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Saturday, November 13, 2010

FEELS LIKE FOREVER:T2 "Off With His Head."

Yvette reveals a black-and-white photo of her dad -- minus his head.

Starring: Fanie Garcia, Trista Robinson, and Dave Trejo


Yvette De Los Santos, a charismatic high school senior, yearns for the heart of Joshua Neumann, her secret love, and the love of her long lost father. When fate intervenes, a family secret sealed in blood threatens to make her dreams come true.

Tubefilter’s Baldwin: ‘There… Will Be a Streamys 2011′

Baldwin: Over the past two years, there’s been continual interest in the Streamy Awards from a number of organizations.

Read the full post:


Starring Omar Knight, Chris Lee, Jason Rivera

Also In this episode: Jasmie Garnes, Rose Thomas, Xavier Rafael, Ben Pryor, and Natalie Edwards

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Resistance - Episode 1

After the mysterious plague infects the nation, citizens of Aurordeca must do whatever it takes to stay alive. Check back on 11/19 to watch the full series right here on YouTube!

Pink Slip - Part 4 - The Dance

BlackBoxTV: Brothers VS. UFOs


Thanks to Rogue Pictures for making today's videos possible


'Skyline' Behind The Scenes:

We got to sit down with the Strause Brothers and talk about her upcoming movie, Skyline! Be sure to check it out, in theaters Nov 12th... awesome

Dark Park Studios - The Agency Premiere Episode

Episode 1: Pilot, Part 1

Lauren's first day at The Firm doesn't quite turn out to be all she expected...

Lauren Dianna Renée
Max Sally Kirkland
Stubby Scott Lunsford
Gwendolyn Mary Bonner Baker
Cade "Eight Pack" Octane Michael Masini
Guido Mario Diaz
Orli Eve Schwartz
Cooper Dave Mays
Jenny Katrina Begin
Scott JB Welch
Carly Kristin Alaniz
Tye Keye Chen
Stuart "Super Loser" Louser Chris Turner
Daryl Garret Montoya
Daven Carlos Soto

A Dark Park Studios Production
Created by Dianna Renée and Michael Korbic
Produced by Michael Korbic, Dianna Renée and J. Daniel Bort

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/DarkParkStudios

101112 - iamamiwhoami


Molly Gives You The Headlines - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Molly tells you everything you need to know, and nothing more.

Everyone Should Go See Breaking Dawn - hollishillis

In which I explain the plot of breaking dawn to you viewers. I start off against the movie, but then the more I explain it the more I am dying to know how they will turn this gore fest into a film.

Breaking Dawn comes out sometime in 2011. Make sure to go see it in all its glory.

I take up more places on the internet here:


WeReadBooks Channel (Book review collab channel)





Let’s Go Design

From the show release:

Many fans of good design will watch almost any design show, whether its “New Yankee Workshop” or “Monster Garage” or even “Ace of Cakes,” to see a project created from beginning to end. Sometimes they’re frustrated with the show’s design choices or left wondering what the project plans looked like.

Let’s Go Design, an interactive product design web series, invited engineers (and the rest of us) to join in the selection, design and development of a product through social media tools. The viewer “team” confronted real product development issues such as budget, timelines, and testing on the way to building a prototype of the ultimate CAD chair.

In addition to polling viewers about design elements and reporting updates via the show’s blog and Twitter feed, host Jeremy Luchini shared project files to allow viewers to understand the design elements for themselves.

The first project, the Ultimate CAD chair, concluded last week. Watch the first project come to life at the show’s web site or on YouTube, or get involved by contributing suggestions for the next project.

THE BLANK PRESS: Red Vengeance - Trailer

The trailer for the upcoming 5-part film from Aaron Max Bilgrad. It will be released one part per day over the course of a week. It's a week-long EVENT, so get ready!

Neighborhood Watch Pt. 1 :: The Winning Streak

The Watch‘s daily poker nights come to an abrupt halt as Sunnyvale – America’s safest city – hears of its first crime in ages: ;Principal Gibbous (Dennis Haskins) has a streaker inside his home.

Victorious Karaoke Queen leaps over to Castle in December

From the press release:

Following a wrap on the second season production of her hit web soap Miss Behave, eighteen year old actress Jillian Clare surfaces this fall as contrasting characters, on two very different and extremely popular television shows.

