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Saturday, March 16, 2013

What Web Series Do You Watch?

What Web series do you watch on a regular basis? What Web series from the past do you think were memorable or influencial on the space? What Web shows do you find entertaining? What transmedia/ARG projects have you participated in, or are you currently participating in? What community video producers do you think are on the rise? What podcasts help you keep up to date? What Web news shows do you watch to stay up to date with current events?

Think of this as a "discussion thread" where you can talk about what you are watching and why. It is posted under "creating a series" in our Web Series Today Community on Google+ because when making a series it is important to engage with the community and watching the content produced by others is a key component of that dynamic. 

So take a few moments and leave a comment on our Community page letting us know what you think we all should be watching. Note, this is not the time for self promotion.

In this discussion we are interested in the content you watch. 

Please respond in the Web Series Today Community on Google+: http://plus.google.com/101175516092771757092/posts/NW7WkrDApsj


  1. I've been watching Malice, because it is in the same genre as our show and beautifully done. (And one of their cast is a friend of one of our cast members). The Wrong Guys for the Job is fantastic in its creativity and originality...and coming from the era of choose-your-own-adventures, this show is like an updated trip down memory lane. And I've been keeping up on Pink Slip after meeting them on here! -Darla

  2. My shortlist:

    Angry Video Game Nerd
    Haunting of the Sunshine Girl
    Creative Has Nothing for You
    Obscurus Lupa Presents
    Shoot Me Now
    Team Iway

  3. I like what you guys are up too. Such clever work and reporting!

    Keep up the good works guys I've you guys to my personal blogroll.

    Here is my blog: Air Jordan


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