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Thursday, February 14, 2013


So glad to be a part of this community. 

Chilltown just launched a few months ago and it's been a thrilling/scary/wonderful/wrenching/gratifying experience all rolled in one! 

For starters, here's a bit about the show:

Chilltown is a wild, hip-hop oriented cartoon comedy that focuses on the lives & misadventures of three hip-hop heads (G, Marv & Plad), plus G's wannabe mogul cousin K Deuce and K Deuce's girl, Lele.  Most of the episodes center around the music biz and many are designed to skewer rap & pop culture.

It stars:  Wil Sylvince (Chappelle's Show, Wayans, Katt Williams)
              Dante Nero (co-hosted The Phillip Show w/the late,great Patrice O'Neal)
              Gil T (aka Dark Most of the legendary Most Brothers)
              Victor Cruz (Victor Cruz Show on Urban Latino Radio, Law & Order, Side Effects)
              Richie Bulldog (StandupNY, Carolines, etc.) 

DJ Wally Pish Posh (Alicia Keys, Black Star, Basketball Wives Theme) did the original music.

  Leesa Dean (that's me!) created, wrote & animated it all.

I'm a self-taught animator and I learned how to animate just to do this series.  It took me five years to complete.  To be fair, in that time, I also created/animated two other series (Lele's Ratchet Advice Show & The Danger Squad) for a total of 140 minutes total of cartoons.

Chilltown is rated MA for Mature Language

 For starters, here's the trailer:

And here are the episodes that have been released to far:

Episode 1: The Job Interview:    Plad sets G up on a job interview with 80's has-been Carly Carl.  But Lightnin' Rob might mess it up.  Meanwhile, FB freak Licky Licky makes a surprise visit to K Deuce. 

Episode 2: Skeeza Dwarf Tossing: Carly Carl hires G, Marv & Plad to work at one of his special parties while K Deuce picks up former phenom Scott Storch, who now has a sex-advice show. 

Episode 3:  The Playa Hater Detector:  G buys a "sure-fire money makin' device" from Ebay and Plad convinces him to bring it to an ultra-VIP after-party.   Meanwhile, K Deuce promises Lele he's got the VIP hookup to get in.

Episode 4:  K Deuce & The Biz (Pt. 1): K Deuce starts his internship at Massive Death Records.  Meanwhile,  Plad helps G who's hosting a book signing for professional chickenhead Latrice at Carly's record store.

Enjoy!!  More to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome.

    Please read carefully: http://www.webseriestoday.com/2012/09/web-series-today-how-to-get-most-out-of.html

    Also please read: http://www.webseriestoday.com/2013/02/welcome-to-new-authors.html

    Also added a title to your post. If you want to edit it, please do so.


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