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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wendy: Ep 6 -- Finale -- Catch Me

Chapter 6: "Catch Me"

Description: Wendy knows she has to believe to be with Pete, but her brothers' disappearance has left her too afraid to try. Following Pete means saying goodbye to Jackson and Fawn forever—but staying could destroy her one chance at happiness. In Chapter 6 of WENDY, she's forced to choose between the boy she loves and the boy of her dreams. Her decision will change everything. *
Discover more about the series and download your free copy of "Save Me" on the Wendy Facebook page (http://facebook.com/WendyTheSeries).


  1. you have the last episode (Finale - Catch me) the wendy webserie saved on your computer? If you can send to my e-mail? It lilianrprado@ig.com.br. I studied this episode prucurando two months, but whenever I think it says it is a private video. It would be great if you pusse send me the video!

    1. Looks like you are right, they have taken the video private. That is always unfortunate to see with a Web series.


  2. How can i watch it. seen the first five but i can't seem to find one that works for the last episode, they all say private. its driving me crazy please help


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