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Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Omegas Episode 1-4

The Omegas Episode 1: The Bingo Men

Vincent meets with Frank " The Messenger" and receives instructions on his next target.

The Omegas Episode 2: Requiem

Isabella and Gabriel's relationship reaches its breaking point, as Vincent returns to the criminal underworld for his weekly visit with Marion.

The Omegas Episode 3: Blood Stained Glass

Dominic gives Frank his first target, as Marion deals with the fallout.
(Mature Subject Matter, And Should Not Be Viewed By Anyone Under 15)

The Omegas Episode 4: The White Room

Isabella and Gabriel's relationship falls apart, and Gabriel begs Ellena to use her powers as Vincent visits The Man In The White Room.

Diary Of A Black Widow Preview (Web Series)

Diary Of A Black Widow Preview (Web Series) from Timberwolf West / Midnight Hill on Vimeo.

A scene from the new web series "Diary Of A Black Widow" and upcoming Y-Not productions, Timberwolf West Entertainment web series. Created by Rydell Danzie and Timothy Whitfield, inspired by the 2006 short film from Timberwolf.. The 10 episode web series stars Hannah Townsend and Shannan Leigh Reeve and follows the exploits of a women who seduces and kills male and female victims in violent and disturbing ways. Directors of the series include Timothy Whitfield, Rydell Danzie, and Darin Mangan.

The Future Machine - Episode 5-8:

The Future Machine - Ep 5: Building A Time Machine

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

Featuring Evil Eddie's 'Building a Time Machine'. As seen on ABC's Rage!

The Future Machine - Ep 6: Boys Become Men

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

The Future Machine - Ep 7: Do You Know What Day This Is?

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

The Future Machine - Episode 8: Our Friends Are Animals

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

The Temp Life: Return of the Eddie (Season 5 Finale)

http://thetemplife.tv Season finale. Eve (special guest star Illeana Douglas) gathers the Celltons troops for Nick's final humiliation. Will Eddie (special guest star Craig Bierko) stand by and watch his brother suffer?


Find a REAL temp job: http://spherion.com

Nick 'Trouble' Chiapetta: Wilson Cleveland
Mark: Mark Jude
Alina: Rachel Risen
Stormy: Thom Woodley
Eve: Illeana Douglas
Cook: Milo Ventimiglia
Eddie: Craig Bierko
Nancy: Taryn Southern
Stevie P.: Sandeep Parikh
Counselor Rick: Tony Janning
Thomas: Mark Gantt
Tammy: Jessica Rose
Bonnie: Rachael Hip-Flores
Hank: Brendan Bradley
Ben: Ben Blair

Written by: Tony Janning & Gabe Uhr
Directed by: Jato Smith & Andrew Park
Exec Produced by: Wilson Cleveland, CJP Digital Media
Produced by: Lisa McCarthy & Lesly Cardec
Director of Photography: Steve Pitre & Ulf Soderqvist

Seize The Day - YOUTUBE EXPOSED #16

eScape Season Two - Episode 8: TORRENT

SEASON FINALE. All of the game's secrets are fast downloading as players race to the end, but with a twist of the key comes another twist to the puzzle...

Stay Tuned after the credits for a Sneak Peek of Season 3!

eScape videogame mystery LOST puzzle solve science fiction monsters MMORPG WOW warcraft Schenectady SciFi sci-fi Albany Lake George Saratoga Chingachgook lord of the flies escape escapetheseries episode Bot season season2 awesome gaming

The Weakly News #303 w/ Iliza Shlesinger

Winners & Losers: Smosh and Fred

Ask Grim

Ask Grim #1

Is there something you've always wanted to ask the Grim Reaper? Lucky you. He answers your burning questions. Mwahhaha!

Ask Grim #2

Ask Grim #3

Ask Grim #5

The Future Machine

The Future Machine - Ep 1: That's My Bearsuit

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.
Episode ONE - Matt & Tom decide to build a time-machine in order to figure out just WHO indeed owns their beloved Bear Suit.

