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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lowlifes Episode 1-4

San Francisco's Tenderloin District : Lowlifes Episode 1 of 10

Lowlifes is a story about Larry Hayes, a San Francisco homicide detective with a drug addiction. His ex-wife has hired a private detective, Lauren Ortega, to dig dirt on him to use as ammunition in a child custody battle.

Murdered Informant in San Francisco. Lowlifes Episode 2 of 10

The day after Jon's murder, it felt like just another day in the Tenderloin. The sun was shining but there was a chill in the air. Sure there's good people and there's bad people but sometimes it's hard to tell them apart.

A Trip to the East Bay: Lowlifes Episode 3 of 10

I left the car in town and took the BART out to see Jennifer Hayes. Gas prices had rocketed and with the freeway traffic likely to be rammed the train seemed like the best option.
The station was dead and it gave me time to gather my thoughts about how I was going to tell the client her star witness was dead.

Take down in San Francisco's China Town: Lowlifes Episode 4 of 10

"Once upon a time in Chinatown"
That's how Jennifer Hayes should have started the story of her husband's drug addiction.
Hayes was working major crimes for SFPD. His mark was a drug dealer called Lee Wang. Hayes had gone undercover to topple the kingpin and spent months worming his way into Wang's organization.

See also the blog: A Cop's Wife Life


1 comment:

  1. There is additional text on the original Youtube videos, so if they capture your attention be sure to explore that.

    Also not the blog that is listed at the end of the post.


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