Guest starring as Jade's new rival Haley, Jillian is elated to be featured in the first ever Victorious movie “Freak Out” scheduled to debut on Black Friday, November 26th. Miss Clare adds, “This was such a fun role for me – I had the chance to step in as a mean girl, something I've always wanted to do.” In the movie, Jillian plays the daughter of the karaoke club owner (brought to life by legendary actor Tom Virtue) and reigning queen of their singing contests. A performer since age six, she was excited to sing on television, though it was a challenging experience in the recording studio as she altered her voice for the show. Billed as the biggest Victorious event in the history of the series, the Nickelodeon hit continues to be a huge draw and constant ratings leader in cable television shows. Jillian continues, “It was great to finally work with Dan Schneider – it's such a fun set and a ton of laughs every day. I can't wait to see the final product!”

In the month of December, Miss Clare jumps over to prime time as she shocks Alexis and her family when her character Gracie returns to visit her childhood friend on ABC's Castle. “Last Call” is set to air December 6th with Gracie checking in to visit New York City in search of the perfect college. “Working on Castle with Molly Quinn, Nathan Fillion, and the rest of the cast was such an amazing experience.” She continues, “It's definitely one of my favorite gigs, plus to meet and work with Susan Sullivan? It was incredible!”

In addition to her recent television projects, Jillian produces and leads the cast of Miss Behave, one of the most popular teen soaps on the internet. Starring as Tori Archer, daughter of an affluent Malibu couple woven into the entertainment world, sixteen year old Tori spun many lies during the first season of the online show, and is about to reap the consequences of her deception when second season debuts on December 16th (missbehave.tv).

The Vault - Episode 0

The Vault - Episode 0 from The Vault on Vimeo.

Apple vs. Google: The ‘White Collar’ Tech Beat Up To Settle This Thing

The video is at nearly 2 million views, and won the hearts of a city still basking in the glow of a championship.

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Project 420 - Episode 1 SEASON PREMIERE!


Welcome to the first episode of Project 420! Please visit us on our site at www.project420.tv to get updates on each episode!

Episode 1 Summary - Lin and Pat are narcotic scientists for the CIA. While working with their colleague Miriam, they discover something fishy with their latest experiment-- A mutant strain of marijuana code-named "Evelyn."

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/Project420TV

Cursed Trailer

Cursed Trailer from Earth Angel Productions on Vimeo.

TV Shows Have Become a Two-Way Conversation

This was all done by the hive mind — it was not controlled by us,” says Cuse. “We created the framework, but...

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The Film Bowl: Scott Pilgrim vs. The Fish

"The Film Bowl" debuts just in time for "Scott Pilgrim"'s DVD release with their review: "SP vs. The Fish." These colorful critics scrutinize the cinema in a "good cod, bad cod" relationship.

This Is Not A Game: Immersive Aesthetics and Collective Play

The increasing convergence and mobility of digital network technologies have given rise to new, massively-scaled modes of social interaction where the physical and virtual worlds meet.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Japanese Holograph Plays To Sold Out Crowd

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Source: Cyng

Untitled Fiction Project 1.05: "Who can refuse an apple?"

(TV-14) Georgia gets a helping hand from Michael, a co-worker and confident.


Starring: Lauren Plaxco & Douglas Dennard.
Directed, Shot & Edited by Alonso Mayo.

"Untitled Fiction Project" is an unscripted dramatic web series experiment by Director Alonso Mayo in collaboration with The Gloria Gifford Conservatory in Los Angeles, CA. Each week in October through December, 2010, the Director and two Actors will shoot a one location scene of no more than 10 minutes (an episode). The scenes will be mostly improvised and each scene will build upon the storyworld created in the previous scene. Comments are welcome.

A Peek Behind Previously Closed Doors with Power to the Pixel

The centerpiece of the conference was The Pixel Pitch, where nine transmedia projects were pitched in an open forum before a jury of decision-makers, commissioners, and industry executives with a £6,000 prize on the line.

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The Venus Spa Workout Video!

It had to happen eventually! Don't say you weren't warned...

The Strand - Ep. 9

Welcome to Venice Beach, CA. There's no other city in America quite as colorful, crazy or content. The Strand takes us into the lives of several characters that inhabit this offbeat, slightly surreal world and shows us that no matter how different we are on the outside, we're all basically the same animal on the inside.

Gearhead Pictures, LLC

Transmedia Talk Podcast – Episode 10

Jay Bushman from http://jaybushman.com/
Caitlin Burns from Starlight Runner (and Jurassic Park Slope)

Listen to the full podcast:

Flying with Vultures - rocketboom

By African Renaissance Productions. Only 2,900 breeding pairs of Cape Vultures remain world wide. Kerri Wolter founded the Vulture Conservation Program in Magaliesberg, South Africa.

Support Vulture Conservation

African Renaissance Productions

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

The Incubus Web Series - Episode One

Welcome to Spoon River! Bianca gets rather angry when she finds out Raphael's new passion...and even more angry when she finds out it isn't her!