The Future Machine - Ep 2 : The Rules of Time Travel

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & comedian Matt Okine.

The Future Machine - Ep 3: How to get rid of a Body

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

Episode THREE: Matt & Tom try to figure out how to get rid of a body.

The Future Machine - Ep 4: Phantom Limb

The Future Machine Webseries stars Cariba Heine (H2O), Andy Ryan (Tomorrow When the War Began) & Matt Okine.

Talent: Anna's Interview

Facebook: http://facebook.com/TalentTheShow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TalentTheShow

Hear what Anna has to say about her experience and being eliminated

James Cameron joins Twitter and meets up with "Youtubers" at Sanctum event.

Sanctum 3D - Offical Trailer [iamROGUE]

An underwater cave diving team experiences a life-threatening crisis during an expedition to the unexplored and least accessible cave system in the world.

Director: Alister Grierson
Writers: John Garvin, Andrew Wight
Stars: Rhys Wakefield, Allison Cratchley and Christopher Baker

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Really fun times with @JimCameron and @shanedawson @severshed @MysteryGuitarM @brittanitaylor @OlgaKay @DeStorm @JoeNationTV @thefinebros



Also in attendance was @BamBamJoey , @thefinebros , @PhillyD and @TheRealRyanHiga: http://twitpic.com/3uep0e

@MeTonyV of BlackBoxTv conducted an interview with James Cameron:

NOT! - Ep. 2 Head Department

Sandra and Tony meet for a coffee date, and are immediately attracted to each other. Because of an unhappy situation with his last girlfriend, Tony thinks it is appropriate to question Sandra about her oral sex skills. She is appalled, and lets him know it. Whether or not they can get past this awkward beginning remains to be seen.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everything Will be Fine -- episode 7

Harry learns the hard lesson that there are still some good people in the world.

Rocketboom: Encore: Edgar Allan Poe

Encore: Molly recounts the life story of Edgar Allan Poe.

For more info, including video and images visit http://rocketboom.com/edgar-allan-poe

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Talent: Logen's Interview

Facebook: http://facebook.com/TalentTheShow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TalentTheShow

Logen talks about being the winner of Talent: The Casting Call

Lowlifes: I’m living in the aftermath and I’m okay with it.

Lauren did it. She and Larry saved each other.

Read the full post:

Suite 7

Suite 7: Soulmates

It's the middle of the night. Livvy (Illeana Douglas) and Max (Henry Dittman), two actors doing a film together can no longer resist the temptation of an off screen love affair. While Livvy and Max try to keep their romantic ideals about true love the couple next store with their wild antics becomes so distracting it makes them rethink their entire romantic escapade. Sponsored by Better Sleep Council (http://www.bettersleep.org/ ).

Suite 7: For Richer or Poorer

Thanks to a sudden spike of income, two newlyweds (Tony Janning and Tara Perry) find out on the night of their wedding just how very little they actually know about each other. Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council.

Suite 7: That Guy

Best Man Milo Ventimiglia has exactly 24 hours to convince groom-to-be Brandon Molale that he's about to marry the wrong girl. Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council. http://www.bettersleep.org/

Suite 7: Captive Audience

http://suite7.tv Cole (Brian Austin Green) is a very tired screenwriter who has kidnapped his muse, Kate (Alexi Wasser), hoping she'll star in his movie. Directed by Shannen Doherty. Written by Wilson Cleveland. Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council

Suite 7: Supermen

http://suite7.tv. How do you ask your longtime colleague and fellow road warrior to have his midlife crisis somewhere other than his hotel room so he can get some much-needed sleep? Directed by Michael Kang. Written by Craig Bierko. Starring Craig Bierko and George Newbern. Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council.

Suite 7: Company

http://suite7.tv Season finale! An emotional hotel guest coping with loss (Shannen Doherty) and an emotionally disconnected hotel manager (Wilson Cleveland) find comfort in each other's company. Directed by Mark Gantt. Written by Yuri Baranovsky. Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council.

