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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ARG for Dreamworks' REAL STEEL: WRB (World Robot Boxing) Needs You

What is rumored to be an ARG done by 42 Entertainment, WRB (World Robot Boxing), the viral marketing production attached to the film starring Hugh Jackman, seems to be initiating...oh...um...say....nowwwwwwww.

Over the weekend, die-cut paper gizmos with codes were found by PAX East attendees (read more here) leading to the site: WRB.com. A collection of these codes will unlock the website. The catch is we need more people to enter them in.

If you want to get in on the ground running, drop everything you are doing and enter these codes onto the site: 3eb33bc24, 3234ca14d, 1e4414ca2,ecb4dbc33, 2d13a4e43, 3b1e3b2ab, de3e13bcb.

Edited to add: I assume we got enough people as website has been unlocked to lots of bonus material, but you still need to unlock 5 rounds to view all the material and to be on the mailing list for some good 'ole ARG swag. Look for the codes and enter them in.

Hint: typing saves time

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