This Isn't a Web Series...It's a Movement.
Want to strike a blow for comedy - and free speech? Support THE GENTS! This scripted comedy series for the Web celebrates the power we all have (thanks to YouTube and others) to share and discover creativity. Created by Raging Artists, THE GENTS is about two passionate, rebellious guys who know one thing: that YouTube is the hub of the American Dream. They've started a record label that discovers talent online then launches them into the stratosphere. There's a method to their madness...but those methods don't always work.
To get the first two episodes done, we’ve created a fundraising campaign (with the emphasis on "fun") - it’s only for people who wanna protect the First Amendment and save the American Dream!
To fight the man, visit:
It is also a good idea to embed the video so there is something here on Web Series Today for people to watch........thats what we do here!!!