Shannen Doherty: I remember what I want & conveniently forget everything else

We struck a deal – I’ll act in one and direct one, and there you go.

Read the full post:

Elevator - This is a robbery!

Written by Gregory Storm.
When committing a crime, have an exit strategy.


21st Century Text: Got yr vm. Can't wait 2 c u l8r

Read the full conversation:

Source: cyng

Egypt Leaves the Internet

::::: Live Stream from Egypt: LIVE NEWS

At 22:34 UTC (00:34am local time), Renesys observed the virtually simultaneous withdrawal of all routes to Egyptian networks in the Internet's global routing table.


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OpenLeaks 101

OpenLeaks 101 from openleaks on Vimeo.

This video is a first draft to explain the process of leaking and publishing as it will be supported by OpenLeaks which is a community and service provider for whistleblowers and all those who engage in transparency to make this world a better place. It visualises how OpenLeaks works differently from other platforms.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Venus Spa S2.16: TRAINWRECK!

So like Justine is totally competing in the Prairie Regional Fitness Championships! We'd be totally bummed if anything went wrong...

UFP1.0: Episode 11 "I gotta take care of this"

Brian finds James drinking, and about to do something he might regret.


Starring: Jeffrey Casciano & Haile D'Alan
Directed, Shot & Edited by Alonso Mayo

UNTITLED FICTION PROJECT 1.0 is an unscripted dramatic web series experiment by Director Alonso Mayo in collaboration with The Gloria Gifford Conservatory in Los Angeles. It's a collection of 13 mostly improvised one location scenes, where each scene is built upon the storyworld created in the previous scene.

Miss Behave: The Icing on the Cake - Ep. 2.7

As her best friends grow more and more concerned with her well being, Tori shows an interest in the new Aussie boy, and Christian apologizes to regain her trust.

Talent: The Casting Call - Ep 6 And the Winner is...

Facebook: http://facebook.com/TalentTheShow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TalentTheShow

Thousands of girls auditioned, but when it comes to the spotlight, there's only room for one. On the sixth and final episode of Talent: The Casting Call, the top two perform "On My Way," a song about a girl who leaves home to pursue her dreams. Both of the final contestants can relate to every word of the lyrics—but with the pressure on, they've got to keep their emotions in check. One of them will win a featured role in Talent, the hot new series from the executive producers of Pretty Little Liars, and a recording contract with Jive records—and one of them will be going home.


"Ladies First"
by Nikko Lowe

"I'm Gonna Survive"
by Nikko Lowe

Lowlifes: The Hand of God at Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco: Lowlifes Concluding Episode 10 of 10

I woke early with butterflies in my stomach. Today was going to be full of revelations.
I was going to discover something new about Larry Hayes and I was going to learn something new about myself. I wasn't sure of which I was more scared......

Rocketboom: Twitter Overload

In today's Episode, Molly tackles Egypt's protests, their twitter blackout, the American Twitter Overload and President Obama's State of the Union Address.

For show credits: http://bit.ly/gf05cM

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MAB 9. rész

Pro Juice - New Series

Hi Everyone

We've launched a brand new web series. It's available through Koldcast TV, Blip, our website and soon to be broadcast in Australia on the ABC online platform iView.

Pro Juice is a 6x26min presenter driven TV series about music, video and new media for ‘guerrilla producers’ and those who dabble. An ever expanding demographic, ranging from industry professionals to the legions of creative types who express their art through all forms of digital media.

Pro Juice is fast paced, shoot from the hip, music video style programming. Professionally produced, but alternatively ‘pro-juiced’, original stories cut hard to provide informative and entertaining viewing. With a high use of bold design and new music, Pro Juice visually and sonically represents the medium it is dissecting.

Pro Juice is presented by Melbourne based music producer Arlo Picasso (aka Smile On Impact). His bold and charismatic delivery personifies the essence of this new generation of alternative media producers.

Check out Episode 1 here...

We'd love to get some feedback so don't be afraid to leave some comments!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"A Moment of Your Time..."

