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Saturday, March 26, 2011

NOT! - Ep. 10: Man's Best Friend

Jackass 3.5 (Trailer)

<a href="http://www.joost.com/3ck1x7yu">Jackass 3.5 (Trailer)</a>


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Dan Harmon’s Community: New Media Mentality, Old School Show

I bring this up not only to recommend the article, but to ponder the consequences of new media artists working in traditional hollywood.

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The Dan Harmon School of Comedy Writing

While fans visit channel101.com to see the videos, aspiring comedy writers plumbed the message boards and articles to read about Harmon's advice for constructing stories.

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It's Official: Blip.tv Is in the Creative Biz

Web series startup announces creative services division to produce Web video ads for brands..

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The Philip DeFranco Show: Fake Hot Asian Girlfriends all the Rage?!

Finger Cutting is Fun, UNTHINKABLE! (Day 9)

The Fine Bros: EXPLODING Video #5


iJustine: Vlog University #9

Elevator - The 24 Episode

This has to be the most extravagant episode we've ever done. There's a bomb in Elevator's office building and there's only one man who can stop it...and this time, it may not be Harold the Janitor.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Friday Night Playlist - The Best Web Series on The Watch List this week!

Each week The Watch List brings you all their favourite web series episodes from the week's posts.

Make full screen, settle back and enjoy!

Runtime: 33 minutes

For more information about the episodes chosen, check out The Watch List.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Nightwing: Escalation" (2011) Ep. 1 "Exodus" Teaser Trailer

"NIGHTWING: ESCALATION" (2011) is the premiere fan film event of 2011, a web series done in homage to DC Comics characters, a sequel to the 2009 feature "Batman: Hothouse". Directed by Alex Valderana and produced by Audrey Lorea, Lauren Ferrel and Samantha Mason, and starring over 30 talented NYC actors, "Nightwing" promises to be one of the most memorable fan film works in history.

There is a mysterious European killer slashing her way through the elderly in Gotham City. Her name is "The Scalpel". Batman must track her and defeat her, all the while making an exit to deal with Justice League business overseas to leave Gotham in the hands of his protege, Nightwing.



Japanese Memes

The Philip DeFranco Show: Paris Hilton Disgusted by Black People

Hey Girl - Ep. 1: Sexting

Julie calls her best friend Becka long distance for advice on what to wear on her hot date.

Mimi Productions LTD

Animation Block - Ep. 3: Crunchy Toast Sushi

Tights and Fights: Ashes - "How To Be a Super Hero"

Tights and Fights: Ashes is a wacky video diary and transmedia series about the inner lives of super heroes and super villains. Starting next week, Web Series Today will feature new episodes as they are released.

If you'd like to take a sample of what the series is like, this playlist offers a selection of videos about being a super hero that you can enjoy without knowing anything about the show. The first few videos feature episode from Series 1, Tights and Fights: Captain Euchre, and the rest are from the current series, Ashes.

For more information, and to catch up on earlier and current episodes as well as blog posts, twitter performances and finding the Tights and Fights: Ashes gang on Facebook, you can check out the website, http://www.tightsandfights.com

BlackBoxTVExtras: BlackBoxTV Wants You!

Lost: The End Game - Game Room

Facebook us http://www.facebook.com/watchgameroom

Jake and Peter Johnson play an epic video game, based on an epic television show. Getting Lost, trying to leave the island. Once they reach the finale, they find a startling revelation.


Lost: The End Game isn't on the Xbox 360 , Nintendo Wii, or Playstation Move but hopefully it one day will be.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Indie Intertube LIVE @4pm PST

Indie Intertube

Weekly podcast dedicated to independent internet television and original for the web content. Join host Destini and guests as they discuss what's hot and streaming in the world of online entertainment.

Tune in:

Those Video Guys on WyTV: Celebrate The Web: Raising the Bar

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour Episode VIII and Episode IX

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour - Episode VIII: Doctor

The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour - Episode IX: ATM

NeverLanding, Episode 5: The Disney Version

Pandora's Blog - Ep. 4

The shadow creature who has threatened Pandora tells her he will spare her life if she performs an errand for him The question? Will she survive the horrendous errand they have chosen for her?

Last Ronin Entertainment, INC

Is It Me? - Ep. 5: One-on-One

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tube Trials Ep.1: It Begins

"Like" Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Tube-Trials/202226093138436
Check out the Cast of Tube Trials Season 1! Subscribe to see more!

Music :
"In a Heartbeat"- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"

Free Royalty Free Music by DanoSongs.com


How Social Media Is Science Fiction

....a future media landscape where Google and Amazon have merged to form Googlezon, and all of us are content producers.

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Research credit: cyng

Hollishillis: How to Handle Rejection

Tellme about your rejections in the comments :)

And please subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/user/eclicknick to vote for me to win TUBE TRIALS! It will be fun
I take up more places on the internet here:


WeReadBooks Channel (Book review collab channel)

A Summary of The ARAB AWAKENING & The Middle East!

Mind on Sales…Brand in Focus…Eyes on 2011

More recently, we have looked at the ways the burgeoning WebContent community can understand what the ‘landscape’ is for potential revenues, and ....

