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Friday, January 13, 2012

How is DBG promoting the IAWTV "Why I Do What I Do" videos?

In a recent promotion for the IAWTV Awards, the International Academy of Web Television promised that a company called DBG would "promote" the videos. DBG was one of the sponsors of the recent IAWTV Awards held at CES. If you look at the playlist for the "Why I Do What I Do" contest the view counts have indeed increased substantially. The question is how? The answer may lie in the video statistics that now show up to 2800 views coming from "tubemogul.com" for many of the videos submitted for the contest.

This is not a huge number of views (yet) but it is reminiscent of observations made around the time of the Tubefilter event called " Do Cheaters Never Prosper?" At that time a company called Yellow Thunder Media was supposed to appear at the event but pulled out for an undisclosed reason after the TheWillofDC talked about a domain name that appeared to be linked to the company was generating a very high number of views for shows they were promoting.

So the question becomes: are these so called "promoted views" really what some would call "paid views" and do they actually represent real views from real people who actually watch the content. Perhaps the IAWTV can provide us with that answer.

1 comment:

  1. From the nomination process f their awards and now this, there are some very fishy things going on. It feels like a "Good Ole Boys Club" that is riddled with conspiracy.


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