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Monday, May 27, 2013

Hitting the Streets: The Work of Promoting a Web Series

We are on our last day at Balticon 47, and what an unforgettable weekend. We had a very well received screening of Shotgun Mythos on Friday night, and by popular demand, an encore screening was scheduled last night. Our director and cast have conducted workshops, been on panels and manned the table, answering questions about the show, and signing promotional materials.

As I have worked behind the scenes, I have watched the interaction, and thought that my observations would be worth sharing to other filmmakers:

1.)  Nothing beats personal contact:  Standing and talking to someone about your show, answering questions, and making that contact is invaluable.  These people will go on to tell others about you and your show, and hopefully become dedicated fans themselves.

2.)  Be NICE:  I don't care who you are, there is never an excuse for bad behavior.  Remember that the people coming to your table or your panel could be anywhere else.  Your fans will determine the success of your series.  Alienating them with bad behavior is a death sentence.

3.)  Respect the people running the event:  The individuals running these events tend to be volunteers, (And even if they are not volunteers, the points are still valid.)  They are here because they are passionate about it.  And remember they come in contact with EVERY person who comes through the event.  Being polite and respectful to them is the very least you can do.  Remember to thank them.  And  remember word spreads.  They will like and remember both the people who treated them very well, as well as the people who behaved badly.  Both stories will be shared during and after the event, and you can guess which will lead to fans and which will lead to scorn.

4.)  Remember this is work:   You are not on vacation.  You are here to promote your show.  That means be prepared for long, grueling days.  Our core crew were at the event from 8am til 2am, manning the table, talking to potential fans, attending panels, conducting workshops and promoting, promoting, promoting.  Their voices are shot today, their faces hurt from smiling, and they look like day of the living dead.  But they have had a ball.  To me, these guys are the heroes of our marketing efforts.

So as you hit the promotional circuit, have fun, but remember, your behavior will determine how people perceive your show.


  1. Clint & Shotgun Mythos Gang !

    Great to mee you guys. You were very frank and helpful to those who attended the panel discussion about what it takes to produce a series. Very valuable to those entering the field. And you make great points above.

    You have a great team and a terrific show...Keep it rolling !


  2. Thanks Richard! Clint was glad to get a chance to meet you! We are scheduling the next wave of marketing now. And only 3 more shooting days left for Season 1!


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