Cinematographer & Editor
Alejandro E. Fuenmayor


See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/TVtheincubus#g/u

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Hulu Is The OPEC Of Online Video

The founders felt that having a legitimate site for content would discourage Silicon Valley VC’s from funding entrepreneurs to create the next big TV killer.

Read the full post:

Source: Barrett Garese

See also: Hulu Brings in the Dough: $240M of Revenue in 2010

Hulu had 30 million users in October 2010, who watched some 260 million content streams as well as 800 million ad streams during that month.

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Bob & Andrew

Bob & Andrew - Episode 1

Bob must find a way to let Lauren know he's gay without confronting her directly. Because he's awkward and newly out of the closet. Andrew suggests Bob find a convenient boyfriend and let Lauren see them together thereby inferring Bob's sexuality without them ever having to talk about it. However, this turns out to be more complicated than originally planned.

Bob & Andrew - Episode 2

Lauren comes over for a date and things get awkward.

Haywire Premieres!

The horror/sci-fi web series Haywire is off and running on www.HaywireSeries.com!

A flash of light above the quiet town of Monroe, New York. A moment's glance is all it takes. You're Haywired. Watch it here and pop on to the website for more good stuff!

Spellfury Web Series Fundraiser - Help us bring Season 2 to life!!!

Blip.tv CEO: Turning Viewers Into Fans, Video Into Dollars

gigaomtv on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free

Over the course of those 16 minutes, “We watch second by second where people drop off,” he said.

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Vampire Zombie Werewolf: Ep. 2: An American Zombie In London

What does it take to create a Vampire Zombie Werewolf? Some say less, some say moors.

Watch Vampire Zombie Werewolf at vampirezombiewerewolf.com

Twitter: @VZWshow

Like us on Facebook: KATR Pictures

VZW is a new Webseries from KATR Pictures.

Episode 3 is coming next week!

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour - Episode V: Drive-thru (NSFW)

Jeff grabs a bite to eat.

Thanks to everyone taking time to check out the show. Please spread the word. We're taking a 2 week hiatus to shoot the rest of the season but will back with new sketches on November 30th. In the meantime we'll release a gag reel next week as well as some new promos.

Brian Groh and Jeff Lewis

Suck And Moan Episode 4: "Transformations & Tooth Decay"

When the world is overrun with zombies, what happens to the vampires who've been feeding on humans all along? This satirical web series follows a group of overly analytical vampires who find themselves knee deep in a race to preserve a newly dwindling food source.

While the zombie fighting madness goes on outside, Henry nervously awaits symptoms of the zombie virus, while Luke keeps an eye on him...

WPA: Wedding Planners Association


CBS Picks Up Web Show Pilot, ‘Homeland Insecurity’

The punny tagline describes the program as, “A comedy series about airport security workers with tons of baggage.”

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See aslo: Comedy Project Goes To CBS Via Web

Sony TV is producing the adaptation, with studio-based writers David Guarascio and Moses Port set to supervise and executive produce.


Eisner's Vuguru, AOL Announce Original Video Content Deal

“The Internet’s next growth phase will be powered by professional, high-quality, story-driven content,” Eisner said in announcing the pact....


See also: AOL Signs Web Show Deal with Eisner’s Vuguru

Brian Stelter at the New York Times broke the news that Vuguru signed a deal to produce at least half a dozen scripted web series for the newly revamped online destination.


Eisner’s Studio and AOL Pair Up for Web Series

Soon it will start distributing “AOL Daybreak,” which will be produced by Electus, the studio run by Ben Silverman.


World Full Of Nothingbreakthrough - Ep. 10

Yet another teen films her own suicide, but this time the authorities find the source of the posthumous posting and an arrest is made. Caught in the whirlwind of this new development, the talking heads and pundits return to cash in on their own agendas. "World Full of Nothing" is the award winning feature debut of director Jesse Pomeroy, presented here in a multi-episode web series.

Hillrose Street, LLC

Web Series Today: How are we doing?

Numbers are only part of the equation when it comes to how a blog is doing and each tool measures visits and views in a slightly different way.

If you would like to become an author on Web Series Today read the following post:

The LXD - s2 | e5 - Tails of War

Karey calls upon some of his most deadly creatures to bait and kill of...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

‘ControlTV’ Tries to Define Reality on the Web

Early numbers from the series producers claim 3 million completed video views on the episodes so far through the first 14 days, which us Digital Broadcasting Group’s network as their primary distributor.