And now, Vampirism Bites asks for A Moment Of Your Time for a very important question that only You, the viewer, can decide...

Never Kiss a Frog Web Series Hops onto the Internet - Review "Toadally Ribbeting" Funny Free Entertainmen

For 2011, Miss Anderson has brought her FROGS to life in the Never Kiss a Frog Web Series, revealing attractive young actors in seriously funny dating situations.

Read the full post:

Google Is Buying Fflick Because Video’s Future Is Social

Google is acquiring Fflick, a startup that provides movie recommendations based upon users’ Twitter feeds....

Read the full post:

Your Princess is in Another Game: The 2011 MIT Mystery Hunt

Alex Calhoun shares his experience participating in the 2011 MIT Mystery Hunt in this guest post.

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Mr Schmidt Goes To Washington

In the second animated installment by Consumer Watchdog, Google's long-time CEO Eric Schmidt restates some of his most quotable (and disturbing) lines from over the years.

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Marketing the Internet series....

But if you build it, they will come, while great advice for baseball-loving corn farmers, is a terrible plan of attack for web series creators.

Read the full post:

Indie Intertube LIVE

Indie Intertube LIVE

Tune in:


Ep. 6: Wolves of Endearment (Vampire Zombie Werewolf)

A loaf of brain, a jug of blood, and thou.

Watch Vampire Zombie Werewolf at vampirezombiewerewolf.com

Rocketboom: Solar Cooker

Cook your delicious foods using sun light, and you don't pay electricity, parafine, or firewood, and making it all a lot cheaper. That's the promise of the solar cookers implemented by a South African company called Sunfire. They have been doing that for the last five years, and Sunfire is starting an NGO to distribute thousands of dishes across the African continent. All it needs is good old sunshine.

For Show Credits: http://bit.ly/hwsolarfood

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates! http://twitter.com/rocketboom
Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos! http://facebook.com/rocketboom

BlackBoxTVExtras Vlog #4

Subscribe http://bit.ly/BBTVxtraSUB
Follow @NikkiLimo @DannyTRS @BamBamJoey
Check out Danny on The Totally Rad Show
Help us cast a future BlackBoxTV episode!
Get your BlackBoxTV T-Shirt http://bit.ly/gw32lV
Edited By: @metonyv
Music By: @metonyv and @hagemeister

How to Self-Distribute Your Movie (and Bend a Penny With Your Bare Hands)

... filmmakers are taking a fresh look at the pros and cons of bypassing the studios altogether.


Source: blake_calhoun on Twitter

No Clean Break - Ep. 4

In Episode 4, hitman Frank goes to the Tower Club to meet with "The Man", the city's crime boss. Frank is dismayed to find out that The Man himself is his next job, as well as The Man's woman, who also made the list. Now the real trouble begins...

Odyssey Motion Pictures, LLC

Rocketboom: Inglip Summoned

Today on Rocketboom, Molly investigates the truth behind the dark lord, Inglip, and his loyal followers, the Gropagas.

For show credits: http://bit.ly/e7POsz

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

Throwing Stones - Episode 4 - "Sticks and Stones"

Throwing Stones is a horror story about a group of high schoolers who have to attend Saturday School and find they must work together to overcome their differences in over to survive when students end up missing. As if, high school wasn't scary enough! The series stars Lindsay Seidel (Lionsgate hit The Final), Cherami Leigh (The Mist, Fast Food Nation, HBO's Temple Grandin), Rebekah Kennedy (upcoming horror features Blood is Blood, House Hunting, and Season of the Witch w/ Nic Cage), Chad Cox (Powder, ER, Spin City, The Good Guys), and Kayla Carlyle (From the Dark), Lynn Andrews III (MTV's: High School Stories). Writers Bart D. Van Bemmel and Jason A. Wheeler have five feature-length screenplays in production including their dark comedies BUTTERSCOTCH, SWISHER, ANGELS AND DUST, their teen comedy RUSHED, and their teen horror THROWING STONES (which this web series if based on).