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A First: Interactive Film with Augmented Reality

..It’s then their job to track down the victim, finding clues, communicating with other participants and viewing other scenes on location...

Read the full post:

Research credit: cyng

Transmedia Schmansmedia

My biggest issue with transmedia is ultimately it is an academic word first, an industry word second.


ARG Update

Fools of the World Unite, Send a Cookie

Inside was a box liberally taped together with the message “Fools of the World Unite! ....

SXSW 2011: Fan to Fanatic: True Blood’s Marketing Hook

HBO’s legal department was originally a bit concerned to find fans role-playing series characters online, but eventually realized that it was important to not only let them do so, but to encourage them.


Nightlife the Series: The Seth Files 8

Lights, Camera... EDIT! New Features for the YouTube Video Editor

While many of these are familiar features also available on desktop software, today, we’re excited to unveil two new features that the team has been working on over the last couple of months that take unique advantage of the cloud:

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MAB 16. rész (webse)

STACKS: Episode 11 - Don't Trust Anyone

Ask Grim: Grim Trailer

The Black Helix: Leaked Interrogation

00:24 Episode 7 & 8

No Clean Break - Ep. 12

Talk Show - Game Room

Facebook us http://www.facebook.com/watchgameroom
Jake, Andre Meadows, and Clark Kensington invite Peter Johnson on the guest of their talk show. They bombard him with a horrifying clip of him playing Ski Moguls.


Rocketboom: We're With You, Japan!

Monday, March 21, 2011

BlackBoxTV: Episode 13: The Family Circus

Directed By: Tony E. Valenzuela
Starring: @ScarleyRose and Bob Buhrl
Director of Photography: Joey Anderton
Edited By: Tony E. Valenzuela, Joey Anderton & Sebastian Lee
Hair and Makeup: Jamie Blair & Josefine Wissenberg
Production Sound: Nate Barger
Music By: The Epilogues, @Hagemeister, Brandon Roberts
Production: Brian Hartley, James Haffner, Sebastian Lee, Jonathan Lee, Laurent Levy, Kate Maloney, Chris McCaleb, Dani Rosenberg, Bernie Su

Special Thanks to Phil, Lindsay, Rookie & Ace

Episode 13: Behind the Scenes

The Philip DeFranco Show: Sexy New Wonder Woman! Hot or Not?

Write On! Review – Script Frenzy

Script Frenzy isn’t a contest, it’s a challenge.

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The Making of College Musical The Movie

New Mediacracy: Episode 25: The One About The Dark Side of Web Video

We sit down with Felicia Day of The Guild, Doctor Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, and the forthcoming Dragon Age web series, and Ryan Copple.....

Listen to the podcast:

See also: Episode 24: The One About Vision and Production Values

On this episode we find out the fascinating origins of Illeana Douglas's adventures in creating web shows....


The dirty question of money!

I was wondering how is everyone funding their web series?? I

Read the full post and discuss:

The Cult of Cassie

"I got introduced to the cult of Cassie the natives of Kane do follow."

Read the full post:
(note the blog is age restricted)

Research credit: ahcapella

Join the gang in Second Life, every Saturday night!!!!

http://tinyurl.com/cassieiswatching <===

Perhaps one day the final anagram will be solved........but until then just listening to the music stream is a treat.

Hitler Responds To Recent Trends At SXSW

Has SXSW jumped the shark? Created for the "Help Save SXSW from Marketer Douchebaggery" and "Urgent Genius: Creating Topical Social Ideas at Speed" panels, this video questions the abundance of marketers at SXSW. Do corporate sponsors cheapen the experience?

An Urgent Genius production. Find more at urgentgenius.tumblr.com

CW: Aaron Sanchez (@avsinsf) , CW: Tif Slama (@tif_s), AD: Robert Luciani (@adbitch) CD: Grant Hunter (@whitematter) Jon Burkhart (@albinoriotman)

New Trailer for The Social Media Massacre

his is a new trailer cut for The Social Media Massacre feature clips from all of the episodes currently available on-line at www.thesocialmediamassacre.com

Linda Vista Hospital Haunted Discoveries - Ep. 5

Linda Vista Community Hospital located in Boyle Heights, CA was originally built in 1904 as the Sante Fe Railroad Hospital. Since it's closing in 1991 this location has been known as one of the most Haunted buildings on the West Coast. Many rumors of Medical malpractice surround this building and are attributed to the hauntings that exist to this day.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Justin Bieber gets shot. A lot.

CSI just didn't do enough for me. Here's the 80s and 90s to help out.

Disclaimer: We do not own this footage. We just remixed this the good of the Internet.

Hollywood Girl

Episode 1- Hollywood Girl - Meet Quinn Monroe

Episode 2- Hollywood Girl- Prophyl-what? Part 1 Starring Courtney Zito

Episode 3-Hollywood Girl - Prophyl-what? Part Two

The Fine Bros: REHAB?! (Episode #4 Lindsay Lohan Needs Real Friends)

stalkTALK Teaser

College Musical

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