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Episode 23: Web Celeb

MayCup! - punkchyaz

Website: http://www.maycup.com/

My Profile on MayCup: http://www.maycup.com/?u=punkchyaz

I would really urge you guys to join this great site, I've got a feeling it's going to be something huge in the beauty world!

Please comment, rate and SUBSCRIBE!

Chyaz xox

Give Us Our Data, Facebook

By Michael Arrington

For a good two years we’ve all been waiting for Facebook to let our data out. They’ve done so in drips and draps, but the crown jewels – user emails – remain locked up.

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Thoughts On The IAWTV/Streamy Parting

By Felicia Day

... a fundamental thing got in the way once we started analyzing the situation. Namely:

a) The IAWTV is a non-profit organization by construction, the Streamy brand and awards are FOR profit by construction.

Read the full post:

See also:

The IAWTV in the Coming Years


The IAWTV and Streamy Awards part company


Anchor Cove thread on announcement:

Heavenly Symphony at Babycastles - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Molly gives us a tour of the Babycastles arcade space, an independent art scene run by artists and game designers in New York City.


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Rocketboom Daily with Molly!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

Squatters: Episode 9: Commuters

Episode 9: Commuters
Uploaded by squatters. - Sitcom, sketch, and standup comedy videos.
Hank and Alex examine the pros and cons of day commuters...and rule number 3 might be a deal breaker! With appearances by Legend of Neil's Tony Janning, Greek's Steffany Huckaby & Joseph D. Reitman from Lady In The Water!

Music generously contributed by: LESS THAN JAKE: http://www.lessthanjake.com

New Startup Lets You Bookmark Movies as You Browse the Web

The problem is that most people (at least those with full time jobs) don’t have time to watch the interesting videos they stumble across during the day.

Read the full post: http://mashable.com/2010/11/09/radbox


Throwing stones

Chrissy Diary - Blair High School - Throwing stones

Chrissy Diary - Blair High School - Throwing stones from Jason A. Wheeler on Vimeo.

Rachel and Finley's Blair High Video Diary

Rachel and Finley's Blair High Video Diary from Jason A. Wheeler on Vimeo.

When Blair High's journalism class set out to make a video yearbook for the school, who would have known that Mr. Beckett would have used them as his homework to not only confirm the "Broken Windows" of Blair, but to also find some new ones that were not yet on his radar. Students Jackson Cole and Paige Dennis' journalism project gift-wrapped Blair High's doom. Here's RACHEL BLACK'S and FINLEY JAYME'S video yearbook...

Elect Garrison Medill: The Next Mayor of Chicago

By Jane Doh

... — he’s the protagonist in an alternate reality game created by students in a Writing, Language, and Culture seminar focusing on alternate reality games at Columbia College in Chicago.

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Sands of Mexico Full Trailer

Sands of Mexico Full Trailer from samantha hatch on Vimeo.

Sometime the most beautiful places contain the darkest secrets. Sands of Mexico is a web series coming soon!
Find out more at sandsofmexico.net

Source: http://www.webseriesnetwork.com/video/sands-of-mexico-full-trailer

Interview with Amber J. Lawson about IAWTV Separating from Streamys

Interview with Amber J. Lawson about IAWTV Separating from Streamys from J. Sibley Law on Vimeo.

Today the International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) announced that it was breaking off negotiations with Tubefilter regarding acquisition of the Streamy Awards.

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Danger! Relax, Please!: Episode 2: "Citrus Csabotage"

"Danger! Relax, Please!" is a comedy webseries of absurd dimensions. Each episode follows the calamitous misadventures of Angry J, who irritably faces a number of impossible situations and improbable characters.

Hey, you! Relax!


BlackBoxTV: Not Dead... Yet.

Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/BBTVsub
Get Your Free BBTV iPhone App: http://bit.ly/BBTViPhone
Song Featured: "The Hunting Season" by The Epilogues
Get Everything BlackBoxTV at http://www.blackboxtelevision.com/

IAWTV Dumps Streamys for Its Own Awards Show

“As a non-profit entity, there was an inherent conflict of interest in supporting the Streamy Awards which is a for profit awards show when the proceeds from any activity the IAWTV is involved in should go back to the community.

Read the full post:

Frontier - Prelude to Darkness: Part 8

One of my favorite episodes from New Zealand web series creator Lewis Roscoe

Otaku The Series: "Friendship"

PRETTY - Season 2

PRETTY - Season 2 - Episode 1

PRETTY - Season 2 - Episode 2

Read more: http://digitalchicktv.com/2010/11/08/pretty-the-series/

20101109 - iamamiwhoami


Co-op of the Damned: Episode 1

CO-OP OF THE DAMNED: A horror/comedy web series about roommates from hell. http://coopofthedamned.com. Written and directed by Ned Ehrbar. New episodes every Monday in October. Comment! Rate! Subscribe! Share! Tell your friends!