The Social Media Massacre: To Say Good-bye

Visit http://www.thesocialmediamassacre.com to donate!

For more information visit: http://www.becomingundead.com

Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental

She's finally written her last status update, but will the people commenting believe what she has to say? ;Valerie Meachum stars in this heartbreaking episode of, The Social Media Massacre!


Thank you guys so much for all your support! I love you!!!!!!






Lowlifes: Please everything turn out alright

I have nobody to turn to.

Read the full post:

Desperation at Hunters Point: Lowlifes Episode 9 of 10

I told Jennifer Hayes to meet me at Hunters Point.
An unfamiliar place tends to unsettle a person.
If this woman was playing with guns and using me to frame her husband then I wanted to get her out of her comfort zone before I started asking questions.......

Rashad McCants & Lamyia Good star in "The Booster Club" (pilot trailer)

Created, produced and directed by Rich King Ent. Group's Dwayne Barnes and Malaku McCray, "The Booster Club" is a comedy series that will take viewers into the lives of a ring of professional booster "thieves" dedicated to the advancement of those addicted to the high of stealing. "The Wire" meets "Weeds" is the best way to describe it. It stars Traci Lords, Rashad McCants, Lamyia Good, Virginia Watson, Amy Bell, Nathaniel Lamar, Cru Ennis, and Latonya Holmes.

"Booster Club" is executive produced by NBA player, Rashad McCants along with Dwayne Barnes and Malaku Quisada-McCray. Traci Lords, serves as one of the producers. Music composed by Hit-Boy of Surf Club (Eminem, Brandy, Keri Hilson, Diddy, Lil Wayne)

Read more: Ex-Porn Star Traci Lords Stars in Web Series with Ex-NBAer

TUBE TOP #1 with Brittani Louise Taylor

Click to Tweet: http://clicktotweet.com/g4cPQ
Contest Official Rules: http://bit.ly/esenBp

RogueTV presents TUBE TOP --- your one stop shop for the best videos of the week from all your favorite YouTube viral stars hosted by the amazing and awesome Brittani Louise Taylor.

Follow iamROGUE on Twitter!

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Read more: Rogue Pictures and Brittani Louise Taylor Team Up For ‘Tube Top’

"In the name of all Tunesien people - I want to thank Anonymous."

Demonstration Freiheit für Tunesien in Köln am 15.01.2011
English translation

First - in the name of all Tunesien people - I want to thank Anonymous. Anonymous were the only ones to help us. Anonymous has blocked all governmental websites [of Tunesia] because they [the Tunesien government] have blocked our internet access so we may not get information. Thank you Anonymous! We want to let you know that you have found new allies and that there are many more people living in oppresion.

And that you have won us to aid you in this fight against all dictators thay still remain in this world.

We will never forget. We will never forgive. We are Anonymous. We are legion.

[part hard to understand] to the people in Tunesia: Forgive us that we are so far away from you. We want to be with you so much. But now my brothers and sisters, it is up to us, support your family, support your neighbours, support the [Tunesian word]. Collect money, we let a small basket go round, we will make certain that [Tunesian word] will receive it. God is greater.

‘AOL Late Night’ Bows with Kevin Pollak, Adam Carolla and Kevin Smith

Additionally, I’ve been working for the past 6 months with the podcast section of iTunes on a precident-setting new infrastructure, by which the most popular podcasts can charge a small fee from your iTunes account...


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Mediacracy: Episode 22: The One About Past and Future Empires

With the host of CBS News On The Scene, Shira Lazar, independent producer Damon Berger; from The Bannen Way, Mark Gantt, and New Mediacracy regulars Zadi Diaz and Chris McCaleb.

Listen to the podcast:

3-D, safe or not?

The Problem With 3-D

It hurts your eyes. Always has, always will.

No Problem With 3-D

I dug, and I now believe he is wrong, at least for most correctly presented theatrical presentations.


