"The Wrong Guys for the Job" An Interactive Comedy Series
“The Wrong Guys for the Job” is a comedic web series where you the viewer gets to choose how each episode ends. The series follows Larry (Brian Dobski) and Charlie (Ryan Barry McCarthy), two inept criminals willing to take on any job they can get in order to work their way up in the world of organized crime. We have now released the entire first season on our YouTube Channel and Website.
"The Wrong Guys" is created by Sutton McKee and Matthew Tibbenham and was shot in Los Angeles, CA. Sutton and Matthew have been writing and producing partners for several years. "The Wrong Guys" came about after Sutton and Matthew wrote and directed a couple short films centered around two, mobster like, characters (Larry and Charlie) who always found a way to screw up the jobs they were sent on. After seeing some success from the short films, Sutton and Matthew decided to take the two characters and create a series around them. While in the development process the two tried to figure out a way to utilize the web, creating a different experience that movies and television can't offer. Matthew suggested the idea of making the series interactive, so is what they decided to do.
"The Wrong Guys" has been a great show to work on and had some amazing people contribute to the process. The director of photography for the series, Bruce Logan ASC, shot legendary movies such as TRON and was the special effects DP for films like Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Batman Forever.
We hope everyone enjoys the series! Check out episode one below. For more visit our YouTube Channel.
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