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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Michael Fassbender invites you to Your Film Festival

Learn more at www.youtube.com/yourfilmfestival.

Michael Fassbender invites you to take part in Your Film Festival, the global search for the world's best storytellers.

15 minutes to tell a story. Millions of people to watch it. $500,000 to make a new one for the world to see.

This is Your Film Festival. You have until March 31st to submit a short, story-driven video. There's no entry fee. It can be any format - short film, web-series episode, TV pilot - and any genre. In June, audiences around the world will vote, sending 10 deserving storytellers to open the 2012 Venice Film Festival where a Grand Prize Winner will be be rewarded with a $500,000 grant to create a new work, produced by Ridley Scott and his world class team.

1 comment:

  1. Need more excitement in your life? In that case take a look at the New episode... Episode 13. The Way of the Drag Queen!


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