Dating in the Middle Ages: A Lesson in Love, Life, & Television

In the past, the entertainment industry has been unforgiving to women over 25 but this series is out to show that experience can more than compensate for youth.

Read the full post:

Orange Acquires 49% Of DailyMotion For €59 Million, The Rest To Follow

The acquisition is most likely going to allow Orange to further develop video on various mobile devices and also integrating it with additional content sharing platforms.

Read the full post:

1.78 million Facebook users may die in 2011

What's more, a recent Gartner report estimated that in the coming years, roughly one in every ten of your friends on Facebook and other social networks will be nonhuman....

Read more:

Source: cyng



Read the pdf press release:

"Help us do this for Algeria, Egypt, and other countries where the people are imploring to be heard."

The Egg of The Phoenix

This is the seventh episode of CYPHERS. A recent article in the Pasatiempo, New Mexico's leading entertainment and culture magazine, describes this Sci-Fi web series as, "...a homegrown incarnation of the paranormally mysterious, episodic filmmaking represented by The X-Files and Twin Peaks."

Talent: The Casting Call - Ep 5 The Transformation

Facebook: http://facebook.com/TalentTheShow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TalentTheShow

The pressure is on as the top three contestants take the stage in Episode 5 of Talent: The Casting Call. With the help of a professional makeup artist, each girl is transformed into the rock star she dreams of being. Then the final three get some one-on-one time with hot new recording artist, multi-platinum selling song writer, and Talent judge, B.C. Jean. With a glamorous new look, and B.C. Jean's advice, they're ready for their fifth challenge. Each girl will sing a hit song that's been chosen especially for her—but only two will keep their Talent dreams alive.

Tune in every Tuesday & Thursday through January 27th to watch your favorite entrants battle it out for the grand prize!


"Ladies First"
by Nikko Lowe

Talent: BC Jean - Just A Guy

Facebook: http://facebook.com/TalentTheShow
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TalentTheShow

Watch BC Jean's full performance of her hot new single "Just A Guy"

Follow BC Jean:

Nightlife Season 1 Ep 8

This is it. The season finale. The hunters follow Sara's trail in search of excitement, but their obsession leads them to their most deadly encounter yet.

Invention with Brian Forbes The Hairless Toupee

Host Brian Forbes welcomes inventor Sir Reginald who has invented a unique hair loss and baldness cure

MAB 5-8

MAB 5. rész

MAB 6. rész

MAB 7. rész

MAB 8. rész

STACKS: Episode 03 - Hunter At My Door

Cali Cavaleri is a struggling young writer for a Los Angeles tabloid who stumbles upon a dead guy's cell phone. The phone holds a logarithm that opens a portal to a 6th dimensional Library of Truth controlled by a secret society of power brokers called MINERVA. http://www.stackstv.com


The 15th Annual Webby Awards Extended Entry Deadline is January 28, 2011.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet The Next YouTube Stars Poised To Make Over $100,000 A Year

We talked to YouTube and the partners on the list to find out why these guys (and gal) are poised for a breakout year.

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Web Video Advertising To Grow 55% Annually

According to an IDATE report titled, "The World Online Advertising Market," ......

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Never Kiss a Frog: Parlez Vous Frogcais

A young woman gets a surprise on her one-month anniversary with her new French boyfriend.

STACKS: Episode 2 - What's a Logarithm?

Cali Cavaleri is a struggling writer for a Los Angeles tabloid who stumbles upon a dead guy's cell phone. The phone holds a logarithm that opens a portal to a 6th dimensional Library of Truth controlled by a secret society called MINERVA. StacksTVcom Distributed by Tubemogul.

Ghost Town: Episode 6-10

Ghost Town Chapter 6: Seeing is Believing
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

Ghost Town Episode 7- The Story of Tobias Thompson
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

Ghost Town Episode 8 - Lucid Dreaming
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Check out other Film & TV videos.

Ghost Town Chapter 9: Tina to the Rescue
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

Ghost Town Chapter 10: Down with the Sandman
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

Oh, Inverted World -8- everytime you close your eyes

Oh, Inverted World -8- everytime you close your eyes from MovieFilm Productions on Vimeo.

