've really enjoyed doing the series and I hope you've enjoyed them too!

Products Used:

Stargazer White Pressed Powder
NYX Eyeshadow Base in White
L'Oreal Trio Eyeshadow in Grey Obsession
120 Pro Palette
Fraulein 38 Lip Palette
Benefit BadGal Eyeliner in Black
Benefit BadGal Lash Mascara in Black

Fake Wounds

Please comment, rate and SUBSCRIBE!

Chyaz xox

Rhyme Animal - Ep. 2: SPEAK OF THE DEVIL

UDAH and SHIVA get their first taste of success when sexy groupie joins them back at the crib. But just as the guys get their freak on, Judah passes out to a horrific image that he shrugs off as a dream.

Created by Jorge Rivera
Directed by Phil Roc
Written and Produced by Jorge Rivera, Aaron F. Schnore, Billy Fox
Still Photography: Alphonso Pollard, Sean Cook

Al Thompson (Johnny B. Homeless, The Royal Tenenbaums)
Craig “muMs” Grant (HBO’s OZ, Everyday People)
Bridget Barkan (HBO’s Everyday People, SherryBaby)


A hot young girl seduces two eerie characters who think they just got lucky, but somethings not right as she dances just for them, inside this deserted bar. A clue of what might unfold draws nearer as she suddenly takes interest in Michael as he walks in through the door.

Space Cadette Entertainment LLC

Alpha Planet - Ep. 105 and 106

Alpha Planet - Ep. 105: Snake in the Grass

Alpha Planet - Ep. 106: Scars

Karin has discovered the first animal life on the barren planet. Unfortunately, it may be the last thing she ever finds. The men race to save her life as the sun sets on their first day on Earth.

Produced/Directed by: Mike Darling
Story/Written by: Mike Darling & Arron Marie Fenton
Music by: Ivan Ruiz Serrano
Adam Landrey: Michael Sweeney
Karin Dawson: Jen Sweeney
Luke Brodie: Don Jeanes
Ian Scott: JD Mendonca
Cinematography: Nathan Alan Bunker
Sound Design: Roger Pallan
Boom Op: Benn Bluml
Production Assistant: Andrea Rueda
A Rena'Sance Robot Production

Jeff Gomez Reveals Secrets to Transmedia Franchise Development at CineKid

Now, it’s here and it’s actually happening: major movie studios, television networks and gaming studios are all embracing the notion of transmedia storytelling, and Jeff Gomez is about to tell us why.

Read the full post:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness Day 31: Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

That's it, that's all, the final episode of Monster Madness for 2010! Awesome example of how fun it is to make a modern bad vintage monster movie!

The Mane Show Ep.1 – Halloween Special with Tyler Mane and Wayne Toth

Just in time for Halloween, we reunite two of the men who helped create director Rob Zombie’s chilling re-envisioning of the iconic Halloween franchise, Michael Myers himself (Mane) and Wayne Toth, the special effects master behind every drop of blood, severed artery, and crushed bone in Myers’ wake.

Hard Drive 13: Firewall - Ep. 2

Created By Steve Plitt
Produced by Michael Chmara, M.E. Lewis and Preston Chuhon
Hard Drive 13 Productions, INC

8.13 Episode 9: Shoot For the Head

Agents Frost & Leon search for a safe place when the unexpected happens.

"They've got no soul..."


Agent David Leon... Dangerfield Moore
Agent Greg Frost... Richard Lara
George... Mark Jeffrey Miller
Agent Cooper... Emily Button


Created by... Traycee King
Producers... Traycee King, Beau Ryan
Director... Mando Franco
Director of Photography... Beau Ryan
Writers... Melissa Kay, Mando Franco
Editor... Traycee King
Makeup... Chrissy Lynn
Visual Effects... Ryan Anderson
Music by... Drew Krassowski

Geocities to be released as a torrent

The entire contents of Geocities is to be released as a torrent – granting people access to a database of websites and content that should be considered a huge part of the internet's history.

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Research credit: Cyng

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

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