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Friday, April 1, 2011

Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber team up for a new web series?

Earlier today rumors began to swirl that Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber have teamed up for a new web series. You might remember Rebecca Black from the "Friday" music video that spiraled to viral fame on Youtube a couple of weeks ago and now has over 70 million views. At the time Rebecca Black reached out to Justin on national TV expressing an interest to work on a duet with him.

Apparently that is what spawned the original discussions. According to a source the pair decided to work on a cover of an old song written by none other than Charles Manson who was convicted of conspiracy to murderer and is currently incarcerated at Corcoran State Prison in California.

Apparently Justin has a darker side and has always wanted to do a cover of the song "I'll Never Say Never To Always". The request for a duet from Rebecca seemed like the perfect opportunity.

When Justin's "people" reached out to Manson who holds the rights it turned out that he loved the idea, but also wanted to work in a screen play for a web series that he has recently been working on. The setting of the web series would be prison and it has been claimed that he already has received preliminary approval to shoot it there. Even more stunning is the claim that the web series may include "visitations" from several members of the original "family."

The fact that Manson has an interest in web series will come as no surprise to players of the "Cassieiswatching" Alternate Reality Game who have long suspected that Manson was the mystery "puppet master" behind the ARG that was launched to fame by its association with the famous "Swimming" video that was part of the web series Lonelygirl15. If this is true then we may be looking at a full transmedia experience from this unlikely team. Stay tune for more from this developing story.....


  1. I read somewhere that Steven Spielberg was interested in directing one of the videos. I'll have to find the link and post it here.

  2. I began to suspect that *something* was up when Justin Bieber began sporting a swastika on his forehead.

  3. Yep that was pretty much a give away......


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