YouTube Winners & Losers: iJustine and Beyonce

5 Questions With…Google’s Hunter Walk

5 Questions With time, guys, and we’re going big instead of going home with Google’s Hunter Walk, who is in charge of product development at YouTube.


JoshSundquist is January’s “On the Rise” star

Congrats to Josh Sundquist, who edged past Luke Conard in the final hours to win this month’s edition of On the Rise,

Read the full post:

Read more: Josh Sundquist Might Be the Most Inspiring Guy On YouTube

Rocketboom: Clean Banksy Bond

Today on Rocketboom, Molly covers stories of clean cabbies, Banksy's identity and the return of Sherlock Holmes and 007.

For show credits: http://bit.ly/gRUALV

Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Join us on Facebook for behind the scenes pics and videos!

Lowlifes: OMG OMG OMG

I was frantic when Lauren Ortega called me......

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TIP # 2 How to get MORE VIEWS on Youtube!

FEELS LIKE FOREVER: T8: "I Think You Should Leave, Mels."

Yvette has one photo of her dad which she thinks was taken in the 1990s. Melanie and her tío, the photographer, think otherwise.

For more info on our webnovela visit:


IAWTV Board Elections: What went wrong?

I am very pleased with @iawtv board elections announcement, it was proactive and clearly communicated. Thanks to everyone behind the scenes


@tibits hopefully revoting is a small price to pay to ensure the @IAWTV is an equitable and open organization that does right by its members


Looks like there were in fact some technical issues and that has caused a re-vote:


So glad the @iawtv board got out in front of this technical issue with the election. I'm confident we can address the tech and move forward.

@jaredhoy @davidnett when there are more votes than members, thats a giveaway, right? @Iawtv


"It was announced this morning that due to flaws discovered in the IAWTV online voting system for the Board of Directors elections, the current election process was nullified and a new election process will take place from the beginning. "

Read the full post:

WorldofHiglet said...
I think it was a technical issue and once they had been notified of it and realised the possible implications, this was the best response. I don't think there is any evidence of wrong doing on anyone's part - this is to make sure there can be no suspicion of that.

I've posted the official IAWTV communication on my blog:

See also: IAWTV: Voting for the Board ends Friday - why it matters!

We are all doomed
...to repeat history if we don't remember it.


IAWTV = International Academy of Web Television

Haunted Discoveries - Ep. 1: McConaghy Estate

Join A.P.R.A. as they conduct a Paranormal Investigation of the Haunted McConaghy Estate located in Hayward, CA. This Estate has seen much death in it's 124 year history. Starting with young Archie McConaghy losing his life to a freak farm accident, almost all of the McConaghy Family died in this once lively farmhouse.

Hollishillis: Free Google TV


I take up more places on the internet here:


WeReadBooks Channel (Book review collab channel)





Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ghost Town: Episode 1-5

Ghost Town: Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Ghost Town: Chapter 2: Cash and Dash
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Ghost Town Chapter 3: Interview with a Sleepwalker
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Ghost Town Chapter 4 - Night Moves
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Check out other Film & TV videos.

Ghost Town Chapter 5: The Man in the Cam
Uploaded by ghosttown. - Check out other Film & TV videos.

A Look Back at Lewis Hamilton’s Secret Life

By Jane Doh

Soon he assembled a crack support squad, including logistics expert Anna Chao, professional lookalike Lenny Rose, and his trainer Joe . . . and about 637,000 enthusiastic players from all over the world.

Read the full post:

World Without Women: Thinning The Herd - Ep. 16

Everything Will be Fine -- episode 6

Harry plays the jealousy card in an attempt to win Tommy back.