Episode 1: A malignant spirit that's always told people to "get out" finally lets someone in.

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/NedEhrbar

Rhyme Animal - Ep. 3 DREAMS IS VISIONS

Crime Scene X: Retribution of the Rattlers - Ep. 7

The LXD - Behind the Scenes: Mark of the Ox

Heroes Of The North: Brothers in Arms - Ep. 8

While Fleur-de-Lys tries to stop a series of mailbox bombings by the New Felquists, The Canadian interrupts her attempts at reasoning with the hot-blooded separatists in order to ask her to join the new team he is forming to fight Medusa.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Strand - Ep. 8

Welcome to Venice Beach, CA. There's no other city in America quite as colorful, crazy or content. The Strand takes us into the lives of several characters that inhabit this offbeat, slightly surreal world and shows us that no matter how different we are on the outside, we're all basically the same animal on the inside.

Gearhead Pictures, LLC

YouTube News - beauty and music - TheWillofDC


We Lost Our Gold: Mulligan in Times Square

Ruby Skye P.I.: Chapter 5: Caught Ruby Red Handed

Chapter 5: Caught Ruby Red Handed from Story2.OH on Vimeo.

Just when it looks like things can’t possibly get any worse, they do. At risk are Ruby’s future as a good sister, an honest shopper, a great detective and as a best friend.

Objects In Map Are Larger Than They Appear - rocketboom

Click on the link above for more info on today's episode!

Molly covers crab vending machines in Japan, Netflix streaming in Canada, Norway's unmatched quality of life, and the real size of Africa.

Meryl Streep - Web Therapy Sneak Preview

Meryl Streep plays Fiona's new client, renowned sexual orientation therapist Camilla Bowner.
Full episode will be available on www.lstudio.com

Source: FIRST TEASER: Meryl Streep In Lisa Kudrow's Web Series 'Web Therapy' -- Watch The Video!

Venice the Series, Season Two.

Venice the Series, Season Two. Part One of Episode One

You can find Venice the Series, season 2, at www.venicetheseries.com
Come watch this amazing series full of diversity, unity, and love.

Venice the Series, Season Two. Part Two of Episode One

Blood Light - Ep. 1 Vampire Support

Alex and Ethan attend a vampire support group and try to learn how to be a vampire in today's society.

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/Bloodlightseries

3 Vampire Comedy Web Series for People Who Like Vampires

Sometimes they sparkle; sometimes they brood; sometimes they have great hair; but vampires always suck blood, and they’ll always be a major factor in the popular imagination.

Read the full post:

5 Questions With…Section 5′s Justine Bateman

Below, she talks about the difference between user-generated content and professional web production, and explains exactly why she (still) thinks TV is dead.

Read the full post:


wireWAX’s intelligent tags open up new worlds within video for storytellers, brands and individual users alike

Read the full post:

Dan 3.0: Seattle!

In which Dan and Danielle gather in Seattle and start their trek Eastward!

Ford Fiesta: http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/fiesta/

Dan 3.0 Blog: http://dan3point0.squarespace.com/
Dan on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DBUniverse
Dan on YouTube: http://youtube.com/pogobat
Music courtesy of "Mars Argo": http://youtube.com/grocerybagdottv

Hollishillis Goes To Puerto Vallarta - hollishillis

I take up more places on the internet here:


WeReadBooks Channel (Book review collab channel)





Still in the Dome | Yeah We Know

Buy Still in the Dome's music on iTunes http://bit.ly/bAhedC or Amazon http://amzn.to/cXHm2Q | They began the semester as Sonoma State University students. Now, they're four strangers trapped in a two-year sociological experiment. They hate each other. So, they started a band to raise enough money through sales of their music and merch to buy out their contracts and GET THE F%@#! OUT. Until then, they're http://StillintheDome.com

Geek Beat Radio: LIVE at 11pm EST!

Geek Beat Radio: LIVE at 11pm EST!


Be there!!!


Chat room: #geekbeatradio on the freenode server.



Previous shows:
Useful links from the show:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vote for Venus!

Now's your chance to vote for Venus Spa for the welovesoaps.com Indie Soap of the Week poll! Cast your vote today!


Sons of the Brotherhood - Season 2 Episode 1 - "A bun in the oven"

See more: http://www.youtube.com/user/sonsofthebrotherhood

If you want to become an "author" on Web Series Today please read: http://tinyurl.com/becomeaWSTauthor

For more detailed information about Web Series Today please read: Web Series Today:

For other info contact: WebSeriesToday@gmail.com

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