Kooky - English ver. Trailer

Since its release in the Czech Republic we have been inundated with requests for an English version of,KOOKY, so here it is! Our very own "home-made" English dubbed version.
It's the very first time one of my films has been dubbed into English. My preference as a film-maker has always been for subtitles, but KOOKY is too packed with visuals for these to work.
I supervised the dub myself working with some of the actors from the Czech version of the film. But this time they speak in English -- or do their best to.
I decided to use Czech actors, with their heavy Central European accents, to retain the film's authenticity and its connection with the fantasy world we created in the Bohemian forests.
This "original home-made English version" will be available for worldwide acquisition
at the forthcoming Berlin Film Festival Market.

Can you guess the identity of the Academy award-winning English actor who narrates the trailer?

Enjoy. And let me know what you think.

Jan Sverak

eScape Season Two - Episode 7: REZ

Can players resurrect their fallen friend and escape the game before Zavon steals the code, and quite possibly all their memories?

featuring music by Nine Inch Nails, Scott Ferrare and Jeff Roeser.

eScape videogame mystery LOST puzzle solve science fiction monsters MMORPG WOW warcraft Schenectady SciFi sci-fi Albany Lake George Saratoga Chingachgook lord of the flies escape escapetheseries episode Bot season season2 awesome gaming

The Social Media Massacre: The Series (Teaser)

From the producers of Becoming Undead and the Social Media Massacre comes a new brand of terror, The Social Media Massacre: The Series!


Lowlifes: Deception, Passion and Revelation in Union Square: Lowlifes Episode 8 of 10

San Francisco's cable cars run on a continuous wire loop that circles the inner city. The cars grab the cable to go forward and drop it to stop. It's one of the city's big deceptions because to the unwise you'd assume that the cars powered themselves. Untrue. The power comes from a massive engine room at Mason and Washington. The cable cars are impotent............

Duke Nukem Forever Reveal Trailer

He's back! Hail to the king baby! Duke Nukem is shipping May 3, 2011 in North America and May 6, 2011 Internationally. Visit www.dukenukemforever.com for more info!

ESRB Rated M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol

Read more:

NATPE 2011

January 24-26, 2011


Digital: Unlocking New Opportunities for Content Partners on YouTube

Digital: Developing the Next Digital Hit
- Michael Wayne, CEO, DECA

Digital: New Worlds: Creating Online Sci-Fi Experiences
- Moderator(s): George Ruiz, Head of New Media, ICM
- Chris Preksta, Writer/Director of THE MERCURY MEN, Mercury Men Pictures
- Ryan Copple, Executive Producer, Riese Productions, Ltd.

Digital: One-on-One with Jeffrey Gomez: Transmedia
- Speaker(s): Jeff Gomez, President and CEO, Starlight Runner Entertainment]

Digital: The New Guard of Digital Deal Makers
- Joy Marcus, Dailymotion
- Jonathan Small, Break Media

Anatomy of a Hit Web Series
- Dane Boedigheimer, Annoying Orange Inc.
- Jon M. Chu, The LXD
- Bernie Su, Compulsions

The Myths and Realities of Subscription vs. Ad-Supported Video
- Mike Hudack, Blip.tv
- Tim Street, mDialog

Digital Luminary Awards- Sponsored by AOL (America Online, Inc.)
- Mark Gantt, Kinematic Films
- Jon M. Chu, The LXD
- Amber J. Lawson, AOL

New Media Game Changer: THE YOUNG TURKS
- Shira Lazar, SHIRA LAZAR Production, Inc.

The Online Video Land Grab
- Christian Busch, Alloy Media + Marketing
- Jim Louderback, Revision3

Daisy Whitney's New Media Minute, January 18, 2011

Social media has become the new watercooler for TV shows and that's why we're seeing a number of new Fourquare-like check-in services for TV shows emerge. TV networks from HBO to NBC to OWN are pairing up with the new players in social TV like GetGlue, Philo and Miso. For more details on the ad and promotion opportunities in social TV check-ins, watch this week's New Media Minute.

Mark Gantt | Creating Visually Compelling Pitches

Because unfortunately having a great idea and a solid script is no longer enough to sell a concept. Distributed by Tubemogul.

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